Once a war breaks out between the United States and the United States in the future, with the range and speed of this "flying bomb", wouldn't the United States only be beaten?

But these 500 tons of gold are too exaggerated, and it makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

And it would only be interesting if Congress could agree to this expenditure.

There was once a speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States who said arrogantly: "Without my consent, the president cannot spend a penny." Although this statement is exaggerated, Congress, which holds the "money bag", plays a very important role in government expenditures. It does play a leading role in the issue. The U.S. Constitution stipulates that no funds may be withdrawn from the treasury except as appropriated by law. The appropriation power held by Congress is commonly known as the "pocket power". Madison, the drafter of the Constitution, pointed out that the "power of the purse" is the most complete and effective weapon equipped by the Constitution to the people's representatives.

"How about we let Lucas negotiate the price?"

Caudle shook his head. "Salazar refused to bargain, otherwise the British would not have reached this stalemate. Salazar said that the risk of this transaction was too high. If the Germans discovered it, it might bring disaster to Spain. So. There won’t be any reduction in money.”

"..." It seems that is really the case.

Admiral Chang Lacey said. "Can we develop it ourselves?"

Marshall shrugged. "I think it should be no problem. But how much time and money will it take to build it? Who knows?" If it takes several years and hundreds of millions or even billions of funds, then it is better to buy it now. . Not to mention buying it, even if I want to do self-research, Congress may not approve this huge sum of money.

Just as everyone sighed in frustration, the landing battle in the Calais area also started.

As mentioned earlier, the White Cliffs of Dover are the natural barrier of Dover and a symbol of England. This cliff formed about 1 million years ago is composed of fine-grained limestone. The highest point of the cliff is at the top of the beach, where the chalk layer has risen more than 150 meters high from the beach below after millions of years of deposition.

It's a pity that God is not kind. This huge city wall with a length of more than 30 kilometers is not a complete barrier.

Near Dover, this stretch of natural wall has gaps.

Naturally, the British would not leave this gap alone, and built countless fortifications near the gap over the long years. Permanent, semi-permanent, temporary, and anti-tank obstacles that have been added in the last decade.

In addition, in recent years, enemy air force attacks have been taken into account. Many newly built firepower points are embedded on the inside of the cliff, and even Stuka's precision bombing is helpless against them.

Barbed wire fences and minefields were densely arranged at the front of the position, turning this place into a veritable iron barrel fortress.

If the invading enemy wants to attack this fortress with the physical bodies of soldiers alone, then this place will definitely become a veritable meat grinding ground, and as many as come will die.

In the eyes of the British, the best way to break through here is to bombard the fortress with large-caliber naval guns and blast a way out.

Therefore, although the Germans tried their best to use various means to hinder the British minelaying operations, the British still deployed several huge minefields in the English Channel. Because of the existence of these mines, it is impossible for the German fleet to enter the strait rashly. After all, this is very dangerous.

The British thought they had successfully blocked the German ships and artillery, and that Dover's defense was foolproof, but Yannick had prepared sufficient cover for the Dover landing force.

As mentioned earlier, the Port of Calais, which is closest to France, is only 34 kilometers away from the two places. At this time, a total of 22 K5 train guns with a range of up to 62 kilometers were deployed in the Calais area. These 22 train guns fire at a rate of 4 rounds per minute (some say the firing rate of the K5 train gun is 8 rounds per hour, and some say 15 rounds. Here is a compromise, 11 rounds per hour.) The 283 mm Artillery shells with a caliber of 255 kilograms hit the British fortress. In addition, the British bunker group is immobile, so they can only be beaten there stupidly, without any counterattack power.

Although the British also deployed train guns and coastal guns with a diameter of more than 300 mm on the opposite side, it is a pity that they had been completely removed by the German Lu Hun aviation. Even if they were intact, their range could not reach the K5 at all, and they could only shoot Being beaten, there is nothing you can do.

Of course, a useful method will not be used only once. The Calais landing force also dispatched "fishing" landing craft.

The uninformed British defenders also greeted these landing craft with fierce firepower. It seemed as if they wanted to show the Germans how ferocious their firepower was, enough to repel the German attack.

"Haha, these German guys are so scared that they don't dare to get off the ship." In a bunker, a machine gunner kept swinging the muzzle of his gun and shouted excitedly.

"Then let them continue to be cowards. Anyway, we have plenty of ammunition here." The company commander who came to inspect said that he picked up the phone in the bunker and reported the battle situation to the regiment commander. "Sir! The Germans were beaten to a pulp by us, and they didn't even dare to get off the boats and go ashore."

These bunker groups are even equipped with a lot of Maxim machine guns from the last World War, and they are equipped with countless bullets; it would take a month just to shoot all these bullets.

"I saw it, the boys did a good job. You must not let a German set foot ashore. Remember that London is behind you!" I felt a little weird when I said this. Behind them was indeed London, but London was being bombarded day and night and was almost in ruins.

At this moment, the machine gunner shouted in surprise. "Retreat, they retreat!"

"We won!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

"Wait, what did you say? Sir, the Germans retreated! We repelled the German attack!!"

"Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!"

Hearing the joyful report on the phone, the regiment leader couldn't help but be startled. The Germans have retreated? Was Dover really a feint? But this feigned attack was too shameful. He just walked around the beach and then retreated? What about fools? !

But then he heard a loud explosion. And this explosion was not a single one, there were dozens of them, and the ground shook like an earthquake.

"What's going on? Hey! Hey, hey!" No matter how he shouted, there was no response from the other party. The regiment leader made several calls before contacting a bunker. "What happened there? What's that explosion?"

A voice full of panic came from the receiver. "Sir, we were attacked by German heavy artillery! At least 20 heavy artillery pieces with a caliber of at least 300 mm opened fire on us!" He had just witnessed a bunker diagonally opposite suddenly explode. It was a solid bunker made of reinforced concrete, but it was directly blown into pieces, and then flew into the air dozens of meters high by the explosion, and several surrounding bunkers collapsed.

The regiment leader hurriedly reported the situation to the garrison commander, who was also shocked when he heard the news. "What? Is it a German battleship?! The German navy sailed the battleship into the strait?"

"Report to the Commander, no large German warships have been found in the strait! The shells seem to have been fired from Calais!!"

"What?!" The garrison commander was shocked when he heard this. Could it be the German V3 cannon? No, although the V3 cannon has a long range, its caliber is only about 150MM. It should be the Germans’ new train gun, right?

The garrison commander is no stranger to train guns. After all, the concept of train guns was first proposed in the 1850s by the British Anderson in his work "National Defense"; it can be said that the British are the ancestors of train guns. .

"Quick! Get me to London! Tell the Prime Minister that the Germans' main attack direction is Dover! I need reinforcements!!" It is easy to bombard those immovable bunkers concentrated in a narrow area with 20 heavy artillery pieces, without one In a few hours, the German army could "wash" an unobstructed passage through the pass! !

Churchill was in complete chaos. Dover and Norwich sent him urgent messages at the same time, saying that that was the main direction of the German attack. The Germans were about to break through their defensive positions and needed reinforcements! !

"How is it possible?! How is it possible?!"

"This must be a conspiracy of the Germans. They cannot land in three places at the same time. Even our British Empire does not have this ability. Telegraph Dover and Norwich and never take a step back. Persistence is victory. The Germans just It's just a bluff. If it doesn't work, agree to them destroying the port." He firmly believed that no matter how strong the German troops in those areas were, they would be driven into the sea by the British second-line troops after they ran out of supplies.

He feared that once the troops supporting Plymouth were weakened, they would be unable to cope with the fierce German attack.

In his opinion, ordinary coastlines can be regained as much as they are lost, but important coastal cities such as ports cannot be lost!

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