Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 787 The German-Soviet War (89)


"Comrade Stalin, the body of Comrade Marshal Shaposhnikov has arrived." In the underground office, the secretary reported the news to Stalin with some trepidation. When he received the news of Smolensk's surrender a few days ago, Stalin became furious, smashed everything in the office, and yelled and cursed for a long time.

And now he couldn't even imagine how Comrade Stalin would react in the next second? Will he directly order the body of Marshal Shaposhnikov to be crushed to ashes?

"..." Stalin's face was a little gloomy, but he didn't explode as the secretary imagined. He just gave an order in an extremely hoarse voice. "Let's bury the body of Comrade Marshal Shaposhnikov properly." After saying this, he got up and went to the conference room.

In fact, Stalin hated Shaposhnikov's unauthorized surrender. After all, there were at least hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Smolensk who could fight; Shaposhnikov should have led these soldiers to fight to the last moment. ! But he actually ordered surrender! ! coward! !

Although he wanted to peel off his skin and cramps, at least Marshal Shaposhnikov did not surrender to the Germans like Timoshenko and Budyonny. For this reason, he could not do too much.

When we arrived at the conference room, the atmosphere in the room was very solemn, even so solemn that it made people feel depressed. "Smolensk has fallen. What do you think of the battle to defend Leningrad and Stalingrad??"

Everyone present's heads were about to shrink to their chests. Zhukov hesitated and spoke carefully. "Comrade Stalin, I heard that among the troops attacking Stalingrad, there were many former soldiers of our army. They..."

When this was mentioned, Stalin became furious. "Traitors! These damn traitors! Hang all their family members and relatives! No one will be spared!"

"..." Zhukov was speechless. It was because the relatives of these soldiers were executed as traitors that those soldiers wanted revenge and willingly sacrificed their lives for the German army. He originally wanted to remind Stalin whether "Order No. 270" should be cancelled, but seeing Stalin's furious reaction, he did not speak after all.

While Stalin was madly cursing those traitors who had betrayed the motherland, Stalingrad was still under fire.

The dense German rockets fell like raindrops. After the continuous explosions ended, the dust-covered soldiers of the Liberation Army continued to advance forward with their weapons in hand. After experiencing too many life-and-death moments, they have completely mastered life-saving skills. Leaning against the walls of the buildings on both sides of the street, bending the upper body, advancing forward with fine steps, the machine gun unit supporting the attack has climbed to the top of the nearby ruins, skillfully opening the machine gun's bipod and pressing down the bullet chain. In the barrel of the machine gun.

There was movement from the ruins of a collapsed building ahead, and several guns were pointed there instantly. It was a Soviet soldier struggling to stand up from the rubble. It seemed that he was stunned by the explosion. He coughed and dusted himself off. It was not until a while later that he noticed the enemy troops, or his former compatriots and comrades-in-arms, who were already close at hand.

The soldier's mouth twitched slightly, as if he was trying to force a smile. However, the soldiers of the Liberation Army were not in the mood to see his smile. Several people pulled the triggers at the same time. Several clouds of blood mist instantly exploded from the Soviet soldiers' bodies, and they fell limply on the rugged rubble.

The soldiers of the Liberation Army did not look at him again, took out a grenade, threw it into the gap next to the body, and then continued to move forward.

boom! There was a loud noise, and the power of the explosion lifted the corpses up, and then fell heavily again.

Tick ​​tock, before walking a few steps, everyone heard a drop of rain falling on their helmets. When they looked up, more raindrops fell from the dark clouded sky. It was a cloudless weather just now, but it started to rain in the blink of an eye, and the rain became heavier and heavier, almost non-stop.

"Damn it!" The German officer leading the team glanced at the pitch-black sky, couldn't help but curse, and pointed at the relatively intact building not far behind him. "Retreat there to take shelter from the rain." Everyone entered the building, and the German officer gave the order. "The first class will be on guard on the top floor, and the machine gun position will be in a good shooting position, and the others will rest." Then the correspondent was asked to report the situation to the headquarters in the rear, and soon an order was sent from the headquarters to let them stand by where they were. A rain made the entire battlefield quiet. Except for the sound of rain, there was no longer the roar of cannons or the roar of machine guns. Stalingrad no longer had the hustle and bustle just now, only a somewhat scary tranquility remained.

"Thank God, at least there is no rain here." Several people lit their own camp stoves and prepared to enjoy their lunch.

Compared with the dazzling rations of the German army, the rations of these soldiers of the Liberation Army were simply much more.

Black bread + canned meat + a bag of condensed soup, that's all, but this is much better than when we were in the Soviet army.

Brown bread was first eaten by Germans, and then spread to Eastern Europe and all the way to Russia. Brown bread is made by mixing the bran such as the cortex, germ, aleurone layer and a small amount of endosperm that are removed during the milling process of wheat. It is fermented by sour dough, so it will be a little sour and salty~~ It is said to have more nutritional value than other breads.

After black bread was introduced to Russia, it became a cultural symbol of this typical fighting nation. In 1812, Napoleon, the first French emperor, led an army of ten thousand to invade Russia. The French and Russian armies fought fiercely for a day in Borodino, a village on the western outskirts of Moscow. About 200,000 soldiers participated in the battle that day, resulting in at least 70,000 casualties.

What does this have to do with brown bread? There are two theories. According to one theory, the nuns at the local monastery in Borodino saw that the wounded Russian soldiers had no appetite to eat, so they added some appetizing grass seeds to the brown bread when baking it. The strong aroma of black bread whet the appetite of the soldiers. There is another theory that on the eve of the war, the nuns at the local monastery in Borodino added coriander seeds to flour and baked them in order to boost morale. The baked brown bread was sweet and delicious, which lifted the spirits of the soldiers. Vibrate. At this point, Borodino black bread "became famous in one battle" and became the top black bread in the eyes of Russians. It was that war in history that made Russia's black bread legendary.

And compared with the luncheon meat supported by the United States, which "felt like wood residue added to flour", the canned meat distributed by the German army included all kinds of weird meat, such as carp meat, lemming meat, rabbit meat, and pigeon meat. Meat, bamboo rat meat, etc., but that is also real meat.

The group of people devoured their respective rations and burped comfortably.

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