Sword Dance of Letania:

Chapter 13 Cut Back Row

"They are breaking out, and the guards can't stop them."

"It's just a group of infected people who are stubbornly resisting. If they escape, chasing and killing them can provide us with a lot of fun. After all, no one knows how to deal with infected people better than us."

The two Letanian warlocks were whispering, their figures were well hidden in the fog, even though they were not far away from the battlefield, neither Mudstone nor the Sarkaz under her command could detect them s position.

"It just so happens that these ignorant Sarkaz people have also provided us with rare experimental materials. You must know that Jazz will not provide us with so many infected people for experiments at once."

Their voices caught someone's attention.

"Sir? I can't remember it all at once. What is the name of the master we serve."

"Ha, you even forgot the name of Sir Feuerbach, how long has it been since you left the laboratory in the tower?"

The warlocks in Letania laughed softly. They looked back to see which careless colleague had forgotten the name of the patron, but when they turned around, they saw a face they didn't recognize, and a pair of Very eye-catching horns.

Sarkaz! ?

When is...


Lin En smiled at the stunned two, and swung the big sword in his hand straight down: "I hope you can have a good position in hell."

The dense fog not only concealed the figures of these warlocks, but also provided Lynn with an excellent cover.

In the eyes of Lynn, who can feel the general flow of the origin stone energy in the air, those warlocks who claim to be powerful are like huge light bulbs, which cannot be more conspicuous.

When the companion's head rolled down, those Letania warlocks who were concentrating on casting their spells realized that someone had touched them unknowingly. The spells they had prepared were interrupted immediately, and a few warlocks who reacted quickly released them with a wave of their hands. Out of the hurricane cut Lynn's body.

"Weak and weak! With this level of magic, even the hem of my clothes can't be blown!"

Lin En sneered and pinched off the incoming wind blade. His origin stone skills covered his body surface, and the spell disappeared without a trace the moment it touched his body, turning into nothing.

Unlike his usual calmness, after seeing the mess on the battlefield, he was brewing with anger and vowed to make these Letanians pay the price.

Sir Feuerbach... is also a very familiar name. He seems to be a powerful nobleman in the northern part of Letania. Of course, his great power is not due to his own strength, but those noble families of noble blood. Most of them are high above and don't care about world affairs, and the twin empresses need a faithful dog to guard those mobile towns with a high degree of autonomy for them.

It was under such a premise that Sir Feuerbach obtained a territory and rights that were not commensurate with his title and strength.

But, to be honest, he is just a dog of the Twin Queens. These things can be given, and naturally they can be taken back. If there is a problem with the governing territory, the Twin Queens will not tolerate him continuing to be domineering.

——These are what he read from the materials Kelsey gave him before he set off.

It turns out that Wollenmud's route has deviated into the territory of Sir Feuerbach... No wonder the delay in receiving assistance.

The rock colossus in the distance collapsed, and the sound of the colossus collapsing turned into a clarion call for Lynn to attack. He charged forward with a sharp sword in his hand. The warlocks of Letania never expected that there would be a ruthless man who could ignore their spells , when the proud Originium skills are completely invalidated, they are as fragile as a group of sick ordinary people.

It might be easier for Lynn to kill them than to deal with those guards.

Vigorous fire, burning the body.

The icy sword edge tears flesh and blood.

The dense fog dispersed amidst howls, and the Warlocks of Letania only held on to Lynn for less than a minute before attempting to flee, but it was only at this moment that they realized that there were beeping sounds around them at some point. An ominous ticking sound.

A slender figure appeared beside Lynn. W played with the remote control that detonated the origin stone bomb, and smiled and greeted the panicked warlocks.

"I'll give you a chance to surrender, I'll count to three..."

Seeing the lights of hope lit up in the eyes of many warlocks, W smiled happily.


At the same time, she pressed the button on the remote control in her hand.

"Idiot, when will Sarkaz take prisoners?"

Her voice was drowned out by the violent explosion, and the flames of the explosion spread in all directions, engulfing the desperate Letanian warlocks.In all directions, only Lin En raised his hand to release the Originium skill, propping up an invisible wall to block the flames.

In the flames, W clung to Lynn's side without any scruples. She quietly blew into Lynn's ear and whispered softly: "Am I meddling in my own business? I didn't give you a chance to kill them. "

"Two NO.30 people fled in all directions, and the surrounding guards interfered. I may not be able to kill them all."

"Is that what I did well?"

"It would have been better if you hadn't put me in range of the blast."

W giggled, paying no heed to Lynn's last complaint.

Since Lynn is not afraid of explosions, and Lynn can get out of no matter how violent the explosion is, what better bait than Lynn is there?

W has always been like this, in order to win, he will do whatever it takes.

And this huge explosion was naturally noticed by others.Neither the guards of Letania nor the infected people who were wrong with Mudrock had ever seen an explosion of this scale, and at the moment when they were in a daze, Mudrock supported her body to control the earth and rocks and once again condensed a huge rock colossus. The dull voice seemed to be getting hoarse.

"The spell has stopped... Hurry up, go now!"

The giant statues moved their steps, showing their size advantages to the fullest. With just simple punches and tramples, the Letanian guards on the ground staggered to and fro, unable to resist at all.

Without the restraint of those tricky spells, it is difficult for any enemy on the frontal battlefield to stop the Colossus' footsteps.

Among the guards, there were also many Laitanians who could use Originium skills, but the spells they were proud of collided with the colossus, and disappeared without a trace like foam hitting steel, and could not cause any damage at all. harm.

The dense fog has dispersed unknowingly, and the infected have blazed a trail after paying a sacrifice and a price.

"Where are the warlocks? What about the spells of those warlocks? If this continues..."

The guard captain's words came to an abrupt end.

He looked at the place where the warlocks were originally, in the potholed ground, countless charred corpses were eye-catching.

Knowing the value of these warlocks, and knowing how much the Jazz valued these warlocks, he knelt down, knowing that he had no future, even if he wiped out those infected people, the furious Sir Feuerbach would have their heads moved.

"It's over... it's over..."

Image: "At first glance", location: "Images/1629752258-100259672-107594629.jpg"

PS: The first update, hey (`?ω??)

The protagonist wants to make big news before leaving.

After all, villains take revenge from morning to night~

Sword Dance of Letania:

Chapter 14 After taking off the helmet, Mudstone actually...

After leading the team to finally break through the siege, Mu Yan looked back to the direction he came from.

"I don't know who it is, the warlock who helped us clean up the opponent."

She knelt down suddenly, and the Sarkaz mercenaries around hurried forward. The heavy armor made them take a lot of effort to help her up. After a bloody battle, she could hardly even stand still. .

After all, during the battle just now, she took the lead in rushing to the front of the team, tearing apart the enemy's front line with a steel hammer in her hand, and at the same time overused her Originium skills, almost overdrawn.

"Leave me alone... You go first, the guards will catch up soon, I can stay here for a while, and I can help you resist for a while."

"No, your body can't hold it anymore. Using so many Originium skills in one breath, even if you are an iron man, you can't stand it."

The talking Sarkaz mercenary glanced at the rear of the team. From a distance, he could see the flames flickering in the forest, and faintly heard some noisy human voices.

In order to break through the siege, many powerful Sarkaz mercenaries were lost, and the infected team suffered heavy losses in this sudden encounter, leaving only a few hundred infected and about twenty mercenaries. No matter how you think about it, it is difficult for the team to escape from Leitania under the siege and interception of the enemy.

"I'll take a team to the back, leave us alone, run, no matter if it's Victoria or Kazdale, wherever there is a way to survive, just try your luck... Your luck has always been better, you can, you can lead them to live go down."


"The Sarkaz people can always find a way to survive. If you are lucky, maybe we will meet again. Boss, you have to take off your helmet that never leaves you. Stop being mysterious. Let's drink together Have a drink to celebrate."

The Sarkaz mercenary used laughter to dilute the sadness of parting. With a wave of his hand, several injured Sarkaz mercenaries followed him and left consciously.

"...Let's go, we can't let their sacrifice go in vain."

Mudstone supported her body with a heavy hammer, and the demoralized infected followed her, advancing under the protection of the rock colossus.

At sunset, they arrived at a spare camp. It was the camp they set up when they first entered Letania. At that time, there were not so many people in the team, only dozens of Saka who left the integration movement for their ideals. The mercenaries, they talked loudly, talking about the future in the comfortable evening wind of Letania, while Mudstone sat among them with a heavy hammer, smiling and listening.

Only a few months later, they came here again. Although there were many people in the team, many of their companions were buried in the mountains and forests of Letania.

Looking at the empty camp in front of her, Niyan suddenly burst into tears, and the faces of many former companions appeared before her eyes.

She thought she could lead her compatriots to find a shelter, but how could the seemingly peaceful and prosperous Letania accommodate a group of infected people and a group of Sarkaz?

The tall figure crashed down, and the rock colossus that had been guarding the team also crashed.

Physical and mental exhaustion crushed this experienced Sarkaz mercenary leader. Due to the long-term overdrawing and forced use of Originium skills, her ore disease is getting worse, and the accompanying complications are making her The high fever continued.

There are no doctors in the team of the infected, and they are helpless to deal with the symptoms of the mudstone. They can't even take off the helmet of the mudstone, so how can they help her?In the end, three or five people had no choice but to move the mud rock into the camp to rest, hoping that she could rely on herself to overcome this hurdle.

"What should I do? How about I go to Warrenmud to find the Rhode Island doctor? She is a kind person and will help us treat the mudstone."

"... Leaving aside the distance, we are already wanted criminals shouted and beaten by everyone in Leitania. Could it be that we are going to drag that kind doctor along with us?"

At the gate of the camp, two sad-faced Sarkaz mercenaries were talking, because they didn't know if Leitania's guards were coming, so they didn't even dare to light the prepared fire.

"We left in a hurry without even bringing any supplies. With so many wounded, it seems difficult to survive tonight."

"I hope the hunter team can find some prey in the forest. There is a clean stream nearby. If you can cook a bowl of hot broth, both the mudstone boss and the injured infected will feel much better."

"But even if the soup is boiled, how can we feed Boss Mudrock? The boss's armor is probably strengthened with Originium techniques. We have tried it before, but we can't untie it at all. Even feeding water will be difficult if this continues."

The two fell into silence again.

"...Wait, did you hear anything?"

The two suddenly stood up vigilantly, one of them lifted the big sword, while the other hugged the crossbow.

"It seems to be the sound of an engine. There is only one car. It doesn't seem like a pursuer. Maybe it's a passing traveler?"

"It's hard to say, try not to let people know our hiding place, and detain the car, maybe there are some supplies in the car."

Under the vigilant eyes of the two, a black off-road vehicle was parked not far from the camp. The Sarkaz crossbowman raised his crossbow and aimed at the vehicle's tires. As long as the other party showed signs of fleeing, he would Will pull the trigger.

The door opened.

Surprisingly, the people who got out of the car turned out to be Sarkaz people. There were two people who didn't know each other, and a few people who were very familiar with them—they were the Sarkaz people who took the initiative to stay behind.

"Cook, you survived? That's great, everyone thought you were in danger."

"Don't mention it, I thought we were going to die, but no, suddenly two compatriots rushed out and rescued us."

The great swordsman of Sarkaz breathed a sigh of relief, he put down the sword in his hand, and looked at the other two Sakaz who did not know each other.

Wait, why does that woman have eyes...


He almost jumped up in surprise. Thinking of the earth-shattering explosion before, he realized who was helping them secretly.

Lynn patted him on the shoulder and pointed to the off-road vehicle behind him.The great swordsman of Sarkaz could vaguely see some well-packed ones inside... Are these compressed biscuits?

"I'm Lynn, an old acquaintance of Mud Rock. What about others? I haven't seen him for a long time. I brought what he needs."

"Old acquaintance of the boss... Oh, Lynn, I remember, the boss has indeed talked about you before."

Sarkaz's great swordsman had a weird expression on his face: "But he's in a bad state right now, oh, forget it, you'll know when you come over and take a look."

He brought Lynn and W to Muyan's hut. After entering the door, they saw Muyan in heavy armor lying on the bed, motionless.

Lynn immediately understood what was going on.

"Oh, the overdrawing of Originium skills has caused the rapid aggravation of ore disease...Fortunately, I brought an inhibitor of ore disease, a product produced in Rhodes Island, which should be useful."

"But none of us can take off the helmet without hurting the mudstone. His helmet has been strengthened with Originium technology, so it can't be opened at all."

"Origin stone skills, this one is simple."

It was a passive spell resident in the mudstone, which not only strengthened the armor on the body, but also supported a strong energy shield. This ability was not extinguished even during the onset of the ore disease, but became stronger.

However, in front of Lynn, such protection was almost the same as being naked. He just waved his hand lightly and broke the black shield on Mudstone's body.

He took off Mudrock's helmet.

Lynn was stunned.

Image: "Fish: Are you polite?", Location: "Images/1629756274-100259672-107594821.jpg"

PS: Second more!

There should be a third update in the evening. To be honest, I don’t know how late it will be. You can watch it together tomorrow morning without waiting.

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