Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3016: Senior generation

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A look of mighty, domineering middle-aged man stepped into the restaurant, with a royal spirit and domineering on his body, it seems that the whole person is like a supreme emperor.

He was the one who dominated the lower bounds of the year, and he almost dominated Jiuzhou’s hegemony and overlord.

Even when Yang Lan and Sun Monkey saw the middle-aged man, they couldn’t help but look awkward and reveal a strange color.

"I don't think that there are such people in this demon world."

Yang Lan whispered.

"It's not a bad thing, it's a hero." Sun Monkey also said.

Xiang Yunlong was rushing forward and saluting this middle-aged man, "Father."

"What about people?"

The look of Bawang looked around and found that only Xiang Yang and Yang Lan and Sun Monkey were three people, but they frowned. Then his eyes moved, showing the shocking color and watching the three.

"You are?"

With his strength, when I didn’t pay attention to it at first, I couldn’t really see the difference between the three people. However, when he looked at the three people carefully, he could immediately feel the breath of the three people like the vast sea of ​​chaos. It is more powerful than him. I don’t know how many times, even more than he is in the Devil’s Master, the one who claims to be the Devil.

Moreover, not long ago, he had just seen his master, who, with his own strength, unified the entire territory of the demon world, and with the supreme luck of the devil, he achieved the true supreme magic. Even, he has a feeling that the three people in front of him are not weaker than the saint of their own master.


At this moment, even if the overlord is overbearing, how can he be confident and arrogant, and he can't help but take a breath.

This is a master.

The supreme power of the three saints.

His heart trembled, and it was also seen that the three were not the devil, but they appeared here, to deal with him, or to do?

Reminiscent of his own son's help, his gaze gradually dignified, no matter who, as long as he is still alive, can not hurt his son.

He is the overlord, but also a supreme demon in the devil world. Although he has not yet become an sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect. Many of the powerful powerhouses, the power of the Sanctuary.

Even if the saint is in front of him, he is absolutely impossible to let the other party.

"Father, these three saints saved me."

At this time, Xiang Yunlong seemed to understand the tension in his father's heart. He said quickly, "A group of demon sorcerers who have met the **** demon are here to commit crimes. They want to stop, and the **** embers are arrogant. The arrangement of the next law is to kill the baby, the child is not good, and almost killed, but fortunately there are seniors to save, otherwise, the baby will not see the father."

"It turned out to be."

The middle-aged man was relieved after listening, but fortunately, not to deal with himself.

Although I don't know what the other party has come to the devil world, but the other party saved his son, it is impossible for the overlord to have nothing to express. He quickly hurried to the Xiangyang three people, "Thank you for the help of the three predecessors."

"Don't, it's not the two of us who saved, it was the man who saved the kid." Sun Monkey and Yang Lan both avoided and replied softly.

The middle-aged man only has to reciprocate Xiangyang. "Thank you for your predecessors."

"Don't you, this is for me to live longer."

Xiang Yang had no choice but to smile, and his body shape also retreated toward the side, and did not accept the ritual of the overlord.


Seeing Xiang Yang’s actions, even if the middle-aged man is overlord, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes and show his incomprehensible color to Xiang Yang. However, under this circumstance, he only felt his blood tremble. It seems that the person in front of you has the same connection with yourself from the depths of the blood.

His heart trembled and he remembered that when Sun Monkey said that Xiang Yang was a 'item kid', he said in his heart, "Is he from the fairyland?"

"The first ancestor of the legendary family?"

Thinking of this, the face of Bawang has already revealed the shocking color. He escaped in the past, and Xiang Tian naturally told him all this, making him know the things of the fairyland. In his eyes, Xiang Yang is so powerful. The only possibility is that the old father’s mouth said that he opened up a strong and unparalleled family ancestor.

"you are?"

The middle-aged man watched Xiang Yang carefully, and he almost certainly confirmed that Xiang Yang was the ancestor of the fairyland family.

"Recognize me?"

Xiang Yang looked at the middle-aged man with a strange look. He said, "The ancestor of this family is really very bullish. It is worthwhile that he almost became the emperor's existence, and he even recognized himself as his descendant."


Overlord nodded honestly, and then, in the stunned Xiangyang, he even bent his knees directly, and went against Xiangyang, "the younger Xiang Yu, seeing the first ancestor of the family."


After Xiang Yang met, he suddenly stopped.

This guy turned out to be the old guy who was the ancestor of the family. This is really a bit funny.

However, although his strength is much stronger than that of the overlord Xiang Yu, but he did not dare to accept the worship of this guy. He flashed his body and quickly flicked to the side.


Xiang Yu is dumbfounded, what is the ancestor of this family?

Do you not recognize yourself and not let yourself enter the home?

Otherwise, why do you even have to go to the ancestors of the younger generation to sneak away?

However, Xiang Yang did not hide. It does not mean that he can get up as a younger Xiang Yu. He not only did not get up, but changed his direction. He was facing Xiang Yang and then shouted to Xiang Yunlong. "I still don't see the ancestors." ?"


Xiang Yunlong also quickly squatted, so that both father and son were kneeling on the ground with respect and respect.

While Xiang Yang looked at this scene with a dull look, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey showed a funny color at the same time. Just Xiang Yang made it clear that he was the king of Xiang Yu. Now, the ancestors even bowed to the descendants, which is too interesting. It is.

It is no wonder that Xiang Yang jumped and jumped, that is, he did not dare to bear the other's worship.


Xiang Yang lightly coughed a few times, and quickly lifted the two up and sighed, "The ancestors, although I know that my later generations are really growing fast, and the strength is beyond you, but you don't have to be so polite. I am so jealous of me."

"You, what are you talking about?"

Xiang Yu is dumbfounded.

How is this going?

In the end, I am an ancestor, or is this master an ancestor?

What is special, is it being played by yourself, or what is the situation?

Xiang Yang’s face was full, and after a few steps back, he held his fists in both hands and took a gift to Xiang Yu. He said, “The younger generation Xiang Yang, seeing the tyrants.”

While talking about it, he deeply bowed down.

"you you you...."

Xiang Yu is dumbfounded, the younger generation, this is his own descendant... Is it a descendant of the source star world?

Obviously, no one will find an ancestor for himself, not to mention that Xiangyang is such a supreme strongman. Since he is so respectful to his ancestor as his ancestor, the identity of the other party is already very obvious.

The descendants of the lower house.

Xiang Yunlong also looked at Xiang Yang with the same dullness. He felt that Xiang Yang was really incredible.

Such a supreme powerhouse is actually a descendant of his father in the lower bounds. In other words, in theory, he is also the ancestor of the other party?

Although his generation has risen indefinitely, Xiang Yunlong is not happy at all, but feels that his head is roaring and he does not understand how to think about the problem.

Xiang Yang’s eyes saw this look. He only felt a headache. After thinking about it, he said to a few people, “You wait for me for a while.”

After that, he took a step and disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the lower bound source star, no, should be the core of the new source of the wild world, Li Huan with a group of fairy magic battlefield is using the core of the new wild world to condense the body, at this moment, this group of fairy And the body of Xian Wang has been condensed and completed, and is being practiced to consolidate and repair.


Suddenly, only one voice was heard, and a crack appeared in the void. Xiangyang’s footsteps jumped through the clouds and jumped out of it.

"Boss." Li Huan quickly and respectfully bowed.

The other strongest battlefields also rushed to Xiangyang, "seeing the master."

"Yes, the flesh has been condensed successfully. You will continue to practice retreat here. I will come back to you later."

After Xiang Yang said one sentence, it was directly at the core of the place. In front of him, the world’s will of the new world was just forming, and he widened his eyes and looked at Xiang Yang. “Master, you, you... ”

"Are you sanctified?"

As the will of the world of the new wilderness, its own strength is very extraordinary, and naturally it can sense the invincible strength of Xiangyang.

He was shocked. In any case, he did not think that Xiang Yang had not left the world for many years, but he had reached such a degree.

In his induction, even those who have just become chaotic saints in the floods are nothing more than this.

It’s only a few years since Xiang Yang’s departure, and it’s so powerful, is it incredible?

Others do not know the roots of Xiangyang, as the original source of the will of the world, he is very clear that Xiangyang is so young, in the eyes of those who are strong, Xiangyang’s cultivation time is really nothing, but Xiang Yang is so powerful that he has surpassed too many people.

"Not yet sanctified."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and directly extended into the wild world with his own soul. With his enormous strength, he was able to completely control the wild world.

At this moment, he knew the family of the wild world.

At this moment, the Xiangjia has become a small world. This small world is all the land of the Xiangjia. It is a real fairyland, not to mention the richness of the spirit, the flowing spring, even the fairy. There are also a lot of gas, and even there are several dragon veins.

This is exactly the small world that Xiang Yang prepared for the Xiangjia at that time. The world will try to manage the small world in order to please Xiangyang. For example, some Tiandi treasures appear in the air. The small world of the family, there are some other inheritances or treasures that fall directly into the small world of the family.

Although Xiangyang only left for more than ten years, Xiangjia has grown to a very strong level, and the generation of ancestors of Xiangjia has become the master of the peak of the fit.

At this moment, the generation of ancestors has just finished the retreat. He walked in the small world of Xiangjia and looked at Xiangjia’s prosperous look. He couldn’t help but sigh. “My family can have today’s achievements, let alone I have cultivated to the peak of the fit period, even if I die now, I have a face to meet my father.

As a generation of ancestors of the family, he did not have any achievements. Even though the secular world was one of the most powerful families of Xia Guozhong at the time, there was a strong enemy of Liu. Still watching.

Later, after the rise of Xiangyang, the Liu family was directly destroyed. Then, the world changed greatly. Although the whole source star merged with the stars of the universe into a new world, there were some powerful revisions of the sect. However, Xiangjia’s speed has risen.

The generation of the ancestors of the family, although his cultivation has reached the peak of the fit period, but it is not the most powerful of the family. Today, the strongest of the family is the father, although not flying into the fairy, However, it has already passed through the robbery and become a fairy.

In this new world of hunger, as long as the lord does not want to fly, let alone he is only a fairy, even if he becomes a great powerhouse, there is no law to force him to fly.

Because the owner of the natural world of the wild world is Xiang Yang, his grandson.

The ancestors of Xiangjia’s generation sighed, and it’s getting better to feel that Xiang’s family has achieved such success. Although they know that it’s impossible to see the father’s overlord who has been dead for many years, they feel that they are worthy of the project. Old ancestors.

"You want to see your father is not easy, I will send you to see him."

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