But because of this, they also lost their competitiveness, and they didn't have many things to pursue. They could only live a peaceful life in this Japan.

Isn't this what many people want? There are fewer things that are lacking, and you can enjoy it without working hard. How good it is.

But she has a deep sense of sadness. She may not have understood this kind of sadness before, but now she understands after going through the SAO incident and comparing the differences between Japan in the two worlds.

Creatures compete for the top, once they lose their upward momentum, they will become lazy and uncompetitive.

After losing these, you will be eliminated, and there is no way to catch up with the main force.

It looks free and happy, but what is the difference between this and a pet in captivity?

Japan in this world has completely fallen. They are sheep raised in this country called Japan, while China next to it maintains vitality. The social pressure is high, causing their people to be full of wolves.

Those who don't want to be eliminated and want to achieve a career are all working hard there.And those who came to Neon were either not competitive enough, or they had lost the heart to compete. It can be said that they are hi trash adjectives.

Everything is subject to Huaxia's arrangement, taking Huaxia's pride, and being drawn from the bottom of the pot. No matter how rich you are in the future, you will not be the opponent of the country that competes for the top.

The experience of SAO made this girl understand competition and the importance of survival, so she felt this way.

And once you have this feeling, you will feel that you are out of place with this society, as if this place is not in the same place as her.

Well, not the same.

"What am I thinking..." She was lost in thought for a while, and she didn't come back to her senses until the reminder sounded on the TV screen.

"It's afternoon time, exactly three o'clock." First came some Chinese that she didn't understand, and then some Japanese.

Arranging the languages ​​of other countries before one's own national language is completely lowering the posture and expressing a gesture of submission.

"What a magical world I have come to." Putting away the sword, Asuna felt that the power in the game was still in her body, and then walked down the street with confidence.

As she walked, she listened to the words of the people around her, and then looked at this Japan, and the feeling of a world away was getting stronger and stronger.

"I want to go back..." pursing his lips, it should be a very happy thing to come out of the death game, but...

She is a stranger in this world, her parents are not there, people she knows are not there, she is not here at all, she is here, only herself.

How could she recognize such a world? What is the meaning of living when important people are gone?

Why did she work so hard to clear SAO, in order to return to reality, return to her parents, and look at familiar people.

Live, live, live, it's not just as simple as living.

"I'm a little hungry... Is it five o'clock?" Asuna walked, it was past five o'clock unknowingly, and when the darkness slowly fell, Asuna felt her stomach growling.

This is a feeling I haven't experienced for a long time. The hunger in the game is reflected by data, and it is actually incomparable with real hunger.

It stands to reason that it should be a very happy thing to regain this feeling, but she is not happy at all, and some are uncomfortable.

"Budokan...?" Ninja Hunger walked forward step by step. After hearing the cheers not far away, she looked up at the venue with intertwined lights and neon lights, and immediately recognized where it was.

Budokan, the place where Japanese singers dream of singing on it, is also a place that gives Japanese singers the highest honor. It can be said that it represents the highest level of performance in Japan.

She remembered hearing them say "His Majesty Chuxian's concert" before, who is His Majesty Chuxian, and she knew it was "Hatsuzuru Yuki" based on what she heard before.

And who is Yuki Hatsune?She didn't know, but when she heard this girl with the same surname as herself, she suddenly felt a sense of intimacy.

If I was born in this world, it probably has something to do with her, right?

This thought flashed through her mind, which startled her, she shook her head and threw the thought out of her mind, then she stood there, looked at the Budokan, and then looked around, a little hesitant.

"Excuse me, are you hungry?" When she was in a daze, a voice came from behind her, which made the girl immediately vigilant, put her hand on the hilt, and was waiting to draw it out.

"Hey, we have no malicious intentions. We are sent by the sponsor to deliver food to everyone." Seeing the reaction of this girl who looks like ACG, has a very different hair color, and has a weapon in her hand, They probably knew that this person was a samurai or something, and immediately expressed their intention to come.

"Huh?" She happened to be hungry when she delivered the food.Do you want to send a pillow now that you are sleepy?

She looked up, and there was indeed a car behind them. There were many people in the front of the car, and everyone happily left with what they wanted to eat.

"Oden" is a famous snack in Japan, will the sponsor send someone to eat it?She had some doubts, but the hunger in her stomach and the people in front of the car made her choose to put down her guard after hesitating for a while.

"Huh, are you hungry?" Seeing that she had put down her weapon, the two of them were also relieved. Really, it's really dangerous to be a guest.

But they are also very happy to see everyone eating happily.

"Well... I'll go to line up." Her face was a little rosy, but since Asuna had chosen to admit it, she wouldn't refuse.

"Wait, I'll bring it to you. What do you like?" Hearing that she was hungry, one of the girls got up and walked towards the car, halfway back and asked her.

"As you wish, and... can you bring me something to drink?" She was not only hungry but also thirsty, and needed to be replenished.

Such an excessive request should not have been agreed, but probably because of her too beautiful appearance, the two girls had a crush on her, so they did not refuse.

When the girl who took the food came back, countless fireworks suddenly burst into the sky, which was the scene that appeared after the climax of the concert.

And against the background of this scene, the lonely girl felt the warmth for the first time in this strange world...

Author's message:

PS: Write a few chapters from the perspective of Asuna about her experience in the Chu Lian world, eh

Chapter 74: What was the original me like? 【Asuna Part 2】

"I'll help you, don't worry." In Yuuki Chuxian's home, the girl looked at the nervous girl with long chestnut hair and gently handed her a set of clothes, without feeling afraid at all because she was a stranger.

"Thank you." The surname is Yuki, and it is really surprising that she would help herself so much.

In other words, her coming to this world and meeting this girl with the same surname can be regarded as an arrangement of fate.

Although there is no special connection between them, after they met, a strange feeling made them choose to trust each other.

Is this probably fate?She didn't know, but she knew very well that perhaps such a person was the one she should care about.

"This world is not simple. When you come here, you should have been specially summoned by some people, or you have some mission to come here, otherwise it would be impossible for you to come here."

The fact that she is from a different world seemed to her to be something that had nothing to hide, she didn't need to say anything, she took the initiative to make it clear.

Ordinary people should be very surprised and scared when encountering such a thing, but she is good, she just accepted it completely after being stunned for a while, and provided her with protection and love, so that she can have all kinds of things in this world. another home.

"Is this world...is it dangerous?" Asuna didn't know the situation, but she knew that it was best to ask about some things.

"Yes, powerful people can change the world at will, and even travel through the past and present without any problem. Even so, we don't feel any danger living here."

"Because their battles all took place in another world, in order not to affect or destroy the reality, a temporary different space will be opened before each fight, and there is no problem in fighting life and death there."

"Of course, in addition to this, we also need to be concerned about not getting involved in their battles at will, otherwise accidents will easily happen."

"The life of ordinary people is actually extremely safe, probably because we have people who pay for our safety."

Yuuki Hatsune is one of them, but because of her identity, she will basically not participate in any battles, and because of Asuna's identity, she can't speak too straightforwardly, so she chooses what she can say. , which made Asuna a little confused.

Fortunately, she is not a very curious person. After learning some secrets, she knows that some things can only be hidden as if nothing happened.

"Did you say that you crossed here in a dangerous death game? Can you tell me what that death game is?" Regardless of her being in front of her, the girl gently took off her coat , and then removed the underwear, revealing the immature and immature body, which was displayed in front of her eyes.

"Hmm..." Biting her lower lip, Asuna also took off her clothes and covered the important parts of her body with a bath towel.

She is about the same age as Yuuki Chuxian, but her body development is about to blow her away.

I don't know why Yuuki Hatsune is so far behind as the eldest lady.

Of course, the girl didn't mind this, she turned around, picked up the remote control on the bed, and pressed it against the bathroom door, the door opened automatically, revealing a spacious private bath.

The warm steam lingered there, as if telling the girl "Come on, enjoy me, it's very comfortable", making her pretty face show a mischievous smile: "I used to bathe alone, now We finally have a partner."

After all, she didn't care about her image, she bounced to the edge of the bath and jumped in.

As if the nightingale was tactful, after the girl soaked her body in it, she couldn't help but let out a very seductive whimper, "Hmm~"

This whimpering sound seemed to be calling Asuna to enjoy it too. The girl had already taken off her clothes, so naturally she would not hesitate any longer.

After she slowly stretched her feet into the bath to feel the temperature, she buried her whole body in it, and couldn't help but let out a more seductive panting.

After all, she is more mature than Yuuki Chuxian, and her delicate voice is more charming than that of a girl.

"Why... aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person?" Asuna soaked in the water, feeling the warmth she hadn't enjoyed for a long time, she relaxed, and then looked at Yuuki who closed her eyes and was defenseless Hatsune asked.

She doesn't know her identity very well, but from what she knows about Xin Mi and the palace-like house she lives in, she can get a glimpse of it. In Neon, she is definitely a person of very high status.

For such a person, the family behind her cannot be small, maybe even the four big families like the Japan where she is in control.

Such an identity, coupled with her status as His Majesty Hatsune and Princess, her personal safety and awareness should be very high, why would she be with her so easily, without worrying about her hurting her at all? the same?

After all, she is from another world. She looks like a neon person, but in the final analysis, she is a complete alien.

And in this Neon, where the popularity of Chinese culture is so high, it is impossible for someone like her not to know the idea that "other races must have different hearts".

Now that you know everything, why... do you do this.

"Then why do you believe me?" Yuuki Hatsune didn't answer, but asked a rhetorical question.

"Feel it, and I... I have nothing here, and it's not worth you to lie to me. You are different, your identity..." Before she could finish speaking, Yuuki Chuxian interrupted her .

"What's the difference between us? You're human, and I'm human. You're a girl, and I'm a girl. You're good-looking, and I'm good-looking too."

"We have so many similarities, even if we are different, it's just a difference in body shape. Is there any other way of saying that I am more noble, and you are more... low?"

Yuuki Hatsune's answer stunned Asuna, her mouth was wide open, she wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, after hesitating for a while, she said softly: "You still have family here, I have nothing here. If I am poor and white, if I attack you, the price I will pay will be completely different."

That's all she could say, and she blocked everything she said, and it really made people don't know what to say.

"You also have family members, such as me." Instead of answering her words, Yuuki Hatsune found a gap in another topic, and went straight in, directly causing a crack in Asuna's tightly closed spiritual defense.

"You are Yuuki Asuna, I am Yuuki Hatsune, everyone is named Yuki, a rare surname. And you are a Neon person from another world. You came to this world of Neon, and met me with the same surname again. , I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't a hidden connection."

Her words are a bit mysterious, and to put it bluntly, they are irrational words, but this kind of irrational words are really annoying, and there is no way to deny it.

Indeed, if such a coincidence is really irrelevant, it is really very difficult to explain.

In other words, the relationship between the two of them is that they exist in different worlds with the same surname, but their identities, fates, and names are different.

And it must be the arrangement of fate that two people who are so different and the same meet in a world.

"Let's not talk about this." Even though Yuuki Hatsune's words moved the line of defense in her heart, Asuna still insisted that there is no need to say too much about these things.

"Well, let's not talk about this, talk about something else." Nodding, Yuki Hatsune knew that the initial effect had been achieved, and all that was left was to slowly let her trust him, so that he could help her.

At this time, she had already more or less felt that the arrival of this girl was very closely related to that person.

She is still very clear about her identity, and she understands that as long as the vision of this world leans on her, it will be almost inseparable.

But if she wants to make her trust herself, and make her understand that she wants to help her, and that only that person can help her, she still needs a lot of preparation.

Fortunately, she can take her time, and I believe that with her sincerity, she will definitely be able to make her trust her.

"By the way, did you know that our world is actually very interesting." After the topic was over, the bathtub fell into a bewildered and awkward silence.

In order to change this silence and liven up the atmosphere, Yuki Hatsune found another topic.

She should have been a little silent, because from the bottom of her heart, she wanted to help this girl who made her fall in love with her at first sight, so as to change herself, and she really liked it from the bottom of her heart.

"This world? Tell me." Asuna's SQ is definitely not low among her peers, and she also knows that she wants to help herself.

The other party is so sincere, if she continues like this, it will be a bit bad.After all, it is not a good thing to freeze the atmosphere, both for her and for herself.

So after hearing her words, she also took up the topic.

The water in the pool will be automatically drained and filled with new ones. The water is rich in particles and energy, which has many benefits for the body.As a result, it doesn't matter how long they hang out here, and they won't stop talking once the topic starts.

"In our world, there have always been gods, immortals, ghosts and the like from ancient times to the present. It's just that in ancient times they appeared openly. In modern times, because of a war thousands of years ago, they all disappeared. Only at special times will appear."

"People in our family have been exposed to these things since we were young. It can be said that we know very well what is going on here..."

It took more than an hour to tell what she knew in this world little by little.And this is just telling some of the past, most of it is still not clear.

"I want to know why the neon lights in this world are like this." After taking a bath for a long time, they will always be sleepy. After the two girls came out of the bathroom, they cleaned up and put on their pajamas. They hugged their knees at both ends of the bed and faced each other.

Yuuki Hatsune was still talking about things in this world, but Asuna asked her why at this moment.

"If you ask that, probably in your world, neon is relatively independent. This is also normal, the development of the two worlds is different." This is not a sad topic, perhaps in Asuna's opinion It's not good, but...they've already seen it through.

"China has always been ahead of other countries in this world. It can be said that if it hadn't been for a great war that happened a thousand years ago, almost the whole world fought against China, and if both sides were hurt, it is impossible for China to only have this scale now."

"It was precisely because of that battle that China's practice community and other countries' practice boundaries made an agreement that they would no longer interfere in the lives of ordinary people and let them develop on their own. This has led to the current situation of bipolar and strong .”

"Although Huaxia was defeated by the coalition forces, it is still great and powerful. If it cannot attack the outside world, it will unite the surrounding forces and make the surrounding countries independent in name. In fact, it has long been like the Soviet Union. It has become a world with many countries centered on China."

"Neon is considered to be the oldest dependent country. It wanted to resist when the world war was fought, but Huaxia sent some troops to solve it. As a result, we have nothing to do."

"Decades later, when the Second World War broke out, Neon joined the camp against China, and was beaten again."

"After that time, Huaxia completely prevented the surrounding countries from having their own troops, and we lost our complete ability to resist."

"But it's not without benefits. Under the protection of China, we can all develop with peace of mind, without the pressure of survival or competition, and develop to the level of developed countries."

"On the other hand, Huaxia seems to have been infighting all the time, and has been in competition all the time."

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