"Why were we born?"

"Is the purpose of birth to be killed?"

"The reason for the existence of the Misakas is to plan for the Absolutely Capable..."

"Artificial body, borrowed heart—"

In the cheaply made puppet, in the calm heart, something called emotion is sprouting...

at the same time--

"Tsk, don't you give up yet?"

Yifang Accelerator looked at the "doll" in front of him with a displeased face. For some reason, this "doll" today is much stronger than before, or does it have a much stronger desire to survive?

What are you kidding?!

One side shook his head and put this thought behind him. After asking and probing again and again, he already knew that the girl in front of him was just a toy without thoughts and feelings.

"Tearing——" blood burst out, and Accelerator, who had completed the experiment, turned and left as before, because the "staff" would naturally come to deal with the rest of the matter.

However, what Yifang Accelerator didn't know was that this time, sister Misaka who participated in the experiment had a little pain in her eyes when she was dying.

The wounds on the body convey pain.

"it hurts……"

The heat is lost as the donated blood is lost.

"It's so cold..."

The light in front of her eyes was gradually disappearing, and darkness shrouded in front of her.

"No... want to die..."

A few minutes later, the Misaka sisters who arrived looked at the body of "Misaka sister" silently, with some emotions in their eyes.

This emotion is called fear.

A butterfly flaps its wings without realizing how much impact it has made.

Just as Masamune didn't know that because of his reminder, Misaka Mikoto knew the plan of the Absolutely Capable Person in advance, and began to damage the research facility in advance.

And Misaka Mikoto's actions also gave Fusu Toshin a better opportunity, allowing the younger sisters to develop feelings ahead of time.

In a telephone booth on the side of the road in Academy City, a girl wearing clothes different from Tokiwadai Middle School's summer uniform and wearing a peaked cap was operating a portable notebook, whispering softly.

"Is this place next..."

Her voice no longer had the cheerfulness of the past, but was full of exhaustion instead.

With the institute's increased martial law, every time Misaka Mikoto invaded, there was a very high risk, and she also had to bear unusually high psychological pressure.

Compared with the map on the computer, Misaka Mikoto quickly marked on the simple map in her hand. Now that even electronic devices have the risk of exposing themselves, they can only use this "stupid" method.

"Pa..." With a soft sound, Misaka Mikoto covered the portable notebook in her hand and walked out of the phone booth.

Under the cover of night, Misaka Mikoto quickly came to a research institute.

The security capabilities of the Academy City Research Institute are naturally top-notch. Whether it is the walls made of special metals or the weapons full of technology, they all tell of their great power.

Chapter 218 Chapter 26 Anbu

However, Misaka Mikoto put her palm on the iron wall, and a large amount of electric current erupted from her palm, generating a strong electromagnetic force, and easily sneaked into the research institute.

For Misaka Mikoto, who possesses the fifth-level electromagnetic superpower, as long as there is metal, she can come and go as freely as fish encountering water.

On the contrary, the researchers and security guards in the research institute were the ones who caused trouble for Misaka Mikoto, and it would be easier to reveal their identities if they took action.

After destroying all the research facilities again, Misaka Mikoto quickly escaped into the nearby abandoned building that had been searched in advance, preparing to make some adjustments before continuing.


Misaka Mikoto gasped softly against the wall of the abandoned building.

In terms of physical strength, she is only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

Suddenly, Misaka Mikoto leaned abruptly and tilted her head to the side.

"call out!"

Amid the sound of breaking through the air, a white beam of light suddenly shot out from the darkness in front of her, brushed Misaka Mikoto's tea hair blown by the wind, and landed on the wall behind with a slight loss.

The wall sizzled softly like cheese melted by high temperature, and a big hole was burned out where Misaka Mikoto was leaning on.

"Wow, no way, she escaped!"

A girl's exclamation came from the darkness.

"Baka, won't Super find out like this?!"

"Even if you don't make a sound, you will be discovered..."

"It's so noisy, shut up!" A violent voice sounded, ending the discussion of several girls.

A tall and slender woman came out of the darkness with several beautiful girls of different styles.

"Are you lucky... the third one." The woman who also had brown hair stared at Misaka Mikoto fiercely, and shot out a white beam of light again from her fingertips.

Misaka Mikoto's figure retreated quickly, and after dodging the blow, she looked at the wall behind her that was pierced by pure white beams into ruins, and asked with a serious face, "Atom Crash... the fourth one?"

"Didn't it end up being dodged again... Mai Ye?"

"Is Mai Ye super lack of energy today?"

"Shut up! I'm so annoying, do you think the other party is those trash fish from before?!" Mai Ye Shenli, who was being teased, angrily reprimanded his companion.

The image of the fairly delicate face was ruined by anger, making it appear a bit vicious.

"Hmm..." The girls were obviously more afraid of Mai Ye Shenli, and immediately closed their mouths after being reprimanded, not daring to say more.

Up until now, Meiqin didn't know that because she wantonly destroyed the relevant research equipment, she had already touched the interests of the higher-ups, so the higher-ups of the experiment decided to hire Anbu to take charge of the defense work.

Next to Mugino Shirley is a girl with golden curly hair, wearing an indigo jacket, a beret, black stockings, and holding a rag doll.

And next to Frenda was a expressionless girl with short shoulder-length black hair, wearing a pink sportswear, and a pair of oppas on her breasts, like a young girl Takitsubo Rihou who hadn't woken up.

The last is a shoulder-length brown bob head, as petite as a girl with blond long hair, with two slender beautiful legs boldly exposed to the air, the girl in a hoodie Kinuhata is the favorite.

The four girls are different in size, but they all have their own charm. They are members of Academy City's Anbu "ITEM"!

"Is it still discovered..."

Misaka Mikoto looked at the few people in front of her with a wry smile. Although she had expected that she would be discovered, being blocked so quickly still made her feel a little bitter.

You have to know that there is a possibility that sister Misaka is losing her life even now!

Thinking of this, Miqin's eyes became much firmer.

"Sisters...are still waiting for me!"

In the abandoned building, the sound of explosions was heard from time to time, a large number of walls were collapsed, gravel was splashed, and dust was flying.


There was another soft shout, and Silk Flag shot out like an arrow from the string, throwing a volley towards Mikoto.

However, Miqin's body was flickering with blue electric light, rolling up a layer of black iron sand, and the solidified iron shield reliably resisted her attack.

However, with the explosion of several rag dolls thrown by Frenda, it will neither exceed the defense power of Kinuhata's favorite nitrogen armor, but also interfere with Mikoto's movements, the power is just right.

Miqin was really in a hurry.

"Damn... the ability to be so annoying..."

Miqin manipulated the iron sand and gritted her teeth and said, fighting with the opponent is meaningless to her, she just wants to break through quickly now.

"Wouldn't it be better to just catch it?" Kinuhata complained the most, her LV4 nitrogen armor really couldn't cause any substantial damage to LV5's Misaka Mikoto.

Unless Mikoto let her punch her without any resistance.

Of course, this is naturally impossible, Misaka Mikoto once again used iron sand to block Kinuhata's favorite nitrogen gas mass.

Several rag dolls were silently thrown by Frenda at Mikoto's feet, and they began to swell instantly.

Misaka Mikoto's pupils shrank, and the electromagnetic force yanked the iron sand next to her, and immediately jumped in mid-air with the force.

The next moment, Ragdoll 'Bang! 'With a bang, the gorgeous fireworks exploded.

However, the crisis was not over yet, a white light beam shot out from Mugino Shirley's fingertips, pointing directly at Mikoto's face.

"It happened!"

Too late to escape!

Mikoto's breathing couldn't help but stagnate, and the blue electric current spewed out immediately.

Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The bursting white light beam was distorted by the electric current on Misaka Mikoto, and suddenly deflected to the wall next to it, causing it to collapse.


Mugino Shenli froze for a moment, and then a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Full of hostility, he said: "Well done... the third place!!!"

In the final analysis, Mugino Shirley's ability is to release pure electrons, and the only one who can do this is Misaka Mikoto, an electromagnetic system capable person who also reaches LV5.

Moreover, because Misaka Mikoto's ability has high applicability and is widely used, the ranking has always been higher than Mugino Shitoshi.

"Without my permission, you are not allowed to shoot!!!"

"Yes..." Flanda and Juanqi's favorites chose Congxin decisively under Mai Ye's fierce gaze. They knew that Mai Ye was usually very upset about the ranking.

As she often says: "It is enough for me that my abilities are useful to me, and I don't need any extensiveness!"

The next moment, an electron ray that Mugino increased his output to the limit of what he could bear struck towards Misaka Mikoto.

Chapter 219 Chapter 27 Pig teammates

After narrowly dodging the shooting, Meiqin shouted angrily, "Are you trying to kill me?"

For Misaka Mikoto, the arrest was nothing more than a beating. Mugino's merciless attack was a deadly move, so she couldn't understand it.

"Can a naive brat like you rank ahead of me?!"

Under Mugino Shirina's tyrannical shouts, light clusters made of pure electrons condensed and formed around him.

Then, like cannonballs, they shot towards Mikoto's position.

In this way, the Atomic Honkai released by Shimori Mugino immediately filled the space in front of Misaka Mikoto's vision.

The blue lightning flashed by, and Misaka Mikoto's legs were flashing with thunder, and she was attached to the ceiling like walking on the ground.

"Not bad, the movement is very flexible, and you can run around against the wall!" Mai Ye lowered his arms, and his tone became more and more harsh. "It's almost as disgusting as a spider."

Miqin could not help clenching her teeth as she felt the weakness coming from her body.

"Physical strength...will be exhausted..."

In the past few days, because of the sabotage plan of the "Absolutely Capable Person Project", Miqin's spirit has been in a not very healthy state, she is very weak, plus she kept her hand...

Misaka Mikoto looked at the four people vaguely surrounding her, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and used electromagnetic force to move quickly in the building, trying to leave in vain.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter?"

Mugino Shirley sarcastically said to Misaka Mikoto: "Does the third place only run away? The ranking is still higher than me? Isn't it embarrassing to lose the fourth place to me?

...Railgun?! ! "

After not getting an answer for a long time, Mugino smacked his lips "tsk", threw out a small box, and shouted in a bad tone: "Hey, Takitsubo, hurry up!"

"……I see……"

The very plump girl named Takitsubo took the box and took out three small round pills.

Takitsubo looked at the pill in her hand, swallowed, opened her small mouth, and put it in her mouth.

"The atm position of the target object has been memorized, heading northeast to southwest, at a speed of 30G per hour."

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