"I think it's not just because of our shortage of manpower, but more because we don't have enough equipment that can detect, treat and test Originium Disease."

"What I think is that in order to solve the origin stone disease, it is necessary to research the corresponding equipment."

"Only with good enough medical equipment can we find a corresponding method."

"Although the medical equipment currently on the market is enough to support our research."

"But they don't have real instruments for Originium disease."

"Maybe we can work on that a little bit."

After Kelsey and Skadi found a common language, they became happier and more serious.

During this period of time, she thought a lot about why the research progress was so slow, and finally found the reason.

"This is just one of the reasons. We need to find more like-minded doctors."

"Although I don't want to say it, among the doctors in the Tower of Babel, only the two of us are truly capable of doing these things."

"But I can't be immersed in research all the time. What I have to do is more important than this."

"In this way, little Kelsey, you bear all the pressure of research."

"Even in my heart, you are a doctor as powerful as a god."

"Under such circumstances, it is impossible to go on alone, and it is impossible to do research alone."

"So finding more doctors and letting them do research with us is the best way."

Scarti has been thinking about this for several hours, so she also found another possibility.

"...That's right, there are still too few people in the entire medical department who can really do research on this."

Although I don't want to admit it, the reason why Babel's medical treatment is famous is entirely supported by her and Skadi.

Except for the two of them, the best doctors are placed outside, and they may be at the level of an ordinary doctor of Rhine Life.

After all, Skadi has only been here for a year, although she has always found time to teach other doctors.

But she can only teach theoretical knowledge, and her own experience cannot be passed on.

In addition, the profession of a doctor requires a long time to learn and accumulate, a lot of research, and a good enough talent.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful her teacher is, it would be impossible to elevate an ordinary-level medical department to the top level of Terra in just one year.

It was she and Kelsey who really stood at the apex, and it was also because of her and Kelsey that the medical department of the Tower of Babel was so targeted by Columbia.

I didn't realize this deeply before, but now that I've sorted out the situation in the Tower of Babel, Skadi already knows what to do is the best.

Her words also awakened Kelsey and made her react.

"Yes, we can't just rely on the two of us."

"The medical department needs more people."

"But the people you know are either still living in Rhine, or they haven't grown up yet."

"It will be a bit difficult to get them to come to the medical department."

I think I thought of it, but Kelsey knows that the powerful medical operators in Rhodes Island in the future are not there yet.

"There are... there are three you can find."

"And all three are Sarkaz, I can find them."

If everything is done step by step, it will be too long ago.

Judging from the current situation, waiting for so long will undoubtedly slow down one's progress.

In this case, then take the initiative to make a good foundation first, and then consider other things.

"you mean?"

Kelsey opened her eyes wide, and she searched her memory for information about the future Rhodes Island that Skadi gave them.

She already knew who the three people Skadi mentioned were probably.


Three beautiful figures flashed in Skadi's mind. They were three people with outstanding medical abilities.

If they can be found, it will be a shot in the arm for the current Babel medical department, so that only she and Kelsey can support the medical department, and the foundation becomes solid.

"The Shining."


"and also……"


These three were the people she was going to find next.

They are all Sarkaz people, and it is not clear where they are now.

But to find them, Kazdel is the best place to start.

Hope you can find them...

In Skadi's heart, he was looking forward to it.

PS: This chapter is 5100 words, updated 12200/20000.

PS2: I woke up automatically after sleeping for five hours, continue to update, and sleep for a while at noon.

Chapter 266 Chapter 30: When the person you like is the same, the Shura field between best friends

After that, Skadi and Kelsey chatted for another half an hour about each other's views on Originium Disease and how to treat it.

When Kazdale's time passed 12:30, she urged Kelsey to go to rest quickly.

"Let's talk about something tomorrow. We have done everything we can do now, and everything will be fine."

Looking at this message, a complicated smile appeared on Kelsey's face.

"We did everything we could"—do you mean taking most of the things on our own?

There were some thoughts in her heart, but Kelsey finally replied softly with the word "um" and turned off the communication.

Staring at the screen of the mobile phone, Kelsey is not feeling well in every possible way.

She didn't know why she became so weak to him, as if she didn't want to be brave in front of Skadi.

Is this a good feeling?Does a life in which everything is handed over to another person really exist?

"Little Kelsey, why aren't you sleeping?"

There was a knock on the door, and Kelsey got out of bed and walked over to open the door.

Theresa, who was wearing a nightgown, stood there looking at her with curious eyes.

"Your Highness, why haven't you slept yet?"

Kelsey looked at Theresa in surprise. Because of her occupation, it is not uncommon for Kelsey to stay up late.

It's just that after Skadi came, she basically didn't need to do that.

But Teresia can't stay up all night, she is Kazdel's princess, she has to pay attention to her image in front of people.

Because she is the facade of the Tower of Babel, the person everyone believes in and follows.

Although there are occasional cases where I stay up late due to work reasons, I should be fine today, right?

"Can't sleep."

"Since little Kelsey can't sleep, let's go out and have a chat."

Teresia stretched out her hand, pulled Kelsey to the first floor, opened the door to the backyard, and walked into the courtyard.

"Drinking iced drinks so late is not healthy."

Kelsey frowned when she saw Theresa pulled herself here, let herself sit on a chair, and then turned around to bring a few bottles of iced drinks.

"Don't think about it so much, little Kelsey."

"If it's so serious, it's not flattering at all."

Watching her blink her eyes, Teresia's words seemed to mean something.

"...Is there any trouble, Your Highness?"

Kelsey didn't answer, just curious about what happened with Teresia.

"Is it troublesome?"

Frowning and thinking about it, Theresa nodded.

"What trouble?"

Kelsey looked at her sideways. Since Scarti came, Teresia rarely talked with herself about these things.

Because Skadi helped her solve it, the same is true for the problems she encountered.

Although the problem has been solved, no matter how you look at it, both of them seem to be overly dependent on Skadi.

"Little Kelsey, don't you think that the two of us are too dependent on little Skadi."

Kelsey guessed that Teresia would talk about Skadi because it was an unavoidable thing between the two of them.

It's just that although she guessed that it was related to Skadi, she didn't expect it to be this aspect.

And this question was also what Kelsey was thinking about just now.

Is it really okay to give your life completely to another person?

Kelsey didn't know, but she always felt that it was a waste of energy to think about some things.

She couldn't find the right answer, and now faced with Teresia's question, she didn't know how to answer it.

Opening a can of fruit tea, Teresia looked up and drank half of the bottle.

Then she exhaled and stared at the taller building next to her.

"Now you and I are like the small building next to this villa."

"Being well protected by her, using her body to block the wind and rain, so that we don't suffer too much impact."

"But just so, we're nothing like the people who live in it."

"The people who live inside can help her, and at the same time can be relied on by little Skadi."

"And the two of us can only rely on her. She always keeps a certain distance from the two of us."

"It's not that she hates us, but because of our identities, she subconsciously respects us."

"You should be able to feel it, little Kelsey."

Teresia, who was wearing pajamas, was rare and did not maintain her image. She just sat there, drinking fruit drinks, and saying these words.

"I know."

Judging from the fact that Skadi always subconsciously calls herself "Dr. Kelsey", we know that in Skadi's heart, she actually maintains respect for them.

It is precisely because of this respect that they feel the barrier and distance.

So I just told Skadi not to call me "doctor" anymore, and I was so happy when I saw her call me "little Kelsey"?

Kelsey also realized that she was actually happy because of the closer relationship with Skadi, this...

"I seem to really like her."

This is not an afterthought, but that she is finally going to face such a "fact".

When alone, she can escape and not think about it.

But with Teresia in front of her, she couldn't really ignore it.

"What's the matter? Little Kelsey."

Theresia was still waiting for her next words, but Kelsey suddenly started to be in a daze, which made Theresia a little strange.

"Nothing." Shaking her head in panic, Kelsey didn't know how to chat after she realized what she was thinking.

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