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Xiang Yang reached out and grabbed the sword that was suspended in front of him. The sword no longer resisted, but the gentleness allowed him to hold in his hand.

At this moment, he only felt that there was a message to himself. It was the basic application of this sword, and there was also a set of Supreme Kendo exercises called ‘弑神剑诀’.

This set of swords is a bit similar to the sword of killing, but it is not the same as the sword of killing.

This sword is displayed, and every time it touches the opponent, it can absorb all the opponent's self, so that you don't have to worry about running out of energy. Even if the other side is using various magical avenues, you can refine the other side's magical avenue. Make up for everything.

"The sword of the gods, the name is well-deserved."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and with a bright light in his eyes, he laughed and said, "With this sword, the tens of thousands of gods have killed the gods, and they have gained a little more."

This sword is called the **** of sorrow, but it can be a holy.

Although it is only innate, but it has very terrifying strength.

Xiang Yang calculated that this sword is the one that senses the true atmosphere of Pan Gu, and does not kill himself. Otherwise, the ordinary strong is caught by a sword. Even if it is not dead, it will not recover in a short time. Even if you have a violent body, you can't recover.

"Congratulations to the boss, after getting the sword, although it is not sanctified, but you can kill the saint with this sword."

At this time, Xiaoling and Laowan appeared at the same time. They looked at Xiangyang with a happy smile.

"This sword has no spirit."

When Xiang Yang saw Xiao Ling and Lao Wan, he suddenly stopped. He took the sword in his hand and felt that something was wrong. But what was wrong with him, but he could not say clearly, seeing Xiaoling He and Lao Wan appeared, he just wanted to understand, precisely because he did not sense that there was a spirit in the sword.

"The sacred swords and other killings to the treasure, the murderous gas is too strong, and it is against the heavens, it is impossible to produce a spirit." Lao Wan said.

"It turned out to be."

Xiang Yang nodded and finally understood all of this. However, the sword itself is just a sword, and it really does not require any spirit.

For the spirit of the all-powerful magic weapon such as Xiaoling and Laowan is the most important.

"How do I integrate the axe of the open axe into the sword?" Xiang Yang frowned. Since he got the sword, he naturally wanted to integrate the axe of Pangu.

"The sacred sword itself is the axe blade of the Pangu open axe. The boss only needs to let go of the sacred sword. When the axe and the axe blade of the Pangu open axe meet, they will instantly merge together, no need to care about anything. ""

Xiaoling said.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and directly released the sword.


Suddenly, I only heard a roaring sound, and the sacred sword directly turned into a streamer and plunged into the axe of Pangu’s open axe. Suddenly, the entire continent of Pangu’s axe trembled, even like melting snow and ice. In general, it turns into a stream of light that does not enter the sword.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of coffins sealed with the sacred corpse were all raised up by the air, bursting out of murderous murder.

"this is..."

Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at the coffins of these sacred corpses, and he said, “These sacred corpses have already produced intelligence. Is this going to be out?”


With his voice falling, one of the coffin coffin covers was directly hit by a fly, and a figure rushed up and crashed into the Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang fixed his eyes and saw that the other party had no difference from the normal person. However, there was a **** outburst, and there was a strong corpse.

"Really psychic, okay."

Xiang Yang not only did not have any anger, but instead showed excitement. He had to deal with these corpses with his headache. Now, these sacred corpses are all psychic, so it is easy to handle.

"Old Wan, settle all the corpses, I will surrender them one by one."

Xiang Yangshuo snorted, and suddenly, the tens of thousands of robbers flew directly from his body and suspended in the sky, sprinkling a ray of light, and set these corpses.

Xiang Yang went straight to the past and punched the sacred body.


The power of Pangu’s real body broke out. Xiangyang’s fist directly flew out the sacred corpse. However, this sacred corpse was not injured, but the squatting still smashed toward Xiangyang.

"Interesting, the power of these sacred corpses is already strong."

Xiang Yang’s eyes brightened, and then he rushed again and continued to collide with the sacred body.

This sacred corpse is very powerful and invisible. However, in the case of Pangu’s true body, it was weaker. After dozens of moves, the Xiangyang uniform could no longer move.

Then, among the dynasty of Xiangyang's Promise, the first demon who had been practicing for a long time, stepped out and walked out with the deity of Xiangyang to control the sacred body.


Next, the sacred corpses broke through the coffin cover, but they were all sealed by the tens of thousands of rumors, and Xiangyang’s deity and avatar shot at the same time, a little bit of condensed magic, and all the tens of thousands of corpses were controlled.

At the same time, the 弑Sword is also a little bit blended with the axe of the Pangu Axe. In the end, the entire axe of the Pangu Axe is not in the sword.


At this moment, the sacred sword has undergone earth-shaking changes, and a horrible temperament tears the void, and even the fairy battlefield cannot resist, and it is instantly broken.

A murderous murder that can kill the gods and destroy the immortals broke out, and in the chaos, countless holy people, even the chaotic saints, changed their faces.

"It is the breath of that sword."

Outside the frontiers, deep in the chaos, Sanqing Shengzun opened his eyes at the same time. Their eyes looked at the place where the sacred sword broke out with a horrible atmosphere, and the expressions on his face were different.

Too much inaction, he did not say much, but the eyes with a strange color, seems to be able to penetrate the chaos, see the Xiangyang and the sacred sword in the battlefield of the fairy.

The original is a flash of light in the eyes, whispering, "this sword has not yet recognized the Lord."

Obviously, he is a bit eager to move, although he knows that this sword must be in the hands of Xiang Yang, but when he thinks that this legendary sword is born, and the power is so strong, he actually has a kind of want to snatch. impulse.

Tongtian Shengzun is haha ​​laughing, reaching out and shaking, the four swords of the immortality are floating around him, and the same powerful sword and murderousness are also erupted. "There is finally a sword that can fight against the four swords of Zhu Xian, haha, unfortunately. The kid hasn't grown up yet, but he can compare with him."

While talking, his eyes looked at the original sage, and said with a smile, "The second child, don't make up your mind. If I guess well, the sword should be the one who has already got it, and specially left it to him. Disciples, if you dare to move, even if the teacher comes, you may not be able to keep you."

"Oh, don't talk."

The original holy singer snorted, and there was a feeling of being angry and angry after being said to have broken his heart.

"What do you think about yourself is clear, don't drag us down." Tongtian Shengzun said with a smile.

He had already known the temper of the original sage, and did not pay attention to the other side, but continued to feel the breath of the sacred sword with great interest.

"The smell of killing."

At the same time, there are other chaotic saints who also sense this breath.

In the depths of chaos, among the palaces, the Emperor, who was preaching for Mei Aoxue, suddenly looked at the chaos and whispered. "Is this sword finally born, the **** soldier who was born for killing?"

"Teacher, what are you talking about?"

Mei Aoxue curiously looked at the emperor.

Emperor Huang whispered softly. "It is you, your little lover. He got a sword to kill the sword and shake the chaos. The chaos of the heavens was shocked by him."

"Ah, it’s Xiangyang, then, is he dangerous?"

Mei Aoxue looked at the emperor with a nervous color on his face.

"Do not worry, now he has really grown up, no one can do anything about him." The Emperor gently smiled and touched the head of Mei Aoxue. "You practice well, but don't let him fall too much." ""


When Mei Aoxue heard that her teacher said that Xiang Yang had nothing to do, she was relieved, but fortunately, as long as nothing happened.

"This sword was born, it was the coming of the killing world."

Among the people's palaces, the three saints looked up and whispered to each other. They were the three emperors, and they were sanctified by great merits. Although the strength is not strong among the saints, they are also chaotic. saint.

There are other saints who have been alarmed. The Buddhas of the Western Buddhism, the Black Lotus Devils who are practicing in the Purple Palace, and so on, all look at the killing atmosphere that erupted from the Sword.

"It's made everyone known."

At this moment, Xiang Yang could hardly control the tens of thousands of corpses in his hands. When he sensed the breath of the sacred sword, he knew that the news of his own sacred sword could not be concealed.

Although the general Azov cannot sense these, the chaos of the heavens must have been sensed long ago.


He sighed and grabbed it. He directly grabbed the scorpion sword in his hand and sensed the change of the sacred sword. Although he surpassed the innate treasure, but he did not reach the level of chaos to treasure, he suddenly became helpless. The axe of the axe can not be broken into a chaos."

"Boss, this sword is a growing type of treasure to the gods, although it has swallowed the axe of the Pangu open axe, but it can not be promoted to chaos to the first treasure, but it also surpassed the level of innate treasure, and later it It will gradually increase until it becomes a chaos, and even if it can give it more treasures, it is possible to advance to a higher level."

Xiaoling’s face looked at the sacred sword in Xiangyang’s hand with envious color.

"What you mean is that although it has swallowed the axe of the ancient axe, but because it has not been completely digested, it has not been promoted to the level of chaos to treasure, and will it be promoted a little later in the future?" Road.

"There is this possibility. After all, this evolutionary magic weapon is also slow to improve." Xiao Ling said vaguely.

Xiang Yang did not care that Xiao Ling’s tone was a bit vague, but his face was full of excitement. “It seems that it will take a long time for me to get a chaos to the level of the killing sword. With this Excalibur, let alone the king of God, even if I face the Supreme God, I am sure I can fight with one."

"Cough, boss, the supreme **** is stronger than the saint."

Old Wanke coughed a channel.

"I know, I can kill the saints too." Xiang Yang said very confidently.

Holding the sword, he swelled.

Originally, he held the Promise Sword, and he already felt that he could fight against the sage-level god. After he had the Supreme God, he was stronger.

Even with the sword, he felt that even if he had to let himself go to the Sanqing sage, he was not afraid.

"No, no, the strength of the Sanqing Holy Respect is absolutely terrible. It is not comparable to the Devil's Black Lotus. I can't provoke him." Xiang Yang squatted.

However, he will not be idle to provoke any saints, and he will deal with the gods with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey can join together to kill a god. He does not feel that he will not be the opponent of the gods after adding himself.

Looking at Xiang Yang's proud appearance, although he said that he is not the opponent of Sanqing's holy deity, but when he does not put the black lotus demon in his eyes, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling helplessly smile, Xiang Yang It really is inflated.

"When the boss really makes a confrontation with the **** king, he will understand the gap between himself and the strong person in the realm of the saint." The two said in their hearts, they are not as good as the spirit, but they can’t say how to say Xiangyang. Let Xiang Yang face it by himself and experience the strength of the saint.

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