Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2987: Posterior arch

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Two pieces of chaos to the treasure, the three people are naturally unable to divide, then, the three are very clear, the other two people are likely to unite to do it yourself and destroy themselves.

Ever since, in the face of treasures, they are no longer as harmonious as before, but a little vigilant.

After Xiang Yang met, it was speechless, which is really a bit interesting.

"You still have to get rid of the weakest one, or else you have to consider the problem of not knowing how to divide the baby, and you have to worry about the other two to join the third shot. This is a lot of trouble."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

Originally, he was so powerful and infinitely devastating that he wanted to kill the three sacred strongmen by himself, but he was particularly interesting when he saw the three of them at the moment.

is not that right?

The original three people worked together to destroy themselves, but in the end, it was three people who were guilty and jealous of each other. Anyone who saw them would find it very interesting.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the three holy sages. After thinking about it, he said to Xiao Ling, who stood above the top of the sacred sacred head, "Is there a space magic weapon?"


After listening to Xiaoling, Xiaoling groaned, and then he understood what seemed to be like, and quickly said, "Yes, there is a treasure of space class in the Promise of Immortality. If it is taken out, it can be arranged next. Sealed in time and space."

At the same time, the little guy took the 18-space magic weapon from the Promise Immortal.

"so much."

After Xiang Yang met, he was shocked. After all, he got all kinds of magic weapons, and he was sent directly to the Promise Xianfu to Xiaoling. As a big steward in the Promise, the natural spirit It's all very clear.

Instead, he does not know how many pieces of treasure he has in his body.

At this moment, the little spirit suddenly took out eighteen pieces of treasure, and even he was a little bit embarrassed.

Xiang Yang, as the owner of these magic weapons, was shocked, not to mention the three holy people.

The three sacred strong men were staring at the eighteen pieces of space that Xiang Yang had revealed, and their faces had a shocking look.

They suddenly felt a little bit wrong, and even a little confused.

What is Xiang Yang able to take out 18 pieces of space magic weapon at once?

Naturally, in order to seal the void, the three of them could not escape. However, Xiang Yang was just a little guy who was not in a holy place. He dared to seal the void. Can it be said that there are other backhands on Xiangyang who can deal with them?

"First kill him, and discuss how to divide the treasure."

The strong man in the middle said quietly.

"Well, everyone swears together, before they kill him, they definitely don't shoot each other." The old man said openly.

"it is good."

The three sacred strong men agreed at the same time, and then they began to swear on one side, "We swear..."

Xiang Yang didn't bother to see the three people's vows. He directly threw the eighteen space-like magic weapons in all directions. At the same time, his hands were pinched with the law, and the space on the lotus on the road of Wanfa Avenue broke out. An invisible wave spread out. Suddenly, these eighteen space-like magic weapons broke out with the strongest power and directly sealed the surrounding chaos.

In this way, unless Xiang Yang died, or the real chaos saints came, otherwise, Xiang Yang could not leave the eight people before they received the 18 magic weapons.

The outside world is also unable to sense the atmosphere of the magic weapon here.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang was relieved. He smiled and looked at the three holy sages and said with a soft voice. "These three homes are the true peak of the holy world. Today, I want It’s a little irritating to kill them three by one person."


At the same time, the energy of Xiang Yang’s deity has recovered almost. Even his first demon body is standing in Dantian, and all his power is integrated into the body, which makes the deity’s strength reach unprecedented. The peak.

Xiang Yang holds the Promise Excalibur, and there is a golden light around the Promise Sword. A breath of horror is brewing in it.

This sword has begun to integrate into other treasures such as the chaotic mother gold, and has begun to grow gradually, and has become more and more advanced to the innate chaos.

If it can be returned to the day after tomorrow, it becomes the innate chaos and merits. It is definitely a super supreme super treasure. Even if it is the Qiankun Ding Ding and Wan Zong Zhong, it can not be compared with it, because this sword contains the word 'gongde'. It is the most special place.

The demon **** armor is worn on the body of Xiangyang, and the nine blood lotuses rotate, and the force of the **** sea erupts, turning into a powerful defense force to cover Xiangyang.

At his feet, the battlefield of the immortal infinitely extended, and instantly chased the surrounding chaos into a battlefield. Even, even the feet of the three holy sages were shrouded. When they reacted, they found them. Already appearing on the battlefield of Xianmo, a murderous and **** outburst broke out, and they actually suppressed their cultivation by three points, so that they could only exert their own strength of 70%.

"This is the battlefield of the fairy. I didn't expect that even the magical battlefield will be acquired by you."

The faces of the masters of these three holy places have become very ugly. The battlefield of the immortals is a treasure of the rejuvenation of the ancient saints in ancient times. It contains the heroes who died in the same station that year. However, I have never heard of anyone who can get the battlefield of the fairy.

Nowadays, this piece of acquired treasure has appeared in Xiangyang's hand. They understand that all this is related to Xiangyang's identity.

"The object of the focus of the All Saints."

At the same time, they have such an idea in their hearts. They are very clear that Xiangyang must be the key person of the chaotic saints of the heavens. Otherwise, it is impossible for even the treasures of the immortal battlefield to be on his body.

Their power has been weakened by 30%, which is simply unbelievable.

When their faces were very ugly, Xiang Yang sensed the growth of the fairy battlefield. He found that his strength, whether it was the strength of the flesh or the mana, all increased in the battlefield of the fairy. About 30%.

"The magical battlefield actually has such a role."

For a time, Xiang Yang was very excited. The role of this fairy battlefield is too strong. As the master of the battlefield of the fairy, he has thoroughly refining the battlefield of the fairy, so he has not sensed it. Even he himself feels a little embarrassed.

The spirits of the fairy battlefield emerged, and his face was helpless. "Boss, the battlefield of the fairy can enhance your strength of 30%, and at the same time weaken the strength of the opponent's 30%. At this moment, these three Yasheng are insufficient. I have to worry about it."

"Oh, they were weakened."

Xiang Yang looked strangely at the opposite three sacred masters. At this moment, the mouths of these three sacred masters have been a little twitching.

As the master of the battlefield of the fairy, it has been increased by 30%, and the enemy is weakened by 30%. Under this trend, the difference is really too big.

Xiang Yang Lehe looked at the three sacred masters, "Three, how do you want to die?"

"Junior, you haven't even entered the holy realm, thinking that with the growth of the magical battlefield to give you 30% of the energy, can you deal with the three strongest of our Yasheng Peak?"

The young holy man standing on the left sneered at Xiang Yang.

The other two sacred strong men also looked at Xiangyang with the same cold look. Although they already felt that there was something wrong with them, they thought that Xiangyang was only a junior who couldn’t even be a saint, even if it was a magic weapon. When it is too much to play the power of these magic weapons, they feel that even if their cultivation is weakened by 30%, they are not afraid.

"Three, please go on the road."

Xiang Yang smiled, the Wuji Shenjian in his hand screamed, and a sigh of sighs broke out from him. On his head, the three-inch swords of the Sword of Killing, the Sword of the King and the Invincible Sword jumped up at the same time.


Three horrible swordsmen stormed the storm, although the chaotic voids around them were imprisoned, but the three swords of the sword broke out and exploded, and within this space, it was even more horrible.

"Touch and touch..."

Xiang Yang holds the Promise Excalibur, and the top of his head is suspended with Qiankun Chenghua Ding. He wears the demon **** armor, and he step by step toward the three holy places.

As he walked through the same time, in the battlefield of the fairy, a sword suddenly burst out from the ground, with a terrible breath, as if to block all the general, to suppress the three holy places past.

At the same time, around the Xiangyang, there is more horrible energy spinning out.

The sword of the killing sword on the top of his head and the sword on the sword of the king are connected with the sword of invincible. Although the sword of invincible is still in an illusory state, the storm of the sword that broke out is sweeping the world, making Xiang Yang The whole person seems to be an invincible sword god.


The three sacred masters looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified face.

Originally, they did not care about Xiang Yang. I felt that even if Xiang Yang had so many treasures, it would have no effect, because they were the sacred strong, and Xiang Yang had not yet entered the holy world in this field.

However, when they really felt the horrible atmosphere of Xiangyang, they really found that Xiangyang’s strength was not inferior to any of the three of them. Now, the three of them are weakened by 30%. After Xiangyang got a 30% increase, Xiangyang’s strength surpassed them.

This war is very unfavorable to them.

"Get out of the way and kill him."

Then, the strong man in the middle of the sacred screamed, and there was a magic weapon on his body. It turned out to be a bow and arrow. This bow and arrow broke out with the power of horrible flames, as if to shoot through the heavens and the earth.

"After the bow."

After Xiang Yang met, his eyes suddenly brightened and he couldn’t help but reveal the color of excitement. "I can’t think of this after-day treasure in your hands. I have long wanted to get a bow, but I have been suffering from not knowing what it is. The place can't be found, now, finally, find the bow, thank you."

This is the back bow, a treasure to the sky, the treasure of the ancient gods. Once, the latter used this bow to kill the nine sons of the ancient Emperor Donghuang, to take the initiative, the ancient Emperor Donghuang's The body is Jinwu, and his son is equally powerful. He has the power to become the sun. Even the sub-sacred strong can't resist the burning of the sun.

Then he took the back bow and shot the sons of the nine Emperors, and later, even if the Emperor was angry, sending countless strong men to kill him, he could not kill him. Instead, he shot and killed countless sacred masters. .

It can be seen that this is a remarkable bow.

Nowadays, this bow is actually in the hands of this strong person. Of course, when the other party took it out, it has become Xiangyang. Xiangyang feels that this piece has been acquired, and he has been injured. Things are barely acceptable.

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