Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 704 The German-Soviet War (47)

"Soldiers, you have conquered most of Europe in the past two years. Now in front of you is Moscow's Red Square. Go to Moscow and wash your bodies of war! In this war, many countries will always perish, but those who perish, Even if it is destroyed, it will never be our Germany, and the German tanks will never be defeated!"

Yannick's impassioned speech was transmitted to the world through radio waves, and Washington on the other side of the Atlantic naturally received this radio wave. President Wilkie looked surprised when he heard the translator on the side interpreting what was coming from the radio. "The Germans just continue to attack? Then can our troops in Belarus and Ukraine..."

Secretary of War Stimson had guessed what President Wilkie was thinking and shook his head with a wry smile. "Absolutely not. Maybe this is a strategy of the German army to lure the enemy. Our troops in Belarus and Ukraine are pure infantry. They can fight against the German army by relying on the city, but once they leave the city, they will be easily defeated by the German armored forces. Crush." ​​What's even worse is that even if they fight in the street, they don't have much chance of winning. Look at the way the German army fought in Turkmenistan. Before attacking a city, they would first drop a large number of incendiary bombs to burn the entire city to the ground. As a result, the troops in the city will have to pay a lot of casualties before the battle begins.

"..." This seems to be the truth. President Wilkie nodded. Just as he was about to say something, his secretary came in to report. "Mr. President, the special envoy sent by Mr. de Gaulle has arrived."

President Wilkie's face suddenly showed a look of disgust, and he said coldly. "Tell him I'm not free now!"

"Yes!" As soon as the secretary reached the door, he was stopped by President Wilkie. "Tell him not to bother us with this matter in the future. He doesn't know how much he weighs?!"

"Hiding" (De Gaulle was offered a reward of 1 million euros by Vichy France, but he still didn't care whether he lived or died. In this way, De Gaulle seemed to have died in public, living in seclusion, and the people he usually met were the people he trusted most) and established the "Freedom" in French Guyana. France's Charles de Gaulle has repeatedly asked to join the American alliance to fight Germany since Germany declared war.

But with his thousands of men and a few dilapidated old ships, he also wants to join the alliance? ! Is the alliance a garbage shelter?

It is indeed almost like garbage. The current so-called Free French capital ship is the "Béarne" aircraft carrier transformed from the "Normandie" class battleship during World War I. This aircraft carrier was renovated in the late period of World War I and was limited to the aircraft carrier at that time. The French believe that an aircraft carrier is more important as an aircraft carrier platform than a maritime air combat platform, so the ship has many flaws in its design.

There were also several older models of carrier-based aircraft that he couldn't even name, and he didn't know how many of them could still fly. The remaining battleships are also antiques from the First World War and are not useful at all.

There is not even a decent shipyard in French Guyana, so these ships can only sit there and rust. De Gaulle previously proposed to take these ships to American ports for modernization and modification, but there are no free shipyards in the United States for him to modify the ships. What's even more annoying is that this guy can't even pay the maintenance cost of the modification and wants to issue an IOU.

This kind of thing joins their alliance and has to shamelessly ask for money, cannons, ships, and planes!

After careful consideration, the United States politely rejected de Gaulle's request, but this guy kept sending people over again and again, and the Americans became impatient and simply said, "You can go and have fun wherever you like."

Speaking of allies, President Wilkie couldn't help but sigh. Today, Germany has countless allies, including Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Vichy France and other well-established countries. On the other hand, the United States has very few allies. Except for the Soviet Union and Canada, almost no one is willing to take this trip. water.

For example, Mexico is another neighbor of the United States.

The original World War II history rarely mentions Mexico, possibly because of the long-standing tensions between it and the United States in later generations. However, after declaring war on the Axis Powers in May 1942 (Mexico originally wanted to sit back and watch the tigers fight, but at that time two Mexican oil tankers sank in the Gulf of Mexico, the Americans investigated and said that the two oil tankers were sunk by German submarines. . Due to political pressure from the United States, Mexico had to declare war on Germany.), Mexico played a significant role in the Allied victory. During the war, Mexico and Brazil were the only Latin American countries to send troops to fight overseas. Mexico's elite air force squadron, the Aztec Eagles, flew hundreds of missions during the liberation of the Philippines in 1945.

The other Brazil is a typical wallflower.

In the eyes of people at the time, it was impossible for Brazil to participate in this war. The first is the Brazilian army. Although Brazil has an army, the Brazilian army has been idle for too long and has not participated in a war for a long time. No one knows what their combat effectiveness is.

And even if Brazil joins the war, it will be Germany's ally.

Why do you say that?

In the 1930s, Brazil and Germany had been in a honeymoon period. Germany was the largest buyer of Brazilian cotton and the second largest importer of Brazilian coffee and cocoa beans. Brazil also often purchased various weapons and equipment from Germany.

There are as many as 1 million people of German descent in Brazil, and the Brazilian aviation sector is also dominated by German airlines. Because they have always had a grudge against the United States, the cooperation between Brazil and Germany is a bit of a distant friendship and a close attack.

Therefore, even the United States believes that Brazil is likely to join the Axis camp. Just in case, the United States formulated a plan code-named "Golden Cauldron" and planned to send 100,000 expeditionary troops to capture strategic strongholds from Rio to Belem.

But this plan did not come into practice in the end, because Brazil actually declared war on Germany!

After repeatedly weighing the pros and cons, Brazil chose to join the Allied camp and quickly confiscated all German companies, ships, and assets in Brazil.

After declaring war on Germany, Brazil decided to send an expeditionary force to Europe. In July 1944, the Brazilian Expeditionary Force rushed to the European battlefield aboard an American transport ship. Its total strength was 50,000, including artillery groups, engineer battalions, and 67 female nurses.

Brazil has not experienced war for a long time, and its total military strength is only 50,000. Even the mustache laughed and said: "If the Brazilians can fight in Europe, even snakes will smoke a bag of cigarettes." As a result, the Brazilian Expeditionary Force was really there. The flag features a smoking snake.

Although the Brazilian Expeditionary Force does not have many troops, its performance is not bad. They sacrificed 450 people, captured more than 20,000 enemy soldiers, and accepted the surrender of the German 148th Howitzer Division and the three remaining Italian divisions. It can be said that when they left, they were one division, but when they came back, they brought the equipment of four divisions. Since there were many Italian soldiers in the expeditionary force, they often disguised themselves as Italians to deceive the German defense lines, so the German army hated them with gnashing of teeth.

Brazil's wall-to-wall behavior is in line with the old saying, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

But now this eternal truth has come true again. Seeing the German Air Force bombing the United States unscrupulously, the United States can only pay money time and time again; Mexico and Brazil still have the courage to declare war on Germany, and they declare it with great determination. Neutral. The rest of the South American countries had an attitude of not having anything to do with World War II in the original time and space. Most of them were not involved in the war, and it was even less possible to wade into this muddy water at this time.

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