But it's different now.

Armin also doesn't know where Shen Er's novel and thorough theories come from, but he is very sure: after mastering this knowledge, even if the royal government is overthrown, the existing order can be maintained, even better than the current royal government. better.


Including Han Ji, some soldiers of the Survey Corps who were often sent to the old headquarters to help because of their flexible minds and strong receptivity were also exposed to these ideas.

The soldiers of the survey corps are either rebellious in their thinking, and they don't like the bastards of the royal government and other corps;

Or just want to contribute to the cause of mankind;

Both types of people are easily attracted by Shen Er's thoughts and almost become his disciples.

The reason for mentally preparing for the overthrow of the royal government in advance is also very simple: after a long period of torture, Shen Er finally obtained crucial information from Sanes - the Reyes family is the real royal family.

In other words, the fact that the person sitting on the throne is an impostor is the best reason to overthrow the royal government.

And more importantly, according to Sanes' confession, the First Gendarmerie has formed an anti-personnel three-dimensional mobile unit from the strongest elite in recent years. The leader of this unit turned out to be the legendary murder of countless Gendarmerie "Cutting Throat" Kenny Ackerman!

The anti-human three-dimensional mobile equipment uses shotguns that are useless to giants, but it is exceptionally good for fighting humans. It can be said that the purpose of the design is to fight against the survey corps or other rebels inside the wall.

This is the troop that Rod Reis set up to increase his sense of security after losing the power of the ancestor giant.

But this information can arouse a great sense of crisis in Shen Er and the investigative corps.

In the past, except for Captain Erwin, the puzzle solver, no one else in the survey corps could fight against the royal government without psychological burden.

After all, they gathered under the banner of Wings of Liberty because of the slogan "Give your heart to mankind", and the knife in your hand should be used to cut giants rather than civil war.

But if the royal government has prepared the butcher knife in advance, then they can't sit still, can they?

The king wants his ministers to die, but his ministers prefer not to die!

That's why Shen Er prepared the ideological education for overthrowing the king's government in advance, and the top executives of the investigative corps also started to discuss the battle plan in internal meetings.

Although the real king inside the wall is just a coward who dare not show his true colors, the royal government still has the most extensive military and popular support.

"Commander Pixis and Commander Zacklei, who are stationed in the corps, are both candidates to win over. The only ones who are absolutely loyal to the royal government are the First Gendarmerie and some nobles. We especially need to guard against anti-personnel three-dimensional mobile troops."

According to the information provided by Sanes and personal experience, Erwin came to a concise conclusion.

The first military police, including Sanes, and some conservative nobles, are firmly controlled by the successors of the ancestor giants in a religious-like manner. In order to keep the secrets outside the wall, they are willing to perform various dirty tasks .

When Shen Er conveyed the evil information of the anti-personnel three-dimensional mobile unit to the four giants of the investigation corps, Levi, who was usually expressionless, reacted very strongly to this: "Kani...why did he join the military police?"

"Ackerman? This surname is the same as Mikasa, and it's very rare. Could it be from the same family?"

As Shinji's assistant, Armin who was able to participate in this level of meeting whispered.

The word "family" also aroused extra emotions in Levi's heart: under his strong and indifferent appearance, he has always longed for family.

But now is not the time to ponder such questions.

In order to investigate the future of the corps, Levi restrained his emotions and provided timely reports: "Kenny is the guy who taught me fighting skills. If one-on-one and the three-dimensional maneuvering device against people, I can't guarantee that I can defeat him."

Shen Er spread his hands and said, "What if I'm added?"

Everyone present knows that Shen Er can draw with Levi in ​​a short period of time. If it is two-on-one, there is really no need to be afraid of Kenny. Knowing the anti-person three-dimensional mobile device in advance, you can also prepare early.

Erwin nodded, his eyes glowing with embarrassment: "The First Gendarmerie and the Gendarmerie Corps have too much black history, plus the biggest scandal of the fake king, as long as we infiltrate the propaganda department from now on, we can be in When the war starts, seize the hearts of the people!"

His tone was as passionate and motivating as ever, but the thought of the possibility of civil war kept the others' spirits low.

Shinji is not a militant either, he grew up in a world where peace and development are the themes.

After human salvation, even in the face of stubborn traditional magicians or modern politicians, Chaldea will not fail to resort to assassination and other means, but try to seek common ground while reserving differences and start communication.

If he really can't communicate, Shirou will stare at Sharingan and go to the door.

Shinji's principle is the same: war is not a good thing, and he will choose this path only when facing an enemy that threatens the survival of the entire group.

At present, he still needs a reason to make up his mind.

"The hot air balloon technology has been successfully developed very quickly. After confirming the scenery of the world outside the wall, let's make a decision!"

Shinji's speech was also approved by Erwin.

After all, this is his ultimate dream.


It is not difficult to simply invent a hot air balloon. What is difficult is to improve the technology in the future, increase the battery life and load capacity, and establish a climate observation part to determine the voyage of the hot air balloon by judging the weather and wind direction.

It is also very interesting to say: In order to curb the prestige of the Survey Corps among the people, the royal government originally planned to withhold the survey Corps' military pay and supplies.

But since he secretly began to study hot air balloons, Erwin has reduced the frequency of investigations outside the wall.

After an internal analysis, the royal government came to a conclusion: Although Erwin is smarter than his predecessor, Keith, who was brave and foolish, the smarter he is, the more likely he is afraid of death.

Therefore, they changed the tone of public opinion attack: This survey corps is greedy for life and afraid of death. It only eats military pay and does not work. It is a waste of taxpayers' money than sacrificing outside the wall!

In order to match this kind of remarks, they also slightly increased the allocation of the survey corps, hoping to raise the survey soldiers one by one to increase the public's anger.

Shen Er was not polite, and used all these materials on the cutting edge of research.

As for the infamy and loss of popular support suffered by the Survey Corps: as long as the Wall of Maria is taken back, they can earn back their principal and interest.

——Yes, once the hot air balloon can be used to bypass the giant for long-distance transportation, there will be a chance to air a large number of main forces and weapon supplies to the wall of the Wall of Maria.

As for the hole in the wall that was opened by the super giant, it can also be filled with the ability of the fruit of the operation.

But the problem is: Once the Wall of Maria recapture plan is implemented, first of all, regardless of the possibility of hot air balloon technology being exposed, the prestige that the Survey Corps can gain is enough for the royal government to see.

Therefore, only after making a decision to replace it, Shen Er will carry out the plan to seize the wall.


Compared with these future things, what he enjoys right now is realizing the dreams of Almin and Erwin.

With sufficient materials provided by the royal government, and the material basis that Shinji could use hint magic to steal things from the gendarmerie's arsenal, the hot air balloon finally flew into the sky in a corner far away from the view inside the wall.

Armin, who was gradually ascending into the sky, couldn't help but burst into tears: the increasingly small scenery in front of his eyes was something his parents had pursued with their lives.

Under the wind that had been calculated long ago, the hot air balloon gradually drifted towards the outside of the wall, and the three finally saw the vast land taken away by the giant.

Ice blast rocks are very reliable as fuel, and a small tank of gas on the waist is enough to supply the three-dimensional mobile device.

The fuel carried on the hot air balloon is also enough to fly long distances.

If the direction of the wind changes, or if you want to go to a specific destination, or if you want to return, Shen Er's main magic attribute is not "wind", but he borrows the magic power stored in Scorpion and the flowing nature of "water" to change the direction of the wind. It can still be done by looking at the direction of air flow.

Therefore, in the two years since the first successful launch of the hot air balloon, Shinji continued to explore the island, and established several supply locations on the peaks that the giants could not reach.

Through the midway supply, the search range was further expanded, and finally the sea was successfully seen.

"Is that...the sea?"

Both Almin and Erwin were shocked by the boundless sea level in front of them, speechless.

And Shen Er, who had seen the sea a long time ago, began to think about the distribution of giants observed in the past two years.

"Is it a coincidence?"

Shen Er had noticed early on that the giants on the island were basically distributed in the southern area, and the closer to the southern sea, the higher the frequency of giants appeared.

On the southern coastline, there is also a high wall that is not fully enclosed. To the north of the high wall, there are no traces of giants at all. There are obviously large stretches of sandy beaches, but there is not even a single giant footprint.

It feels like: giants all appear from this wall and head north all the way.

But having said that, with the exception of the odd species, most of the giants' activities are not large, and they rarely carry out specific actions in groups.

"So, on the day the Wall of Maria was destroyed, why did so many giants appear at that location, rushing into the wall?"

Han Ji, an expert on the behavior of giants, has long raised doubts about this issue.

The most likely guess is: maybe it has something to do with the armored giant and the super giant.

Han Ji has sorted out many eyewitness testimonies who experienced the fall of the Wall of Maria. Most giants would only attack humans out of instinct, but the armored giants and super giants that appeared that day had a clear purpose. Destroy the wall and let ordinary giants enter the wall to hunt humans.

After also having hot air balloon riding experience, Han Ji, who has more information about the giants, made a bold guess: the two giants are likely to have wisdom, and they can even manipulate and order other giants.

It has to be said that her guess is already quite close to the truth.

But there is another point that neither Han Ji nor Shen Er can understand: they have seen almost all areas of the island in a hot air balloon, but they have not seen the extremely conspicuous armored giants and super giants in two years.

So where are the two big guys hiding?

Everyone doesn't know.


"Mr. Shinji, what is on the other side of the sea?"

After the initial shock, Armin developed another curiosity.

"I don't know. There may be only one human island in our world, or there may be other humans or other species on the other side of the sea. If there are other humans overseas, their attitude towards us is unknown."

Shen Er said a lot of useless nonsense, and of course he is still in a lot of mysteries at this stage.

Just based on the existing doubts, looking at the white wall, Shen Er always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He observed along the coastline for a long time, but he still didn't find the giant's footprints.

"If giants don't come and go here, we can establish salt mining and fisheries by the sea to improve the poor people's livelihood inside the wall. When the conditions are ripe, we can even build a port and explore the overseas world."

Shen Er secretly wrote down the location and the route along the way.


In the past two years, the construction of each base has provided the survey corps with a large amount of minerals, meat and other resources, just like opening a mine in a strategy game.

Anyway, giants would only come and go during the day, so they built their bases high and sent people out to harvest wild resources at night.

Relying on the abundant natural resources outside the wall, the Survey Corps has got rid of its dependence on the royal government and embarked on the road of self-sufficiency, constantly accumulating strength in secret.

But a coastline base that doesn't have to worry about giants at all has a completely different strategic significance: it can build various facilities on flat land without worrying about being destroyed by giants, even for people to live in.

Coupled with Armin's love for the sea, Shinji and Armin, who remembered this route, came to this white wall every now and then to observe whether the giant would really not appear near here.

Until one day, they found a huge ship on the sea level...

011. I was really disappointed when I knew there were humans outside the walls

To be honest, Shenji, who first saw ships from overseas and lived on Parady Island for three years, and his life became more and more monotonous, still had some surprises and expectations.

This means that Erwin's question for many years has been answered: the human beings outside the wall are indeed not extinct, and judging from the hull covered with metal shells, this overseas civilization is still quite developed.

But it was precisely this that made Shen Er feel a little wary.

He thought of the story of Columbus and the Indians, and the origin of Thanksgiving.

The encounter of two civilizations that are so far apart is often disastrous for the weaker one.

The Indians once warmly entertained Columbus like friends, and also helped the Puritan immigrants on the Mayflower to settle in the American continent, but the rewards were slavery, infectious diseases and being made into leather boots.

As stated in the law of the dark forest, it is difficult for you to judge whether another civilization harbors good intentions or aggressive desires.

And take a closer look: isn't that ship a warship?

"Hide first."

Shen Er pulled Armin up, and the two people who often came to see the sea were very familiar with the surrounding terrain. They quickly retreated beyond the white wall, found and hid in a plant shelter.

He intends to judge the intentions of the guests on the warship before making a decision.

Or take the initiative by yourself: if they send a large force to land, Shen Er will sneak into the warship docked on the coastline, subdue the left behind personnel, remove their threat of force, and bring the entire warship under his control.

If Shinji's current magic power is used to fight with insect magic, water magic, and fruit of surgery, it is enough to deal with a small number of troops left behind.

Although his magical power was hard-won and he didn't know the specific situation on the ship, if the full set of technology on a warship was used as a bargaining chip, Shen Er was still willing to take a gamble.

So, the two quietly watched the movement of the warship after it docked.

At this moment, Shen Er and Armin have not realized what kind of scene they will witness next.

Although Shinji had prepared in advance that the other party might be a villain, his worst guess about the overseas visitor was nothing more than an invader or a colonist.

It wasn't until he saw a row of men in military uniforms escorting a row of bound people who looked like prisoners to the white wall that Shen Er felt something was wrong.

These prisoners looked numb and tired. As an expert, Shen Er knew very well that most of them had suffered severe torture.

"They didn't look around in a novel way as if they had discovered a new continent, and they went straight to the white wall. It seems that this is not the first time they have come to this island... And what they are doing now is preparing for execution? If it is not the first time Once, why are there no traces of corpses nearby?"

Shen Er had more and more doubts in his heart.

Soon, he understood why there were no corpses under the white wall...

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