As Steel pulled up to the current residence of the Riddler he couldn't help but contemplate what he would do with him.

Edward Nigma, aka the Riddler, was a genius comparable to Batman. His detective skills weren't anything to scoff at either with him being able to deduce Batman's identity.

He had numerous times put the entire city of Gotham in mortal peril, while also being a sizable threat to the Bat-family. Once he had even succeeded in beating the caped crusader.

However, despite this, in Steel's eyes, he wasn't anything special.

Sure he was a genius, but in this universe, he was but one of the many, many geniuses that exist. He wasn't even particularly one of the more impressive ones.

The only thing interesting about the riddler was his gift, which forced a person to answer his riddles or take damage proportional to the difficulty of the riddle.

But moving on, Steel stepped out of the door of his limo, which was being held open by Walter, and took a look at the abandoned apartment building before him.

It wasn't anything special, it being ten floors big, having a shitty paint job, and being surrounded by "the homeless" who were clearly Riddler lackeys in disguise.

Even still the sight of this building aggravated Steel slightly.

' Why the hell are the "bases" I've been going to all either been warehouses or broken down apartment buildings?' Steel thought to himself as he ȧssessed possible entry points.

While he knew the real base of Riddler resided underneath the apartment complex it still confounded him why he chose such an obvious place.

Sighing to himself Steel took a look at his current appearance and cringed. His outfit really didn't fit with him.

Originally he wanted to honor Overhaul by taking on his costume. An admirable thing, however, after the rush from his battle with bane faded, he quickly realized this outfit wouldn't work in the long run.

Overhaul's outfit may have worked in the MHA universe just fine, but in Gotha- no more like this universe, it just didn't instill the same impact.

With that in mind Steel discarded his current get-up by turning it into a simple mafia attire.

[Image here]

He would think up a proper costume later.

Looking to his left at Walter, Steel examined his most powerful underling to date.

After Steel turned Victor into Walter, the full potential of his Gift "Wire manipulation/creation" was realized. He was easily Steel's best creation, with Walter being able to fight Steel to a draw.

Though that was only if Steel didn't use any instant kill moves.

If previously he could pose a genuine threat to Batman, now Walter could single-handedly fight the entire bat family. Whether or not he could actually win is up for debate though.

Dismissing those thoughts Steel spoke to his butler.

" Walter, it's a butler's job to clean up the trash, is it not?" Steel said as he stared at the poorly hidden base of the Riddler.

"Indeed sir." Responded Walter with his British accent.

(An: Imagine him with Hellsing's abridged voice.)

"Good, then if you wouldn't mind, please, tidy up." Steel said with a grin.

" Then I shall be back shortly, sir" said Walter with a bow befitting a butler of his caliber.

Steel's smile grew even more as the "homeless" around the building began to move. Only for them to be cut down in an instant with a twitch of Walter's finger.

Some were disemboweled, others had their bodies cleanly cut in half, while more simply had their heads torn from their bodies. Blood rained down as if it was water on a rainy day. No matter how one looked at it, it was a most gruesome sight.  

However, Steel couldn't help the smile on his face from growing even further. It was the look of a man who had met their favorite celebrity, or an anime fan who had seen their favorite character do or say something badass.

An apt description as Steel was a fan of Walter, both the normal and abridged version. So to see him in action? That was a dream come true for Steel.

Our protagonist watched as Walter disappeared inside the building before stepping back inside his limousine. 

After pressing a buŧŧon on his armrest, a tv showcasing Walter's adventure inside the complex took the place of the minibar.

'Honestly, this is probably the best course of action. He holds no real value to my plans, unfortunately. Well, for him anyway.' Thought Steel as he ate a Dorito chip he confiscated from his snack bar.

It was better to get rid of him now than leave him alone to scheme behind his back, because despite the Riddler's shortcomings his name still held significant weight.

It was for this reason that he hadn't changed Bane into someone else. Steel needed not only their power, but their influence. He wanted to dominate the criminal underworld, not leave it in chaos with the absence of its ringleaders.

But why didn't he just override their personalities or simply make them loyal with the use of Overhaul?

' Like it would be that easy.' Mentally scoffed Steel.

There were two main reasons for him staying his hand at this. 

One, Despite his training efforts, Steel still lacked the precise control he needed to instill loyalty while keeping their base personality traits the same. If he were to turn someone loyal at the moment they'd become something akin to fanatics or zealots. 

He needed commanders, people who could take initiative and make quick, hard decisions without his input while still being loyal to his cause. Zealots and fanatics would be too focused on gaining his approval to do that. 

A Good example being the floor guardians from Overlord.

Speaking of that particular anime franchise, Walter reminded Steel eerily of Demiurge, minus the more sadistic parts mind you.  

Secondly, Steel was not foolish enough to think there aren't people who can't undo what he has done.  Someone with temporal manipulation, for instance, could rewind time to the point before a person's indoctrination via Steel's Overhaul.

While his Omnilock protected him from those kinds of abilities, the same was not the case for others under him.

He would not chance having everything he's built fall because of something he could have averted with simply not mind fuċkɨnġ everything that mildly, annoyed him.

A sudden thought occurred to Steel as his Butler began to descend the steps to the deeper parts of the base.

'It would be a waste to let a Gift slip out of my fingers. Even though the Riddler's isn't impressive, a power is still a power.' Thought

Steel to himself.

While watching Walter massacre the henchmen of the Riddler, Steel pondered how he'd make use of such a gift.

Then the image of a certain cat from Egyptian mythology that liked to give Riddles popped into Steel's mind.

A low chuckle escaped his mouth as the thought of what he could do with such a creature amused him greatly.

While it would no doubt take a bit of experimenting to get it right, Steel was sure it was quite possible to create it.

Pressing another buŧŧon on his armrest, this one activating the commlink that was connected to an earpiece in Walter's ear, Steel spoke directly into a speaker near his head.

" Walter, I've decided that the Riddler's Gift is interesting enough to temporarily spare Nigma's life. So, keep him breathing, otherwise you're free to do as you wish."

Though he couldn't see it, Steel could hear the vicious grin that stretched across Walter's face when he spoke his next words.

" Very Good sir, I'll be sure to keep his head and torso intact." 

Steel could only shake his head at the zealous behavior of his creation, maybe he did have a hint of Demiurge's sadistic side after all.


I demand you share your thoughts.

Happy new year!

Hope you're having a nice day, and if not I hope my chapter made it better.

Oh, and what should the Sphinx Steel is gonna make look like? And what should be her name be?

Also, be sure to comment what type of characters you'd like to see. Remember even if they don't exist the main character can make them!

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