"So they will go one step further and suppress the infected in an attempt to eliminate them."

"They will prohibit infected people from entering their territories and cities."

"Even if they are really allowed to come in, they will be given a special area to separate them from ordinary people."

"Society, system, people's hearts, rumors, lies, fear, cowardice, suspicion..."

"These things add up to what pushes the infected to the brink of extinction."

After saying this, Skadi called out Xiaobai, turned over and sat on its back.

Rohia also jumped on her back, with her arms around her waist.

With a little girl in his arms and another girl on his back, Skadi looked a little confused.

"Give her to me."

After seeing this scene, Artoria wanted to hug Zhao Yun'er.

"No, she's in a very unstable situation, and I'm worried something will happen to her if it's not for me."

She shook her head, only her here is the safest.

"So Master, are we going to adopt her?"

Medea was no stranger to this, she was just curious about Skadi's thoughts.

"Look at her own decision. I can't make it for her."

Hearing what she said, Medea looked up at the night sky and said softly.

"There are so many children like her in this world, it is impossible to adopt every one of them."

"So, Master, is your goal to eradicate Originium Disease so that these children will no longer be rejected for it?"

Zhao Yuner's tragedy stemmed from the Originium disease. If her parents hadn't been infected with the Originium disease, they wouldn't have entrusted her to Auntie's care in order not to drag her down, and embarked on the road of curing the Originium disease.

If it wasn't because Auntie was infected with Originium Disease, Zhao Yun'er wouldn't be so tired. She could even live in a big city a few months ago, and she could see how her parents missed her all these years.

If it weren't for other people's fear and fear of Originium Disease, Auntie would not have chosen to commit suicide in the end, so that Zhao Yun'er would not be implicated because of her...

These are all linked together, and there is no solution in the current social environment.

Only when Originium Disease is cured, and this disease no longer becomes a terrible "devil", can it be fundamentally changed.

"But...after the Originium Disease is cured, won't there be other things that will take the place of the Originium Disease?"

Looking at Zhao Yuner in her arms, Skadi suddenly sighed.

"Then change the world."

"Change the world and everything will be fine."

"Master, is this your ambition?"

Artoria interjected at this time, her face was very serious, she was not joking.

"Of course, my ambition is not limited to this."

"To change the world, curing Originium Disease is only the first step, and there are still many, many things that need to be done after that."

"Some of the conflicts that have accumulated over the years cannot be resolved by curing the Originium Disease, but must be resolved from a deeper perspective."

"But I think... as long as you are willing to do it, then everything can be changed."

"This is also the reason why I became an agent and wandered in other worlds."

"Because I want to find more like-minded people to help me do this."

After Skadi finished speaking, Artoria turned her head and stared at her.

"Of course, Master, I will help you realize your wish."

"But before that, I want to see for myself in this world what to do."

Compared to Arturia who took this matter seriously, Medea didn't have so many thoughts.

"The reason why I follow the Master is very simple, because I just want to follow the Master. As for what to do, the Master tells me to do it."

"So as long as the Master still needs me, then I will always follow the Master."

When Medea said this, Skadi also laughed happily.

"Medea, I know your temperament, so I won't force you to follow my arrangements and orders to do things you don't like."

"But I feel like I'd be really happy if you guys could help me."

In the night sky, the stream of light drawn by the three rainbow unicorns is so dazzling, just like shooting stars.

And above this is a girl who is determined to change the world, and her followers.

This scene was as beautiful as a picture scroll, but no outsiders saw it.

"Where are you now?"

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, Xiao Ai suddenly lit up a screen in front of Skadi.

On the screen is a question, signed [Kelxi] in front of the question.

"It's already in the territory of Dayan, and it was delayed for two hours just now. But if there are no accidents, we will be able to arrive at the destination around [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] tomorrow."

Skadi saw that it was Kelsey, and unconsciously showed a happy smile on his face.

This smile was seen by Medea. Although she didn't know who she was chatting with, she still "hummed" to express her dissatisfaction.

Skadi heard it too, but she didn't know how to say it, so she pretended she didn't hear it.

"Because of the frenzy of infected beasts in Colombia, this invitation will be delayed for more than three days."

Kelsey was lying on the bed. Her time here was already past eleven o'clock, which was an hour longer than Skadi's.

She should have fallen asleep normally, but she tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep at all.

As long as you close your eyes, it is the scene where Skadi kisses herself.

Or the scene where she hugged her inexplicably weak self in her arms to soothe her emotions...

All these pictures took root in Kelsey's heart, making it impossible for her to forget or ignore them.

But if this is the case, is it really possible...

Why do I think about so many things, why do I never forget her.

In fact, she already knew, but she didn't want to face it, didn't want to understand.

However, her figure kept appearing in her mind, and after thinking about the fact that she was about to go out to perform the mission just after she came back, Kelsey really had no choice but to take out her mobile phone and communicate with Skadi.

Skadi's computer was given away a lot, but the smartphone was only given to Kelsey and Teresia.

And each one cost 1000 wish power, which can be said to be a very precious thing.

It's just that they usually contact her directly instead of using their mobile phones.

Even if you use your mobile phone, you won't whisper to her in the middle of the night.

The last person I talked to was Teresia, that is, until ten o'clock, and it was about work.

Now, according to the time difference, Kelsey's side should be more than an hour later than here. She should go to bed, why would she suddenly ask herself?

Although she didn't know what happened to Kelsey, Skadi chatted with her anyway.

After all, she also needs to talk to people about some things now, to talk about her feelings.

"More than three days? Looking at the situation, even if I come back, I'm afraid they haven't settled it yet."

"The origin stone infects the frenzy of the herd of beasts. Until I find the proliferating giant beast, there is basically no way to solve it."

"Doctor Kelsey..."

Skadi sighed with emotion about her side, and then wanted to talk about her own side.

"No outsiders, just call me Kelsey."

Probably because no one saw her through the screen, Kelsey also became bold and relaxed a lot.

When she saw that Skadi still called her "Dr. Kelsey", she was suddenly a little unhappy.

So she acted like a baby, just let Skadi call her "Kelsey" without adding a doctor.




Skadi sent three "Kelsey" in a row, each with different punctuation marks, representing different emotions.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the three "Kelsey" in Skadi, Kelsey's face was suddenly stained with a red cloud. This guy is teasing himself again.

Even so, she was in a particularly good mood.

It seems that this kind of environment where you can chat easily is really great.

"No, I just want to call you suddenly."

Skadi also let go, as long as Kelsey is not in front of her, Skadi can still have a lot of worries.

"Kelsey~little Kelsey~"

Skadi sent two more "Kelsey" in the past, a little boring, but also a kind of inexplicable sweetness.

"Don't add the word 'small', just like His Highness, I am older than you."

Kelsey frowned, she was older than Scarti.

"Okay, little Kelsey~"

Skadi rolled her eyes when she read the reply, and called her "little Kelsey" again.

"never mind."

"The situation in Colombia may change, but I don't know exactly what will happen."

"What about you? What's the matter?"

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and Kelsey did not correct Skadi's address anymore.

She just looked at the message sent by Skadi, and then turned the topic back to Skadi himself.

"I'm here..."

Skadi asked Xiao Ai to take a photo of Zhao Yuner in her arms, and then described how she met Zhao Yuner in words, and then made a video of the chat on the top of the mountain and the experience in the village. send it over.

After doing all this, she looked at the girl in her arms and sighed slightly.

"Hopefully it all turns out okay."

On the other side, Kelsey first read Skadi's text description, and then watched the video.

"This kind of thing happens all the time on this land. It can save only one of her, but not everyone."

"Only by finding a cure for Originium Disease can we truly solve these problems."

After reading it, Kelsey took a long time to calm down, and then sent a message.

After she watched the video carefully, it was already twelve o'clock in the morning, but she still didn't sleep.

"Yes, but eradicating Originium Disease is only one of the things to do."

"Natural disasters and people's hearts are also enemies we must face."

"Especially people's hearts."

"Originstone disease is easy to cure, and natural disasters are easy to resist, but people's hearts are unpredictable."

"We can change all off-court elements, only people's hearts cannot be changed."


Skadi is still very persistent on this point.

She clearly knew that talking would not be enough to solve this problem, but she still wanted to keep talking.

"I know you are very persistent about this, but sometimes, you can change without persistence, Skadi."

"We have been doing research on Originium Disease for so long, but in the end we haven't gained much."

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