While talking.

The dry, withered, and gradually collapsing Laheem's voice trembled for a moment:

"Enkidu...beautiful, green one...."

That's it.

The dying Rahm, who might die completely at any time, finally gradually decomposed like a dry coal...

"Aha...Finally, I have said this~"

Siduri, who had already turned into Raheem, at the last moment of her life, chuckled lightly with relief:

"I can still thank you...that's really, really nice..."

"Thank you... thank you..."

Watching Siduri disappearing.

Jin Gu subconsciously wanted to embrace the benefactor who was about to disappear at this moment——


At this moment, Siduri completely turned into dust and disappeared into this forest.

"How is this going....."

Jin Gu's tears could no longer be stopped——

The hot and bitter tears finally brought back countless memories about Enkidu in Jin Gu's mind!

Almost every time I was with King Gilgamesh...the maid named Siduri would stand beside the king and smile at herself——

It's like... very happy to see the friendship between myself and King Gilgamesh.

"Why.....I know your name and your appearance?"

While talking.

Jin Gu's tears immediately soaked the entire land nearby.

His knees went limp, and he knelt down powerlessly to the side:

"Thank you to someone like me...Obviously, a person like me is not qualified to accept your thank you..."

Enkidu's soul, though long gone.

But... the sad memory still remains in this body——

Jin Gu then turned his head to the sky and cried loudly, and the sound of roaring spread throughout the forest.


"Golden solid..."

Looking at Jin Gu who escaped from death.

Almost all viewers of the dimensional inventory video did not have any joy.

After all...that maid who was closest to King Gilgamesh died tragically at the end of the forest just to protect the king's (best friend)—not even her body.....

see this scene.

The ghost destroys the world, Zhong Zhu's face is also filled with sorrow for a while.

"Amitabha.....Great Lady Siduri, may you find happiness hereafter..."

Yan Zhu clasped his hands together, the Buddha beads were radiant in his palms, and his tears flowed down unconsciously——


At this moment, he is seeing Siduri off.

"...Damn it!"

The pillar of wind did not die Kawa Minya, and his veins burst out for a while:

"This damn monster...why, why is there such a development!"

"In the end...the king who was fighting for Uruk, for the fire of mankind, lost everything in the end..."

Butterfly endured the usual gentle smile, but at this moment, it disappeared completely:

"This time... behind the king, there are really not many people left—"

"At such a critical moment for the enemy, the familiar people are leaving one after another... King Gilgamesh, can he continue to lead Uruk to the final victory... "

Butterfly endured such a sentence, which caused everyone's silence.

Perhaps the existence of Tiamat, who is like a god of creation and capable of swallowing the sky and eclipsing the earth, has an impact on the ghost world, which is too terrifying.

Even the members of the public, who have always been confident in Gilgamesh's strength, find it difficult to express their opinions for a while.


So they just watched the quiet video like this, with unprecedented dignified expressions.


Inside the Fuyuki Church.

"...Sure enough, I should have known earlier."

Perhaps experiencing extreme mood swings.

King Gilgamesh's feelings have no longer fluctuated:

"As expected, I still underestimate fate——"

".....hero King."

Perhaps it was frightened by the scene where Gilgamesh lost control of his emotions and crushed the red wine glass just now.

Kotomine Kirei's voice was filled with confusion for a moment:

"You...do you have anything else you care about?"


Watching the famous scene that is gradually heading towards the Gao Dynasty.

King Gilgamesh's expression became more serious than ever before:

"What I care about is...in this singularity, how did I eradicate Tiamat—"

"I really want to see.... I, who have lost everything, stand in the tower again and challenge the supreme mother goddess!"

While talking.

King Gilgamesh's expression became more joyful than ever!


What the King of Heroes felt at this moment was joy!

Seriousness and joy, sadness and anticipation... such complex emotions mixed together, just like this occupied Wang's heart:

"Yofeng... Maybe I'll put it this way, it's amazing—"

"However, I always have a premonition... At that time, I will definitely be able to do it, and I will be able to completely wipe out beastll: Tiamat!"

"I can't wait...I want to see that damned guy bow down under the majesty of this king!"


Listen to King Gilgamesh's words.

Kotomine Kirei looked at the King of Heroes in front of him, that tightly clenched fist that even dripped a few drops of blood, a different emotion welled up in his heart unconsciously.

Perhaps the incident with King Gilgamesh is not short.

Kotomine Kirei quite easily saw through the king's thoughts:

(Do you feel sad for Siduri's departure, for the people you know well leave you one by one...)

However... Even with such sadness in his heart, he still moves forward bravely and opens the way for the future——

Is this... the creed of the King of Heroes?

79. Uruk with only 500 people left

On the land of Mesopotamia, wars raged.

That terrifying creation god, known as "Tiamat", is still slowly approaching the last line of defense of mankind at this moment——

Rahm raged on the land of Mesopotamia, countless humans were brutally killed, and even turned into Lahm——

Through the collapse of the human foundation and the power of the Holy Grail, Tiamat finally returned to this side of the world. Perhaps because she woke up from a deep sleep, she began to obey her instincts and began to sweep away humans.

Although this is based on the hatred, hatred, and sadness of being ruthlessly abandoned, it is also an act of re-changing the ecological system of the earth and indulging in returning to "joy" as the mother of all things.

She is one of the Seven Great Human Evils, a beast with the principle of "return".

She could not confirm the existence of a near-personality.Lost rationality, or irrational in the first place, both can make sense.They only regard giving birth, nurturing, and giving love as the meaning of life, but because they are denied, they decide to launch a war against the human beings who made the decision "you are useless".It acts under the extremely primitive system of "If you don't drive out the existing humans, you will be killed."


Maybe it's the maternal instinct in my heart.

Tiamat, at this moment, did not directly attack everyone.

She was just making a sound like "aaaaa——" to let the dark female tide and the Rahem continuously invade the land of Mesopotamia.

Of course...Although Tiamat did not directly attack everyone at the moment.

But... No matter how you say it, this guy is one of the evils of mankind.

Fujimaru Tachika and his party, as it should be taken for granted, were thrown into a panic by Tiamat.


At the moment of approaching Tiamat——

This is how Ishtar used the Noble Phantasm: "Mountain Shocking Star Salary (angaltākigalshē)"!


Seeing the materialization of the Venus, Ishtar shot directly at Tiamat.

I have to say... Ghost Slayer World and the students of Menqiu Middle School felt their scalps go numb from this terrifying power for a moment.

"My mother..."

Seeing this terrifying attack, it almost smashed Tiamat directly.

My wife, Comrade Shane, rubbed her eyes as if she couldn't believe it:

"How is it possible...there is such a terrifying power in this world!"

"With such power... even Wu Mi can easily be crushed to ashes!"

Inosuke looked at the elegant and generous figure of the Venus Goddess at this moment in surprise, and unconsciously expressed emotion:

"Yes, this stinky woman doesn't look very smart, I didn't expect her to be so powerful!"

As for the Menqiu Middle School next door, after seeing the arrow soaring into the sky, the audience fell silent.

Even Killing Teacher's back felt chills unconsciously:

"Damn it...if such an attack hits me when I'm completely unprepared...then I'm afraid it's not really bad luck~"

.................................................. ..


Almost all the viewers of the dimensional inventory video thought that Tiamat was completely killed by such a terrifying blow at this moment.


Is it really that simple?

Just when Romani of Chaldea happily announced "Tiamat's spiritual foundation has been completely wiped out, and the next thing to do is to recover the Holy Grail" after such classic lines—

Just a moment after this tall Creator Goddess who could cover the sky and the sun was defeated, Tiamat's spiritual base was built again!


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