There was a thunderous flash and noise as the men in uniform injected a shot into the first prisoner before kicking him off the wall.

Almin was stunned: As the person involved in the fall of the Wall of Maria, he will never forget the details of that day in his life—before the super giant appeared, it seemed to be accompanied by such a vision.

Sure enough, under the horrified eyes of the two, the prisoner who rolled on the sand first grew a huge spine, and then muscles and skin continued to grow along the skeleton to cover it.

In the end, he became the all-too-familiar nightmare of Pag: an unsullied giant like the rest of his kind on the island.

The lips of Shen Er and Armin were a little dry: on this day, they finally understood the origin of the giant, the truth is so cruel.

Seeing that their companions really turned into brainless giants with no intelligence but only the desire to eat people, the other prisoners who were tortured and unable to struggle finally couldn't help screaming in fear or cursing loudly.

"Marley's dog, I won't let you go even if I become a giant!"

"The Aldia Restoration Faction will definitely win the final victory!"


From the content of their abuse, Shen Er probably guessed the identities of these people: the restoration patriots after failure will indeed not end well.

Just turning into a giant and wandering endlessly is more painful than death.

According to Ymir's narration after he transformed from the Unsullied Giant back to human beings: the 60 years of being an Unsullied Giant seemed to be an endless nightmare.

Moreover, the Wugou Giant has no lifespan limit. If he is not killed by being cut in the back of the neck, this nightmare will continue forever.

"Moreover, what these people have done is not only a punishment for political enemies, but also the source of tragedy on the island!"

Shinji's anger was indescribable.

In the three years on Parade Island, he has regarded the Survey Corps and Allen as his relatives and friends.

And these people have basically experienced the tragedy of their relatives and friends being eaten alive by giants.

If all giants are regarded as emotionless predators, the source of these tragedies can also be understood as: there is no way, there are such terrible species that feed on humans.

But if all the giants were artificially created by these men in military uniform, even if they knew that they would harm the people on the island, it would be more terrifying than monsters.

Moreover, it can be seen from the indifferent and even happy expressions on their faces when they turned living humans into giants: this guess is likely to be true.


The prisoners looked at their companions who were turned into giants one by one, and couldn't help calling their names, but they couldn't get any response.

After becoming an Unsullied Giant, he usually forgets everything about being human.

"Jerry, I won't forget you!"

A female prisoner hugged the male prisoner beside her, and the two cried heartbreakingly together. They seemed to be lovers or husband and wife.

A man in military uniform pointed at the man in the couple and smiled: "This guy is the mastermind of this damned rebellion, don't inject him with spinal fluid, just leave him like this - I want to hear the tragedy when he was eaten by a giant scream, especially a giant turned into by one's lover!"

What happened next, Shen Er didn't want to recall the slightest bit.

He only remembered the giant that the female prisoner turned into, which seemed to be a strange species, and could still make vague sounds.

"Jerry, Jerry..."

She called her lover's name in vain, but she couldn't overcome the giant's desire to eat people. She competed with other giants for her lover who was left alive, tearing his body apart in order to get a piece.

This group of giants walked northward from the southern coastline after the scramble. This seems to be the reason why the giants appeared...

During the whole process, the soldiers on the white wall acted as if nothing had happened, without any empathy, as if they were watching other species slaughter.

So, Shen Er whispered in his heart: "I swear, if this country called Marai deliberately creates giants on the island, I will erase their territory from the overseas map."

A guy who can do such a thing with a deadpan face, and is likely to be the culprit who created giants and caused countless scouts and civilians on the island to be eaten alive. No matter how others look like, Shinji will never forgive this country.

Shen Er expected that these people would lower their vigilance, or divide their troops ashore, so that he could kill all these beasts today.

But the soldiers were very cautious until they boarded the ship and returned to the voyage: after all, more than ten years ago, there was a warship that sent the Eldians to the paradise, and the whereabouts of it was still unknown.

If the opponent's vigilance is high enough, Shen Er has to control his emotions, give up and do it here: if there is any leak, it may attract more warships.

But Shen Er, who has witnessed all this, has decided that he will use all means to make the culprit who is present today and involved in this matter pay the price.

"When I saw the humans on the other side of the sea, I was really disappointed...and angry!"

After the warship sailed far away, Shen Er said to Armin who was also in a strong shock.

After a long sigh of relief, Shen Er straightened his waist and stood up, and said in a firm tone: "This anger has already illuminated the path in front of me, and will guide me to continue fighting!"


Soon after, Shinji returned to the headquarters of the Survey Corps.

"You mean, the giants are probably all made of humans, and they were deliberately placed on this island by overseas countries?"

Captain Erwin, who had always been calm, was also dumbfounded by the news.

"The overseas country called Marais has far more advanced technology than those inside the wall. The reason why the royal government is so afraid of someone spying on the secrets outside the wall is probably because they are afraid of offending them."

After a full analysis, Shen Er came up with two possibilities.

The first possibility is that the Marais didn't know that there were humans on the island, and they just used the island as a garbage dump for giants, but the royal government knew of the Marais' existence and military level.

If there is a fight, the inside of the wall is likely to be completely destroyed, so a city wall was built to restrain the people from being discovered by the Marais;

The second possibility is to speculate that making giants is not only a punishment for those prisoners, but also a punishment for those inside the wall.

In the past, there may have been some kind of rift between the royal government and Marais, or they may have reached an agreement not to go out of the wall, and the giant outside the wall was a specific means of punishment or blockade.

In short, neither of these possibilities is rosy.

Erwin, who has always been very energetic, unconsciously slumped his back on the seat, showing a little decadence and fatigue for the first time.

He's finally fulfilled his childhood conjecture, but it feels empty when he's done, especially when the truth is so sad.

"Let me say it first, no matter how strong this country called Marais is, no matter what kind of past the royal government has with them, when I think that the tragic death of so many people turned out to be a man-made disaster, I only have one idea of ​​fighting to the end—for those A donated heart!"

Shen Er expressed his attitude.

In the past two years, due to his sympathy for the bleak living conditions inside the wall, Shen Er, who is an all-rounder in farming, has basically focused on improving people's livelihood with technology.

And next, he will no longer stop because of scruples about the civil war, and turn his attention to military craftsmanship.

First of all, use the science and engineering talents cultivated by these two to improve various weapons against giants and humans.

Then, win the popularity base by taking back the Wall of Maria, and determine a unified line after negotiating with the royal government——in the best case, it can be reached through negotiation, and in the second best case, it can be achieved through hint magic. To achieve!

Finally, a regime within the wall with the same goal will control its own destiny!

Shen Er's blueprint planning is very passionate, but the cadres of the survey corps who participated in the meeting were somewhat uncertain: the survey corps two years ago was still a team that had never won a victory.

Of course, during the past two years, while studying to improve people's livelihood, Shen Er also took the time to tinker with two pairs of giant treasures.

The first is a howitzer that can be transported to any height by a hot air balloon after being improved and reduced in weight, allowing soldiers to condescendingly aim at the giant's back neck and shoot.

What's more convenient is the bouncing bombs thrown from the ground. Relying on these two gadgets, the survey corps also successfully killed many giants.

Many people are proud of this, and believe that with the continuous improvement of weapon technology, one day they will be able to wipe out all the giants on the island, allowing humans to win a complete victory.

But now, the cadres were suddenly told that the giants who were killed with peace of mind in the past were all turned into poor people. In order to win the final victory, they might have to defeat the royal government and another whole country.

The most important thing is that their understanding of Marley is too limited, and it is a bit illusory as an imaginary enemy.

Shen Er also realized that he was too excited and that the information was still seriously insufficient, so he put forward another idea of ​​his own: "Although he failed to capture the opponent's warship, there is a clue that may help us understand the situation on the other side of the sea." More information."

"Tell me!"

Erwin took a deep breath, and told himself from the bottom of his heart: Although part of his dream has been realized, and although he continues to fully maintain his previous fighting spirit, when he thinks of the dead who gave their hearts in the past, he should do something more.


Not long after, the elite members of the Survey Corps took horses instead of hot air balloons, and launched another formal investigation outside the wall.

The goal of the mission this time made Team Leader Han Ji so excited that he could hardly fall asleep all night: to capture alive the talking giant.

On the coastline, Shen Er saw giants who spoke out because of their obsession. From them, the survey corps may be able to get more clues and information they want.

"Finally someone understands me! If you want to defeat giants, you must first understand them well enough!"

Han Ji swayed excitedly on his horse, as if he was going to a picnic.

It is precisely because the target is to capture alive on the ground, so this time it was fully mounted and carried various capture equipment improved by Shen Er.

Fortunately, the Survey Corps has not lost veterans in the past two years, so it has the capital to make a big vote.

Of course, the real decisive force is the scorpion held tightly in Shen's hands.

012. Ilze's Notes

Group 4⑧87④97⑨9

Due to the continuous exploration in hot air balloons in the past two years, the survey corps knew the terrain outside the wall, and even the general range of giant activities, and quickly identified several strange species with abnormal behavior.

In fact, it's not just the strange species, including Koni's mother, there were two innocent giants who could talk because of obsession in life in the original plot. This kind of giant is the target of Shen Er's operation this time.

In fact, the giant Dyna bypassed Bertolt and went to Grisha's house. It can be completely explained by the obsession in life, and it can be regarded as a stroke of genius. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the brain-twitch setting of the dog tail.

Due to the torment of the remaining obsessions, these giants with abnormal behaviors seem to be restless. Even if they are observed from the air in a hot air balloon, they can feel the danger of approaching them.

"Wait, let's make it final. Are you going to capture the giant alive instead of killing the giant?"

Oluo of Liverban and Gruga of Mikoban are fierce generals who attach great importance to their own crusades and the number of assisted crusades, and they also have a strong desire to kill and hate giants.

"Giants, you have to have the consciousness to risk your life just to slash and kill them. If you want to capture them, how many lives are not enough? Is there a miscommunication in the order this time?"

"And what value is there in this kind of idiot who can only eat people? Please let me hack him to death!"

When they dismounted in a safe area and prepared to charge, both of them questioned the order.

But their point of view touched Hanji's nerves that were already close to madness. She walked towards Oluou, who was closer, and lifted the big man up with her hands clutching the collar.

"Who says it's worthless? For example, Oluo, if that guy Levi wants to kill you, what would you do?"

Han Ji asked almost cheek to cheek.

Whether it was Hanji's crazy expression at close range at the moment, or this question, Oluou felt terrified, so he could only answer with difficulty: "How do I know?"

He is a loyal admirer of Levi, and he will also imitate the way he speaks, so he is very clear about the strength gap between himself and Levi - if the captain really wants to kill him, there is no possibility of counterattack at all.

Han Ji was very satisfied with this answer, so he continued: "Then let me teach you how to do it! The first thing to do is to investigate! Investigate his activities, what food he likes and dislikes, and his three meals a day. The rules of life, the rules of going to the toilet, what kind of women he likes, and investigate when he gets up, when he goes to bed, how many hours of lunch break, whether to drink a cup of black tea or boiled water after lunch break..."

"Only by investigating all of these things clearly, will there be an opportunity to take advantage of! In this way, we can take this opportunity to poison his food! Shoot him with crossbow arrows on the way he must go." Kill! Assassinate him while he is asleep! Only in this way can you not be killed, otherwise, you will definitely die!"

Hanji's example raised his emotions, his voice became more and more excited and forgetful, as if he had planned to assassinate Levi long ago.

"Captain Han Ji, Oluou is almost out of breath, please let him go!"

Oluo was actually strangled by her, and the soldiers on the side also felt something was wrong while being frightened, and reminded loudly.

But Han Ji, who was already on top, turned a deaf ear to it, and the ordinary soldiers didn't dare to approach her and slapped her awake.

"Idiot, do you want to strangle him!"

At a critical juncture, a figure quickly approached and grabbed Han Ji's wrist so that Oluo could land safely.

The swift and unparalleled movements, the condensed figure that is the essence, and the way of speaking that is "idiot" when it is opened, for a moment everyone thought it was Captain Levi who came to the rescue, and Petra, who was also in Levi's class Almost everyone wants to cheer his name.

But after a closer look, it was found that the man holding Han Ji's wrist was a man with a blue seaweed head.

"Ah? I'm sorry, I was too excited just now! But you should understand what I'm about to express, hahaha..."

Han Ji, who finally came to his senses, used a heartless smirk to cover up his nervousness just now.

"But having said that, Chief of Staff Shinji, are you and that fellow Levi related by blood? Why are you so similar?"

Many people are aware of this, but Han Ji, who is very curious and carefree, asked directly without fear of being rude.

Oluo, who likes to imitate Levi the most, and Petra, who likes to complain about Oluo's imitation, both nodded.

There is no need to deliberately imitate, Shen Er's every move is full of Levi's charm.

Mi Ke, who was the first to discover this, also said with emotion: "It seems that I am not the only one who thinks this way, these two people even smell alike."

Logically speaking, the smell of blood and sweat on Levi's body should be stronger, and the smell of laboratory on Shen Er's body should be stronger.

But as the Survey Corps has its own chemical assembly line, the two clean freaks are always accompanied by the smell of the latest body wash.

Shen Er himself said viciously to Han Ji: "If you want to say that there is still a difference, if you are too excited and mess up the plan, it is inconvenient for Levi as a classmate to do it, but I dare to kick your ass hard!"

Relying on his performance in the past two years, Irwin has long given Shen Er the position of special chief of staff in the regiment: it represents an absolute decision-making priority.

Almin, who has been following Shinji for two years and dedicated to the Survey Corps, is the deputy chief of staff.

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