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"This kid is really a curse, and the Gorefiend ancestors just appeared, just confront him."

Although Emperor Xu Wei was carrying his hands, he felt a headache when he looked at Xiang Yang and the Gorefiend ancestors.

Originally it should have been his Emperor’s attempt to drive away the Gorefiend ancestors, but now it has become a Xiangyang shot, confronting the Gorefiend ancestors, and he seems to have nothing to do with this Emperor.

Although this is also very good, at least he does not have to worry about the opponent of the Gorefiend ancestors. If he loses, he will lose face. However, he always feels that the limelight of his Emperor is robbed by Xiangyang, and In addition to anything wrong with a yang, it would be useless for him to win the Gorefiend ancestor. Can he survive the anger of that pulse?

Not to mention that Emperor Xu Xin looked at Xiang Yang and the Gorefiend ancestors with a headache. At this moment, after Xiang Yang was angry, he smiled and looked at the Gorefiend ancestors. "I said the Gorefiend brother, I am now also I don't want to fight with you. My strength is not as good as you, but it won't take long for me to kill you. During this time, you don't want to mess with me. I won't deal with you in the future. What do you think? kind?"

"You are arrogant."

The Gorefiend ancestors originally looked at Xiang Yang very uncomfortable. Xiang Yang first took the power of that pulse to suppress him. Now, even if he can't use it for a long time, he will reveal his face. An angry look.

He is the sorcerer of the Gorefiend, and he is cultivated in the sky, and few people can be enemies. Even if the chaos is coming, he can't help him.

In ancient times, today's Sanqing sage is his enemy. Even at the beginning, when Sanqing was not sanctified, he pressed Sanqing, but Sanqing compares cattle, and later settles. After sanctification, he completely surpassed him.

However, this does not hinder the arrogance in his heart. He dares to say that he is the first person below the chaos saint. Even if the chaos is coming, he is not afraid.

However, Xiang Yang, a small fairy who is still participating in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million Island, dared to say that he could not deal with him for a long time, which reminded him of the late Qing who surpassed his Sanqing sage. I remembered the two lords of Western Buddhism, remembered the Emperor, and remembered the Three Emperors. These were all his descendants.

However, he has now surpassed him.

The sorrow in his heart turned out to be all the words of Xiang Yang. He was so angry that he was almost trembled. The whole person almost lost control. He stared at Xiang Yang and angered. "On your own Juniors, also want to go beyond the deity, you dream."

"No, I am not a dream, I am telling the truth."

Xiang Yang said with a confident color on his face. "Without a few years, I will be able to press you, even if you have a **** sea, it is said that the blood is not dry, you are not dead, I think I am also full. Grasping can destroy you, or else, let's make a bet?"

"How to gamble?"

The Gorefiend ancestors cold channel.

"Let's gamble, let's take a thousand years as a time. After the millennium, we will challenge one. If I can win you, the sword behind you seems to be a good look. It's mine, no, no, you. The whole person is also mine." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"After a thousand years, you want to go beyond the deity, you dream." Gorefiend ancestors sneered.

"No, in fact, I think that a hundred years is enough. Just, I will give you a little more time. The millennium will allow you to practice well. Otherwise, when you lose, I am afraid that you will pay the bill and will say that I have not Leave you enough time to practice, so I will give you a thousand years." Xiang Yang said with a smile.


Xiang Yang’s voice fell, and even Xu Wei couldn’t help but laugh.

The old monsters of the Gorefiend ancestors have existed since the beginning of the world. For him, even if the time is calculated in units of 10,000 years, Xiang Yang actually said to the **** ancestors for the millennium time to cultivate, which is clear It is the rhythm of dying people who do not pay for their lives.

Xiaoguangtou and others also looked at the scene with a smile on their faces.

The other strong ones are all eccentric, and the heart is very admired by Xiang Yang. Everyone is a true fairy. Xiang Yang dares to be so fascinated by the Gorefiend ancestors. It is really amazing.


The apprentice of the Gorefiend ancestors, the demon dragon finally couldn’t help but stand up. He flew to the side of the Gorefiend ancestors, and gave a gift to the Gorefiend ancestors, then looked at Xiangyang with anger. "Xiang Yang, don't be crazy, I will kill you later."

"Oh, it's you."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and looked at the guy and said, "Don't talk, I am talking to your master. Do you understand the rules? Or are you strong enough to replace your master?"

After listening to this guy, his face changed, and he quickly looked at the Gorefiend ancestors with a fearful color on his face.

"You are not his opponent."

The Gorefiend ancestors did not blame his disciples. At the moment, the face of the Gorefiend ancestors still has a cold color, and faintly said to Xiang Yang, "Since you want to find death, then the ancestors will set a next one with you. Gambling, a battle after the millennium, no, no need for a thousand years, within ten thousand years, as long as you want to fight with this ancestor, you can always, if you win, the ancestor is your person, if you lose, At that time, you have to promise the ancestors a condition."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang immediately agreed, and he smiled and looked at the Gorefiend ancestors. "It’s like this. Within ten thousand years, I am always looking for you. When you lose, you are mine. People, of course, your sword is not bad, do you want to press here first?"

While talking, his face is curious, the bloodsucker ancestor is a congenital sword, it should be a congenital spirit, but the power is endless, murderous and terrible, if it is a sword It is absolutely earth-shattering.

Xiang Yang estimated that even if it is a Promise, it is not necessarily comparable to the Excalibur.

"you think too much."

The Gorefiend ancestors took a look at Xiang Yang. If it was normal, he didn't mind letting Xiang Yang look at his **** soldiers. However, remembering that last time, it was because Xiang Yang wanted to see his blood lotus, his companionship was treasure. Jiu Pinxue Lian is so gone, he has a heartache.

"When the **** ancestors of the Tang Dynasty, the power that exists in the open world, how can it be so stingy."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said.

After listening to the Gorefiend ancestors, he still snorted. He did not look at Xiangyang, but looked at the Emperor Xuan of the East. He said faintly, "The ancestors came, not to Instead of fighting with you, let us know that the saint has an order to let you go to a meeting."



After Xiang Yang and others listened, the face was eccentric, and the Gorefiend ancestors even had a relationship with the saints. It turned out to be the messenger of the saints to summon the Emperor Xu Wei to the meeting. This is a bit wrong.

"Father, if the saint summons you to go to the meeting, why do you need his **** ancestors to summon, there must be fraud." The big prince changed his face and said quickly.

"For the father, know what is going on."

Xu Di, the Emperor of Heaven, shook his head and said, "The Gorefiend brothers will not lie to me in this kind of thing. The saints should be ordered to me, just because too many people have broken through to the state of Da Luo at the same time, and the power of heaven is coming. , blocking the communication of the saints."

"Oh, there is such a thing."

Xiang Yang’s face was eccentric, and his eyes looked at the Gorefiend ancestors. He found that the Gorefiend ancestors did not say much, but turned directly into the void and disappeared.

"I will continue."

Xu Di, the Emperor of Heaven, said faintly, looking at Mr. Wen, whispering, "Then I will watch you, I will see the saints of the heavens."

"Do not worry, there is me, there will be no accident."

Mr. Wen nodded and said.

As an assistant to Xu Wei, he usually has a lot of things to help Xu Wei. At this moment, Xu Wei is leaving, naturally he also helps to deal with these things.

At this time, Xu Wei glanced at Xiang Yang with a gaze, and whispered to Mr. Wen. "Look at him, don't let him do something. With this guy, I always feel a little scared."


Mr. Wen stunned and glanced at Xiangyang. He found that Xiang Yang’s face was with a thick smile, just like a rustic and simple boy. He showed a strange color and whispered. Ok, there is me."

"I am relieved to have this sentence."

Xu Wei is very convinced that Mr. Wen is an old friend of millions of years. He has cooperated too many times. He feels that with the guarantee of his old friend, there should be no mistakes. So, take another look. After Xiang Yang, this rushed into the chaos and disappeared.

"The Emperor of Heaven is true to me."

When Xiang Yang saw that Xu Wei had to look at himself again and again before leaving, even when his son and daughter did not have such treatment, he felt that he was a bit flattered. Well, this Hummer seems to be a bit useful. Of course, if Xu Wei can give Heavenly Bell to himself, that would be great.

Although it is a bit difficult to collect the Five-Day Emperor's Bell for the Ancient East Emperor's Clock, this is a chaotic treasure. If you can get the first Eastern Emperor's Bell, then you may be able to get other Quartet. For a chaotic treasure, everything is worth it.

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart and felt that he should not be confined to just knowing the Emperor Xuan of the East, but also should be familiar with other Quartet Emperors.

However, it seems to be a little difficult for them to give the Emperor's bell to themselves. Is it really necessary to sacrifice the color to become the son-in-law of the Emperor?


Thinking of this, Xiang Yang feels that he should take a good look at this matter.

"Xiang Yang..."

At this time, the head of the palace master looked at Xiang Yang with a quirky color on her face. She always felt that Xiang Yang’s appearance looked a bit wrong.

I saw Xiangyang’s face with a smug smile, and a little intoxication, as if dreaming, which made the Lord’s heart wonder, thinking if Xiangyang was a daydream or a jealousy.

"Oh ah..."

Xiang Yangqing woke up and glanced at the main man of the palace. He smiled quickly and said with a smile, "Does the sister of the palace call me?"

"Otherwise, do you think anyone is calling you?" said the head of the palace, Bai Xiangyang.

"Cough, of course, only my sister-in-law, congratulations to the main sister of the palace, the main sister of Hexi Palace, once became the King of Luo Luoxian, since then, has been a true peerless strong." Xiang Yang quickly smiled Congratulations to the Lord of the Palace.

"No, I have become a fairy."

However, Xiang Yang did not expect that after his voice fell, he heard a faint smile on the face of the Lord’s adult.

"Oh... when you broke through, you realized the rules of a big Luo, and you became a fairy?"

Xiang Yang was shocked. I didn’t expect the adult master to become a fairy directly. This is a bit unbelievable.

"Not one, but three."

The main lord of the palace said faintly.

"Three ways..."

"Isn't that said that you are already the peak of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian?" Xiang Yang stared at the palace master, it was too easy, only to break through, just suddenly changed, changed It became the invincible existence of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

You must know that you, your own demon avatar at that time in order to break through the Dalu nine heavens, but the hard-won life has endured the practice of nine deaths, and finally the city can only break through the body of the eternal life. It’s too unfair for the Lord’s adult to break through the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

Even if Xiang Yang looked at the head of the palace, the eyes showed a sour color. "It is the existence of the body that has been transformed into a heavenly way. The road is at your fingertips, it is too powerful."

The lord of the palace whispered softly. When Xiang Yang was like a child, he couldn’t help but hold Xiang Yang’s hand. He said, “It’s all because of you, if it’s not you, I’ve been Already dead in the ring."

"Hey, you are my woman, what I should do for you." After Xiang Yang listened, it was a happy color on his face.

"Ha ha ha..."

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