Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 619 Georgia (10)

More than 50 Soviet fighter planes were wiped out before they could even break through the outer defenses of the German fleet. The undulating sea was full of burning aircraft wreckage, fuel, and various debris; there were also Soviet pilots flopping in the water.

In the bridge of an aircraft carrier in the center of the fleet, fleet commander Max Bastian sighed. "The courage of these pilots is commendable, but it's a pity that the performance of the aircraft is a bit poor."

The SB series bombers flew faster than most fighter jets of the same era when they first entered service. Unfortunately, they are now outdated, and the maximum flight speed of 423KM is not very fast. German naval anti-aircraft gunners usually use BF109 and FW190 for training. The speed of these aircraft is much faster than the Soviet SB-2, and it is naturally easier for anti-aircraft gunners to capture them.

At this time the radar soldier reported. "Report, there are more than 100 enemy aircraft groups 200 kilometers away!"

Max Bastian sneered disdainfully. "Is this a fueling tactic? It's really stupid!"

The so-called refueling tactic refers to the method of using small groups of troops to attack one after another, just like refueling an oil lamp. If one time is not enough, add more if it is not enough, then add more. Every time is not enough.

The refueling tactic is a tactic that is difficult to evaluate and define. Victory means that a small force can lure the enemy deep into the enemy's territory, lure the enemy into a decisive battle, and then a large force can annihilate the enemy. Failure means underestimating the enemy's rash advance, miscalculating the enemy's strength, and investing the forces that could have been concentrated to annihilate the enemy in multiple batches, but instead weakening the intensity of the attack and allowing the enemy at a disadvantage to respond calmly.

The fueling tactic basically only happens to battlefield masters and actual combat rookies. The advantage of this tactic is that it can continuously maintain attack pressure on the enemy, and the command difficulty is low. After all, Han Xin's ability to lead troops as much as possible requires a lot of talent.

The shortcomings are even more obvious. If you don't take advantage of your strength, you won't be able to fight one-on-one with the opponent. Because most opponents will stick to their guns when they are at a disadvantage, so if you invest 4,000 men at once to fight 1,000 men and fight them four times, you will lose yourself. Casualties are completely different.

"Didn't the Soviets have assembled nearly 1,000 fighter planes? They should all devote themselves to the attack at once. Maybe there will be a chance." If you want to severely damage this fleet, you will have to send hundreds of planes at once and conduct a large-scale bombing. possible.

Otherwise, stupid fueling tactics like this will only increase your own record.

However, he did not know that the Soviets did not choose the fueling tactic deliberately, but as a last resort. The nearly 1,000 Soviet fighter planes were not gathered at one airport, but were scattered everywhere. Some took off from the Odessa Military District, and some took off from the North Caucasus Military District. Scheduling these fleets taking off from all directions became a big problem.

Even the German aviation only gradually improved the dispatch and management of large-scale fleets during the European war, let alone the inexperienced Soviet Air Force.

"Commander, do you want to take off the fighter jet?" the adjutant on the side asked for instructions.

There are two aircraft carriers in this fleet, but no fighter jets took off in the defensive battle just now; after all, this is an actual combat training for anti-aircraft gunners. If all 70 FW190 fighter jets carried by the two aircraft carriers are sent out, the Soviet fighter jets may not even get close. There is no chance.

Max Bastian thought for a moment and nodded. "Take off 20 fighter jets and guard the perimeter. Don't let them escape." He took off the fighter jets not to fight these Soviet fighters, but to prevent them from escaping. If these guys were scared and wanted to run away, it would be impossible for their surface ships to catch up.

However, Max Bastian underestimated the courage of these Soviet pilots. The fleet of more than a hundred bombers and fighter jets ignored the dense anti-aircraft artillery firepower network and risked their lives one after another, just like moths flying into a flame.

"Oh, damn!" Just when Max Bastian was sighing at the courage of these people, he suddenly saw a ball of fire bursting from a destroyer in the distance. "Quickly ask if the damage is big."

The correspondent will report shortly. "The report is that a bomb dropped randomly by a Soviet bomber hit the 'Nuremberg', blowing up an anti-aircraft gun. Five people were killed and seven were injured. The hull was not seriously damaged and can continue to fight."

Max Bastian said coldly with a gloomy face. "These bastards got lucky."

the adjutant asked. "Commander, do you want the Malaya and Warrior to come forward?" So far, these two anti-aircraft battleships have not fired.

Max Bastian shook his head. "They can handle this amount." He was waiting for the Soviets' large fleet, and then the two anti-aircraft battleships would be able to show off their skills.

At this time, German reconnaissance planes on alert at high altitude discovered the approaching Soviet fleet.

Max Bastian ordered. "Take off 30 A-1 attack aircraft and destroy this fleet."

Soon, the two aircraft carriers each took off 15 A-1 attack aircraft and flew in the direction of the Soviet fleet. An attack on the Soviet fleet was launched more than a hundred kilometers away from the fleet.

The anti-aircraft firepower of Soviet warships is far different from that of German warships.

The anti-aircraft weapons of the heavy cruiser Red Caucasus are four twin 100mm anti-aircraft guns, two 76mm artillery, four 45mm machine guns, eight 7mm machine guns, and several 20mm machine guns.

The anti-aircraft firepower of the red Crimean light cruiser is only three twin 100mm anti-aircraft guns, ten 37mm anti-aircraft guns, and seven 7mm anti-aircraft machine guns. Most of the remaining destroyers are antiques from the First World War, and their anti-aircraft firepower can only be said to be better than nothing.

In just one attack, the Soviet fleet was hit seven destroyers, one light cruiser, and one heavy cruiser.

Nearly half of the warships were lost at once, and the fleet could only send a message to the base in embarrassment, requesting a retreat.

In the Sevastopol headquarters, Deputy Commander Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov was like an ant on a hot pot, walking back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back.

He also knew that such waves of attacks were futile refueling tactics, and ordered the aviation force to gather as many fighters as possible to attack together.

This unfavorable battle situation made him hold back a fire in his heart. Now that he heard the fleet was so timid, he suddenly became angry and gave a stern order to let the fleet get close to the German fleet and launch torpedoes before retreating.

The Soviet fleet immediately complained. The effective range of their torpedoes did not exceed 10 kilometers, and now they were still 100 kilometers away from the German fleet, and they had already suffered heavy losses. If they were to approach 10 kilometers, they would not be completely annihilated? !

But they didn't dare to disobey the order, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and advance at full speed.

Unfortunately, how can a speed of more than thirty knots (thirty knots = 56 kilometers) be able to outrun a fighter plane that exceeds 500 kilometers per hour? Before it got even fifty kilometers away from the German fleet, the last Molotov heavy cruiser was too scarred to move; then it was hit by two bombs and two torpedoes almost simultaneously. At this point, the entire Soviet Black Sea Fleet dispatched Overturned.

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