Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 703 The German-Soviet War (46)

None of the five or six grenades thrown in from the door exploded and became "dumbs", lying quietly on the ground. However, everyone in the room also knew the virtues of their own grenades, so naturally they did not dare to pick them up and throw them back. , just huddled in the corner of the conference room, shivering and sweating.

Commander Maxim waited for a long time outside, but saw no explosions coming from the room. He frowned slightly, knowing that there was another problem with these grenades. "Change grenades!"

Soon the soldiers found several 1930-style grenades, which were an improved model of the 1914-style grenades widely used by Tsarist Russia in World War I. The projectile is made of stamped steel plates and is filled with TNT. Ammonium nitrate was also used when TNT was in short supply during the war. This bomb is equipped with a fragmentation sleeve on the outside of the projectile, which is similar to the German M24 hand grenade.

The RGD-33 grenade just thrown in is an improved version of the 1930 style, but obviously the modification was not very successful.

Hearing that another grenade was about to be thrown outside the door, Commissar Alexei knew that there would be no good luck for them to escape this time, and he couldn't help but plead loudly. "Comrade Maxim, we can discuss things easily! Considering that we have worked together for so many years, there is no need to kill everyone like this, right?!"

"Work together?" Mr. Maxim sneered. "We have worked together for many years, but you have also been arrogant and bossy for many years. I have never forgotten this anger. You mentioned consultation, then you have to ask these soldiers whether they can discuss it? Did you say there was discussion? !”

Suddenly, there were loud shouts all around. "No!"

Everyone in the room felt their legs weaken and almost sat on the ground.

Commander Maxim stopped talking nonsense and ordered people to throw grenades.

Several 1930-style grenades thrown in exploded, and the shock wave knocked the RGD-33 grenades on the ground rolling all over the floor. The detonator finally fired the pin, and exploded one after another. The terrifying shock wave and fragments instantly swept across the entire conference room.

After the gunpowder smoke in the room cleared, several soldiers rushed into the conference room and saw that the entire conference room was in a mess. The political commissars fell to the ground in a bloody state, and some of them made weak calls for help while still breathing. The soldiers were not polite. They picked up their bayonets and struck everyone on the chest several times.

Commander Maxim, who then walked in, looked at the corpses on the ground in disgust and waved his hand. "Draw it out and bury it somewhere. Contact the Germans and we will surrender."

Upon hearing the news of the surrender of a Ukrainian division in the encirclement, Yannik knew that this was a good start and decided to strike while the iron was hot. "Drop leaflets on the remaining cities and give them three days to lay down their weapons and surrender, otherwise they will blow their cities into rubble."

"Hang all the families of these traitors!!" And Stalin of the Kremlin roared every day. Forget about the local Ukrainians, these political commissars actually took the lead in surrender? coward! What a disgrace to the Soviet Union! !

The German army's surrender leaflets were scattered in various cities, and the effect was immediate. Except for the Soviet and American troops in several large cities, the rest of the Ukrainian and Belarusian troops surrendered.

Yannick came to Rundstedt to discuss the war. "Marshal Rundstedt, do you think we should continue the attack, or should we clean up the remnants of the Soviet troops in Belarus and Ukraine first? Is it safer?"

In 1812, Napoleon commanded the mighty French army across Europe, but was defeated in Moscow. It is said that it was God who saved Russia, because just when Napoleon's victory was in sight, severe cold suddenly came.

In the winter of 1941, God once again sided with the Russians. On October 1, a rare heavy rain fell in Moscow; on October 6, the first winter snow fell in the vast area around Moscow. The increasingly bad weather brought the German army's "Typhoon" plan to a sudden halt as if it had suddenly stepped on the emergency brake.

The continuous autumn rain caused many rivers to burst their banks, turning large areas into sticky swamps. The German army had to let the mud be at the mercy of the mud. The mud on the road often reached the knees, and the army traveling by car had to stop. The fighting tanks also had to be withdrawn to drag the artillery and ammunition trucks stuck in the mud. The infantrymen slipped and fell in the mud and became exhausted.

However, the German army in the heavy snow was really "adding insult to injury." On November 3, the first cold wave hit, and the temperature suddenly dropped below zero degrees Celsius, and it was still falling rapidly. On November 13, the temperature was minus 8 degrees Celsius; on the 27th, a sudden cold wind brought the temperature in Moscow to minus 40 degrees Celsius in less than two hours. A thick layer of ice formed on the ground, and the German mechanized troops were finally able to move again.

However, the cold that rescued the tanks from the mud ruthlessly devastated the soldiers who had to drive to fight. In winter, the German army faced greater difficulties: insufficient logistical supplies and lack of cold protection facilities. Many soldiers wore thin summer clothes and shivered in the biting cold wind, and many suffered severe frostbite. Thousands of German soldiers were left crippled by the cold, and many contracted malaria that made them shiver and weaken their bodies. The cold weather rendered the sights on the cannon useless. The fuel often froze, and the gasoline also froze into a sticky paste. When starting the tank, it had to be ignited under the tank for a while. Complaints and frustration began to fill the German army. Many people began to talk about Napoleon's defeat in 1812 and the Russian monument in Tarutino. They sighed helplessly: Why does God always favor Russia?

Yannick didn't want to repeat this mistake, so he wanted to attack faster. Based on the experience of the Battle of Stalingrad in the original time and space, he did not expect to capture Moscow within this year, but he would at least have to gain a foothold under Moscow before October.

However, he was a little worried that if the remnants of the Soviet troops in the encirclement of Belarus and Ukraine were not cleared, they would cause trouble in the rear. After all, it is a remnant, but it is not a small number. Including the US military, there are more than one million.

"Your Highness, we can continue to attack. The remnants of Belarus and Ukraine have nothing to fear. If they hide in the city and refuse to come out, they will be trapped to death. But if they dare to leave the city, they will only be killed. To destroy them. Therefore, we only need to keep a part of our troops on guard."

Yannick thought for a moment and nodded. "Then attack."

Attack is simple to say, but he also knows that once the border between Belarus and Ukraine is crossed, the strength of the Soviet resistance will increase exponentially, whether it is the shock of Stalin's "Order 270" or the heartfelt actions of the Soviet soldiers. Regardless of patriotism, the next war will only be more tragic.

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