Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2995: Too **** (five more flowers)

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"Right, are you talking about the Jedi in the blood? What is the situation?"

The three people ate and sipped, and Xiang Yang looked at Bai Yu with a curious look.

Although the repair of Bai Yu has already reached the realm of the fairy, but Xiang Yang is not difficult to estimate, it should be after Yang Wanjian received the apprentice, trying to make the improvement of Bai Yu's cultivation.

However, the realm of the fairy can not be dominated in the lower bounds, let alone in the fairy world.

However, Bai Yu is next to Yang Wanjian, a sword saint. I am afraid that among the heavens and the real world, only the chaos saints can really harm him.

And the chaos sage can't be idle and nothing to hurt the white feather.

In this regard, Xiang Yang is very reassured about the safety of Bai Yu.

If Bai Yu is not the purest kendo, Xiang Yang can let Bai Yu enter the tower of the body repair, but when he sees the white feather again, he finds that the white feather's innate sword body has reached a very strong degree. Let him enter the tower of physical repair, perhaps not a good thing, he gave up the idea of ​​letting into the tower of spiritual repair.

What Bai Yu needs is his own step-by-step practice. Although it seems that the speed of cultivation is not fast, Xiang Yang believes that it will not take long for Bai Yu to grow up at the fastest speed. Maybe he will surpass Yang Wanjian and be sanctified by Kendo. It is possible.

"In fact, in the most remote place in the blood world, I once had doubts about the source of the blood, and I felt that the blood gas contained in the blood should come from somewhere. For this reason, I went specifically. Blood Emperor Peak has looked for Willy, and that guy is really good for me. After I watched everything from the Blood Emperor Peak, I realized that the change of the will of the whole blood world is not the cause of the Blood Emperor Peak. After many searches, I found that the most remote part of the **** world contains a **** sea, and this **** sea is connected with the blood of the devil."

Bai Yu eats and drinks while talking. At the same time, he handed a jade to Xiang Yang. "This jade slip is some news that I found after many aspects of searching."

After Xiang Yang studied the contents of Yu Jian and studied it again, his face showed a shocking color. "What do you mean, the **** world is connected to the blood of the **** ancestors' nest?"

"It's not possible, but it is definitely the back garden of the Gorefiend old guy."

Yang Wanjian took a sip of monkey wine and a happy smile on his face. "Haha, Gorefiend, the old bastard, I am afraid I will never think of it anyway. Is the blood sea connected to this place? He will put all the treasures." They are all in the **** sea. This time we are going to go to the **** sea to take a lap, and all the treasures of the Gorefiend **** are all in the bag."

"I rely on..."

Rao is a daring daring, and after listening to Yang Wanjian’s words, he still couldn’t help but widen his eyes to reveal an incredible color.

This is the blood sea, the place where the Gorefiend ancestors’ old nest is located. In the **** sea, the Gorefiend ancestors are equivalent to being invincible. Even if they are chaotic saints, they want to destroy the Gorefiend ancestors. The **** sea is steamed first, otherwise it is impossible to know how to go to the Gorefiend ancestors.

In the **** sea, the Gorefiend ancestors are absolutely arranged under the heavy array method, who dares to say that they can easily enter it?

Yang Wanjian actually wants to take the white feather into it and steal all the treasures of the Gorefiend ancestors. This is not a tiger's mouth to eat, it is a road of death and death.

"Do you want to find death?"

Xiang Yang couldn't help but stared at Yang Wanjian and Bai Yu with a serious color on his face.

This is not a joke. If Yang Wanjian himself went deep into the **** sea, he was discovered by the Gorefiend ancestors, and there is still a chance to survive. However, Yang Wanjian is carrying a white feather with the strength of only the fairy. It is absolutely dangerous to enter the **** sea.

"Seek for the rich and the rich."

Yang Wanjian snorted. "Boy, you are the disciple of that one. The good fortune is unparalleled. Even the avenues tend to you, but others are different. Practice is not only a matter of struggle, but if you want to grow, you must fight." You have to take your life out and gamble. Otherwise, if you step behind others, you may never grow up."

"That can't go to death." Xiang Yang said with helpless sigh.

"No, this is not to find death. Recently, the old guys of the Yasheng Peak in the two circles of the demon and the devil are following the chaos. I don’t know what to do. However, I know that the demon of the Gorefiend is also called, in the blood. It’s just his avatar, not enough fear.” Yang Wanjian said with a smile.

"You really dare to go into the **** sea. If the Gorefiend ancestors have other backhands, don't drag my brother." Xiang Yang squinted at Yang Wanjian.

Suddenly he regretted introducing Bai Yu to Yang Wanjian as a disciple. This guy, although he is a sub-sacred strongman, but he does not want to be alive, Bai Yu can have his heroic capital to go with the blood. Gorefiend confrontation.

"What makes me drag your brother?"

Yang Wanjian stayed and felt that he was seen by Xiang Yang. He was a sword saint, and his disciple was just a fairy. He even said that he would drag a fairy. This is nothing but bullying Ya Sheng.

"You really don't want to be convinced."

Xiang Yang gave him a glance, and then, with a wave of his hand, a gray breath spread out and sealed around, so that Tiandao could not explore the surrounding situation, he took a sword from the Promise. It was not long ago that the sword of the **** of the Yasheng Peak, which was taken from the heart of the Golden God, was acquired.

"White, hurry, let Lao Yang help you refine this sword."

At the same time, Xiang Yang directly grasped Bai Yu’s hand and squeezed out the nine hundred and ninety-one drops of blood from Bai Yu into the Excalibur. Then he threw the sword to Bai Yu.

"This, this is..."

Bai Yu did not know that this sword was the sword of the level of the day after tomorrow. After he took it, he held it in his hands and said to Xiang Yang. "Boss, this sword is good, than the one I use now." It's much easier to use."

The sword he used now is only a fairy weapon, and it is only a Chinese fairy, which was given to him by Xiang Yang when he last met.

However, with the current cultivation of Bai Yu, it is just good to use the Chinese product.

Bai Yu only thinks that this sword must be very powerful. He will never think of it anyway. This sword is the envy of Yang Wanjian.

"The sword of the level of the day after tomorrow, you, where is your kid?"

Yang Wanjian stared at Xiang Yang, and his heart was really frightened by Xiang Yang.

What's special, his old Yang lived for a lifetime of tens of thousands of years, only to give himself a warm-hearted sword of the gods of the day, and Xiang Yang, throwing a **** of the heavenly treasure level The sword gave white feathers and looked at Xiang Yang so casually as if he had thrown garbage. Yang Wanjian only thought that this was simply unbelievable.

Who can easily give someone the best of luck?

That is to say, when the Taoist ancestors joined the road, they gave all the treasures of his life collection to the disciples of Dao's in the treasure cliff. In addition, Yang Wanjian really did not hear of anyone who gave it to a friend and brother. .

And Xiang Yang, even gave the white feather a sword of the level of the heavens to the treasure, it is simply unbelievable.

"Oh, there was a guy who gave it to me not long ago. I thought I didn't want it. As a result, he just wanted to give it to me. I just accepted it." Xiang Yang casually said, and took out another treasure. The defensive armor suit, in the same way, drops the white blood of the white feather into it, and then throws it to the white feather.

"This armor can change a lot, it can also be defensive. After putting it on, it is generally impossible to kill you in general."

Xiang Yang squatted, I thought it was not enough. I thought about it and took out a squash cucurbit. It is the best fairy squash, which was re-refined by Xiao Ling in the recent period. Energy, even if you do not input mana, you can use the 斩 飞 飞 十 十 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 亚 亚 亚 亚 亚 亚 亚 亚

Xiang Yang continued to paint the gourd, and after giving it to Bai Yu, he nodded with satisfaction. "Well, this should be fine, right, what else do you want?"

While talking, he asked a smirking white feather holding these treasures.

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "I don't have to, but if the boss still has a baby, let your brother and sister get some."


After the words of Bai Yu, Yang Wanjian’s face changed. Xiang Yang gave Bai Yu so many babies because Bai Yu is the brother of Xiang Yang, and Xiang Yang is willing to give him, but Bai Yu is still not satisfied with the allowance. Yang sent the baby to his Taoist, which is a bit greedy.

After all, this is the day after tomorrow, and the treasure, and it is still a complete set of defensive armor, even if Yang Wanjian, this master can not come up with such a level of baby to give his disciples.

Bai Yu got so much, he should hurry to seize the opportunity to refine it, or else, want more, and then angered Xiangyang, and then take back the magic weapon, is there nothing left?

Thinking of this, Yang Wanjian is ready to educate his disciples.


"What do you mean by Yiyi? Right, why didn't you see Yiyi, what about her?"

When Yang Wanjian was preparing to open his own disciples, he saw that Xiangyang did not have any anger, but asked casually, and then took out a sword of the highest level, and then set a whole set of women's treasure armor, in addition to this. In addition, there is still a small umbrella of the level of the treasure...

"I rely on..."

Yang Wanjian has nothing to say. He feels that his fears are superfluous. Perhaps he is very precious in his heart. In Xiangyang’s view, it is just ordinary things. Moreover, there may be too many treasures on Xiangyang’s body. Don't care about these treasures.

At this moment, Yang Wanjian looked at Xiang Yang with his eyes wide open. He even had the urge to stun the Xiang Yang stick, and then grab all the treasures of Xiang Yang.

What is special, it is too local.

You can take out a sword from the Heavenly Treasure level and give it to White Feather. There is also a whole set of armor-level armor. It may just be where you got your luck, but you even sent a bunch directly, with white feathers. Dolu also has a whole set of magic weapons, which is simply too abnormal.

Bai Yu did not think so much. In his opinion, from small to large, no matter what many things are given to the boss by the boss, the two are brothers who are dependent on life and death. The boss gives himself a baby, no matter how good it is normal.

He received the peace of mind.

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, Bai Yu said with a smile. “Iyi is in the realm of cultivation. She is currently practicing. I thought about this time after going to the expedition, I went back to Yiyi, and then I can take Yiyi. Together."

"It seems that you don't even have fun."

After Xiang Yang thought about it, he rummaged through the Promise of Immortality. He found that one of the magic weapons that had been destroyed by the **** of the water **** not long ago had a comparable to the treasure of the treasure, and he took it out directly. Give Bai Yu, "This Xianfu is for you. You can always be with Yiyi in the future. If you are in danger, let her enter Xianfu."

"Well, thank you boss."

Bai Yu smiled and took it, while Yang Wanjian’s breathing was a little bit rushed.

Yang Wanjian looked at Xiang Yang and Bai Yu with a dull look. At this moment, he even gave birth to a kind of heart. Why he was not the idea of ​​Xiang Yang’s younger brother.

If you become the younger brother of Xiangyang and have such treatment, Lao Yang feels that he is not unable to condescend to call Xiangyang a boss...

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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