In addition to the injuries and the fatigue accumulated recently, because she was worried about her younger sisters, she hadn't been able to eat and rest well during this period, so she looked a little haggard.

Masamune was also a little helpless about this, and let Misaka Mikoto find out in advance that minimizing the casualties of his sisters was already the greatest help he could do.

If the chessboard is lifted directly, the disaster will only be greater.

What's more, the current authentic still doesn't have the ability to overturn the chessboard.

After all, a chess player is either a demon god, or he has the confidence to fight against the demon god behind him.

The reason why Kamijou Touma can rampage in the chess game is because he is not so much a chess piece as a part of the chessboard rules.


Thinking of these constraints, Masamune sighed melancholy, and said to Mikoto.

"No matter what you want to do, it's not okay in this state, right?

What you need now should be a good rest. As for the way to rescue Miss Misaka, I already have an idea.

As he said that, Masamune signaled Danxi Jiebiao to take them out of here, trembling, and the tool man Danxi Jiebiao who was desperately reducing his sense of existence, after seeing the ability he showed just now, the fear in his heart deepened.

If there was any intention to complain about Zhengzong's behavior of calling her in and out of her before, now it is—be cute.jpg.

Chapter 223 Will Chapter 31 punch?

In a closed building in Academy City, Aleister was hanging upside down in a life support device filled with culture fluid. In this space full of machines, an indistinguishable voice sounded.

"Did something go wrong with your plan?"

"No, I'm not surprised that he would intervene in this matter." Aleister's response seemed too flat.

"As long as I don't deviate from the general context, I can also achieve the results I want."

"You seem to be very confident. He is not a pawn that we can control at will. I feel an incomprehensible power from him."

"Aiwass, I'm not arrogant enough to use an existence that is not weaker than a demon god in essence as a pawn."

Aleister replied indifferently: "I just reached a tacit agreement with him."


The owner of the voice fell silent, and the space fell into silence again...



"Come in... Anyway, let's have a good meal first."

Masamune stood in front of his room and invited.

Misaka Mikoto's fingers turned white from being pinched by herself, and she just wanted to refuse, but thinking of the solution he said before, she could only obediently follow into the room.

"Welcome back ヾ(≧▽≦*)o" Index rushed out when she heard the sound of the door opening.

There is such an equation in her mind "authentic = good person = food"

However, when she saw Misaka Mikoto following Masamune, her expression seemed to change. First she showed shock, then disbelief, and finally became like this again (*Φ炸Φ*).

Then Index quickly yelled: "Touma, it's bad! Masamune brought the girl home! And she's a middle school student!!"

Then there was a sound of something falling to the ground in the next room, followed by a ding dong bang.

He only heard " are committing a crime!" Then Kamijou Touma ran out with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

At this moment, Misaka Mikoto behind Masamune said, "Why are you here?!"

"Huh?" Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Mr. Kamijou was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed in shock: "Beep beep beep?"

A blue electric light flashed across Meiqin's forehead, and she heard Meiqin speak word by word in a loud voice.

"Yes~ Mi~saka~mi~koto!!!"

Kamijou Touma immediately shrank his head from the heart, and responded in a low voice: "Yes..."

"Nani Nani..." Index puffed up her mouth angrily, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Why do you seem to be familiar with each other, don't exclude me!"

"Really..." Misaka Mikoto sighed and said, "I don't have the energy to trouble you today."

"oh oh."

Kamijou Touma responded, and frowned, as if he noticed that something was wrong with Misaka Mikoto.

But it's not surprising. With her embarrassed appearance and this brave expression, as long as she's not stupid, she can tell that something happened, right?


Index bounced and clapped her hands: "Oh! Eat! My stomach is already hungry!"

Well, this foodie doesn't count.

Kamijou Touma clenched his right fist, with a dignified expression, hesitating to say something.

Sure enough... As expected of the man who used the brilliance of his soul to attract Fantasy Killer, has he already noticed something wrong with Mikoto?

Just as Zhengzong was about to give him an appreciative look, Toma said solemnly.

"He didn't bother me, is it possible that Mr. Kamijou, who is plagued by bad luck, is going to change his luck?!"

mmp... just pretend I haven't thought about it.

Zhengzong felt that fortunately no one knew what he was thinking just now, otherwise his face would be swollen!

A few minutes later... the tempting aroma accompanied by the sound of the soup boiling filled the room.

Maybe it was because Masamune learned that he had a way to save his sisters, or maybe it was because Index and Kamijou Touma's mischief made her feel a little better.

Meiqin slightly pursed her pale lips, touched her belly that had started to rebel a long time ago, smiled at herself, and finally had a good meal.

However, it was precisely because of this that after she relaxed her mind, she could not help but close her eyes due to the unstoppable exhaustion, and fell into a deep sleep...

"What, didn't you find out?"

After sending Misaka Mikoto into the guest room, Masamune looked at Kamijou Touma who did not leave with Index.

Hearing this, Kamijou Touma's smug face immediately disappeared, and he stared at Masamune with a very serious expression and said.

"Ah... Actually, when I saw Bilibili, I really wanted to say it.

It's just that she chose to keep silent when she saw her body covered in injuries——

When I came back today, I met a girl who looked exactly like Bilibili, and then - she was killed..."

Speaking of this, Kamijou Touma seemed to recall the bloody scene he saw not long ago, and clenched his teeth.

"You should know something, right? Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Of course!" The corners of Zhengzong's mouth curved slightly: "Can you punch?"

"Huh?" Kamijou Touma was stunned for a moment, and replied truthfully: "Does the Friendship Fist count? If so, then I can barely count."




The next day—the sun warmed the still somewhat chilly air, and the blades of the wind turbines standing on both sides of the street were spinning slowly, bringing a little comfort to this steel city.

The sunlight pierced through the blocking of the window, and shone on the face of Misaka Mikoto who was sleeping peacefully on the white single bed, making her tea hair shine slightly.

"I... where is this?"

Perhaps it was the change in temperature that made Miqin aware, she rubbed the corners of her eyes sleepily, and then asked a question.

The slightly luxurious environment around him is obviously not comparable to his own student dormitory.

"Did the morning?" In a flash of thought, Meiqin, who had realized whose house she was in, walked to the window, looked in the direction of the sun, and was immediately taken aback.

"This's already evening?!"

At this time, the sun outside the window was already close to the horizon, and it was about to turn from dusk to night.

"Impossible! How could I..." Thinking of this, Miqin suddenly fell silent again. Recently, her nerves have been in a state of high tension. What's so strange about sleeping all day?

"I have to hurry...or my sisters will...!" Thinking of her sisters, Misaka Mikoto ran to the door a little anxiously, but was blocked by Index.

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, Zhengzong and Toma asked me to stop you before going out, and said that you just need to wait here for them to come back!"

Chapter 224 Chapter 32 Kihara Shenquan is really a lie


A blue current flashed across his forehead, and Misaka Mikoto said seriously: "It's none of your business, get out of the way!"

"Oh... even if you say that." Index shrank her neck when she saw the electric current, and her body couldn't help trembling.

But when he thought of the mobile church on his body, he suddenly puffed up his chest as if he had gained confidence, and refused to give up an inch!

"You!" Misaka Mikoto said angrily, gathering the electric current on her fingertips, "You don't understand at all, what they are going to do is very dangerous, they shouldn't be involved!"

Hearing this, Index raised her head, stared at Misaka Mikoto with a very serious expression and said.

"No, I understand..."

At this moment, Index didn't have the usual foolishness on her body. She was like a compassionate saint, making a prayer gesture.

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, they should be working hard to save you, right? Just like they saved me before..."

Speaking of this, Index showed a bright smile on her face: "So please trust them, just wait with full expectation!"

"what is this……"

As if convinced by Index's unreasonable belief, the lightning around Misaka Mikoto's body gradually calmed down.

"Really, I don't care!" She seemed to give up, and sat down on the sofa in frustration.

It's just that no one noticed that Mikoto bit her lip hard and murmured in a low voice.

" sure, come back safely...



Under the shroud of darkness, two figures came to the site of this experiment.

"The current time is 25:[-], so I can regard you as the target of this experiment?" Accelerator asked while looking at Misaka sister on the ground with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Yes, Misaka's serial number is "8652," Misaka replied."

"However, it is recommended to use password verification to determine whether you are a person involved in the experiment."

"Misaka made such a suggestion."

Misaka sister answered Accelerator in a flat tone like the usual younger sisters, but what no one could notice was that the voice was trembling slightly.

"Tsk—" Fang Accelerator smacked his lips and said.

"Maybe I'm not qualified to say that, you should be an experimental product used to make me stronger?"

"But you faced this situation so calmly, did you come up with any good ideas?"

"I can't understand your vague words. Misaka replied like this."

Sister Misaka asked blankly: "The experiment will start in 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Are you ready? Misaka is confirming this."

"Oh... I really can't chat with you." Accelerator jumped off the container as if he had lost interest, and said this with contempt for Misaka sister.

"So, all right? You're about to die, you shoddy copy."

"At 8:29:45 p.m., the 8652nd experiment is about to start, please pass by the subject to get in place. Misaka conveyed this to you"

After saying that, sister Misaka put on the military night market mirror on her head.

"Heh—" Accelerator grinned ferociously, and then changed the power under his feet, rushing like Misaka's sister.

However, at the next moment, with a violent sonic boom, Accelerator's figure flew back at a faster speed and smashed through the container heavily.

"The experiment was sabotaged, may I ask who you are. Misaka asked the gangster who sabotaged the experiment in a panic."

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