Across the computer screen, Mr. Yuxiang couldn't see the expression on Yuxiang's face.

But he did notice a strange sight.

one two three four.

On the table beside Yuxiang, there were actually four small mugs.

Those four small mugs are only as big as the palm of your hand. The upper half is gray and the lower half is gradient blue. They are very cute.

They were placed upside down on the table, arranged in a neat formation, like children sitting in a row.

On the surface of these mugs, a simple smiling face is drawn with a marker.

(When did Yuka have such cute interests?)

The gentleman felt a little more relaxed and smiled slightly.

In his impression, Yuxiang's favorite thing is a calculator. It seems that she has never had such a cute habit of drawing a smiley face on a cup.

Thinking of this, Mr. finally stood up with a smile, walked around the table and walked towards Yuxiang.

He thought that maybe Yuxiang's mentality had finally become healthier, and he could talk to her for a few words without any worries.

"Yuxiang, I have a business here..."

He was about to put his hand on Yuxiang's shoulder and pat her shoulder as usual.

But Mr.’s movements and words were frozen in mid-air for a moment.

It was like seeing the most terrifying thing.

In front of him, Hayase Yuka stopped what she was doing,

But he didn’t look at Mr.

She stretched out her little hand and touched the mugs with smiling faces in a very gentle and loving way.

Her eyes were empty and lifeless, but the gaze she looked at those mugs was full of maternal tenderness and love.

Then, Hayase Yuka opened her lips lightly, faced those mugs, and whispered:

"Baby, the child's father has finally come back to see us."

Chapter 022: Day 079·Morning·'Xia Lai' Office ③

A bone-chilling chill spread from Mr.'s fingertips to his whole body.

Yuxiang wasn't talking to him at all, or even noticed him at all.

Her consciousness has been completely isolated from the real world, completely locked in the world she created with fantasy.

She regarded the four mugs with smiling faces as her husband and her children.

This is not play house.

It’s not something as simple, gentle, and beautiful as playing house.

Yuxiang's eyes that were completely blank and lifeless had proven everything.

This is a mental disorder called paranoia.

And it's a pretty serious delusion.


Mr. gently patted Yuka's shoulder and called her.

Yuka didn't respond.

No, it's not as simple as no response.

He completely ignored the existence of Mr.

He still remembered that day in the infirmary of Millennium College, when he used tears to slightly awaken the desperate Yuxiang.

But this time, the husband knew clearly that tears would no longer work.

It won't work anymore.

Yuxiang's light fingers were bent into graceful arcs, gently pressing against the cup surfaces of those mugs, and she smiled sweetly:

"Dad is very busy at work and often can't go home."

"The meals I prepared for him only took a few bites and put them aside."

"But, kids, don't hate Dad because of this."

"Because dad is a great man, and his job is to protect everyone's happiness."

"So, as a family, we must always love each other and always be Dad's warmest harbor."

Listening to Yuxiang's gentle murmurs, Mr.'s back tensed up and the back of his head froze.

He could hear the painful gasp in his mouth.

The summer sunshine shines through the clear glass. In that clear light, Yuxiang raised her eyelashes, her brows were smiling, and her skin was crystal white.

It was like a finely carved jade statue of a young girl, beautiful but lifeless.

I don’t know since when, Mr. fell into a long silence.

The huge long-suppressed affection accumulated in Yuxiang, mixed with the powerlessness and dark despair about the established future, has built a high, cold wall.

This high wall isolates everyone and refuses anyone access, including her husband.

Because in her fantasy, she had been married to her husband for many years, had four lovely children, and was enjoying the perfect happiness she had dreamed of.

Fantasy is different from the real world. Even if the fantasy is clumsy, it is gentle and beautiful.

There were only cold spikes in the real world, pricking her heart with wounds all over her body, leaving her with nowhere to hide.


The gentleman stretched out his trembling hand, trying to touch Yuxiang's face.

Of course, Yuka remained unresponsive.

The gentleman in the fantasy world can provide all the happiness Yuka needs and heal all the pain in her heart.

But in reality, the husband has nothing to give her.

A warm hug will only become more painful torture in the future.

The well-intentioned teaching will only be stabbed again when she recalls who taught this knowledge.

For a moment, the gentleman clenched his fists angrily.

He just wanted to throw the four mugs with smiling faces on the wall and smash them to pieces.

But can he do it?


The hallucinations of a paranoid patient are truly realistic.

Those illusions are not only alive, they actually bleed.

If the four mugs are smashed, either Yuka will collapse completely, or she will be killed by the furious Yuka.

"Forget it, that's fine."

The gentleman let out a sigh of relief.

He took out a pill from the small bag he carried with him.

Just die.

Even if he dies, he will treat Yuxiang.

Although his psychology is only half-baked, and although a mortal who tries to treat a superman will most likely be torn into pieces,

But he was going to try too.

He had nothing left to lose, and a death worthy of his death might not be a bad thing.

Chapter 022: Day 079·Morning·'Xia Lai' Office ④

The truth won't work.

Warmth and bonding won't work either.

The husband gritted his teeth, and the muscles in his face seemed to be squeezed together, and finally calmed down.

To communicate with Yuka in this state, it is not enough to wake her up with warm hugs and kind words.

Far from enough.

Sir must divide his brain into two parts.

Part of it is used to understand and accept Yuxiang’s fantasy world,

The other part involves analyzing the fantasy world without leaving any trace, seeking ways to decipher it in the most harmless way.

While completing the above mental operations, he also had to relax his body and look natural, so as not to let Yuxiang feel the slightest bit of pressure.

As long as there is a little omission or a mistake——

No, even if there are no omissions and errors, Yuka may still fall into emotional excitement in the final stage of deciphering the fantasy world.

And the husband had absolutely no way to stop her.

This is the plan to treat Yuka.

Friendships and bonds won’t work.All you can do is have faith.

Believe that you will definitely die.

Believe that you will absolutely fall into madness.

Only when he is mentally prepared for death and madness can he take action.

"bring it on……"

The husband tried his best to empty his mind until there was nothing and his face was expressionless.

Then he walked slowly towards Yuxiang.

"Okay kids, it's time to go to bed and take a nap."

Yuxiang was still looking at the mugs longingly, stroking the sides of the mugs with her fingers.

It's quite a strange feeling like being pregnant for three years.

(If Yuka really becomes a mother, she will probably be a very strict yet gentle mother, right?)

The gentleman was thinking wildly.

The human heart is too delicate and too difficult to study.

Even though my husband has a pretty good mind and some talent, it is really difficult to do it.

A normal person will have several thoughts every second. It is not easy to clear the brain, let alone split the brain in half.

All he knew was that Yuxiang in this state couldn't see him, but she could hear him.

Feel him too.

The gentleman must attack from the side.

He stepped forward and pretended to admire the mugs with Yuka.


Yuxiang didn't respond, still looking intoxicated.

The gentleman relaxed a little, and it seemed that there was no problem with the first step of approach.

He suddenly discovered that the gradient colors of those mugs - gray and blue, happened to be his eye color and Yuka's eye color, mixed together.

This shows that Yuxiang still has reason, but that reason has been hidden too deeply by her.

(Okay...the next step is the dangerous step...)

He slowly stretched out his fingers and reached for the mugs with extremely slow movements.

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