Yuki closed her eyes and nodded.

She didn't have the chance to listen last time, but this time she finally recognized that the person who answered the phone was Saratoga.

Although it was strange why Saratoga replaced Lexington in the admiral's room, she still understood that she would be fished out soon.

Thinking of this, Yuki raised her legs arrogantly, and said triumphantly: "Well, I'm right, I'm the admiral here, right?"

The staff looked at Yuki who had become so arrogant, and endured it without saying anything.

She kept repeating in her heart: 'This is a child, just a little girl. '

After a while, the hypnosis seemed to finally have an effect on himself. At least the staff looked at Yuki and felt that his features were beautiful, not as disgusting as it was a few seconds ago.

It's just that when Yuki opened his mouth, people couldn't help but lose control over the muscles in his cheeks. .

The staff member murmured regretfully: "If you don't speak, you must be an obedient and cute child."

Yuki asked back with a sting in her tone: "What's the matter, am I not a good boy when I talk?"

Chapter 660 Three: Obtain a photo of a stupid lolita

"It's really bothering you."

Saratoga politely shook hands with the staff who detained Yuki.

If one only looked at her performance at this time, no one would equate such a gentle beauty in front of her with some jealous person.

At least Yuki next to her was already dumbfounded. If she hadn't distinguished the difference between the two people from some minor details, she would have even thought that the wife had pretended to be a sister-in-law to get herself.

Yuki shook her head violently, remembering that now is not the time to be surprised, she asked the staff beside her: "Since I have proved my identity, you should be able to let me go, right?"

"Of course." After filling out the record sheet in hand, the staff member explained to Yuki: "The sea is not very calm recently, and people who come and go have to check their identities carefully before they can be released. So when I found out that you want to use You will be detained only after the raft is smuggled."


Yuki nodded, facing the gaze from Saratoga, she pretended to be relaxed, and said: "Then let's say goodbye like this, and hope that we will not have such an embarrassing situation next time we meet."


Saratoga looked at the stupid loli who walked along the coastline without saying a word, and said with a cold snort:

"Commander, you had a great time."

Yuki's shoulders shook, trying to maintain his indifference, and said: "I can't say I'm very happy."

"Alone, you dare to go back to the tutelary mansion on a raft, Commander, don't you want to think about what to do if the raft capsizes on the way?!"

"Don't worry, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and I will not be in danger."

"Is there any way, Commander, are you going to feed yourself to the deep sea?"

Saratoga stood where she was, the dignified image she had maintained was finally broken, and she glared at Yuki angrily.

Yuki muttered in a low voice: "The deep sea doesn't eat meat."

Saratoga frowned when she saw that the blue hairball dared to talk back, and Yuki, who was so frightened that she carefully peeked at her face, took several steps back like a frightened rabbit.

Saratoga sighed, and said a little tiredly: "Commander, it's really dangerous for you to do this."

She kicked a rock on the shore and watched it swirl and make two splashes on the water.

Saratoga finally understood why her sister's face was as ugly every time she heard the news that the commander was running around, just like when she heard that the commander lived in the same room with a wild ship girl for one night.

The commander is really too big, like a dangerous prey in the jungle, often the hunter's saliva is almost dripping on her, and this idiot still doesn't respond.

"Gaga, anyway, I'm not in any danger, so just pretend you don't know about it, and don't tell Lexington, okay?"

Yuki blinked, looking expectantly at Saratoga.

Just as Saratoga was about to agree, he suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: "The commander wants me to keep a secret for you, right?"


Seeing the slightly curved corners of Saratoga's mouth, Yuki felt something was wrong, but due to the situation, he could only nod his head bravely.

"The commander should know that if you want someone to help you, you need to pay a price."

Saratoga's unscrupulous eyes swept Yuki back and forth unscrupulously, making the stupid loli want to find a bunker to hide.

Yuki asked with a dark face: "Gaga, what bad things do you want to do?"

"Bad thing? What does the commander think I'm going to do?"

"Looking at your smirk, you know it must be something unscrupulous."

Yuki took a step back with a look of disgust, and then said: "Forget it, you can talk to Lexington directly, anyway, I have been trained by her many times, it's okay to add this one more time."

Yuki's sudden retreat made Saratoga stunned for a moment. In her imagination, the normal plot development should not be that after she caught the commander's handle, she could do all kinds of things she wanted to this stupid loli. Did you do something you never had the chance to do?

"Could it be that the commander hates me so much that he would rather be reprimanded by his sister than be with me..."

Messy thoughts kept popping up in his mind, making Saratoga feel dizzy.

Yuki slapped his head and remembered an important question: "By the way, during my absence, nothing major happened to the tutelary mansion, right?"

"It's not a big deal."

"That's a small matter. Is someone fighting with someone again?"

The fire of gossip in Yuki's heart was burning, but after a while, Saratoga extinguished the small flame:

"Several ship girls have reached level 99, and they are eagerly waiting for you to come back and buy rings for them, Commander. There are already a lot of ship girls in the tutelary mansion without rings. Commander, think about it. Have you made up for it?"


Yuki quickly turned into a bitter face, and she said embarrassedly: "The ring of oath is not so easy to wholesale."

"The cat-eared lady with green hair said she has prepared a lot of rings, just waiting for your 'Red Pointy'."

"How much does it cost? No! It's not that much money if you sell me!"

Yuki didn't even need to do the calculations, she knew that it would be an unimaginable number.

She didn't want to bear such a big debt at a young age.

"Oh, then when I go back, I will tell the girls who are urging the marriage that the commander is not going to give everyone rings."

"Don't," Yuki put his arms around Saratoga's waist, "this kind of thing can't be rushed, I will find a way to raise money."

"But Commander, you seem to be eating soft food all the time, and you don't know how to make money at all."

Yuki suddenly looked up at Saratoga, resting her chin on Gaga's chest, coquettishly: "Rich woman, hungry, eat~"

Yuki Yuki used the charm skill

charm success

Saratoga lost money*1000

Yuki waved the banknotes in his hand, and said to Saratoga: "Look, making money is quite simple, right?"

Saratoga looked at the photo captured on the phone, showing a silly 'hehehe' smile.

Yuki only felt a chill coming over him, and looked around, only to find a Saratoga who had returned to normal.

Yuki raised his head and asked, "Is it worth selling this photo for 1000?"

Saratoga nodded seriously: "It's worth it."

There is nothing more worthwhile than this, such a cute photo of the admiral, there are a lot of ship girls who want to buy it in the tutelary mansion.

Especially those old women in the E department, no one knows how much money they have saved. If this photo is auctioned, there is a high probability that it will fall into their hands.

Chapter 660 Four: Afterwards...

In front of Saratoga, Yuki personally showed her some unique money-making skills that only belonged to her.

Saratoga did not give up, but narrated: "Commander, you can't sell this kind of thing all the time. In terms of efficiency, it's really bad."

Yuki opened his mouth dryly, but didn't say anything.

The ways to make a lot of money are all recorded in a certain book, but the stupid loli would rather obediently eat soft food than read that book.

"Don't panic about the oath ring or something. I can go to Akashi Miao for a loan to get the ring. At worst, I will give him one when the time comes."

"Commander, are you so sure that the other party will keep the ring you gave me? The admiral gave the ship's mother the oath ring, but it has concluded a lifetime contract."

Yuki smiled as if she had eaten honey, and said, "She will definitely accept it."

"Commander, why are you so confident? I remember that Akashi hasn't been out of the tutelary mansion since he came here. Did the commander secretly attack her when he was still in the tutelary mansion?"

Following Saratoga's speculation, the sight of a sword as sharp as a knife had already fallen on Yuki.

Stupid loli only felt a chill all over her body, and at the same time, she smelled vinegar for no reason.

"How is it possible? I'm not that squeamish."

The credibility of Yuki's words is 0.

But the options before Saratoga were nothing but to choose to trust the Commander.

"One more thing." Seeing that Saratoga still doubted her words, Yuki had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "I heard that there seems to be a mutant species in the deep sea, which is much stronger than the normal deep sea. Gaga do you know?"

"We have also received this kind of news, but we haven't encountered the kind of enemy mentioned in the description yet."

Saratoga frowned. Among the various news from hearsay, there are various introductions to the mutated deep sea.

Although most people felt that the group of deep seas had become stronger by more than a notch, there were also a small number of town guards who said that they could barely deal with it.

With the continuous advance of the deep sea army accompanied by the blood-red sea level, there is still a town guard to resist the attack of the deep sea, which seems to reveal that the mutation of the deep sea is not so terrifying.

Misjudgment will seriously affect the situation. Recently, Lexington has raised [-] points of vigilance to deal with the mutated deep sea that may strike at any time, but Saratoga stole this opportunity and slipped out to find Yuki.

"I haven't really fought, and I don't know if I can win against the mutated deep sea."

"Aren't you sure?"

Saratoga gave Yuki a white look: "After all, he is an enemy he has never seen before, so it is normal to have concerns in his heart."

Yuki couldn't refute: "It makes sense."

"But commander, don't worry too much. The original base of the deep sea is there. Even if it mutates, it is impossible to become so strong all at once. It is impossible to change from being beaten by us to be beaten by us all at once. ?”

Yuki was so frightened that she hurriedly stood on tiptoe, covered Saratoga's mouth and said, "Don't set up such a flag that will obviously come true!"

Saratoga, whose mouth was covered, made a murmuring sound, indicating that he had understood Yuki's meaning, and then Blue Hairy Dumpling let go of his hand.

The man in charge began to reprimand his sister-in-law:

"Really, think about what you should say before you speak next time, don't be too brainy."

Saratoga sneered, but did not retort.

Yuki didn't expect that Saratoga would stop arguing with her, her small face twisted slightly, in order not to let Saratoga see that she was in a bad mood, she could only put on a nonchalant expression and say: "Okay, Let's go back first, I haven't seen Lexington for so long, I miss my wife a little."

Hearing this, Saratoga felt a little uncomfortable in his heart and said, "Commander, do you miss me?"

Yuki thought for a moment: "Of course."

"Really? Then why did you hesitate before answering?"

"I'm thinking about what to say to lie to you."


"Look, I cheated once. Idiot, how could I not miss you?"

Although he was teased by the commander's love words, Saratoga was still so angry that his teeth were itchy.


Yuki's return brings different surprises to different ship girls.

It seems that the ship girl who didn't know that Yuki had "lost track" once before, only thought that this was a long-lost re-ship girl, and the admiral was just a rare trip away.

But for the ship girls who know the inside story, this incident is no different from the 'surprise' when they just learned that the resources of the tutelary mansion have bottomed out.

Some moves are so fast that the ship girl is even thinking about where to find the lost stupid loli.

Of course, all of this is not as strange as the 'surprise' that Yuki experienced at the moment.

"Stop hitting, ma'am, I know I was wrong."

Yuki clasped her hands together and kept waving her little hands up and down, not knowing which god she was begging to save her from the sea of ​​misery.

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