Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3017: Frightened ancestor

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"It is not easy to see your father. I will send you to see him."

Just as the ancestors of the family sighed that they were really worthy of this life, suddenly, a light voice came from the void.

After he heard it, his face changed greatly and he yelled, "Who?"

What's special, his old father died for more than a thousand years, and wanted to send him to see his old father. Isn't that trying to kill himself?

Even if someone dares to break into the small world of the family, it is simply against the sky.

The ancestors of the Xiang family screamed, and they burst into a powerful and unmatched atmosphere. They even prepared to mobilize the array in the small world to destroy the other side.


However, at this time, he only felt that his eyes were moving and the whole person disappeared instantly.

"Well, there are super strong people to deal with me."

The first generation of ancestors of Xiangjia screamed in his heart. He knew that he was too confident. He did not mobilize the opponent’s formation to deal with the other party in the first time, so that the other party could use his power to deal with himself and trap himself. No, it seems to be sending myself to not knowing where it is.

"I am dead."

The ancestors of the Xiang family are very clear that since the other party can silently remove themselves from the small world of the project, they must be dead, even if it is the grandfather of Xiangyang, the strongest of the current family is not May have saved myself.


He felt that he was over-satisfied, and that his blink of an eye was a tragedy.

He laughed and felt that he was definitely dead.


Suddenly, when the eyes were bright, he seemed to be down to earth and found himself standing in a restaurant, and around him, he obviously felt that it was not the aura and the fairy, but the devil. gas.


His face changed. "It is the magician who has to deal with me and has caught me in their place."

While thinking about it, he snorted and yelled, "Bastard, no matter who you are, you have to fight to kill you, but if you want to get any information from me, it is absolutely impossible."


At the moment, among the Devil's Restaurant, all the strong people looked at the man brought back by Xiang Yang. The overlord Xiang Yu was staring at his own son, who was very sturdy and looked like a big surprise. It has also been diluted a lot, even with a quirky color.

The two of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey couldn’t help but yell at the laughter.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at Xiang's generation of ancestors. "I said, ancestors, you haven't seen who caught you. You are so hard. Is this trying to make us laugh?"


"Xiang Yang, it is you."

The family's generation of ancestors were stunned. He didn't write it in any way. It turned out that Xiang Yang brought himself to this place.

When Xiang Yang really stood in front of him, looking at him like a smile, he really reacted.

"This, what is going on?"

Although there is no problem in life safety, he feels very inexplicable. Xiang Yang brought himself so suddenly. What is it here? What is the purpose of Xiang Yang bringing himself here?

"This is the devil world."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"What? Devil? This..."

The ancestors of the Xiang family are dumbfounded. It is not the stagnation of the sect, but the legendary devil. How is this possible?

He did not doubt what Xiang Yang said. Since Xiang Yang said that it is the devil world, it must be that there is nothing wrong with the devil world. However, what is Xiang Yang trying to capture himself in the devil world?

"Look at who he is and ask me why I will take you to the devil world."

Xiang Yang’s figure was let go, so that the ancestors of Xiang’s family saw the tyrannical Xiang Yu, and the heart sighed. The next step is definitely a very touching scene. The old father of Xiang’s generation thought that the old father who had been dead for many years stood alive. In front of you, will you be excited to burst into tears?

"You... father?"

After seeing the overlord, the ancestors of Xiangjia’s ancestors changed their faces and wanted to rush over, but they stopped and sighed. “No, it’s impossible. It’s a fantasy. Xiangyang’s kid can’t bring me to the devil world. My father has already passed away, and it is impossible to appear here."

"Give me a break."

While talking, he did his best to display the peak of his fit period to destroy the illusion.


However, there was no reaction, everything in front of him remained, and he stayed. "This illusion is so powerful that even if it is my strength, it can't be cracked."


Xiang Yang is really speechless. The generation of the ancestors of this family turned out to be so interesting. It is also very interesting to use this as a fantasy.

He deliberately ignored the other party, but gave it all to Xiang Yu. The father and son met, even Xiang Yu, who is the overlord, was very excited.

He laughed and sat down with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. Then, the three men drank a small wine while watching the family's generation of ancestors and Xiang Yu.


To the surprise of others, the first time I met, although very excited, but the overlord Xiang Yu actually gave a slap in the hands of a generation of ancestors, swearing, "reverse, even if it is true or illusion Unclear, you still have the repair period of the fit period."


The ancestors of the Xiang family were beaten, the familiar tone, and the familiar technique, which made his heart tremble. He couldn’t help but look up and look at Xiang Yu carefully. Under this circumstance, he suddenly burst into tears. I can't help it anymore. "Father, you, are you really?"

"it's me."

At this moment, Xiang Yu’s heart was also softened. His face showed a sense of emotion and gave a hug to the family’s ancestors. Haha said with a smile, “Good boy, it’s me, I am not dead, this is not a fantasy. It’s not a dream, it’s really coming out.”

"This, what is going on?"

The infamous color of the ancestors of the first generation of the family, although it has been determined that this living person is the father who had died in the past, but after seeing it, he still feels incredible.

"There was an accident in the past, but then there was an accident..."

Xiang Yu said with a deep voice, saying that he did not die to the family's generation of ancestors, after listening to the latter, his face with a shocked look, staring at the overlord Xiang Yu, then looked at the item Yang, "Father, how are you with Xiangyang again?"

"Xiang Yang... Do you know this...daoyou?"

Although Xiang Yu already understood the identity of Xiang Yang in his heart, when he said Xiang Yang at the moment, he still did not dare to directly call Xiang Yang’s name, but called Xiang Yang as a Taoist friend.

It is really because Xiang Yang is too horrible, just left, and came back in an instant. Obviously, he went to the world of the world to go, break through the bounds, break through the world, and instantly appear. Such a means, even some Asian The Holy Spirit can't be displayed, unless it is his master, the demon ancestor of the former Devil World, and now the Devil of the Devil's Devil can do this.

Xiang Yu is a bully, he is domineering, but he is not a savage husband who knows nothing. He naturally knows that the anode of the item may be the descendant of his own left, but he does not dare to be his ancestor. It is really that Xiangyang is much stronger than him.

"Father, Xiang Yang is a descendant of our veins."

Xiang Yu’s ancestor said to Xiang Yu, “Father, he should call you an ancestor.”

"Is he your son or grandson?" Xiang Yu stared at his son, his son was clearly the peak of the fit period, and his own do not know how many bags of people have reached the strength of the comparable saints, this It is a bit too unbelievable.


The first generation of the family’s ancestors sighed and said, “Father, you are too young to look at your son. My family has now passed down for generations. The age of Xiangyang is only a few decades old. How could it be? My son or grandson."


Xiang Yu and Xiang Yunlong have been stunned at the same time. A sacred person who is decades old, even a saint, is too incredible.

Xiang Yunlong only thinks that Xiang Yang is very horrible, even stronger than his father. He feels that Xiang Yang is definitely the super strongman of the Yasheng Peak, and Xiang Yu is different. He knows that Xiang Yang’s strength is absolutely no better than The Master of the First Saint of the Devil is weak, and such existence is only a few decades old.

His heart beats faster.

Even if he is a pro-disciple of the Devil, he is a famous demon in the devil world. However, he knows that Xiang Yang is his own descendant, and when he is only a few decades old, he also feels like a dream.

"You hit me."

Then Xiang Yu looked at Xiang Yunlong.


Xiang Yunlong was stunned, his father, the tyrant of the tyrants in the demon world, looked at himself with such incredulous eyes and let him slap him.

This is crazy.

If the strong men who let their fathers fall to see this scene, I am afraid they will doubt that their father has been controlled or taken over by people.

"Father, you, you have no dreams." The first generation of the family's ancestors hesitated.

Although the person in front of him is still domineering, he is still the father he used to worship. However, when he saw his father let him slap him, even the first generation of his ancestors felt incredible.

Xiang Yang, what did he do, he was able to make his father feel so shocking and incredible.

He looked at Xiangyang and found Xiangyang Xiaoyu’s look. However, he did not speak to the first generation of the ancestors of the Xiang family. Instead, he said to Xiang Yu, “Once, you finally understand what I said. Isn't it wrong?"


Xiang Yu smiled a bit, until now, how could he not understand that Xiang Yang is his true descendant?

It’s just that this is really incredible, and the power that Xiang Yang shows is so powerful.

In any case, he would not have thought that among his descendants, there would be such a peerless enchanting, even if it is the first enchanting demon in the modern world.

Xiang Yang chuckled. "Okay, since you believe it, it will be easier. When I saw Xiangtian last time, the old guy told me to come and see you. This time I finally saw you." ""

"Small thickening, I am very curious about you, are you Xiangyang?"

After all, Xiang Yu was the overlord of the year. He was a stunned man. Although he was shocked, he immediately relaxed after he finally knew the identity of Xiang Yang.

He smiled at Xiang Yang and sighed, "The waves in the Yangtze River push forward waves."

"Ha ha ha, but the ancestors have not died on the beach." Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, heard the familiar place name, only feel refreshed, this is my family's ancestors.

"Maybe it will take a long time to die on the beach." Xiang Yu laughed and laughed.

"With your strength, it will take a long time to step into the holy world. Even in the devil world, no one can compete." Xiang Yang said in a true color.

Xiang Yu shook his head. "In the devil world, the master is like a cloud. Do you really think anyone can compete? Even if you are able to do it with your current strength."

"Well, don't say this, how about drinking a few cups together?" Then Xiang Yu said with a smile.

"Dare to die."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and took out a large amount of wine directly. So, whether it was Xiang Yu, Xiang Yunlong or the ancestors of the Xiang family all sat together, Yang Hao and Sun Monkey also did not leave.

While drinking wine, they talked about some situations in the devil world. Of course, they also talked about the situation of Xiang Yang and Xiang Yu.

On the one hand, Xiang Yunlong and Xiangjia’s ancestors, as 'senior', although they started to listen to the clouds, but later, when they knew the terrible strength of Xiangyang’s real strength, Rao was Yunlong was already prepared, and it was scared at the moment.

They feel that in front of Xiang Yang, their two talents are juniors.

However, Xiang Yang did not pay attention to them. He was so excited to meet with Xiang Yu, because Xiang Yu was the pioneer of the lower bounds, the source of the blood of the lower bounds, and a belief of Xiangjia.

Now, after finding Xiang Yu, he is much more dull.

Individuals have a personal life. Although Xiang Yu is not in the fairy world, nor in the secular world, it has become a magical strongman in the realm of the demon world. It is also very good.

He did not bother, after a meal, he left with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. As for the ancestors of Xiangjia, he wanted to stay with Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yang did not bother. Xiang Yu’s strength is so strong. It is not difficult if the ancestors of the family want to repent of the new world.

Xiang Yang himself came to the new world with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

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