"You are?" Confused by this sudden pounce, Chu Lian looked at the girl with brown hair in his arms, wanted to reach out to touch her, but was a little hesitant.

What was going on, she also felt that she had a familiar aura, and with her words, it was certain that the relationship between them must not be simple.


If it's not simple, why don't I remember who she is at all.Such an important person, shouldn't I try my best to remember her?

Just like the few people who often appear in my mind, even though they can't see their faces, they always feel that they are extremely important to me, and I will remember her.

But for her, there is really only a sense of familiarity, but no connection that can be said to be very important.

"I... I... I'm Asuna..." Hearing her words, Asuna looked up at her, with tears in her eyes, and said her name softly.

"Asuna...who is it?" I was a little sorry, but she really didn't know, and she wanted to know who she was.

"I am a person in this world, and I also fell into your world because of an accident. I finally met you and worked hard to gain your trust and let you save this world. A person who walks on your edge, hoping to get Your sure guy."

Yes, she has no special relationship with her. If there is, it is the tenants, people who met by chance, and those who were taught by Wan Hongling.

Apart from these, they have no time to spend alone, have not confessed their feelings to each other, and have not deliberately had any relationship.

Even though she already had in her heart the idea that she was willing to sacrifice everything for her own world, even if it was to become her "collection".

But after all, that kind of thought was never said in her heart, only she knew it, and Chu Lian didn't know anything about it, so she couldn't say anything.

She also didn't have the idea that she had to take advantage of her ignorance, make her feel important, and then help herself.

She couldn't do that kind of thing, and she also knew that the result of doing that would be of no use except to make her feel disgusted with her after waking up.

"Is that so? Can we go back to the city and talk about it?" What she said involved too much. Fortunately, before coming here, Chu Lian was worried that there would be some bloody or unsuitable scenes and turned off the live broadcast in advance, otherwise These words of hers spread out, judging by the various plots and nouns brought by Huaxia's web articles, time-travel dramas, and neon light novels, animations, comics and games, no one who comes to the fact that she is a time-traveler will not few.

She had this idea, but Tongzi next to her was stunned.She is not stupid. After hearing Asuna's words, she already knew that she might be involved in a "conspiracy" and secrets that were more terrifying and bottomless than this world.

This made her extremely worried, if she knew about it, would there be any accidents?She just wanted to clear the game and go home, she didn't want to do anything else.

"Tongzi, if you don't want to know, you don't have to go back together. Although you, as one of them, have the right to know, and this matter is very important to you. Only after you really know, you will There's a lot of trouble, and it's not a good thing to know until you can accept it."

When Chu Lian saw her appearance, how could he not understand what was going on?So she said it directly, let the girl understand something, and gave her enough opportunities to choose.

As for the other girls, after knowing their identities as the Destiny Children of various planes and being involved in the shady affairs, there is no need to hide anything, just make it clear.

"I...I want to know." Chu Lian was right, and she really wanted to back down.

But when she had this idea, she looked from Chu Lian to the other girls one by one, and finally returned to Chu Lian after the strange-looking Asuna, she nodded slowly and told the girl that she wanted to To know more.

Pursing her lips, Chu Lian also looked at the other girls, and when she saw that they were all waiting, she nodded, "Then let's go back."

"We all listen to you." As the backbone and the only person who can help them at present, Chu Lian's status determines how important her decision is to them.

Therefore, after hearing her words, they did not object and directly agreed.

"Return to the city." The return to the city is an ability that can only be used after leaving the battle within a certain range around the city. It allows the team to directly return to the resting place set up in the city.

This point does not get rid of the restrictions of traditional online games, but the setting itself is to help players do other things better and more efficiently. It is equivalent to modern airplanes, vehicles, and subways, but it is nothing.

"Phew, I'm back again." They basically didn't come back during the two days of training in the ruined forest.

When it is more dangerous at night, you will find a place to rest well, and then watch for enemies coming while resting, so as to exercise everyone's ability to respond to danger.

Such a thing is a kind of devastation to a group of girls who are themselves "big ladies" and "good students", and completely destroys their good rest habits.

Fortunately, this is a game, such a rest will not affect the reality too much, and it will not change the body.

And in order to become stronger, to be able to survive, and to be able to personally destroy the enemy, these trainings starting from small details must be done.

After two days of camping out in the wind and dining, returning to the city again, and returning to the warm big room, it is normal to feel a little bit emotional.

"Okay, let's drink some water first, and eat something." Asuna can follow her back very easily, just make her a team friend and enjoy the various conveniences of their team.

The first thing to do after returning is to drink water and eat to restore your fatigue—of course, it is also a preparation to prepare for what you hear later so that you will not scare yourself too much.

"It seems really important, even you are getting nervous." Tongzi sat on the sofa without moving, but Chu Lian brought two glasses of water, one for her and the other for Asuna, and she took it herself Wugeng Liuli started to drink the tea that Wugeng Liuli handed her.

It was a normal thing, but Tongzi said she was nervous, which made Chu Lian curious: "Why am I nervous."

"It feels...you shouldn't be so quiet, or rather, you shouldn't be so silent." Tongzi organized her words, and then said this sentence.

"Ah, did you feel all this? Indeed, I'm really a little nervous. Just like your nervousness, I feel worried, afraid and anxious about what I hear next."

"But it's normal. I'm just an ordinary person, not a god, and neither are you. It's normal to have such thoughts. So... well, drink some water, and then we will begin."

Tongzi joined in, because of her identity, some things are destined not to be concealed.They were still thinking about how to tell her, but now Asuna's arrival directly gave them a chance to speak.

"Then Kiriko, what you hear next may overturn everything you know. As for Asuna, I believe everything you say. If there's something wrong with what you hear me say, don't worry about it until I'm done." Finally, bring them up one by one, okay?"

Why did she trust a newcomer so much when she said what she said and never checked whether she was right or not?

It was probably because of how she felt for Chu Lian, and because she was able to call her name at a glance, and told the origin of her belonging to the time traveler.

If all of these can be disguised, her sense of familiarity that comes from the bottom of her heart and makes her soul feel intimate cannot be imitated.

With a girl with such a fluctuating soul, why not believe her in everything she says?

Because believing in her means believing in yourself.

"I'm waiting." "I understand." After each took a sip of water, Tongzi and Asuna answered differently, they were all answering the part that Chu Lian said to them.

"Well, Tongzi, what I want to tell you is that this is not a normal world. This is a world composed of multiple worlds. A fusion world of worlds."

"And you are the world protagonists with luck in your respective worlds. I am from another world. I was supposed to come here with great strength and strength to save you, but because of an accident, I only kept a weak The souls who come here are the so-called 'saviors'."

"The world is now..." Slowly tell them what Wugeng Liuli and the others said before, the girl has no idea whether she will be shocked by saying these words, she is just telling the truth , let them know their situation and accept the fact of their fate.

Opening her small mouth, she kept listening to Chu Lian talking about these things until she stopped, and the cup in Tongzi's hand fell to the ground unconsciously, broke into pieces, and disappeared as a piece of data.

"When..." The crisp sound of glass breaking woke everyone up, and they turned their gazes to Asuna to see what she had to add.

"I... seem to have come to another similar but different world? What will happen to my world..." Because of the excitement of seeing Chu Lian and the feeling of "saved", she is now shrouded in worry, and she fears The world I came to is not the same world.

"What's the matter? Can you tell me what's different?" Asuna's special performance made the girls a little worried. Does she know something?

Especially her sentence "I seem to have come to another similar but different world", directly made Chu Lian's heart rise, and I was really afraid that something unexpected would happen.

"This world is different from the world I know..." Asuna suppressed the fear in her heart, she knew that even if these things really happened, the only person who can change and solve them is the girl in front of her.

And the best way to make her realize this and change her is to tell her the difference between what she knows and what she tells.

"When I landed in Chu Lian's world, it's been a long time since the game started, and my level is much higher than now."

"At that time, I only felt that my world was different, and you seemed to know that my world was different, and told me a lot of problems in my world."

"You said that this is a world covered and swallowed by condemnation. And you are the only person who can solve the crime, and you are the only person who can bring our world back from the brink of destruction."

"By the way, the conviction is what you call the shady scene, and all of this is made by it."

"I know that the world has not changed much, and that's all I know."

"The biggest difference now is that when I came back, it wasn't at the time I left. I don't know what the reason is, does it mean that I fell into another timeline, even if I saved the world in this time , and there is no way to save another world?"

"I'm so worried... so scared..." After Asuna, who had suppressed a lot of emotions, couldn't help but have red eyes after saying this.Her strength and bravery are useless sometimes, she is really a woman made of water.

"In that case, then we'll save this world and then go save that world." After hesitating for a while, Chu Lian reached out and stroked her head, and Chu Lian said such a sentence.

"But if that's the case, won't it be too late?" She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looking at her with pear blossom's rainy little face, and asked weepingly.

"If time can be changed, it means that when we go to another timeline, it may not necessarily be the same as the time flow of this world."

Gently persuading her, Chu Lian knew that the best way to relax her was to change the subject, so she immediately asked about her own affairs.

"Can you tell me what I used to be like?"

Author's message:

PS: Don't you like this kind of plot? ? ==

Chapter 73: Similar Feelings, Strange World [Asuna Extra Story]

"Where is this place?" I was still in the game one second ago, why did I appear in this strange place the next second.

No, it can't be said to be unfamiliar, there are cars all around, and the buildings are also Japanese-style buildings that I am familiar with, and it seems that I have been to similar places before, so I already know that this is a neon place.

But a faint strange feeling told her that this was not the Japan she was familiar with. After all, judging from the surrounding style, it was more prosperous and peaceful than the neon she knew.

Yes, peace.This neon is not as boring as the neon she is in, as if everyone is a machine, a machine that makes this giant called "Japan" run.

Everyone has a polite smile on their faces, everyone is rushing to do their own things, and everyone keeps a seemingly close but far distance from unfamiliar people.

The Japan she knows should be one where everyone is busy, and no one wants to be eliminated by that busy society.

Although she knew that it was a scene she could only see in Tokyo, but now she is also in Tokyo, it's completely different...

"According to Huaxia's opinion, Neon will implement new regulations from now on. This regulation is to restrict the use of power by some people. In the future, we will obey Huaxia's orders even more..."

The news broadcast on the huge TV screen on the tall building was something she had no way to imagine before, as if this place had become a subsidiary country called Huaxia.

Even in her world, Japan is not relatively independent, it is under the military control of the United States, but at least it does not use the word "obedience" to describe the relationship between Japan and the United States.

And here, it all makes sense.The chattering and laughing people around saw the news, but after showing a little surprise, they didn't say anything more.

They are used to it, as if this society was established from the very beginning because of Huaxia.

If this is an independent Japan, it is better to say that it is a province outside of China.It is an independent country in name, but it is actually managed by China everywhere.

"It's not the same, where am I?" The girl walked on the street blankly, and the girl was a little unclear about what went wrong.

She is currently wearing the peculiar uniform in SAO, which should have attracted her attention, not to mention that she is such a beautiful girl with long chestnut-colored hair, walking on the street, not to mention being surrounded by people , There are quite a few idiots.


Not here at all.

The people around passed by her, apart from being surprised by her beauty, they left without even stopping.

She could vaguely hear a few names, "Chu Lian", "Yuki Chuxian", "His Royal Highness Chu Lian", "His Royal Highness Princess" and so on.

They seem to use this to describe themselves, or... what are they talking about?

Asuna, who didn't know where she was or what was going on here, hesitated and wandered in the street. The weapon she was holding was obviously so sharp, but no police came to trouble her.

Walking to a corner, she quietly watched the flow of people in the city.

There were a lot of people, but they were not busy as if they were on vacation, but they were talking and laughing. She could clearly see the date "Tuesday" and "2:17" on the huge screen.

The time of [-]:[-] on Tuesday afternoon is work time, why are they so... leisurely?

There are suspended cars appearing around, but the time marked here is 2015, not 2035, why... so?

In addition to this, she also found an extremely interesting thing, that is, the proportion of Chinese characters on the street is very high. Japan only exists as a label for certain places.

When the people around passed by, in addition to communicating in Japanese, they would also speak in standard Chinese to her ears.

Is this Japan... or a street in China?

"Hurry up, His Majesty Chuxian's concert is about to start, from three o'clock to seven o'clock, it's really exciting."

"Hee hee, this is the only thing we can be proud of. The music in Huaxia has fallen into silence, and our place is more prosperous."

"Speaking of Huaxia, apart from music, there is nothing we can praise. Hey, basically every Japanese girl wants to be proud of marrying a Chinese. Those of us who are called Heisei abandoned houses, But it’s hard to get their favor.”

"After all, we are too comfortable here. With Huaxia's support, we don't even need to worry about the military. We just need to enjoy life. But Huaxia is different. In order to maintain vitality, we have been cultivating their competitiveness. We Nothing compares to them."

"Yes, look at those overseas students who came back from Huaxia, all of them seem to have received strength potions, full of wolfishness, and want to gain their own status in this society."

"No way, can't we enjoy it? If you really want to make a career, you have already gone to Huaxia to work hard. Why would you stay here?"

"Shh, don't say that, our current prosperity can only be stabilized by relying on Huaxia, and they naturally won't let us develop. But it doesn't matter, there is nothing wrong with enjoying life, and... at worst, I just wear women's clothes."

"Pfft, haha, you guy, you don't have a girlfriend, you don't know how to dress up yourself, you really learned a lot from Huaxia's dead house."

"No way, the competitiveness of their dead houses is also stronger than ours, and dead houses are not just done at will. They are really trash like us."

"Don't talk about such sad things. Since you are wearing women's clothes, why don't we change them now, and I also wear women's clothes. It's better than two men to go to the concert like a girl, and it won't be embarrassing, right Is it?"

"That's right. I heard that His Majesty Chuxian has a special liking for girls. Maybe we can win her favor."

"Hey, you really have a lot of fantasies... Uh, have you noticed that she has been looking at us?"

"I see, she probably heard what she said just now. She's a little embarrassed, so let's go first."

Probably because Asuna didn't move and was very quiet, two handsome teenagers walked over, leaning on the guardrail and eating ice cream, while talking with smiles, not paying attention at all that they couldn't say the same thing, saying something Speak up.

Their conversation didn't attract Asuna's attention at the beginning. It wasn't until they talked about the concert that Asuna focused on them and listened to their chat silently.

She didn't bring her attention back until finally her gaze was fixed on them for so long that they felt uncomfortable and moved away.

"Is this the Japan of this world..." She was sure that she came to another Japan. This Japan seemed to be more prosperous than the one she had before. It was not very competitive, and everyone was very comfortable.

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