Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 493 K5 Train Cannon

The K5 train gun position in the Calais area.

Strangely enough, the Germans seem to have always had a soft spot for giant artillery. In World War I, the Paris Cannon with a caliber of 210 mm and a barrel length of 36 meters was launched. However, due to the technical limitations of the time, the accuracy of the Paris Cannon was limited and it only existed as a deterrent weapon. Rather than a powerful artillery piece with actual tactical value. (The barrel of the Paris Cannon can only fire about 50 rounds, and then it has to be sent to the factory to expand the bore. Therefore, the caliber of the artillery was initially 210 mm, then 240 mm, and finally 260 mm. In addition, the caliber of the cannon The hit rate was extremely poor. In the 140 days from March 23 to August 9, 1918, the German Paris Artillery launched a total of 44 bombardments near Paris, of which 183 landed in the urban area and 120 in the suburbs. , resulting in 256 casualties and more than 600 injuries. Not a single artillery shell hit the strategic target. Judging from the number of casualties and the effect of the attack, it is really minimal.)

And 20 years later, the Germans launched the super artillery project. First, it ordered Krupp to manufacture an 800 mm heavy train gun (the famous Gustav cannon), and then in 1937, it requested Rheinmetall to design and manufacture a tracked self-propelled heavy mortar. That is, "Karl Mortar". They also planned to hang a door cannon under the belly of a twin-engine bomber to attack targets such as battleships and cruisers. The caliber was actually 6 mm! The caliber of the main gun of the "Bismarck" class battleship is only 381 mm, which is really an exaggerated design.

Yannick is not interested in these flashy and imaginative things. He only wants the most practical K5 train gun. From the beginning of its design, this train gun fully considered the timeliness and range of supporting firepower, as well as the mobility and versatility of the gun itself. It is the best among Germany's many train guns.

The Battle of Anzio in World War II was a battle for the K5 train gun. In January 1944, the Allied forces decided to attack Germany's soft underbelly and launched the Anzio landing battle. The first step of the landing battle launched in the middle of the night went very smoothly. Most of the captured German troops were still wearing pajamas; but after reaction The German army quickly mobilized troops to contain the enemy and dispatched two columns of K5 to the theater.

The arrival of K5 has caused great trouble to the Allied forces in Anzio. Its ultra-long range allows it to cover all theaters in Anzio and support any area, and one shell can form a lethality range the size of a football field. It also made the Allies deeply feel what despair is. There was an attack force of 767 people. After being bombarded by K5, only 6 people returned to the base, and the rest were all killed by K5 heavy artillery.

The Allies relied on air superiority. When the Germans were shelling, they dispatched aircraft to search for the K5. There were also regular patrols on a daily basis. The actions of the air force limited the performance of the K5. It could only find openings and drive out of tunnels to fight, fire a few rounds of shells and then hide. Return to the tunnel. Although the Allies found the approximate location of the K5, bombers and attack aircraft were unable to destroy the two K5s. This situation lasted for many days.

In the end, the Allies paid huge casualties to win the Battle of Anzio. After breaking through the Gustav Line, they lifted the German siege of Anzio and cut off the K5's retreat. The two captured doors were later sent to the United States. Conduct test evaluations.

Yannick's ultimate purpose in building the K5 train gun was to serve as a secret weapon when landing in the UK, to provide fire support to the landing troops. Perhaps these train guns can go to the Crimean Peninsula in the future and replace the Gustav cannon to fire a few rounds at the Sevastopol Fortress. However, it is obvious that it cannot achieve the feat of destroying the huge Soviet ammunition depot located 30 meters underground with one shot. (At the end of May 1942, Manstein attacked the Sevastopol Fortress and mobilized the "Dola Cannon" to fire 43 shells at several ammunition depots in the fortress. One of the shells was drilled with a delayed fuse. He went inside the ammunition depot hidden 30 meters underground and detonated the stored artillery shells.)

In any case, now Yannick's secret weapon not only works, but also has excessive power. The target is a fixed area that has been mapped long ago. As long as the artillery shells are fired in this area, it will be an effective attack. One shot can overturn all the bunkers around the impact point.

After destroying all the targets received, the 22 train guns began to fire artillery shells in a barrage manner. The distance between each impact point was 100 meters. The 22 train guns opened up a 2-kilometer-wide road for the landing troops.

After each shell was fired, the soldiers swarmed forward, removed the shells, cleaned the barrel, stuffed new shells into the barrel, adjusted the muzzle angle, and finally fired in unison under the command of the commander, and then repeated the previous steps.

There are no less than ten cameras at work in every corner of the launch site, recording these spectacular scenes in all directions without blind spots.

This was also Yannick's idea. After all, such a magnificent scene is not common. Preserving it will be a good film and television material, which can be used for at least fifty years.

As for the famous Gustav cannon, Yannick had no intention of building it at all. He directly dumped its design drawings to Natasha's intelligence agent and asked him to take them back to Natasha.

Later, he received the news that Stalin secretly met with Natasha, cordially commended Natasha for her outstanding performance in intelligence work and her contribution to the motherland, and personally presented her with a certificate.

I don’t know how the female spy leader, who was obviously mentally twisted, resisted the urge to bite Stalin on the spot; and then Natasha became the second-in-command of the intelligence department.

"Go to hell and hold on to the end! Come and see if you can do it?!" After receiving Churchill's call back, the garrison commander cursed. In this moment, the Iron Barrel Fortress, which the British army was proud of, had completely turned into a piece of rags. More than half of the soldiers on the front line had already been killed or injured. Many of them were directly bombarded by German large-caliber artillery shells, leaving no bones left.

The garrison commander reluctantly ordered the few remaining soldiers in the forward positions to abandon their positions and retreat to the second line of defense.

But the Germans' terrifying heavy artillery blew up the forward positions and then began to slowly advance forward.

The 2-kilometer-wide barrage seemed like a boiling wall of fire, smashing everything, tearing everything apart, and burning everything.

The garrison commander looked at the approaching barrage and couldn't help cursing. "Damn it, what's the range of their cannon? If this continues, the second line of defense won't be safe!"

Just then the phone on the table suddenly rang.

"Commander, German paratroopers have appeared behind us and they are attacking our defense lines like crazy!!"

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