"What's going on... Damn, it's not dead?"

Seeing this scene, Ruozi slammed his head on the gate of the prison:

"It's over, I just bought Tiamat and I'm going to die! Your mother... isn't the crotch of the loser gone?!"

"how is this possible?!"

The fighting members in Mesopotamia, watching the spiritual foundation gradually build up, and Tiamat, who showed the terrifying real body, unconsciously condensed a trace of cold sweat on the cheeks——

On the surface of the sea, storms surged.

The huge animal horn cut through the originally calm sea——

The returning vermin: Tiamat, finally reveals her true self!

Looking at such a horrible scene.

It has to be said that almost all the male and female protagonists in Qingri World were overwhelmed.

of course there are exceptions.

A guy named Haruhi Suzumiya was still applauding excitedly:

"It's over...it's so interesting! Ah Xu, let's make a movie like this tomorrow!"

Well... Let's not talk about this kind of role whose world revolves around her.

Chaldea and the goddesses who are still on the battlefield at this moment, seeing Tiamat become more terrifying than before, have to say that they are indeed a little shaken in their hearts:

In the end... do we still have a chance to eliminate this monster?


Tiamat shouted, and slowly moved towards Uruk!

"Let's go back to Uruk first and meet King Gilgamesh."

Quetzal looked at Tiamat, who finally revealed his real body at this moment, and suggested softly.

"...No, we have to hold her here!"

After listening to the words of Goddess Quetzal.

Fujimaru Tachika, the young man who has experienced countless singularity battles and has become extremely strong, frowned at this moment:

"If we hadn't held her back and let him attack in the direction of Uruk—"

"calm down."

Quetzal waved his hand softly, his expression unusually calm.

However.... what she said next made everyone present couldn't help being silent:

"Calm down...at least we can't beat her, can't we?"


After listening to this sentence.

Fujimaru Tatsuka's eyes unconsciously became desperate.


At this moment, the voice of Romani in Chaldea sounded at this moment.

"I'm here."

"Even as the highest god in South America, you can't defeat Tiamat if you use all your strength to cast the treasure?"


At this moment.

The expression of Goddess Quetzalcoatl no longer had the smile it used to have.

Her expression became extremely serious at this moment.

She didn't answer, but at this moment, everyone understood the answer to Romani's question.

After a long time.

Quetzal's voice sounded slowly:

"...Even with the power of Ishtar, even with all the means of Mesopotamia—"

"It's impossible for us to hurt Tiamat by half."

"I can't hurt her..."

Hearing such a reply from Goddess Quetzal.

Romani's voice already had quite a strong depression.


After hearing this desperate sentence.

Fujimaru Tatsuka couldn't help clenching her fists——

Then, he seemed to compromise, sighing:

"...Let's go back."

.................................................. ..

"Report! The black mud has engulfed Gilsu City and is flowing towards Uma City and Uruk City!"

"Like a raging black fire, the walls of Uma City can't sustain it!"

"Report! Before the black mud lands in Uruk, there is still—"


Sitting on the throne, King Gilgamesh with a calm expression just nodded his head lightly.

He stood up solemnly, as if he had finally waited for this moment, and waved his hand:

"weigh anchor!"

Seeing this great enemy in front of him, King Gilgamesh still looked calm.

I have to say... the viewers of the dimensional inventory video, who were completely shocked by Tiamat's terrifying majesty just now, felt inexplicably at ease for a moment——

This wise and proud King of Heroes... is really reassuring.


"Fangs of Napistine, unfold!"

The roar of the soldiers resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Almost at the same time... Countless fang-shaped obstacles just blocked Tiamat, the black mud that kept rushing past!


King Gilgamesh slowly carried the crowd on his back——

He just walked towards the outside of the tower, step by step, walking very slowly:

"Okay... finally come to this step."

"For the past six months, this king has been swallowing his anger—"

"Now.....it's finally time for the liquidation!!"

King Gilgamesh stood outside the tower.

Seeing Tiamat in the distance riding on the black mud and constantly approaching his own Uruk, the voice of the King of Heroes subconsciously rose:

"Mother of origin, Tiamat, the womb of beasts!"

"The next... is the mythical battle that even this king can't see—"

"In the end, did you devour the world...or do I prove that human beings can open up this world?"

"It's time...to give the answer!"

King Gilgamesh's voice was quite heroic for a while!

"Let me start... the final battle in the Age of Gods world!"

Wait until the Hero King's voice just falls.

Fujimaru Tachika and the three-pillar goddess rushed to the hero king of Uruk from afar:

"King Gilgamesh!"

"...I'm back."

Looking at this moment, Fujimaru Tatsuka's nervous expression.

King Gilgamesh, immediately understood that things were getting serious:

"Then, explain the situation."

.................................................. ...

"500? How come..."


King Gilgamesh walked around slowly from his tower like this:

"At the moment, we only have 500 survivors left."

"how come....."

Hearing such a horrible news.

Matthew, Fujimaru Tachika...and the three goddesses who were traveling with them felt an inexplicable coldness in their hearts for a moment.

"...that's right."

King Gilgamesh slowly sat back in front of his throne:

"After two raids by Lahem and the black mud attack launched by Tiamat, the first dynasty of Uruk has been destroyed."

"...What, what!?"

Hearing the King of Heroes in front of him, he said such a cruel reality so lightly.

All the goddesses present and the two Chaldeans, as well as the viewers of Chaldea's internal and dimension inventory video, felt extremely chilled for a while.

They didn't expect that Uruk, which was thriving not long ago, and which had already shown a prosperous appearance in the troubled times, would completely collapse at this moment...

Does this already show that the collapse of human history is inevitable...

thought here.

Even the Saitama family, who have always been happy and happy, fell silent for a while.

There is no way to beat this... Such a terrifying existence, Saitama only needs to take a look to understand: the mother god of creation like Tiamat, the fist she is proud of, can't even touch her cause some damages--

This level, but in a fundamental sense, can be regarded as a foul...

"...you will be disheartened, and this king can understand."

The atmosphere around the four sides is quite dead silent.

King Gilgamesh also saw this moment in his eyes:

"After all, even if we win this last war in the Age of Gods, based on the current situation, it is impossible for Uruk to continue—"

"There is only an inevitable decline."

King Gilgamesh's words at this moment are terrifyingly calm.

He just clamped Erlang's legs like this, looking at Fujimaru Tachika at this moment, the King of Heroes could not help squinting his eyes curiously:

"How? Fujimaru Tachika?"

"Knowing this... how do you think about Uruk at this moment?"

"..... Uruk..."

Fujimaru Tatsuka's voice trembled uncontrollably:

"We still haven't... guarded this era..."

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