Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 228 Interception

"Boom!" A 40mm shell accidentally hit the cockpit of a Blenheim bomber. The out-of-control bomber immediately fell down, hit the ground in the distance, and flew into the air. A ball of flames.

This terrified other bomber pilots. "Oh, damn! The enemy's firepower is too strong! This is not a good thing!"

But at this time, the voice of the bomber formation commander came from the earphones. "Prepare to lower the altitude and drop the bomb at a height of 1,500 meters."

"What?!" Neither the French nor the British pilots were happy now. The anti-aircraft fire below was so fierce, and they were asked to lower their altitude? "The enemy's firepower is too fierce. If you go down, you will die!"

The commander of the bomber formation was out of breath. "If you don't lower the altitude, the bomb will be dropped in vain. Execute the order!"

They didn't know that this was just a prelude. With the addition of 88mm anti-aircraft guns, the disaster of the British and French bomber formations officially began.

The 88mm anti-aircraft gun is another famous "artifact" in World War II. Use it upright to shoot planes, lay it flat to hit tanks, and blast bunkers. It can even be used as a howitzer, and its range is farther than the German 105 howitzer. However, the accuracy of doing so is firstly low, and secondly, it damages the barrel too much. It would not be done unless it was forced.

There is a joke that has been circulating on the Internet for a long time. The German army was helpless when facing the British thick-skinned tank Matilda II in North Africa because their main anti-tank weapon, the 37mm gun, hit the 78mm armor on the front of the Matilda. Just listen to it. At this time, Rommel had an idea and fired the 88mm gun used for air defense. The result became famous in one fell swoop.

Of course, this is just a joke. The armor-piercing bullets used by the 88 gun for anti-tank are not the same as the fixed-height high-explosive fragmentation bullets used for anti-aircraft. If you want to anti-tank, you have to use special bullets. And use large-caliber armor-piercing projectiles to masturbate? The logistics master can hammer the gunner to death.

When the 88 gun was developed, it was indeed only considered for air defense. But as a high muzzle velocity, large-caliber direct-fire artillery, it naturally has anti-tank properties, so the Germans have long issued armor-piercing projectiles to it. After the outbreak of World War II, when the Germans discovered that the 37mm gun was unable to deal with the British Matilda, the French B1, and the Soviet T34/KV1, they happened to have such an artifact on hand that could be put to great use, and thus they achieved success. The legend of 88-gun anti-tank.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The first 88mm anti-aircraft position opened fire, a Flak37 single-purpose anti-aircraft gun equipped with a new übertragungser37 data transmission system.

The way this transmission system works is that an operator operates a tracking and ranging instrument to capture the flight status of the aircraft. The built-in mechanical computer can calculate the azimuth and pitch angle of the anti-aircraft gun based on the aircraft's flight speed, flight route, etc. Wait for the shooting elements and the optimal explosion height of the cannonball.

The data is then transmitted from the position command post to the secondary position command post through electrical signals. Each secondary command post can command four 88mm anti-aircraft guns and communicate with the position command post equipped with a mechanical computer. The final secondary position command post The sentry transmits the shooting metadata through the distribution box to the two scales of the anti-aircraft gun that control the pitch angle and azimuth angle respectively. Each dial has two scales. After the data is transmitted, the colored pointer will automatically move On the scale corresponding to the data, the two gunners who control the elevation and azimuth angles operate the artillery to align the pointers on the second set of scales with the colored pointers to complete the positioning, and finally select the appropriate fuze based on the optimal explosion height of the ammunition. Just shoot, thus greatly improving the air defense performance.

Facing the double interception of two rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns, the Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun and the 88mm anti-aircraft gun, the British and French bombers were in a desperate situation.

What's even more terrible is that Britain and France do not have dive bombers that can deliver bombs accurately like the German Stuka. If you want to use horizontal bombers to blow up pontoons in the river, you can only lower the flight altitude to ensure bombing accuracy.

As a result, these bombers simply became fish on the anvil of the German army, ready to be slaughtered.

An unlucky Ameo bomber was directly hit by an 88mm cannon shell, turned into a ball of flame at an altitude of a thousand meters, and exploded into a pile of parts.

The 88mm anti-aircraft gun is not only lethal if it directly hits the enemy aircraft, after all, this kind of coincidence is a rare and low-probability event. Usually bombers fly at an altitude of several thousand or even ten thousand meters. They are very small when viewed from the ground, making it difficult to observe, let alone hit accurately.

Therefore, the most effective tactic is to use multiple anti-aircraft guns to shoot into the airspace passing by the enemy aircraft's flight path, and use a time fuse to cause the shells to explode at a predetermined height, forming a barrage full of smoke, debris and shock waves within a certain range.

As the bomber group approached the Maas River, their casualties began to increase sharply. In just a few seconds, several bombers fell down with billowing smoke. German anti-aircraft firepower formed a dense air defense net over the pontoon bridge. Every British aircraft that hit this huge net was instantly shattered to pieces.

"Oh God! We can't get through at all!!" Seeing the friendly planes in front being shot down one after another, some people finally couldn't bear it and collapsed. "Hell is ahead! I want to go home!" A young pilot shouted with a cry. Before anyone else could react he jerked the control column and the heavy bomber began to turn.

"No!" The co-pilot's face changed wildly as he tried to stop him. They were surrounded by friendly aircraft, and any maneuver could lead to a collision.


Sure enough, a few seconds later, the bomber slammed into another bomber. Several tons of bombs in the two bombers exploded violently, and an unprecedented fireball appeared. The shock wave of the explosion even spread to several surrounding areas. Set up a friendly machine.

Finally, a Blenheim bomber broke through the dense anti-aircraft fire network and dropped their first bomb of the day. Unfortunately, the bomb was at least a hundred meters away from the pontoon, and even the rising waves failed to hit the pontoon.

The next second, several lines of flame from Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns swept towards the bomber, directly blowing it up in the air.

At this time, nearly one-third of the bomber formation had been lost. Looking at the German fighter formation coming for reinforcements in the distance, the commander of the bomber formation could only order a retreat with regret. "Retreat, get out of here!"

"God!" The bomber pilots couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but soon found that it was not easy to leave.

Although the anti-aircraft guns on the ground stopped firing, German fighter jets had already caught up.

"Throw away the bombs! Throw away all the bombs!" British and French bombers threw bombs randomly and prepared to escape lightly. It's a pity that the bomber can't escape at that speed.

The BF-109 formation that caught up was not polite and launched a fierce attack. Bombers were shot down one after another, or exploded in the air, or burned and rolled and fell to the ground...

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