Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 218 Naval Battle (1)

9 am.

The shrill sound of battle sirens rang over the German High Seas Fleet in Norwegian waters. The High Seas Fleet that sailed this time was still the same size as last time, including an Essex-class aircraft carrier, the battlecruiser Scharnhorst, the battlecruiser Gneisenau, and the heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper. There are also several cruisers and destroyers.

According to the plan, they were to intercept the British fleet heading to Iceland and destroy it. The information they received was that the British fleet consisted of several battlecruisers, heavy cruisers and several destroyers, and they were still confident that they could deal with it.

"Report! Reconnaissance aircraft spotted the British fleet 220 kilometers southwest."

On the bridge of the aircraft carrier named "Graf Zeppelin", Lütjens looked at the position of the British fleet marked on the chart, and mentally calculated his own speed and the opponent's position and speed; if he drove forward for 20 minutes, he would be able to Planes were dispatched to attack the British fleet.

But the staff report is not over yet. "Well, there's one more battleship in the British fleet."

"What?!" Everyone in the bridge was suddenly shocked. Didn't it mean that there were only a few battlecruisers and heavy cruisers? How could there be an extra battleship? !

Lütjens asked hurriedly. "Did the reconnaissance plane make a mistake? Let him confirm again!"


Seeing the staff officer running out in a hurry, everyone in the bridge suddenly exploded.

"How is this going?!"

"Why does the British fleet have an extra battleship?!"

Some people were even more frightened. "Isn't this a trap set by the British for us? Are we already surrounded by the British navy?!"

"!!" Lütjens hammered the command platform covered with charts with his hand, and the bridge fell silent for an instant. "Send out all reconnaissance planes to search the sea areas around the fleet. Don't miss any corner."

He seemed calm, but he was already in a dilemma. This time they set sail, it can be said that they were a bit desperate. If they returned empty-handed this time, then the navy's surface ships may really become a fleet in the future. Well, it's very possible that it doesn't even need to exist.

But now that the British fleet had more battleships, he shuddered just thinking about the terrifying combat effectiveness of the battleships. If they make the slightest mistake, their fleet will most likely be wiped out.

"Captain, Captain!" Just when Lütjens was at a loss what to do, the staff officer just now ran back.

Lütjens asked hurriedly, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw. "Did the reconnaissance plane see it wrong?!" He hoped from the bottom of his heart that this was just a false alarm.

"No." The staff officer shook his head hurriedly and stammered back. "Yes, His Highness is coming!!"

"What?!" Everyone was shocked again. Why did His Highness come? !

The staff officer was very sure. "The reconnaissance plane His Highness is on has arrived 100 kilometers away."

"Stop the fleet!" Although his mind was a little dizzy, Lütjens still gave the order. "Immediately take off a group of fighter planes to escort us."

Yannick was flying in a naval reconnaissance aircraft modified from a Mosquito bomber.

He came here in person because he had no choice but to do so.

This morning he received intelligence that HMS Warspite of the British Mediterranean Fleet was transferred to the Home Fleet and joined the British fleet heading to Iceland last night. Yannick didn't care how strong Britain's determination was to take over Iceland. What he thought was that the German High Seas Fleet should be scared back.

This is not possible.

Yannick is really worried that the German surface fleet will be scared away again and again and will completely lose the courage to challenge the British fleet!

By then all his efforts so far will be in vain.

Without a surface fleet, no matter how powerful the underwater submarine is, it will not be able to survive for long, and landing in the UK is even more empty talk. The British mainland will become the springboard for future British and American counterattacks on the European continent, and the German army is once again caught in the dilemma of fighting on two fronts.

In order to avoid being shot in the head while hiding in a dark basement in the future, Yannick decided to come in person.

Soon, the Mosquito reconnaissance plane came over the High Seas Fleet. Looking at the long aircraft carrier below, Yannick couldn't help but muttered. "Why is there no beveled deck?" Then I remembered that the aircraft carriers during World War II did not have any beveled deck. The experimental ship with beveled deck would not appear until ten years later.

"I didn't expect this." After thinking about it carefully, the "Fresnel" lens optical landing assist system, catapult, blocking rope, blocking net, etc. were not used.

Yannick couldn't help but slap his forehead, sighing secretly that an aircraft carrier was wasted. It seems that even if a person has a lot of knowledge about future generations, he can't cover everything.

A Mosquito reconnaissance plane lands on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Lütjens led a group of people to greet him on the deck. "Your Highness, why are you here?"

Yannick cursed in his heart, if you guys weren't so cowardly, would there be any need for me to come in person?

Everyone returned to the bridge, and Yannick asked. "General Lütjens, have you found the British fleet?"

"Yes. We just found it not long ago. But in the British fleet..." Lütjens was interrupted by Yannick before he could finish his words. "The British fleet has more battleships, right? So you are afraid again?"

Lütjens explained with a shameful expression. "Your Highness, if it is a cruise fleet, we can ensure the annihilation of this fleet; but now that they have an extra battleship, our advantage is not so obvious, in case..."

Yannick interrupted him rudely and said angrily. "There is no such thing as a chance! You are soldiers of the empire! The mission of a soldier is to go into battle and kill the enemy! Now the army of the empire is charging into battle on land, and the air force is fighting bravely in the sky to kill the enemy; but your navy is just running away like a coward!"

Everyone bowed their heads in shame after being scolded by Yannick.

Seeing this, Yannick softened his tone and continued. "Twenty-three years ago, our ancestors challenged Britain's maritime supremacy. They used their bravery and fearlessness to achieve a tactical victory, proving that the British navy is not invincible."

Jutland's battle loss ratio: Germany destroyed three British battlecruisers, three armored cruisers and 8 destroyers at the cost of one pre-dreadnought battleship, one battlecruiser, several light cruisers and destroyers. destroyer. Germany made a lot of money and achieved a tactical victory.

However, they did not achieve the strategic goal of annihilating David Beatty's battlecruiser force, lifting the British Grand Fleet's naval blockade of Germany, and ensuring that Germany's war potential was unleashed; therefore, they lost strategically.

"Later, due to the tricks of some conspirators, we could only accept the defeat agreement; but our ancestors would rather sink their most beloved warships to the bottom of the sea than leave them to the enemy."

Some young staff officers began to sob softly.

"In order to take revenge, we have been working hard for 20 years! And I also understand that even if there are battleships twice their size, we can't defeat them with naval gun duel. Only with new weapons and new methods of fighting can we have a chance."

"I gave you the most powerful weapon the empire could create, and why are you so timid? Do you not trust me? Do you not believe that you can win with the weapons in your hands?"

Speaking of which, Yannick shouted loudly. "Do you believe me?"

"Believe it!" Everyone replied loudly in unison, Lütjens said even more excitedly. "Your Highness, you are the hope of the empire and the beacon that guides us!"

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