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Just as Xiangyang was ready to tear the void and leave the chaos, the attack of the sacred sacred scene broke out, and the attack of the three horrible sacred sacred scenes exploded, and the moment was far and near, bombarding the Xiangyang who was caught off guard.


Even though Xiang Yang’s understanding of time and space has reached a very extraordinary level, at the moment, he did not think that there would be someone hiding himself in chaos to attack himself. Under the circumstance, the whole person was instantly torn apart, even if there was Defensive armor, this piece of defense, is also unable to stop the attack of the other side.

The opponent's attack is too strong.

The existence of the peaks of the three holy places, at the same time attacking Xiang Yang, but also sneak attack Xiang Yang, and they are holding at least the treasures of the level of the day after tomorrow.


Xiang Yang clearly heard the overwhelming sound of the demon sable armor. Although the demon sacred armor did not break apart, the body of Xiang Yang under the armor broke at this moment.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, the demon **** armor emerged, blocking the power of these three attacks, while protecting Xiangyang.

Rao is so, Xiang Yang 迸 迸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


At the same time, Xiaoling, who had just returned to the Promise of Immortality, changed his mind, and he roared. The Qiankun dynasty made a moment to rush out of the Promise Immortal, floating on the top of Xiangyang’s head, and sprinkling heavy light to protect Xiangyang. And, let the body of Xiang Yang stop the trend of falling down.

At the same time, the battlefield of the fairy devil also appeared in the shackles of Xiangyang, and the mighty spirit of the demon exploded. Xiangyang’s foot was a **** killing battlefield, and the infinite **** blade was horrible. The murderous outbreak made the whole person of Xiangyang feel as if he was standing on the **** sea.

The sorcerer of the sorcerer's battlefield stood with Xiaoling, and Laowan, because it was undergoing evolutionary integration, did not appear.

However, not only that, but in the next moment, I heard a loud bang of '呛', and Xiangyang’s first demon was armed with the Promise Excalibur from the Promise, and his murderous, terrible The breath broke out indefinitely.

"Great courage."

Xiang Yang’s deity and the first demon avatar looked at the front at the same time, only in the chaos in front of him, and three sacred strong men who were covered in chaos were standing there.

At this moment, the three great sanctuaries are stunned and look at the magic weapons that appear on Xiang Yang. They will not think of it anyway. They will definitely be able to strike Xiangyang with a single blow. Even, they One of them has prepared a treasure that can detain Xiang Yang's soul, and is ready to detain Xiang Yang.

However, Xiang Yang actually survived in the case of their three sacred sages, holding the heavenly treasures and the innate magic weapon, not to mention that the whole person was annihilated, even if there were no four-parts.

Moreover, what shocked them the most was the magic weapon that Xiang Yang emerged from his body.

The power of the fortune that broke out on the Qiankun Ding Ding, if others could not distinguish the breath of this treasure, but the time for the three holy people to live was too long, and they suddenly saw it. This treasure is definitely the legendary chaos to the treasure.

Although they did not see the devil's armor, but they saw the Devil's armor, the defensive magic weapon of the day after the treasure level, as well as the magical battlefield and the Promise Excalibur two treasures, the three of them are going crazy.

"I don't mean that although this kid is extraordinary in strength, but even the situation of Da Luo has not been reached, is he still participating in the Million Island Real Immortal War in the fairy world? Then, a true fairy has chaos to the treasure, and so Most of them are the treasures of the day after tomorrow, the merits are treasures, especially what, this kid is collecting all the treasures of the entire Pangu chaotic world?"

The superpowers of these three holy places are staring at Xiangyang, even if they have reached the peak of Yasheng, even if they have their own treasures and congenital spirits.

However, when they saw these magic weapons on Xiang Yang, they still trembled with their hearts.

This is the real supreme treasure, even if the chaos sage sees the magic weapon of Xiang Yang will be heart-warming, not to mention the masters of their three holy peaks.

"Retire or not?"

Then, the two sacred strong men on the left and the right are looking at the sacred master in the middle. Obviously, among the three of them, the middle one is represented.

After the central sanctuary listened, the chaos of the body rolled over, and then, in the other two shocks, the chaotic airflow that covered his whole body was all removed, directly revealing a white face like a jade. The baby's generally rosy face, but he has a silver hair.

His imposing manner was light, and when he looked at the magic weapon of Xiang Yang, his face showed a greedy color.

In addition, after the two sacred strongmen met, they already understood that their leader was iron-hearted and wanted to deal with Xiangyang, so he showed his appearance directly in front of Xiangyang.

In this case, it is the real situation that Xiang Yang is not dead.

If they can't kill Xiangyang, then Xiangyang will pass their appearance to the master behind him, that is, the one in the legend. Then, at that time, let the three of them be masters of the peak of the Holy Land. It is impossible to block the sword of the legendary one.

After thinking about the two holy people in the left and right, they also directly removed the chaos of their bodies, revealing their true colors. On the left is a youth, and on the right is an old man.

Ever since, the three sacred strong men, while appearing positively in front of Xiang Yang, showed their determination to kill Xiang Yang.

At this moment, Xiang Yang was so angry that his body's physical strength was rapidly recovering. The body that had been torn apart had already recovered completely, and the energy in the body was quickly added.

His avatar is holding the Promise Sword, and he looks at the three holy sages with a cold look. "You are the holy sage of the ancient fairy world?"

"Small friendship has eyesight, and I waited for the command of the ancient gods to slap your little life." The sacred strong man in the middle said with a smile.

While talking, his eyes were cold, his hands glared at the law, and he shouted, "Seal."


With the roar of the roar, as his law fell, Xiang Yang clearly felt that there was a mysterious atmosphere erupting around him, and a space seal force sealed the space around him.

"Afraid me to run away?"

Xiang Yang was very angry and laughed. "Well, you three are afraid that I will run away. I am afraid that you will run away and give me space."

At the same time, his deity and the top of his head showed the lotus of Wanfa Avenue at the same time. A horrible force of time and space broke out, and he immediately sealed everything around him and the three holy people.


These three sacred strongmen are a bit dull. They really don’t understand. Where is Xiangyang’s enthusiasm, they have sealed the space so that they can’t escape.

Can it be said that Xiang Yang, by himself, is sure to be able to deal with the superpowers of their three holy places at the same time?

This is obviously impossible.

Although the three sacred strong men are not chaotic saints, they are very clear that their strength is very strong and can be said to be very close to the chaos of saints.

They are the invincible existence of the true peak of the Holy Land.

And Xiang Yang is just an ordinary person. How can he be against them?

"If you find yourself dead, you can't blame us." The young sacred master said with exclamation.

"It’s you who are looking for death."

Xiang Yang looked at the three people with murderous eyes. "Since I debuted, I have never encountered such a serious injury. I have let my whole person fall apart. If it is not guarded by the treasure, I will really be the three of you. A **** sneak attack was successful."

"What a pity."

The old man sighed and said.

"Yeah, unfortunately, you can't destroy me at once, or else, the chaos in my body will be the battlefield of the Ding and the Devil, and the Promise Sword, the Devil's Set is yours."

Xiang Yang mouth reveals a sneer, in front of the face of these three sacred strong, directly put the magic suit out, and then the first demon avatar is also stepping into the body of the deity.

The body surface of Xiang Yang’s deity is a black and ink-like armor, and a **** lotus flower emerges from the chest of the armor.

The breath on this armor is amazing, the strange energy flows, as if the heavens and the earth are destroyed, and it will not be destroyed. Even the Chaos Avenue can hardly affect this armor, even, it At the moment of the appearance, the Qingguang of Qiankun’s creation was also forced to retreat a little.

"this is..."

These three sacred strongmen originally thought that the treasures of Xiangyang were already enough. However, they did not expect that there was a chaotic treasure in the body of Xiangyang.

Moreover, this armor is a treasure that they have never heard of.

In any case, what they did not think of was that there was actually two chaos in the body of Xiang Yang. This is a big surprise.

As far as they know, there is really no chaotic sage in this world that can have two chaos to the treasure at the same time. No, even a chaos is not.

The Sanqing sage is famous, and Sanqing, which is the embodiment of Pangu Zhenling, can be described as the most authentic powerhouse in the Pangu chaotic world. However, they also have no chaos and treasures, and some are only innate treasures.

And Xiang Yang is a junior, and he is responsible for two chaos and treasures. This is simply too great.

"Our luck is coming."

The three sacred strong men were shaking with excitement, and their eyes flashed, watching the eyes of the other two people with a vigilant color.

Although these treasures are still on Xiangyang's body, in their view, since the treasures have already appeared in front of them, they are already theirs.

And in the face of chaos to treasure, who can not be tempted?

What if they used to be friends?

At that time, when it comes to the distribution of treasures, at least one of the three people is going to be destroyed.

Because, Chaos only has two pieces!

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