Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 620 Georgia (11)

"Why is there still no movement? Are these guys scared?" Looking at the pocket watch in his hand, it was more than an hour since the last air raid, and there was no follow-up attack by the Soviets. Max Bastian murmured in confusion. The Soviets' two waves of attacks shot down less than 200 fighter planes, and they should have 800 more fighters available.

The staff officer on the side suggested. "Commander, how about we take the initiative and send A-1 attack planes to bomb them, maybe we can force them to give them a try." The A-1 attack plane has a bomb load of up to two tons (the A-1 attack plane has a total of 15 pylons , the theoretical total loading capacity is 6,622 kilograms. However, due to the tight arrangement of the outer wing sections, only small weapons can be mounted, which cannot reach the ultimate loading capacity. The normal mounting weight is about 2,000 kilograms). The two aircraft carriers have a total of Fifty attack aircraft can drop 100 tons of bombs at a time. Will the Soviets be bombed in vain and not fight back?

Max Bastian nodded thoughtfully. As long as the Soviet air bases and airports are not destroyed, they will definitely send aircraft to retaliate.

Just when the order was about to be issued, the radar soldiers reported that they had discovered a large number of aircraft groups, at least 300 of them!

"Finally!" Max Bastian stood up excitedly and ordered. "Order the Malaya and Warrior to come forward with full firepower! Order the two aircraft carriers to take off 30 fighter jets each to guard the flanks and rear of the fleet!"


As the black Soviet aircraft fleet approached, hundreds of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns and thousands of small- and medium-caliber anti-aircraft guns in the fleet sprayed bullets into the sky crazily. Various artillery shells continued to explode in the Soviet aircraft fleet. The entire sky was like a basin. Boiling boiling water.

One after another, Soviet fighter planes were hit by anti-aircraft artillery, caught fire, and crashed.

"It's really spectacular!" Max Bastian, standing in front of the bridge window, looked at the firepower network that could only be described as airtight, sighed sincerely, and ordered his orderlies. "Hans, bring me my camera."

"With this intensity of firepower, I'm afraid not even a fly can penetrate it." The adjutant on the side couldn't help but sighed. "The spirit of these Soviet people to die generously is quite worthy of encouragement. If all Soviet people were so reckless and thoughtless, then this battle would definitely be easy to fight. Is their commander a fool?" The first wave and The second wave of aircraft fleets were completely annihilated. They should have realized that their own anti-aircraft firepower was very strong, but they still refused to give up and sent more aircraft to die? Just send them, you should change your tactics or something, just rush into this deadly fire network, I can't think of any other adjective other than dying in vain.

It was not that there were no changes at all. This time the Soviets also sent out many torpedo planes, but it was these unlucky torpedo planes that were eliminated first.

There were mixed reviews for torpedo aircraft in World War II. On the premise that the engine level is similar and the design level is roughly equivalent, the mounting capacity of torpedo aircraft is much higher than that of dive bombers. The latter has to withstand the large overload during dive and requires high structural strength. The dead weight eats up a large amount of the bomb load. However, torpedoes are too heavy. By World War II, any torpedo weighed more than 700 to 800 kilograms. Compared with the bomb load of a dive bomber, it was twice as much as the bomb load of a dive bomber (the United States) or even more (the United Kingdom and Japan). The fuselage was dead. No amount of difference can make up for this gap. Therefore, as a price, the torpedo aircraft is often the one lagging behind in the formation, both in terms of speed and range.

The advantages and disadvantages of torpedo planes are exactly the opposite of dive bombers. Torpedoes are a very big threat to large surface warships. One torpedo is enough to cause water to slow down. The more hits, the more dangerous it is. In contrast, the penetration rate and hit rate of torpedo planes are very low.

Torpedoes are actually very precious things. For example, in the 1920s, cruisers from various countries basically placed the torpedo launch tubes on the mid-deck. Because no matter how high the position was, the torpedoes would be broken when they hit the water. The degree of their precision and fragility is evident. Although aviation torpedoes have been structurally strengthened, they still have very high requirements for speed, altitude and attitude when being launched.

Imagine a torpedo plane that is very slow, flies in a straight line at low altitude, and has average body strength. It is appropriate to call it a living target. In order to effectively cover the maneuvering range of enemy ships, torpedo planes must attack in groups. Large-caliber anti-aircraft guns are the main threat to them, especially with the presence of proximity fuses.

During the Pacific War, in order to avoid the dense firepower network of the U.S. Navy, the Japanese naval aviation also created an ultra-low-altitude snake-shaped torpedo aircraft.

During ultra-low-altitude flight, it snakes around to avoid the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower, and can theoretically reach the target location to drop mines. However, this tactic did not have much effect in front of the increasingly ferocious air defense network of the US military. In the early stages of the Pacific Operation, the death rate of Japanese torpedo aircraft was about 50%. In the later days of the daytime attack, the death rate once exceeded 90%, which was even comparable to that of kamikaze.

Generally speaking, torpedo pilots in World War II were very tragic. Fighters in the sky intercept, and anti-aircraft guns of various calibers on the sea have to lower their altitude and slow down under such a dense firepower net before they can throw torpedoes normally. In the end, they may face mechanical failure of the torpedo and fail to hit or detonate. result. It's all about risking one's own life to get a chance to severely injure the enemy.

Therefore, the current German aviation torpedoes are equipped with sound guidance mechanisms, which can drop torpedoes beyond the enemy's range.

Max Bastian laughed. "Perhaps he is really a fool. I heard that Stalin purged a large number of capable officers in the previous purges. Those who were lucky were dismissed from their posts and sent to prison, while those who were unlucky were directly killed. Then some officers went from company commander to company commander. It took less than a year to be promoted to division commander.”

"It's really scary. Why didn't those officers who were purged resist? Isn't Stalin afraid of a mutiny in the army?"

"Rebellion and mutiny?" Max Bastian shook his head. "When people are killing pigs and sheep, how do you see the reaction of the other pigs and sheep? A small group today, a small group tomorrow, divide and conquer. They all take chances, watch other people's jokes, and think that the sharp knife will not fall on their heads. ."

"Stalin, as a seasoned politician, should be very good at handling this kind of thing. Disintegration and disintegration should be done step by step. It is impossible to unite officers in a hurry for quick results. For example, inciting officers to inform on each other, stimulating conflicts among officers, etc. We have no cohesion at all and are completely scattered. It is very difficult to unite together.

The most important thing is that all resources and power are in the hands of Stalin alone. These officers have no capital to resist. Since there is no resistance, of course there will be no military mutiny. "

The adjutant nodded in realization, and the orderly brought a camera.

Max Bastian adjusted the collar of his military uniform, turned his back to the glass window, and showed a victorious smile to the camera.

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