Lexington put Yuki across his lap, making Yuki face down.She raised her hand and slapped the only bump on Stupid Lolita's body.


Yuki snorted, forcing himself not to howl like a wolf.

She originally thought that the seven wolves in her memory should be a regret that she would never be able to experience again.

Unexpectedly, today Lexington kindly helped her make up for this regret.

The reason behind this moved Yuki to tears.

She covered her face as if by doing so, others would not be able to see that the person being 'bullied' was not her.

Lexington paused for a while and asked, "Commander, do you know how much everyone is worried about you?"

Yuki cried and said, "I don't know, I only know how ruthless you are."

Lexington thought for a while, then raised his hand and wanted to drop it.

"I know! Don't be impulsive, I really know I was wrong."

"Then Commander, if you know your mistakes, correct them."

"No problem."

Yuki nodded in a hurry, for fear that Lexington would suddenly give her another love education for some reason.

She got up from Lexington's lap, staggered when she just stood up, almost lost her footing and fell back on her stomach again.

The understanding wife asked: "Commander, do you want me to help?"

Yuki pouted and rejected his wife angrily: "No need."

Looking at Yuki's appearance, Lexington seriously recalled whether he had acted too hard before.

But she didn't work hard either.

Also, if the commander is allowed to walk out with the help of the wall, the entire tutelary fort will probably know about it soon.

At that time, she might bear some strange infamy.

Chapter 660 Five: A new scam has appeared

Although it was said that there were rumors that the admiral came out of the admiral's room with an indecent posture, but because there was no evidence of the stone hammer, it was automatically classified as a rumor by the ship girls.

In this regard, Lexington was greatly relieved.

It's just that there is another thing that makes her quite dissatisfied recently: the admiral seems to be hiding something from her.

As the 'lord of the world', although it was just a joke, Lexington's degree of control over a tutelary palace is definitely higher than that fish-making admiral who doesn't care about everything.

It's just that recently, frequent combat meetings have been held with the surrounding tutelary forts to deal with the new deep sea that may come at any time, so that Lexington has no extra energy to investigate what his commander is hiding.


a few days ago.

"New deep sea?"

Yuki turned over on the bed, lying on the bed with eyes full of confusion, eyes unconsciously glanced towards the top of the head.

At this moment, a slightly disheveled white-haired Lolita Hibiki was standing by the bed, and a breeze blew by, which was just right from Yuki's perspective...


Hibiki raised the knife in his hand and lightly tapped Yuki on the head.

The sound was so meaningful that he warned: "Commander, pay attention to your sight."

Yuki covered her head, although she didn't feel any pain at all, but it was necessary to put on a show.

She stuck out her tongue and said, "I know."

"New Deep Sea is the Governor's Office's suggestion for the group of deep seas that are more violent than before. The Governor's Office has also tried to induce these deep seas to go to fixed locations, and then distinguish them from ordinary deep seas. Divide the difficulty to make the strength different the tutelary forts against enemies of their own choice."

After finishing speaking, Hibiki gasped a little, as if it was very difficult for her to say so many words at once.

Yuki complained with a look of disgust: "The reward for the highest difficulty is something that is useless at all?"

Xiang didn't expose the fact that his admiral regarded the armor badges in the guarding mansion as treasures.

"The Governor's Office's attempt to classify the deep sea as difficult has failed."

"Ah? Sending a few Shimakazes to imagine such a destroyer so fast that the deep sea can only eat smoke, can't it easily induce the deep sea to go to the planned location? The Governor's Mansion will not even have a high-skilled high-speed destroyer Please don't move?"

Yuki felt incredible, she didn't think the Governor's Mansion would stretch her hips to such an extent.

It's not a frontal battle to destroy the deep sea, but to send destroyers to harass and disrupt the formation of the deep sea. Does it take a level 100 ship girl to do it?

"There is a problem with that dark red sea area. After the ship girls approach, they will feel as if a mountain is pressing on them. Although it seems that there is only psychological pressure, the ship girls themselves are idealistic existences. When the mood is extremely low , the combat effectiveness can be said to be out of ten."

Yuki patted the bed board: "Hey, don't you guys always say that your existence is very scientific?"

Hibiki paused, and for some reason, glanced under the bed, ignoring Yuki's complaints and continued: "According to Shimakaze Shimakaze who escaped from the harassment mission, she seems to be able to see the sunken ship every time she takes a step forward. , Companions who fought side by side with her. She almost fell into the encirclement of the deep sea opposite. "

Shimakaze, who has experienced battles, may still have a special example of still wearing astringent clothes all day long and running around the tutelary mansion like a freshman, but most of the destroyers will have been forced to mature due to repeated defeats in battles.

Having experienced too many failures, their mental maturity is unimaginable, but even so, they will still be affected by the weirdness of the sea area.

Yuki muttered, puzzled: "What the hell are those red paints?"

"I can't analyze it."

Hibiki shook his head, hair brushed over Yuki's nose, making Yuki feel itchy, and wanted to sneeze but couldn't.

'Is it the smell of shampoo? ' Yuki thought.

She looked at Xia Xiang's very messy and disorderly hair, and wondered why the other party didn't take the time to comb and take care of it, even though he was washing his hair well?

Xiang suddenly asked, "What is the commander thinking?"

"It's okay, go ahead. Since you've talked to me about this, you're not here to scare me on purpose, are you?"

"In the red sea area, the deep sea will be strengthened in all directions, and our ship mother will be distracted and weakened by various illusions, maybe more than that. But after testing, we still found a way to deal with it."

"Find the strategy? Tell me."

"After the level reaches a certain height, the influence of illusions will be greatly reduced. The Shimakaze who escaped is already very close to this level. Another way is..."

Hibiki glanced at Yuki and closed his mouth.

"What method, tell me."

"The marriage ship seems to have a certain degree of resistance to the red sea."

After Hibiki finished speaking, Yuki was taken aback for a moment.

She thought for a while, and suddenly felt that what she was facing was not a big question about whether the world would be destroyed or not, but a new fraudulent activity launched by an unscrupulous plan.

Chapter 660: The dog-headed military division rings

Facing Yuki is full of 'You didn't lie to me? '' face, continued calmly: "It is said that because of the close relationship between the wedding ship and her admiral, it is not so easy to lose yourself in the red sea."

"Like a boat anchor? You can use this to anchor yourself to the shore."

Seeing that Yuki would explain it to her, Hibiki nodded in satisfaction.

"But isn't this still a lie? Originally, everyone didn't need to buy so many oath rings, but now they are strengthened because of the deep sea. Whether it is an admiral who wants to gain merit or just wants to protect himself, he always has to buy a few rings." That's enough."

Yuki spread out her hands and looked at Hibiki in front of her face with a helpless expression.

"Commander, the Ring of Oath is such a precious item after all, so it's normal for the price to be slightly higher?"

"That's not true! Do you know what the basic monthly salary of an admiral is? If I want to give rings to hundreds of people, at least I have no hope in my life."

"If you weren't so lazy, Commander, and did more daily work, the tutelary mansion would definitely not be so poor."

Loud's words pierced stupid Lolita's heart hard, making her face feel a little hot.

"I see." Yuki covered her head with a pillow, and started to chase people away: "If Hibiki has nothing to do, just leave, I still... ah!"

Before Yuki finished speaking, she felt a pair of small hands quietly grabbing her feet, which made her let out an exclamation.

Yuki asked in a panic: "You, what are you going to do?"

"Commander, your stockings are dirty."

"Nonsense, why didn't I know?"

"But it's dirty."

With a natural tone, Yuki gritted his teeth in anger.

She wanted to twitch her feet away from Hibiki's claws several times, but under the restraint of Baimao Lolita, she quickly gave up this unrealistic idea.

Suddenly, Yuki tensed up.

Originally, he just grabbed her feet and didn't do anything else --- scratched at the soles of her feet.

Suppressing a smile, Yuki struggled again, and let out a masculine roar: "guna!"

And I don't know if it's an illusion, but Yuki always felt that the whole bed seemed to tremble.

It's just that I was facing a dangerous situation, and I didn't have time to think about whether there was really something wrong with this bed.

The movements of Xiang's subordinates paused, as if they were thinking about it, and at the same time, there was a rustling sound, as if they were whispering to someone.

It's just that Yuki covered her eyes and ears with the pillow, and the cover was too tight, so she couldn't help but quietly moved the pillow away a little bit, wanting to see what Hibiki was doing now.

What came into view was a fully clothed Hibiki, which made Yuki heave a sigh of relief, but also felt a little bit regretful.

'No, no,' Yuki shook her head hard, 'what am I regretting?Isn't it a good thing that Hibiki didn't want to do something bad? '

"Commander, anyway, what are you going to do if it really gets to the point where only married ships can go to the battlefield?"

Hibiki stared at Yuki, and added calmly: "At this time, if you want to be cute and pass the test, it will not work."

Yuki put on an aggrieved look: "I already have a lot of marriage ships."

"What if it's not enough?"

Yuki wanted to refute, but suddenly remembered the feeling of wanting to smash the computer when playing games, and suddenly felt that Hibiki's words were really possible.

"I'm already working hard to save money to buy a ring. Wear some cute clothes and take pictures, and those rich women in country E will rush to send the money to me."

Hibiki's face became very strange.

She didn't know the rumors about this incident at all. Presumably when the commander did such a thing, he would only contact the ship girls who had the ability to buy, and those ship girls also had a good sense of confidentiality.

But if this kind of thing is discovered, there will definitely be civil turmoil in the tutelary mansion.

Of course, that had nothing to do with her purpose of meeting Yuki in secret today.

"Commander, even if you have money, if you want to give rings to everyone in the tutelary mansion, you have to pay attention to whether others will accept it."

'And give rings to a large group of ship girls at one time, Commander, you have to be careful about your own safety, don't die. '

Hibiki glanced at Yuki, and buried the words in his heart.

"I know this. As long as the secretary ships..."

Yuki suddenly didn't know what to say.

Removing Lexington's secretary ship is easy to say, but when it is actually done, Yuki feels that she can't resist Lexington's resentful eyes.

And Saratoga, no matter how bad my sister-in-law is with her sister, she will definitely help her sister in this matter.

"Commander, now is no longer the time to sit leisurely in your room and wait for the mold to rot."

Hibiki suddenly let go of his little foot and grabbed Yuki's hand.

"You go out with me now, and brush up the favorability of the ship girls."

Before Yuki could react, she was dragged away.

After she left, a figure whose face could not be seen clearly crawled out from under the bed.

She glanced at the place where Hibiki and Yuki left, and stomped her feet: "...Why are you walking with her?"

After squatting under the bed in ambush for so long, the target and other ship girls ran away.

She felt like her chest was about to explode.


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