After saying goodbye to Carnelian, Lynn and W walked together on the streets of Wollenmud for a while. Lynn wanted to buy some supplies, while W wondered if he could find some meaningful souvenirs... Of course, Both of them had lost their calculations. Warrenmurd is now implementing a rationing system in an extraordinary period. The streets are empty and the shops are almost closed.

These two undisguised Sarkaz people immediately attracted the attention of the surroundings. Although the commoners of Letania did not reject aliens as strongly as those nobles, Sarkaz did not have a good reputation no matter where they were in the mainland. .

The pointing and pointing around made W very upset, and the good mood of seeing off Carnelian was also shattered. She resisted the urge to blow up everything around her with a bomb, and pulled Lynn Speed ​​away.

Lynn, on the other hand, didn't feel much about pointing and pointing.

This man has a thick skin.

The two quickly returned to the hotel room arranged by the sheriff for the two of them. After returning to the room, they locked the door and stuck a piece of soft glue-like explosive on the door lock. A small explosion cannot blow the door lock. , but it can break the delicate lock and make the door instantly stuck.

She licked her lips and threw Lin En onto the bed: "The woman who got in the way has been dangling around for the past few days, today is finally..."

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Mr. Lynn, and Miss W, the sheriff said that he found the clues you need. Are you free to go to the meeting hall now?"

The smile on W's face stopped.

She lowered her head in silence for a while, when she raised her head again, she raised the remote control in her hand blankly and pressed it.

She had that nasty smile again.

"Let's continue as if the hotel door lock is broken."

Picture: "This main gun is laughing to death", location: "Images/1629651131-100259672-107588759.jpg"

PS: good morning~

Is there any cutie who is reading a book that can let me rua my tail?

Sword Dance of Letania:

Chapter 11 W still doesn't understand the seriousness of the matter

The two of them didn't dawdling for long in the end, and quickly finished the matter and opened the door.

What caught the eyes of the two was a young Caprini girl, her cheeks were flushed, obviously aware of what the two had done in the house before.

After all, W didn't restrain his voice at all.

At this very moment, W was looking at the shy appearance of the innocent girl in front of him with a happy face, venting the depression in his heart for a long time.

"Let's go, lead the way, didn't you say that the poor sheriff found some clues?"

She laughed wantonly, her eyes narrowed.

"That's right, let's solve the matter quickly, and we can leave this country that doesn't welcome us earlier."


Surprisingly, when the two came to the city hall, they were not greeted by the sheriff Severin who was always smoking a cigarette, but a female doctor in the uniform of a Rhode Island medical operator.

"If what you are looking for is a mercenary team composed of Sarkaz, then I should have the information you need here."

She spread her hands to the two: "Let me introduce myself, I am Rhode Island operator Anto, and I am working on the treatment of infected people in Warrenmurd."

Lin En shook hands with her lightly, and the Rhode Island operators who appeared one after another made Lin En a little numb to this, how could he bump into Rhode Island people wherever he went?Rhodes Island has been quiet in the past few years, how many operators have been placed in Leitania, and how many medical stations have been established?

This question may have to be asked to a certain omniscient lynx...

"Come back to business, among my patients are some infected people from outside Lytania. These infected people seem to be homeless people who have been expelled from various mobile towns. According to them, a group of outsiders kindly took them in and brought them Let them cross the dangerous snow-capped mountains and dense forests, so that they will not be homeless."

Dr. Anto tapped the table lightly with his fingers: "However, it is said that they are now in a difficult supply situation. The snow in Letania will fall in late January. If you can't find enough food before the snow falls, the cold The winter of the day will eat up the lives of these poor souls - and that is why they have come to Wollumund, looking for a way to get their food."

"If you want to find them, you might as well go east, and you can find them across a few hills—probably."


After getting the suspected trace of the mudstone team from Dr. An Tuo, Lynn and W simply packed up and left Warrenmud overnight.

The city was no longer worth staying in for them. Before leaving, Lynn asked Severin for a batch of food-if there was no guarantee from Carnelian, the sheriff would never He was so generous when he was also short of food, but since he could get assistance from Earl Hohenlohe immediately, it didn't matter much to give away a batch of food.

After all, Lynn seems to have a good relationship with Carnelian and Rhodes Island, and it's always a good thing to make friends.

"This guy, Muyan, is really good at hiding. Even though he is wearing such thick clothes, he can hide in such a remote place with a team."

"No matter how much you hide, won't you be found? This kind of temporary team is too risky. If it is not us who come to him, but those bounty hunters who covet the bounty on his head, then it will be over. "

W makes a "Boom" gesture quite exaggeratedly.

"Muyan is very powerful. If you underestimate him, the identities of hunter and prey will change instantly."

Lynn remembered the days when he fought side by side with the opponent on the battlefield. At that time, he was still a rookie mercenary, and he only knew how to use swordsmanship. Without the help of mudstone, he would have died in a certain place in Kazdale. in the corner.

And Mudstone's Originium technique—the towering giant made of mud and rocks naturally left a deep impression on Lin En.

He was so envious of Muyan's ability at that time, even in his dreams, he would think, if he had such a powerful ability, would those children not have to die back then?

How can those raging gorefiends and the legacy of war hurt others in the face of giants?

Finally, after climbing four hills in a row, Lynn and W found a large camp before sunset.

The fire flickered in the cold wind, and the black smoke rose from the fire. The fire in the camp burned itself as hard as possible, contributing a share of heat to the surroundings.

However, the people who were supposed to gather around it for warmth have disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"Wow, what a mess."

W clicked his tongue. Although the camp in front of him can still maintain a complete appearance in general, but if you look closely, you can find that the camp is full of traces of fighting.

"Someone stormed the camp and drove the original owner out. There are traces of spells everywhere, and I think it's very likely that the warlocks of Letania did it—also, the mudstone spells are too cumbersome , if the enemy is hidden in the fog, the giant's great destructive power is useless."

Lynn carefully observed the footprints on the ground and could tell the direction in which those attacked retreated.

"The fire has not been extinguished, and the traces on the ground are also very new. The battle should have happened not long ago. Speed ​​up, we can catch up and support."

"Actually, I'm more inclined to observe the situation carefully before acting...Okay, okay, this time you are the leader, you have the final say."

W waved her hands, and seeing the anxious look on Lynn's face, she felt a little bit jealous of the mud rock.

But this jealousy only lasted for a short moment. What is there for a man to be jealous? W's mood came and went quickly, she counted her Originium grenades, the number was not too many, but it should be enough for an encounter.

To be honest, with Lynn around, no matter how many warlocks there are, there is no threat. The origin stone skill that can be called a warlock killer can completely defeat the group of enemies who are useless except spells.

They hurried forward, and soon heard scattered curses and wailing sounds from a distance, as well as the flames of explosions and the loud sound of heavy objects hammering the ground.

Lynn was keenly aware of the trajectory of the origin stone energy flowing on the battlefield, he immediately had an idea, and made a booing motion to W.

And W also understood at once that Lynn was going to do something bad.

Those warlocks are hiding in their seamless Originium skills. When they find out that a mad dog sword master has touched their ass at some point... what kind of expression will they make?

W is quite looking forward to it, looking forward to the appearance of them begging for mercy before falling apart.

Image: "Grass", Location: "Images/1629657376-100259672-107589138.jpg"

PS: The second update~

There should be one more tonight.

Sword Dance of Letania:

Chapter 12 The Dilemma of Mudstone

The warlocks of Letania hadn't paid any attention to the group of armed infected wandering around Warumd.

For the peaceful and prosperous Letania, there is no place for these infected people who sneaked in. With no worries about food and clothing, not many infected people are willing to risk their lives to join them, but few The harsh countryside and the harsh winter will make this group of infected people who can't even enter the city starve to death in the mountains and forests.

Or to be more sensible, if you withdraw from Letania before winter comes, no one will pay attention to these desperadoes who can’t survive—those leading infected people are the notorious Sarkaz mercenaries, even if they can be wiped out , but also to pay a lot of price, why bother?

But in the past few days, the situation has suddenly gone wrong. First, a series of mining disasters occurred in Sir Feuerbach's territory, the reason was only to excavate exquisite Originium items for Sir Feuerbach's enjoyment.

In order to avoid the queen's censure and to cover up the facts, the guards under Sir Feuerbach began to arrest ore patients who were digging in these mining areas and killed them.

He even dispatched out what he regarded as elite warlocks. These warlocks studied the vicious spells left by the Witch King and mastered powerful and terrifying spells.Such a warlock's status under the jazz is comparable to the elite forwards of the Ursus army, and each of them is qualified to lead an elite squad alone.

But it was such an elite, such a strong man, who searched for the infected in the dense forest of Letania, but died one after another, as if there was a ferocious giant beast in the forest that chose to eat people.

In just a few days, five or six Letanian warlocks fell into Lynn's hands. Sir Feuerbach's heart was bleeding. It takes a lot of resources to cultivate a powerful warlock. The price of these warlocks is even Beyond the industrial origin stone crystals that weigh the same as theirs, each of them is an elite recruited and cultivated by him after a lot of effort.

Who exactly did it?

He aimed his sights at the mudstone team living in the dense forest. These Sarkazs generally have such abilities, and they also gathered a large number of infected people who were hunted down due to mining accidents and escaped from the mobile town.

These ignorant Sarkaz must be removed.

Sir Feuerbach mobilized all the remaining forces in his hands, whether it was heavily armed guards or powerful warlocks, these armed forces were almost one of the foundations for him to gain a foothold in Letania, as a rare main fighter Pai nobleman, he has always been proud of the strong military power in his hands.

If these troops lose something, it is almost like losing one of his arms, and it will be difficult to recover in ten or eight years.

But correspondingly, if you can take advantage of this opportunity to show your muscles, then other nobles around who are a bit cautious will also weigh it.

The raid started very smoothly. Guards several times larger than the infected surrounded the camp. Dozens of warlocks jointly chanted a powerful spell. The scale of the spell was almost a small natural disaster—and before the spell fell, , A towering colossus rose from the ground, its body made of clay resisted the spell.

Then the battle began.

In Letania, Originium skills are one of the contents of compulsory education. Thanks to this, the infected people in Letania are much stronger than the infected people in Ursus, each of them can learn Originium skills, and Because of the ore disease, the power of the Originium skill is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Thanks to this, the battle did not turn into a one-sided situation. The battle-tested Sarkaz mercenaries organized the infected to gather into one fist and break out under the guard of the three giant statues.

"Fertile soil and rock, stand up—"

Mudstone manipulates earth and stone to build rock giants that can open up the battlefield.

She felt that something was wrong. It wasn't that she had never dealt with Letania's warlock group. In fact, she had been leading the Sarkaz mercenaries to fight against the gendarmerie, armed police, and even the warlock group.

But never once, never encountered such a wicked spell.

The thick fog obscured their vision, and even her "friends", the earth elves, couldn't see through the enemies behind the thick fog.

Countless enemies are coming from all directions, accompanied by flames and hailstones - those powerful spells can always find the position of the team, and every time a spell falls, there will always be people who have no time to dodge being severely injured and killed by the spell .

The battle lasted for half an hour, and normal warlocks used up the last bit of power to release spells with this frequency, but now the cloud hanging over the team has not dissipated, and the spells fell one after another, making people It is hard to guard against.

The three colossi collapsed quickly, and she gritted her teeth and erected three more. On such a battlefield, once the help of the rock colossus was lost, the infected who had nowhere to escape would quickly fall into defeat.Even if forcibly using Originium skills continuously would shorten her lifespan, she would not hesitate.

...But now it's like this, isn't it a defeat?

The fourth rock colossus also collapsed suddenly. The attack of the guards was nothing to mention. Swords, spears, swords and halberds could not hurt the colossus, which was originally made of rocks. Blast it to pieces.

What should I do?

Perhaps it would be a good choice to share one's life with the creation and use ancient witchcraft to build a colossus tens of meters high.

Even if I will because of this...

At least it can ensure that others can leave safely.

"Fertile soil..."

There was a dull voice under her mask, but the chant stopped only halfway through, and the Sarkaz warriors beside her noticed her actions and immediately reached out to stop her.

"Mudrock, you are our leader."

"You are far from the time when you should return to fertile soil."

The Sarkaz mercenary bared his teeth, and the rioting origin stone crystals in his body almost penetrated his skin. For the infected, the evil spells of those warlocks would mobilize the origin stone crystals in their bodies, turning their The condition intensified rapidly.

"Ha... I didn't expect infected people to be 'used' like this..."

"I will take a few people to open the way for everyone, Mudrock, and take the rest to live... Leave Leitania, go anywhere, at least live."

The origin stone crystal pierced the skin on his arm, and a blood-stained origin stone flower bloomed.

"and many more……!"

The Sarkaz roared and launched a violent charge. A Sarkaz grievance caused a violent explosion almost as soon as he entered the crowd. The pitch-black spell caused a large number of deaths and injuries within tens of meters. Blood splashed everywhere, and a broken horn fell on the mudstone helmet from a long distance away, making a dull sound.

In this way, he actually helped the almost dead end team open a breakthrough in the defense line built by the guards.

"heavy smoker……"

Muyan gritted her teeth, she waved her hand, and the colossus rushed away.


Picture: "very real 2333", location: "Images/1629740768-100259672-107594249.jpg"

PS: the third

Still owe 54 more

This one is a bit late, I originally wanted to type earlier, but was stumbled by some things...

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