Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3020: Sword name 弑神 (five more flowers)

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In the depths of chaos, a sword of up to tens of millions of feet penetrates the chaos with a horrible breath, and gradually approaches the heavens and the world.

Within this sword, there is a temple that slowly emerges, which is the temple of killing.

This sword is the supreme sacred soldier who kills the humanity and kills the sword.

Then, the Temple of Killing and Living was removed from the sword of killing, and even the deceased, the 108-year-old elders of the Holy Land appeared. They stood in the chaos of the chaos, looking at the killing, but full of infinite power. The killing sword, sighed, "Unfortunately, for so many years, we still can not surrender to kill the sword."

"Although the old master once said that if this sword can be surrendered, this sword will be owned by us. However, this infinite number of years, we can not refine this sword, we are not with us. ""

The elders sighed and said.

The power of this killing great elder is shocking, and the vastness of the atmosphere is definitely not weaker than the top of the most powerful sanctuary. Although he is not a chaotic saint, it appears in this void, but it can affect the heavens and control the chaos.

Although other elders are not as big as the elders, they are equally terrifying.

At the moment, they all have the color of regret.

The killing swords are horrible and the power is superb. They are left by their old masters. If they can get this sword, even if they are not chaotic saints, they can also kill the saint by the power of the holy. This is their old master’s mouth. Said.

It is a pity that with the strength of their 108-year-old Yasheng, they have been unable to refine this sword of killing.

Now, returning to the world, they know that it is time to kill the sword, perhaps returning to the hands of the old master, perhaps to the new owner.

The new leader of killing the Tao, Xiang Yang.


Sure enough, in the eyes of the 108 sacred strongmen, this tens of thousands of tens of thousands of killing swords suddenly narrowed down, turning into a sword light instantly penetrated the chaos and disappeared.

"Great elders, can you sense where the killing sword goes?" A strong man of the Holy Land looked at the elders with unwillingness.

"Can't sense it."

The elders shook their heads.

Even if he has already stepped into the chaos of the chaos, but the killing sword is too strong, it is definitely not what he can track.

"Let's go, I am waiting for the killing to return to the heavens."

Then, one hundred and eight sacred strongmen stepped into the Temple of Killing, and drove the Temple of Killing into the fairy world.

The return of the 108-sacred sacred strongman is definitely a big shock. However, all this has nothing to do with Xiangyang. He is still in the battlefield of the fairy, still thinking about how he should deal with Pangu. The axe of the axe.

"It's a pity that the sword is not there. Otherwise, if you can integrate the axe of the axe into the sword, you can definitely turn the sword into chaos. When the boss holds the sword, don't It is said that it is the slaughter of the king of God, even the supreme **** is ok."

Lao Wan and Xiao Ling whispered together.


However, at this time, the void trembled, there was a horrible murderousness and swordsmanship, and even the entire fairy magic field trembled as if to be torn apart.

"Boss, something went wrong."

At this time, accompanied by a tense voice, the magical old man in the battlefield of the fairy devil quickly ran in and looked at Xiang Yang with a nervous look. "There is a horrible innate sacred sword that flies from the sky. Preparing to tear the fairy battlefield and rushing in."

"Not so smart?" Lao Wan and Xiao Ling looked at each other and showed a strange color.

As the spirit of chaos and treasure, they are stronger than Xiang Yang’s inductive force, and they are all inductive at once. This breath, with the horrible killing atmosphere, if they did not guess wrong, they just mentioned The legendary innate treasure to the gods and swords.

"Is that sword controlled by someone?" Xiang Yang asked the old lady.

"No, I don't know." The old man replied nervously. He was not a little spirit. He couldn't tell if the other sword was controlled by someone else, and he didn't know the **** with his vision. The origin of the sword, only know that the squad is very horrible.


Xiang Yang huh, a smile, said to Lao Wan, "Old Wan, Wan Haozhong has merged with the mother gold, can you shoot?"

"You can shoot at any time." Lao Wan replied.

"That's good."

Xiang Yang nodded and said to Xiao Ling, "Be prepared, no matter what the sword is, no matter who controls it, since it is here, it will be directly received."


Xiaoling responded, and entered the Wuxian Xianfu at the same time as Laowan. Then, within the Promise Xianfu, a passage was looming, and it was the connection between Wanbaozhong and Qiankun.

With this channel, they can suppress the squad at any time.

"It seems that they have sensed it, and that one of the soldiers is absolutely extraordinary."

After Xiang Yang met, he whispered to himself. In the past, even if it was a nine-blooded blood lotus, the little spirit did not need to construct a passage in advance. This time, it is different. It is still so prepared, obviously I am afraid that the sword will be too powerful to hurt myself.

However, Xiang Yang is not the former Xiang Yang, even if the power of the sword is strong, Xiang Yang is not afraid.

He turned his head and told the old man, "Let it come in."


The old man quickly replied, directly dissipating the control of the battlefield of the fairy, letting the sword rush in.


The next moment, only heard a roar came in, a horrible smell of killing and tearing the air, and instantly reached the front of Xiangyang.

This is a three-footed sword, the blade is dark, but there is no edge, it seems to be a random move, can kill the saint.

Even when Xiang Yang sensed the murderousness of this sword, his face showed a dignified color.

"There is no one on the top."

Xiang Yang’s eyes are hot. The more powerful this sword is, the more excited he is, whether or not someone controls the sword of the disease. Since the other party has already arrived, it is his own.

"The boss is a sword."

At this time, Xiang Yang’s brain appeared in the voice of Xiao Ling.

"Is it the sword of the axe of Pangu's open axe?"

Xiang Yang lived, this is too clever, Lao Wan just talked about the sacred sword, and as a result, the sword actually flew on its own, because someone controlled it, or because it was opened by Pangu What is the axe attracted?


He blasphemed the gods, this sword has already flown, carrying the boundless murderousness, and even instantly killing Xiangyang, and, while the sword is falling, there is a vast expanse of killing, as if to kill the world. All the same.

"A sword is alive?"

Xiang Yang stunned, and seemed to understand what he was, but he did not sit still. His Pangu, who is 100,000 feet tall, was pointed into a sword and went straight out.

"The sword of killing, a sword is alive!"

Xiang Yang is the first sword to directly display the sword of killing.

When the sword came out, the ancient atmosphere of his body instantly turned into a horrible killing atmosphere, which was similar to the breath of the sacred soldier.

The Sword of Killing has a great resemblance to this sword.


When Xiang Yang thought about it, his sword and the sacred sword slammed into each other. The sacred sword did not move, and the smoldering swordsmanship burst into flames. In the humming, a sly sword light tore everything, still Xiangyang was killed.

“Do you want to continue? Is anyone controlling it?”

Although Xiang Yang just showed the first sword of the sword of killing with bare hands, but the power is also very extraordinary. With his Pangu real body, it can also kill the strong man of Yasheng Peak, but this sword actually blocked And there is a stronger sword light to kill him, this power is too strong.

"This sword is a sword, no one is manipulating, it is no Lord, boss, you have to surrender it yourself, and the sword is not the same magic weapon, as long as you surrender it with the power of the boss, it will never Follow others."

Xiaoling said.

At the same time, the passage that erupted from the Qiankun Ding and Wanjue Bell disappeared instantly. Obviously, the two could not help Xiangyang. The next thing only depends on Xiangyang himself.

"Okay, let me conquer you."

Xiang Yang looked dignified and sneered at the shot. He did not take out the Promise Excalibur. The Promise Excalibur is only a hindrance to the treasure. There is a great weakness in quality. If you are on the innate magic weapon, you can It is absolutely not enough to use the axe blade of the Pangu Axe's axe blade. If it is taken out, it may be cut off in an instant.


Xiang Yang’s mind was moved, and the three-inch killing sword jumped directly on top of his head. At the same time, this sword turned into a virtual one, and turned into an illusory three-footed blood sword appeared in Xiang’s palm.

A powerful murderousness and swordsmanship broke out, and it seemed that it was going to compete with the sacred sword.

"Two swords smashed the spirits, and the three swords were destroyed."

Then, Xiang Yang used the illusory killing sword to display the second sword and the third sword of the Sword of Killing. The two swords were almost indiscriminately displayed, and the sword was turned into a sword. The light passed.


However, when the two swords were on the sword light on the sword, they broke directly without any surprise. The sword was as if it had absorbed the murder of these two swords. Stronger in general.

"When you are fighting the enemy, you can still absorb the energy and murder of the enemy. This is not invincible."

After Xiang Yang met, his eyes glowed, and the whole person was even more excited. "I must get this sword, this sword should be for me."

"Four swords pass through the heavens and the earth, five swords are empty, and six swords break the chaos."


Xiang Yang roared and squandered the power of the whole body. He used himself as a sword and used his own three-edged sword to kill the sword as the Jianfeng. He directly displayed the remaining three swords.


For a time, the breath of these three swords broke out in a mighty way, and they squatted on the swordsmanship of the sword. However, what made Xiangyang stunned was that he still could not block the sword.

"It's a little troublesome."

This time, Xiang Yang’s forehead was sweaty, and he whispered in a low voice, and his body quickly retreated toward the rear.


However, when he retired, the sword was still killing him, and the speed was much faster than him. He couldn’t retreat, he could only whisper. "No, I can only continue to shoot, I will not believe it." With my strength, I will not be able to surrender a sword."


He roared, with Pangu as the sword, and the sword of the king and the sword of invincible appeared on the top of his head. The two swords were directly integrated into the murderous sword of his palms. For a time, Xiang Yang’s breath reached The true peak state.

The three kendos merge into one, and the killing, the king, and the invincible are the three swords. The swords that are erupted are definitely not one plus one equals two, but the real energy has turned over countless times.


Next, Xiang Yang did not have a fixed use of kendo magical powers, but various swordsmanship handcuffs, and even later, he had already abandoned what swordsmanship, and directly used his own feelings to feel the strongest method to kill.

A sword follows a sword, and a sword is stronger than a sword.

In front of Xiangyang, the sword of the Killing Sword seems to be endless. Every time it touches Xiangyang, it absorbs Xiangyang’s sword and energy, so that it will never have the danger of energy depletion. Xiang Yang is more shocked and trembled. However, the dissatisfaction in his heart is aroused. If he feels that even a soldier can’t surrender, then he still says that he wants to go to the gods with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. God king?

"I don't believe that I can't surrender you and kill me."

Xiang Yang roared, the whole person directly turned into a sword, the real sword and the sword, the three martial arts around himself, directly rushed to the scorpion sword and hard to kill.


Although the battle between Xiangyang and the Sword of the Sword is very fierce, but because the continent under their feet was made by the axe of the Pangu Axe, it was firmly fixed, so that their attacks did not cause any damage. Even, even the tens of thousands of corpses have no effect.

For a time, I saw two squadrons constantly confronting each other, and one of the sacred soldiers in the process of confrontation, there were many gaps, blood spilled, and was absorbed by another squad.

Although Xiangyang’s Pangu is physically strong, it is far from being able to compare with the Shenjian sword.

However, the only thing in his hands that can be used to fight against the sword is that he has not used these two magic weapons. He wants to use his own strength to fight against the sword, and he can only touch it so hard.

‘Hey! ’

Xiang Yang bodyized the sword, the endless stream of shackles, a sword followed by a sword, at this moment, the one of his squadrons has already appeared numerous broken gaps, but he still keeps fighting with the scorpion sword.

Because in the process, he found that there seems to be a little bit of connection between himself and the sword.

"Boss, I know, 弑Sword in the process of fighting with you, absorbed your sword and sword and blood is getting stronger and stronger, but it is slowly surrendered by you, hit you The brand is imprinted." Xiaoling's voice passed to Xiang Yang's ear, causing him to bite his teeth and continue to hold on.


The invisible roar came out, even if the little spirit did not say what he found, Xiang Yang also had speculation, and now, he is more like a desperate fight with the sword.

In the end, even Xiang Yang didn't know how long he had been confronted with the Sword of the Sword. If it wasn't for the immortal resilience of the annihilation, even if he had been wiped out by the Sword, he only listened. The sound of '嗡' rang, and the sword of the scorpion stopped and never continued to confront him.

Xiang Yang showed his body shape, he gasped, his body was bloody, his eyes looked at the sword, and he felt the connection between himself and the sword. His face was full of excitement.

"It’s finally to conquer you."

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