Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 219 Naval Battle (2)

Yannick rolled his eyes. "Forget these graceful flatteries, what I want to see is your actual actions." He raised his hand and pointed into the distance. "The enemy is right there, what are you going to do?"

"Fight!!" The crowd burst into the most intense roars, which were heart-piercing. Everyone answered Yannick's question with the loudest voice they could muster.

Yannick nodded with satisfaction and looked at Lutjens. "General Lütjens, fight."

"Yes!" Lütjens saluted, turned around and ordered loudly. "Advance at full speed, raise the combat flag! All aircraft are equipped with weapons! Send a signal to the escorting destroyers! Peripheral air defense and anti-submarine level one alert!"

As soon as the order was issued, ground crews wearing vests of various colors on the aircraft carrier deck immediately got busy, attaching aerial bombs and torpedoes to the Stuka bombers and FW-190Ts that had long been parked on the deck.

Everything is going according to plan. The ground crews are busy loading weapons and fueling the aircraft; the pilots gather in the conference room to study the mission briefing and obtain the current position parameters of the enemy fleet from the staff at any time. Once the attack order is issued, , the pilots will quickly fly the aircraft towards the target.

Yannick came to the conference room in person to encourage the participating pilots. "Everyone, today you will create a new history. You will be recorded in history as the first batch of carrier aviation to sink battleships; and aircraft carriers will replace battleships as the new maritime overlord! Today is the beginning of the decline of battleships. !”

Before World War II, battleships had always been the main ships and core forces of the fleets of various maritime powers, occupying the position of maritime hegemony. In World War II, the rapid rise of aircraft carriers and the successful application of carrier aviation gradually shook the dominance of battleships. Especially during the Pearl Harbor incident, eight U.S. battleships were either sunk or damaged. Since then, the battleships have been unable to recover, indicating that their era of dominating the seas is over. After World War II, all countries stopped building battleships, and the battleships in their fleets were also withdrawn from active service; for a time, battleships almost disappeared. After World War II, a small number of battleships occasionally participated in local wars and armed conflicts at sea, but their role was not significant.

In the 1980s, the U.S. Navy decided to modernize and re-transfuse the four remaining "Iowa"-class battleships in the world. The focus is to strengthen anti-submarine and air defense capabilities, improve the modernization level of communications and electronic equipment, and improve the living conditions of the crew. The main missions of the modified "Iowa" class battleships are: to coordinate operations with aircraft carrier formations; to conduct maritime operations alone; to support landing operations of amphibious forces; or to show off force in crisis areas.

Before the pilots could cheer, Yannick's next words almost petrified everyone on the spot. "And I will join you in this attack."

"Huh?!" Lütjens on the side was shocked and flatly refused. "This is not okay, Your Highness!! You are a man of wealth, how can you risk your life!!" If he could, he would send Yannick back now.

Yannick said extremely calmly. "There's nothing we can't do. I said I would hold the German flag and rush to the front. Now is the time."

Everyone tried to persuade Yannick not to put himself in danger, but Yannick remained unmoved. "Okay, no need to persuade anyone, I have made up my mind. You are soldiers of the empire, and it is your duty to go into battle to kill the enemy. As a member of the empire, how can I be greedy for life and afraid of death? I want to witness this historic scene with my own eyes. ."

"But Your Highness..." Lütjens felt like his head was getting bigger. If he could, he really wanted to plunge into the cold sea water for some peace and quiet.

Yannick interrupted. "General Lütjens, if you continue to linger like this, you will waste the opportunity to fight. The duty of a soldier is to obey orders. I now order you to stick to your post and perform your duties well."

Seeing Yannick being so "obsessed", Lütjens sighed and waved his hand. "Set off!"

Watching Yannick leave the conference room with the pilot, the adjutant on the side said anxiously. "Captain, what should we do?"

Lütjens slapped himself hard several times, feeling remorseful. "It's all our fault for being so useless. If only we could have mustered the courage earlier..."

The adjutant was so anxious that he almost jumped up. "Captain, what's the use of saying this now? Your Highness is about to get on the plane!"

Lütjens regained his composure and hurriedly gave instructions. "Quick, go see which Stuka His Highness is on and tell the pilot. Stay far away and don't get close to the British fleet!"

"Yes!" The adjutant ran out quickly, and Lütjens also returned to the bridge.

At this time, Yannick and a group of pilots had already arrived on the deck. Yannick randomly selected a Stuka dive bomber and asked the rear seat gunner who was about to climb onto the plane to step aside. He climbed up and sat in the back seat.

"Your Highness..." The pilot in the front seat felt like he was about to cry.

Yannick looked at the pilot who was younger than him and smiled. "May I have your name?"

The pilot replied shakily. "Bazel, Bazelschmidt, your highness."

Yannick patted his shoulder affectionately. "Bazel, don't be nervous; just follow the usual training steps."

"..." There is no such thing as Your Highness in the usual training.

However, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Watching the surrounding fighter planes start their engines one after another, and the propellers on the nose of the planes began to rotate; Bazel could only bite the bullet and start the plane.

Yannick quickly learned how to fasten his seat belt and put on his oxygen mask and communicator. As soon as I put it on, I heard an anxious voice coming from the hoarse radio. "Booby No. 5, Booby No. 5; you are strictly prohibited from approaching the British fleet. The further away, the better. If you hear me, please reply!"

Yannick said angrily. "I heard it, shut your mouth, I'm not here to see a show."

The fighter planes in front took off one after another, and soon it was their turn. The Stuka began to accelerate against the wind on the deck. When it was approaching the end of the deck, the nose wheel of the aircraft left the deck of the aircraft carrier and took off.

Like the fighter planes that took off first, they began to circle over the fleet, waiting for other planes to take off to form a formation.

It was the first time in Yannick's life that he got on a fighter plane. He was excitedly tapping left and right, playing with the 7mm defense machine gun on the back a few times, and suddenly thought of something. "Bazel, do you think the machine gunners behind here are useful?"

As far as he knew, Stuka bombers were slow and had poor maneuverability, and their rear seat gunners could only provide the most basic self-defense firepower. If there is no cover from one's own fighter jets and encounters enemy fighter jets, it is basically a dead end. In this case, the machine gunner at the back seems to be superfluous.

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