Just as he fell into silence, the man in black clothes walked slowly to the door and smiled at him.

"Sir, I also participated in the sacrifice ceremony of Golconda, and my body structure also began to break."

"Perhaps I will go ahead of you, sir."

"And Mastro, he is trying his best to copy and analyze the technology on that sword, but the technology level on that sword is too high. After the analysis is completed, his power and life will be exhausted."

The black suit suddenly let out a burst of emotional laughter,

There is only boundless desolation in that laughter,

"To sum up, you don't have to worry about the secrets of numerology anymore, sir.

But I believe those students are your real challenge, aren't they? "

Chapter 022: Day 079·Morning·'Xia Lai' Office ①

Several heavy rains since the beginning of summer have completely flooded Kivotos.

Sewers are overloaded and road traffic has become inconvenient.

Summer vacation is over, and the howling wind has finally come to an end.

Mr. Wearing a blue and white hospital gown, he took the tram back to Chalais.

After a night of heavy rain, the blue sky on the top of the mountains seemed endless. The sunlight reflected on the ponds on the roadside, and the brilliant light left no place to hide.

Due to changes in Holy Trinity's power, there are many more students staying in school this summer than usual.

Students from every faction want to ensure that the interests of their school will not be harmed.

However, the husband is still alone.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, he has become the most important yardstick among major schools.

The gangsters and gangsters were completely afraid of his reputation and did not dare to challenge him again.

His reputation grew day by day, and he even had to accept curious looks from students from the three major colleges on the tram.

The husband could only turn on his cell phone, lower his head, and start studying the changes in Kivotos' power.

When he woke up from the coma of illness, he still devoted himself to work as soon as possible, using his remaining wisdom and tolerance to ease the increasingly acute conflicts in Kivotos.

However, after working for a period of time, he sadly discovered that his thinking efficiency was not as good as before.

His entire body had lost a lot of weight visibly to the naked eye.

The strong and lean body he had developed in the army, but due to the torture of illness and the nutrition he could only rely on intravenous drips, his former suit had become light and empty.

The current situation is really sad.

Especially after several students on the tram asked him with sympathy, what kind of inhuman treatment he had received to become so thin...

He made up his mind to avoid taking public transportation in the future.

——They even gave him a piece of strawberry cake.

And he could only regretfully and resolutely push away the pastry box that was about to be handed under his nose.

"Ha...can you still be a god if you can't even eat?"

Thinking of the ridiculous plan proposed by the black suit, he could only laugh to himself.

Even though his mind and body had begun to decline, he could still be keenly aware of what the black clothes were hiding.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the black server wants to do evil again. In fact, without the yardstick and the biggest research object of Mr., no matter how evil they do, it has already lost its meaning.

What the black server is hiding should be some loopholes in this ridiculous plan to become a god that cannot be ignored.

He said that even if his mental state were perfect, the success rate of this plan would be less than [-]%.

0.1% is less than [-]%, and [-]% is less than [-]%.

If this plan fails, the entire Kivotos will be burned to the ground by laser satellite cannons, and everything he swore to protect will cease to exist.

What's more, the black server said that the success of this plan depends on whether he treats every student equally.

The problem is, my husband is really not a born saint. Although he does not have any preferential treatment or preference for individual students, he definitely cannot treat everyone equally.

Moreover, what about the students he never knew or met?

Kivotos is so old that one year is not enough time for him to get to know everyone.

If those children he didn't know were turned into ashes by laser satellite cannons, would their deaths have been in vain?

There are too many problems and too many loopholes in this plan.

The black server's words were unclear. It was probably not that he forgot to explain these problems, but that he was 'unable to explain' these problems.

Although Shu Mi Shu was determined not to be his enemy anymore, he also proved this with practical actions.

But this does not mean that they gave up their pursuit.

In the beginning, God created man in the image of God.

Nowadays, man creates gods in the image of man.

What a great achievement it is to create a supreme sublime artificially?

In order to achieve this goal, they will not care about the remaining students they do not know.

The husband will do anything for his children just to create a better future.

But if that future is built on the bones of countless innocent people...will Sir still have such determination?

"This question... I really can't answer."

There was a bitter expression on the gentleman's face.

When the tram arrived, a group of people crowded around Mr. Xia Lai in a noisy manner.

It seemed that all the students were discussing the joint operation. Some of them were excited, while others were uneasy.

The gentleman bit his lip inconspicuously.

Joint operations were supposed to be the answer he left for his children, but unexpectedly it caused countless waves.

Hoshino's attack, the changes in Holy Trinity, and that extremely difficult sect to deal with...

He envisioned many outcomes for the joint operation, but the situation before him had exceeded his wildest imagination.

Sir, he has always had full confidence in his command and work.

But it's different now.

His predictions and grasp of the future have gradually lost their past accuracy.

(Listen, you're the only adult here, and if you give up, things will only get worse)

He patted his face gently, braced himself, and walked into the familiar Xia Lai's office.

But to his surprise, there was already a child waiting for him here.

Chapter 022: Day 079·Morning·'Xia Lai' Office②

Yuka Hayase.

A cute girl with blue eyes, a very typical Millennium Academy student, smart, excellent, and very rational.

These qualities made her his most relied-upon assistant. She often visited Xia Lai's office and even had his office key card.

She was sitting on the desk by the window, staring at the screen, with a clear and soft smile on her face, and tapping on the keyboard with her fingers.

The sound of keyboard typing echoed in the empty office.

The room was so quiet that you could hear Yuxiang's gentle breathing, which combined with the intermittent typing on the keyboard, formed a pleasant daily suite.

Nothing seems to have changed, everything seems to be the same as before.


But the husband did not dare to talk to her easily anymore.

Seeing Mary and the others... looking like that, the current gentleman is so frightened even speaking in front of the students.

He had no way of knowing how the other students reacted when he fell seriously ill for the second time in these 20 days.

He only remembered Yuxiang's right hand, which was covered with puncture marks and bleeding constantly.

The ironclad fact forced him to admit that Hayase Yuka's affection for him had expanded to its limit, began to deteriorate, became dark, desperate, and even began to devour everything.

The husband just wanted to swear to God that he had never asked for anything from these children, including feelings and material things, not even a word of thanks.

He simply regarded protecting them as his lifelong responsibility.

However, this world never looks at the process, only the results.

No matter how selfless his intentions were, it couldn't change the fact that something was wrong with Yuka.

This is his responsibility, his sin.

The only thing he could hope for was to pray that the situation would not continue to deteriorate.

In that case, even if he was given ten more lives, he wouldn't be able to do it anymore.


The gentleman pulled up a chair, sat across from Yuxiang's desk, and started working.

"click click"

The display screen shines with light blue fluorescence, and bright and transparent text jumps out from the fingertips line by line.

(Joint operations, Holy Trinity, Ghenna, and SRT Academy...)

Business is as arduous as ever, no, it's more arduous than before.

The success of the joint operation completely established Xia Lai's reputation as a mediator. The authority and prestige of the General Student Union also increased along with Mr. Xia Lai's terrifying reputation among the citizens.

Dispute mediation, commercial arbitration, cross-regional cooperation... Countless emails full of trust, gratitude and goodwill came in like a snowflake, almost bursting my husband's mailbox.

It is no exaggeration to say that no one in Kivotos is more prestigious than Mr., and no one can win the friendship and love of almost all the forces like Mr.

Today's Xia Lai is supported by his husband's prestige and business ability alone.

The heavy workload made him need and rely more on Yuka's actuarial skills than before.

There was a time when my husband considered training Yuxiang as his successor.

However, Yuka's serious character is only suitable for being the second in command.

Someone who is inquisitive about everything and every account is not suitable to lead a complex Academy City.

Every force has its unknown side. If you want to maintain peace, the right way is to live in harmony.

Even so, my husband still has high hopes for this smart and cute girl.

On quite a few matters, Mr. Yuxiang will be the first to ask for her opinion.

And Yuxiang always lived up to his expectations and gave a satisfactory answer every time.

He once firmly believed that Yuka's potential was not limited to a thousand-year academy. One day, she would make an indispensable contribution to the good operation of Kivotos.

However, now?


A solemn silence still lingered in the office.

The husband was too afraid of saying anything else to arouse Yuxiang's emotions, so he could only force himself to focus on the work in front of him.

But his eyes still glanced at Yuxiang's desktop from time to time.

He saw that Yuxiang's right hand, which was typing on the keyboard, had returned to its original smooth and white color.

Not a single scar was left.

He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The children of Kivotos are truly superhuman beings blessed with mysterious powers, and even a small injury cannot do anything to them.

But, where is her heart?

Now that her physical wounds have healed, what will happen to her mental state?

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