Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 229 Moving forward

The British Blenheim bomber has a maximum speed of 428 kilometers per hour. Its self-defense weapons are two 7mm machine guns in the gun turret under the nose and a 7mm machine gun in the rear fuselage. The fastest speed of the French Ameo bomber is 480 kilometers/hour. The self-defense weapon is a 5mm MAC1934 machine gun in the nose with a capacity of 500 rounds, and another identical weapon with a capacity of 800 rounds is placed on the belly to guard against enemy aircraft attacking from the rear and below. In addition, there is an Hispano Siza HS40420mm cannon with 120 rounds of ammunition at the rear end of the cockpit.

By the time the BF-109F formation with a speed exceeding 600 kilometers per hour caught up, the Blenheim bomber formation had already fallen far behind.

Bombers are different from fighter jets. They must form dense formations to cover each other with defensive machine guns. Once the formation is broken, bombers that fly slowly and clumsily and are filled with blind spots of self-defense machine guns are a perfect match for fighter jets.

But at this moment, the bombers who were bent on escaping were not in the mood to form a formation. One after another BF-109F dived from high altitude, and dense rain of bullets poured down instantly. When covering these bombers, they could only use their poor 7 mm caliber. The machine guns resisted in vain.

Soon, the right engine of a Blenheim bomber was hit, and the engine immediately emitted thick black smoke. The unlucky bomber then rolled violently to the right and began to fall toward the ground.

Not long after, the crew of the bomber climbed out of the cabin with difficulty, and several white umbrella flowers bloomed in the air. Unfortunately, there was already a group of German soldiers with live ammunition waiting for them on the ground.

In a short time, more than a dozen Blenheim bombers were all shot down, and the crew members who were lucky enough to parachute were all captured by the Germans. The BF-109F continued to pursue the Amio bombers that had not gone very far, and it was equally clean. Knock them all down neatly.

The few remaining Hurricanes and 406 fighter jets also fled in panic.

At this time, the pontoon bridge on the Maas River had been built, and General Reichenau led the armored troops to cross the river. Looking at the disgusting "black coal" on the Bijun position, he covered his mouth and held back for a long time without spitting it out. He quickly looked away and waved his hand forward.

"Aim, Brussels! Forward!"

British and French Allied Forces Command.

Gan Molin opened his mouth and looked at the frontline battle report he had just received. He was too lazy to complain about his pig teammate, but this pig teammate brought him new "surprises" every time, which really made him dumbfounded. "The Germans cast a terrible 'Hellfire'? Your Excellency, Viscount, do you know what the 'Hellfire' they are talking about is?"

Viscount Gott shrugged inexplicably. "Maybe some kind of Molotov cocktail."

Gan Molin thought so, but no matter what kind of incendiary bomb it was, it couldn't be an excuse for these bastards to escape without firing a shot. In the morning, he kept saying that he would resolutely block the German troops from crossing the river on the other side of the Maas River. I foolishly believed that these German troops could hold on for at least two or three days, and even sent precious aviation troops to support them.

The results of it? !

All the bombers sent out were wiped out, and only a few fighter jets escaped. It was really a loss of both my wife and my troops!

If it were him, he would definitely send all the officers who participated in the competition to a military court. "It seems we can't count on these bastards at all! If we hurry up, the German vanguard will be able to rush to Brussels tonight."

Viscount Gott sighed with melancholy. "It seems so." They completely overestimated the combat effectiveness and fighting will of these Belgian troops. "Fortunately, we were stationed in Brussels before them to set up a defensive line, otherwise even Brussels might have been surrendered."

Gan Molin nodded sympathetically. "It's still up to us to stop these Germans."

Just as Gamelin and Viscount Gott were discussing strategies to defend against the enemy, Yannick's Mosquito reconnaissance plane landed in Berlin.

As soon as he climbed off the plane, he was put into an ambulance that had been waiting for him and went straight to the palace. It can be said that the Berlin Palace has the best and most advanced medical conditions in Europe and even the world.

"Your Highness, how could you put yourself in danger?" Anne Lihua, who was accompanying her in the ambulance, choked with rain. "What should the empire do if anything happens to you?"

"I do this for the empire. Our air force and army are very powerful, but the air force and army alone cannot conquer Europe. We must have a strong navy." Yannick smiled disapprovingly. "And even if something happens to me, I still have my father." Although Prince Oscar seemed quite unreliable, Yannick discovered that he was a deeply hidden person. If he takes over the empire, even if he cannot conquer Europe, he should not suffer a disastrous defeat.

Annie wondered. "But aren't our submarines very powerful? Why is Your Highness so obsessed with surface ships?"

"Submarines alone are not enough." Yannick repeated to her what Dönitz had said. "That's why powerful surface ships are needed."

"So that's it." Annie nodded with sudden realization, and then shed tears again. "Your Highness, you don't want to go, do you?"

Yannick smiled bitterly in his heart. He was still a little frightened now, how could he still go? "Probably not."

Soon, the motorcade arrived at the palace and Yannick was sent to the infirmary.

In fact, Yannick felt that the medical measures on the aircraft carrier were sufficient. However, due to his special status, his whole body was carefully examined. Fortunately, there is no such thing as B-ultrasound and CT scan, otherwise he would have to go through all of this again.

After finally getting through various examinations, when he left the infirmary, he saw that the corridor was crowded with senior military and political officials. Seeing them rushing over with anxious and excited faces, Yannick quickly raised his hand to signal them to stop. "You don't need to ask any more questions. I'm fine. I just suffered a minor injury. It won't kill me."

Everyone's movements seemed to have been rehearsed. They stood at attention and straightened their backs. Countless arms suddenly stood up in the corridor, and the deafening sound of greetings filled the entire building.

"Hi! Hohenzollern!!"

"Hi! Hohenzollern!!"

"Hi! Hohenzollern!!"

Yannick nodded and waved. "Okay, let's all go back and do our own thing. Marshal Rundstedt, General Raeder, General Dönitz, and Dr. Goebbels, you stay."

After everyone dispersed, Yannick looked at Redel, who looked ashamed and wanted to dig a hole and get in, and said with a smile. "General Raeder, you don't have to blame yourself too much. As the Crown Prince of the Empire, of course I have the obligation to fight for the Empire. I just hope that the Navy will not let me down in the future."

Redel promised extremely firmly. "Please rest assured, Your Highness, the Navy will never let you down again!" If something like this happens again, let alone a resignation letter, even if he blows his head off with a gun to apologize, he will still be infamous for eternity.

Yannick nodded and looked at Dönitz. "When will the U-47 arrive?"

Dönitz said respectfully. "If nothing else happens, we will arrive in Hong Kong the day after tomorrow afternoon, Your Highness."

"Okay, I will personally greet these heroes when the time comes. Dr. Goebbels, send more reporters. By the way, we will also cover the naval battle in the morning. Marshal Rundstedt, how is the situation in the Ardennes Forest? "

Marshal Rundstedt's face showed uncontrollable excitement. "Tomorrow morning, they will be able to break out of the forest. Moreover, French Marshal Gamelin has transferred all the troops to Belgium, not even leaving any reserves. Our plan is already half successful!"

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