The trigger was pulled down forcefully by the girl.


With the continuous bangs, the girl did not know how many shots were fired at the boy in a short period of time.

Amidst the whistling sound of the gust of wind, several bullets struck the white-haired boy who seemed completely unaware.

However, at the next moment, the girl suddenly dodged back unexpectedly, and the sniper rifle in her hand was instantly destroyed, and the reflected bullet grazed the girl's forehead.

Night vision goggles and blood fell to the ground.

The tea-haired girl clutched her bleeding wound and quickly withdrew from the battlefield. There was no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation, so she had to look for opportunities again.

However, the boy seemed to be waiting in the girl's escape route, and when he saw her coming, he showed a cruel smile.




Although she is an LV5 superpower, Misaka Mikoto's physical fitness is slightly better than that of ordinary people.

She walked quickly through various alleys, with an indelible anxiety between her brows.

Finally——Misaka Mikoto saw a girl who looked exactly like herself in a deserted corner, and she fell in a pool of blood with broken limbs.

The iron-like fact made Misaka Mikoto no longer feel lucky, she fell powerlessly to the ground, and couldn't help sobbing softly: "What should I do?"

The high-level experiment in Academy City is destined not to allow her to seek help from her friends, because in a sense, she who intends to disrupt the experiment is tantamount to committing a crime.

So Mikoto didn't want to involve her friends, especially if the opponent was the top management of Academy City, and Accelerator, who was ranked first!

Although Misaka Mikoto is very confident in herself, she knows that there must be a reason for Academy City's rating.

Then there is a high chance that I am not the opponent of Accelerator...

But the kind-hearted Misaka Mikoto couldn't just watch her clones go to death one by one like this!

"It's all my fault...I have them..."

Misaka Mikoto suppressed the fear in her heart and pulled herself together. There were other sisters who needed her to save, so there was no time to hesitate...

Taking all the faults on herself, she was under heavy pressure, almost out of breath. The strong and cheerful girl in the past is so pitiful now, but no one can help her.

Really... no?

Chapter 216 Chapter 24 Mikoto's Pessimism


With the flashing blue electric light, a huge research institution collapsed.

Misaka Mikoto stared coldly at the burning building in front of her, and her body was filled with emotions that she had never felt before.

That is - sad!

The girl who has always been in the sunshine stepped into the darkness for the first time, but she did not give up the bottom line.

Misaka Mikoto's purpose from beginning to end was to destroy the research institute, and she had no intention of harming other people's lives.

With the sound of the alarm bell, Misaka Mikoto moved around in the building with the help of electromagnetic force.

Another burst of lightning flashed, and the scientific research equipment in a building was completely destroyed.

In a dark corner, Mikoto leaned against the wall with a tired look on her face, panting continuously.

But after only a short rest, she gritted her teeth and stood up again.

The news I saw not long ago is still vivid in my memory.

Thinking of the fate that her younger sisters will suffer, Misaka Mikoto felt a deep tremor in her heart, pulled herself together again, and destroyed the research facilities of a research institute.

"Come on, they have already imposed martial law... we can only end here today..."

After sneaking back to the dormitory, Misaka Mikoto quietly changed her clothes, then sat in the bathtub with empty eyes, letting herself get wet from the shower.

Now, as soon as Miqin closes her eyes, she seems to be able to see countless younger sisters dying in front of her eyes, dragging herself into the bottomless abyss with bloody hands.


Anxious and uneasy, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but slammed the bathtub heavily.

"The birth...death...of my sisters are all my fault!"

As Mikoto whimpered, a large amount of warm water flowed down her face, covering her tears.

Yes, Misaka Mikoto thinks so, the appearance of the younger sisters is the evil result caused by her.

When Misaka Mikoto was young, she was informed by a research institution that her superpower might have an effect on muscular dystrophy, so she agreed to donate blood and was given DNA by the institution.

However, it was precisely because of this dna that the later plan of the experimental institution-the mass production plan of capable people came into being.

"There are many people in the world who suffer from the inability to move their limbs freely, but the commands of the brain are transmitted to the muscles by electrical signals..."

"As long as I use my abilities, I should be able to save everyone! But why...why did this happen...why..."

"My sis? Did something happen?"

Hearing Heizi's voice, Misaka Mikoto quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes, forced a smile and said, "It's nothing, you must have misheard."

"Hey hey hey, do you need me to wipe your back?"

"baka, I'm done washing!"

Misaka Mikoto pretended nothing happened, reprimanded Kuroko as usual, then hurriedly hid under the quilt, pretending to sleep.

If it were another person, they might think that Mikoto was really just tired, but Heizi was different. If there was anyone who knew herself better than Mikoto herself, it would definitely be Heizi.

"My lord...what happened?"

Although Heizi is very worried about Mikoto's state now, but because she knows her very well, she won't expose her forced smile, otherwise it will only make things more difficult for Mikoto...



Masamune, Index and others are having breakfast together. Of course, Mr. Masamune paid for the breakfast in friendship, and Mr. Kamijou ran errands in friendship.

At this time, there was such a news from the TV in the living room - "The Institute of Gene Mapping Analysis attached to Pinyu University caught fire, and all the research facilities of the Thinking Institute in the No. 12 school district were destroyed..."

"Suspected lawbreakers are attacking various research institutes, the purpose is likely to be the data in the research institute..."

"Wow... this kind of thing——" Kamijou Touma turned his head to look at Index after seeing the news, and asked suspiciously: "Could it be that magic is here to make trouble again?"

"No way!" Index immediately turned into a steamed bun face, and shouted very dissatisfied: "It is impossible for people on the magic side to steal some research materials!"

However, after watching the news, Zhengzong became very silent.

He knew that the person who attacked the research institute was none other than Misaka Mikoto, one of the seven superpowers in Academy City.


Masamune sighed deeply. Mikoto's idea was probably to destroy the research facilities of the research institute. Each scientific research machine has at least hundreds of millions of employees, so the research institute would naturally be unable to continue its research.

But Mikoto underestimated the attraction of LV6's absolute ability to those scientific researchers. I am afraid that if this side is destroyed, the other side will take over immediately...

And after the plot was slapped N times by the big butterfly Masamune, who knows if Misaka Mikoto can still get help from Kamijou Touma?

Even if he can, can Kamijou Touma defeat Accelerator this time?

What if Accelerator doesn't engage in hand-to-hand combat with him?

So Masamune can't just sit back and watch the development of the gaffe, you know, if it weren't for Kamijou Touma's friendship breaking fist, Misaka Mikoto might really have gone to die.

In the original book, even though a large number of research facilities were destroyed, the plan was still restarted, so Misaka Mikoto planned to use her own death to save the remaining Misaka sisters.

The fundamental reason is that according to the calculation of the "tree diagram designer", if Accelerator wants to reach LV6, he must kill Misaka Mikoto 120 eight times.

So what if Misaka Mikoto's ability is not that powerful?In other words, if Misaka Mikoto lost to Accelerator in the first move, wouldn't that mean the calculation was wrong?

Even thinking about it pessimistically, once she dies, it is worth hundreds or even thousands of younger sisters.

Misaka Mikoto is going to die with this intention!

But Misaka Mikoto didn't know at all that the real purpose of this plan was not to allow Accelerator to reach LV6 at all.

Instead, it was to deceive people and send "Sister Misaka" to cooperative institutions in various Academy cities around the world without attracting the attention of the magic side.

In the end, the whole world will be shrouded in the AIM diffusion force field, and the "imaginary mathematics area · five elements mechanism" that originally only existed in Academy City will expand to the whole world.

Utilize the "imaginary mathematics area · five-element organ" to create an "artificial heaven" that does not exist in the world.

Once this goal is achieved, the magic on the earth will be destroyed, and as long as the magician wants to use magic, the body will explode.

In other words... all the religions in the forbidden world will collapse.

Chapter 217 Chapter 25 Emerging Emotions

Zhengzong was also a little helpless at this time.

His abilities were undoubtedly on the magic side, if he defeated Accelerator in the past, it might be self-defeating.

It is possible that Academy City's high-level executives will not stop planning, but will intensify their implementation efforts after being stimulated.

Moreover, the fundamental purpose of Aleister's creation of the artificial heaven is to hate the demon god and religion. If he tries to stop it, there is no guarantee that the other party will tear himself apart.

Just let Aiwass come over and have a wave with him.'s all the hippo's fault, eating books at every turn, driving me to death!

Just then, the news on TV changed——

"Now I want to insert a piece of news for you. The designer of the technological crystallization tree diagram of Academy City was destroyed by an unknown person. No suspects have been found yet..."

"Huh? Even the artificial satellite was destroyed?" Kamijou Touma looked at the news in surprise, and asked Index again.

"Hey, I said, isn't this really a conspiracy by the magic side? Could it be that the magic side is not pleasing to the science side, so you want to start a war or something?"

At this moment, even Index was a little uncertain, and replied with a sneer: "It should...probably...maybe not..."

"You are more confident!" Kamijou Touma complained with black lines all over his face, and then said indifferently, "Well, for my right hand, magic and superpowers are no different That's it."


Masamune was silent for a moment, considering the fact that the tree diagram designer was ruined by Kamijou Touma's removal of "Dragon King's Sigh" was too sensational.

If Kamijou found out, this honest man would probably be trembling. He was afraid that others would find him and lose money all day long, so he didn't tell him the truth of the matter.

However, what Kamijou Touma said just now reminded him that the essence of magic and superpowers are ideal powers, but one is to understand the laws and then program, and the other is like a virus to create bugs.

Masamune himself is not a kind of bug in this world, so if he pretends to be the original superpower who controls the flames, maybe he can fool the high-level officials of Academy City.

After all, even magicians are puzzled by his unique magical power, let alone the group of scientists.

As for the old fox Aleister, he wished that there would be more Misaka sisters left, even if he saw through it, he would pretend not to know him, and he might even cover himself...



It was night, in an undestroyed research institute——

A blue-haired woman looked at the curled up girl in the culture tube with pity.

The tea-haired girl who was soaked in the culture solution was obviously Miss Misaka, but for some reason, this Miss Misaka was more like Misaka Mikoto when she was a child...

The blue-haired woman's name is Bushu Dixin, and she is also a researcher participating in the Absolute Abilities Project, but her inner conscience makes her determined to help these children.

So, she took out a USB flash drive from the pocket of her white coat.In this small storage disk, the human emotion information collected by Academy City over the past 50 years is preserved.

Bushu Toshin stared at the girl in the container, and after inputting the information in the USB flash drive, he said to himself, "I hope this can help you have feelings..."

The next moment, the Misaka sisters living in Academy City changed...

"Codenamed SISTER, it's just a cheap replica with a unit price of 18 yen, and only needs one button..."

The voices of the girls gradually lowered, and their wooden eyes gradually changed, revealing a sense of human confusion...

The doubts of different sisters came from the whole Misaka network.

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