Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2994: Goodbye brother

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"Weir, I haven't seen you for a long time."

At this time, a voice with a smile came over, and I saw that there was a silent appearance in the conference hall. It was Xiang Yang.

"Who are you? Bold, dare to appear in this **** holy place, guarding it... Where is the guard?"

The newly promoted elders did not know that Xiangyang’s people were all nervously watching Xiangyang, and they were even prepared to deal with Xiangyang.

Here is the sacred place of the blood family. It is the place where the blood circles open the meeting. The three-tiered and three-tiered heavy guards, however, Xiang Yang’s silent appearance here is really shocking for them.


Seeing that these elders who don’t know Xiangyang dared to shoot on Xiangyang, Wilhelti and other elders’ faces changed greatly, especially Willy’s, while they were squatting, they appeared directly in front of Xiangyang. Shaking his body and squatting directly toward Xiang Yang.

"Boss... Hey, you finally came to me the boss... I miss you so much."


"the host."

The other most primitive elders of the Presbyterian Church also went to Xiangyang, all of them, and they looked at each other with a respectful look on their faces.

"This... what is going on?"

"The blood emperor and the elders turned out to be..."


The other elders and guards who were present were all shocked after seeing this scene. You must know that these are the strongest people in the blood emperor class, and they are the most primitive members of the Presbyterian Church. They are in the blood. The strongest power.

However, it is incredible that they are all so respectful and respectful to the image of an oriental comprehension person, and shouting at the master in the mouth.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at Willy and a group of elders. "Get up, don't bow all day, we don't want this."

While talking about it, he did not see any action, and Verdi and all the elders were all supported by an invisible force.

"Yes, your cultivation has already reached the realm of blood emperor. It seems that your progress has been good over the years, and there is no ruin."

Xiang Yang looked at other elders and found that the guys who had been planted by the demon species had all broken through to become the realm of blood emperor. He understood in his heart that it must be the reason why Wilhelm mentioned this blood emperor.

Looking at Willy, and Xiang Yang’s shocked discovery, this kid’s cultivation has engulfed the magical powers for years. Although it still looks like the realm of blood emperor, the real strength has reached the realm of Da Luo.

"Haha, not bad, your strength is very strong."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but take a shot on Willy's shoulder. This guy's talent was originally very good. Later, he practiced the devouring magic, and it was a leaps and bounds. It took only ten years to actually practice it. The degree is far beyond the arrogance of all walks of life.


Willy's face looked at Xiang Yang with an excited color. He was usually a **** emperor. He could be said to be a very calm figure. However, when facing Xiang Yang, he was like a child. The same, the face is still with tears of excitement.

"What are you crying, isn't it that you haven't seen it for more than ten years? You are so excited, others think that there is something between us."

Xiang Yang’s heart was filled with emotion. On the surface, he laughed and patted Willy’s shoulder.

Then, he found that all the people around the blood family were watching themselves. His brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said with a smile. "Well, you have to meet first, and I will come back to you after the meeting."

"Boss, in fact, this meeting is nothing, now it can be scattered."

Willy said quickly.

At the same time he said, he quickly said to all the people in the meeting, "Retreat."


There are hundreds of people present at the meeting, and dozens of them are blood emperors. It can be seen that the blood races at this moment are very prosperous. At this moment, when they face the emperor of Wilhelm, they It is very respectful, and all of them are gone.

Of course, the strong ones who were conquered by Xiangyang at the beginning left.

"You have nothing to do, anyway, you should do it, I just come to Will."

Xiang Yang did not talk to other people, but with Will, he left.

Among the blood family, the only thing that can make Xiangyang concerned is only Weir, although the Weierti was conquered by Xiangyang and entered the magic species, but in Xiangyang. In my heart, Wilhelm has long been regarded as his brother.

Soon after, he and Willy mentioned to a very high-end restaurant in the blood, two sitting on the edge of a hundred-story window, full of all kinds of food on the table.

"In the past few years, when the emperor of the blood family, what is the feeling?" Xiang Yang chuckled softly, while eating something, he looked at Will.

After listening to the latter, there was a helplessness on his face. "Boss, in fact, when the blood king's emperor is not fun at all, I just want to be with you."

"Your repair is too weak."

Xiang Yang shook his head. "You are now comparable to the power of Da Luo, but it is just the strength of the ordinary Da Luo one or two heavens. For me now, you can't keep up with my footsteps. ""


Willy was staring at Xiang Yang with a lost color on his face. "Yes, but I have worked very hard."

In fact, Xiang Yang also knows that if Willi mentions his full force to let go of it, with his talent, he can already reach the peak of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

However, in the past, he strictly demanded that Wilhelm could not use the engulfing magic to devour too many people. Over the years, Willy’s apparently did not enter the devil. This is the most gratifying place for Xiangyang.

"It doesn't matter, this time I am looking for you, I just want to take you away, help you to upgrade to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.



After Wilhelm listened, his face showed a surprise color. For him, Xiang Yang’s change was so much a surprise to him that he had risen from the lowest valley to the peak.

He couldn't help but stand up and watched Xiangyang excitedly. It seemed that he was afraid that when he sat down, Xiangyang would regret it.

"of course it's true."

Xiang Yang smiled helplessly, this guy, how much he wants to follow himself.

However, looking at the way the old brother is so excited, Xiang Yang also feels very pleased.

"Ah, haha, that's great. I dreamed that I could continue to follow the boss. For this reason, I practiced hard every day, but I dare not use the devouring magic to engulf the soul. I am afraid that I can't keep up with the old convention. I was dismissed by the boss. I didn’t expect the boss to take me away."

Willy was so excited to see Xiang Yang, haha ​​laughed and said.

"Give you three days to deal with the blood family's internal affairs, pass on your blood emperor's position, and then we can leave."

Xiang Yang said to Willy.


Willy is excited to leave.

Xiang Yang continued to sit on the window and sip a small wine, while eating food, looking at the scenery outside the window, could not help but sigh, "In fact, both immortals and ordinary people are the same, if you can It’s so cool to take a walk around with my wife every day, eat and drink, and enjoy the scenery everywhere.”

This is his long-standing dream. Unfortunately, the dream is ultimately a dream. It is not so easy to achieve. Even Xiang Yang can't realize his dream in a short time.

As long as it is not sanctified, after all, it is an ants, and can only struggle between this world.

Although Xiangyang came along the way, it seems very easy, but the hardships of it, but only he knows, he knows that he can be regarded as a bigger ant in the days of the world. Saints, even beyond the realm of the Holy Spirit, can truly be free.


Suddenly, Xiang Yang, who was drinking alcohol, only felt that a familiar atmosphere had passed away. He couldn’t help but reveal the color of surprise, "Yang Wanjian and Xiaobai."

"Ha ha ha..."

Xiang Yang’s body shape flashed and disappeared instantly. When he appeared, it appeared on a mountain peak in the blood circle. I saw that this mountain peak is as high as a million feet, and there are waterfalls falling from the sky, just like the Tianhe River. Above the peaks, the flowers are everywhere, the fragrance is overflowing and the scenery is beautiful.

Of course, these stunning colors are so good that they can't make Xiang Yang feel shocked. What really makes Xiang Yang feel excited is that in front of him, two people are squatting together and roasting a dragon around the fire.

These two people, isn’t Yang Wanjian and Bai Yu?


At the moment when Xiang Yang appeared, Bai Yu’s face had an unparalleled excitement. His whole person rushed straight toward Xiangyang, holding Xiangyang heavily.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Bai, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Xiang Yang also laughed and held white feathers. The two brothers had not seen each other for more than ten years. Xiang Yang thought that Yang Wanjian would go to practice with various white feathers. He should go to various places to experience, but he did not expect. Yes, the two are still in the lower bounds, and they ran into the **** world and squatted here.

Of course, Yang Wanjian as a strong sacred place, naturally can not just barbecue ordinary game, even hunted a dragon to barbecue here.

"Boss, how are you here?" After the two separated, Bai Yu’s face still had an excited color, and he asked with a smile.

"I came to see an old man, I didn't expect you to be here too."

Xiang Yang smiled softly, looking at Yang Wanjian, who was still squatting on the edge of the fire, and sighed. "Old Yang, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are a samurai, you are here to barbecue, you feel right. ?"

"Bad boy, what do you know, life is alive, only kendo and food can not live up to it, do not want to get more food, do you feel worthy of your own life, worthy of your stomach?" Yang Wanjian smiled at Xiangyang.

He did not feel the slightest surprise about the emergence of Xiang Yang.

However, when Yang Wanjian looked at Xiang Yang carefully, his mouth glimpsed, and the whole person couldn’t help but reveal a shocking look. "Your boy's repair is..."

"Oh, I know that my cultivation is too slow to grow, so that Juggernaut laughs." Xiang Yang sighed and said.

"Fart, what are you special, you have already reached the level that really makes me see through, and your strength has definitely reached the level of being able to compare with the strong people of the Holy Land. You are too embarrassed to say that it is too slow. ?" Yang Wanjian could not help but swear.

"It is really too slow."

Xiang Yang said with a nod.

"Well, I know what your kid is doing here today, nothing more than showing off." Yang Wanjian snorted, he practiced for millions of years to achieve the current cultivation, and Xiang Yang, practice only a few Ten years have passed, and I have been unable to see through myself. I am so embarrassed that the practice is too slow. So, what is he? Isn't this the ridicule of red fruit?

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, took Bai Yu to find a stone to sit down, and flipped the dragon meat, and said with a smile, "I did not expect to meet you in the blood, I thought you went to the heavens. The great Jedi in the world has gone to practice."

"There is a good place in the **** world, which is related to the **** sea. We are going to have a full meal and then set out to play it. How, kid, are you going to have fun together?"

Yang Wanjian said to Xiang Yang with a smile.

"Related to the **** sea?"

After Xiang Yang listened, it was awkward, but the blood sea was in the devil world. It was the site of the Gorefiend ancestors, and this blood world may be related to the **** sea.

"Of course, this secret is discovered by your good brother. Hey, your good brother, my disciple is not weaker than you. After I received the apprentice, he took me everywhere, I almost thought he was My master."

When Yang Wanjian said it, his face showed a depressed color.

"Hey...has this kind of thing?" Xiang Yang was shocked. Although Xiaobai was very extraordinary, but how could it not be so powerful that he could carry Yang Wanjian, the samurai, everywhere?

"When I was in the realm of comprehension in the past years, I was more curious about the Jedi of all parties. I have written down many places, but I just dare not go alone because of lack of strength."

Bai Yu said with a sad expression on his face.

"Well, you are my brother." Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and patted Bai Yu's shoulder.

"That is of course, if I don't try hard, don't you lose your boss's face?"

In front of Xiang Yang, Bai Yu naturally has nothing to be cautious, and he said with a proud color on his face.

"haha a..."

Xiang Yang laughed, and the three sat down. After the dragon meat was roasted, Xiang Yang took out the oldest monkey wine, and the three people ate and ate while chatting, and it was so bad.

Although Yang Wanjian is the super master of the peak of the Holy Land, when he faced Xiang Yang and Bai Yu, he did not have the slightest shelf. Even though he was the master of Bai Yu, he was like a friend, making the three people happy. .

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