Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 788 The German-Soviet War (90)

Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell!

The phone at the Moscow Air Defense Command Center rang rapidly.

The officer on duty picked up the phone, and an urgent voice came from the other end. "Report, this is observation post No. 54. Found a group of German bombers, about fifty or so! Flying to Moscow!"

At this time, American-supported air radars had been deployed around Moscow, but the detection range of these radars was limited, so the Soviets also arranged many observation posts.

As for the Soviet Union’s own radar, it was not that it didn’t exist. It was just that the research and development time was short, coupled with the previous technological rejection of the Soviet Union by European and American countries, etc., it was indeed unable to compare with countries such as Britain, Germany, and the United States. The first domestically produced RUS-1 radar was delivered to the Soviet Army in 1939. However, due to technical reasons, its dual-base working principle made the layout of its wire antenna very complicated, and it was completely unpractical on the battlefield.

It was not until the end of 1940 that the first "practical" RUS-2 radar began to be discontinued and accepted by the Soviet army. So far, less than ten have been built, and their performance is not as good as that of American radars. However, these radars still played a certain role on the Soviet-German battlefield in the original time and space. For example, when the German air raid on Moscow was in July 1941, about 200 bombers were detected in advance to attack Moscow, giving the Soviet Union the opportunity to prepare air defense forces in advance. Only a few The bombers broke through the air defense circle and caused very limited damage to Moscow, laying a good foundation for the morale and logistics of the Moscow defense battle in September.

"Got it." The officer sighed depressingly. The German bombers came at all hours every day. Even if there was no advance warning, they knew they were coming. He pressed the air defense alarm button casually, and soon, the shrill air defense siren sounded over Moscow.

On the air defense position outside Moscow, the gunners quickly ran to their respective gun positions.

"Comrade squad leader, isn't this just a waste of artillery shells?" On a gun emplacement, a loader holding artillery shells couldn't help but ask. The German bombers fly at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. Their anti-aircraft guns cannot hit that high, and firing is a waste of ammunition!

There were no large-caliber anti-aircraft guns in the Soviet Union during World War II (perhaps related to the fact that Germany did not have heavy strategic bombers in World War II). The mainstream ones were only the 71931 anti-aircraft cannon, the 71938 anti-aircraft cannon, and the 85 mm caliber M1939 (52-K) anti-aircraft cannon.

Among them, the 76mm M1931 anti-aircraft gun was developed from the complete set of technologies of the 75mm FLAK 59 anti-aircraft gun purchased from the German Rheinmetall Company in the early 1930s. Later, it was improved and became the M1938 model. The performance of these two anti-aircraft guns is almost the same. Compared with the M1931, the biggest improvement of the M1938 is the reduction in weight.

The 85 mm caliber M1939 (52-K) anti-aircraft gun is the final version of the Soviet anti-aircraft gun during World War II and is a competitor to the German 88 mm anti-aircraft gun. But unlike the Germans who always use anti-aircraft guns to attack tanks, the use of the M1939 is much more normal. When fighting bombers and high-altitude targets, the M1939 has an obvious effect; it will only be used as an anti-tank weapon when the situation is critical. After the war, many M1939s were used as anti-avalanche guns, which was considered a good use.

It was not until the end of World War II that aviation technology developed in the direction of jets, and the flight speed and altitude of bombers had already formed a generation gap with propeller aircraft, that the Soviet Union began to develop heavy anti-aircraft guns with a caliber exceeding 100mm. At a time when anti-aircraft missile technology was still immature, developing large-caliber anti-aircraft guns to deal with high-altitude threats was a good idea.

They developed the KS-30 130mm large-caliber anti-aircraft gun based on the German Rheinmetall 128mm FLAK40 anti-aircraft gun. However, because the Soviet Union had no experience in developing large-caliber anti-aircraft guns, the development work was somewhat delayed. It was not until the end of 1949 that four guns were produced. Sample gun. These prototype guns also exposed many problems, such as unreasonable gun mount structure and unqualified power system.

When the development of the KS-30 anti-aircraft gun achieved initial results, a 152mm anti-aircraft gun based on the gun was also under development. This is the KM-52. Not only will its shells be heavier, but it will also use rocket-propelled shells to improve effective shooting. height, but it was terminated after completing the preliminary design in 1957. At that time, the Soviet top brass had realized the limitations of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns. Conventional anti-aircraft guns posed less and less threats to large jet bombers, and missiles and fighter jets could be more effective. To kill them, anti-aircraft guns began to transition to small and medium calibers and to automation. Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns such as Shilka River began to become the new favorite.

Nowadays, although the Americans have successfully developed a 150mm heavy anti-aircraft gun, the anti-aircraft guns they have produced are not even enough for the United States itself. How could they support the Soviet Union? They just provided the blueprints for the 150mm anti-aircraft gun. But using the Soviet industrial technology to build such a sophisticated heavy anti-aircraft gun was simply a fantasy.

The squad leader sighed. Everyone knew that their artillery shells could not reach the German fleet; but there was an order from above, so what could he do? At least I need to fire a few shells to get some idea.

After a while, a black spot appeared in the distant sky.

"Direction due south! Angle 55! Prepare to fire!"

"Bang! Bah! Bah! Bah!" The anti-aircraft gun positions on the ground roared suddenly, and shells were fired into the sky one after another. Clouds of gray-black gunpowder smoke erupted high in the sky, and countless anti-aircraft shells exploded in the blue sky. This scene really boosts the morale of the soldiers on the ground! Seeing their dense anti-aircraft firepower, everyone felt more at ease.

Unfortunately, the German high-altitude bomber formation ignored the artillery fire below the ground and flew past the anti-aircraft gun positions in a swaggering manner and arrived over the city of Moscow.

Bombers opened their bomb bays one after another, and aerial bombs poured down like raindrops, falling rapidly to the ground with a unique sharp whistling sound.

"Boom, boom, boom!" In the deafening explosion, the ground shook violently.

The artillerymen on the anti-aircraft gun positions looked helplessly at the smoke rising in Moscow in the distance.

"These damn Germans are going to level Berlin sooner or later!" Many gunners gnashed their teeth and cursed. They had repeated this oath countless times, but the current war situation was getting worse and worse. Although there is no official notification from above, no matter where you are, there are always some well-informed people. They also learned about the surrender of Smolensk, so the German army was only 400 kilometers away from them.

Soon, the German bombers dropped all the bombs they carried and began to return. The air defense positions on the ground launched another meaningless counterattack, and in the end they could only watch the German bombers gradually retreating away.

"Clean the barrel!"

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