Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2958: Face the **** devil

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"The **** ancestor's ancestors to the treasure nine blood lotus has been refining into the demon **** armor, and he in order to support the scene, but also deliberately use the power to illusion of a nine blood lotus, people who do not know true Thought this is his companionship, hahaha."

Xiang Yang smiled in the heart, the image of the cold, arrogant handsome guy in the heart of the original Gorefiend ancestors collapsed instantly.

This kind of person who is engaged in superficial work is clearly a person with a serious appearance and a very boring inside.

At this time, Xiang Yang and others were watching the **** ancestors, but they saw the **** ancestors look at the Emperor Xu Wei, faintly said, "Don't be nervous, I just came to see this million. It’s just a battle for the real fairy, and let’s see how my pro-disciples are.”

While talking, look at the fallen dragon that was previously focused on by Xiangyang.

"I have seen the Master." Before being seen by Xiang Yang as a big enemy, the guy who was looking at the enemy, in the eyes of everyone, smiled and came to the respectful salute of the **** ancestors.

"Yeah." Gorefiend ancestors nodded and didn't talk to his disciples.

At this time, everyone was shocked. Even the Emperor Xu Wei did not think that a pro-disciple of the Gorefiend ancestors was here to participate in the Battle of the Immortals. It is no wonder that the Gorefiend ancestors did not hesitate to use a avatar at the time. The power, personally opened the fairy channel, the original is to let his pro-disciples can get the first person in the million continents.

Xu Yan looked at the **** ancestors and said faintly, "Bloody man, you should be very clear, this is not your Gorefiend, you will leave quickly."

"Xu Wei, do you threaten me?" The **** ancestors looked calmly at the eyes of the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, and the eyes were not waiting for the slightest wave. The calmness made people feel terrible.

However, Xiang Yang and other sacred strong people can feel the **** ancestors say this sentence when they have a horrible sword. This sword is invisible, but with the Emperor Xu Wei The clock is against.


At this moment, the Emperor's bell on the top of Xu Wei's head trembled lightly, making a sound of another bell, apparently against the sword of the Gorefiend ancestors.

Although Xu Wei looks calm, but his heart is very vigilant, if the other avatars of the Gorefiend ancestors come, he can easily fight, but the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors came, this is a bit scary. .

You must know that the Gorefiend ancestors are congenital creatures. It existed when chaos first opened. It is also the essence of Pangu’s sacred blood. Although it is a demon, it is powerful, plus There is an innate-level magic sword in the back. If it is really hands-on, even if Xu Wei’s head is on the sky, it is not necessarily his opponent.

"Interesting and interesting."

Xiang Yang looked at the confrontation between the two, could not help but smile and said, "I don't think the Gorefiend ancestors turned out to be a strong kendo, and his strength is so terrible. If the Emperor of Heaven does not have the Emperor's clock, I am afraid it is not. The opponent of the Gorefiend ancestors."

"This old guy is very terrible. If the blood is not dry, he will never die. Even if the chaos is on him, he will feel a headache." Xiaoguangtou said with a sigh.

"Have your master played with him?" Xiang Yang asked.

"I don't know." The little bald head shook his head.

Xiang Yang did not delve into it, but studied the kendo of the Gorefiend ancestors. He found that the martyrdom of the Gorefiend ancestors was inexhaustible. Although it was murderous, it was a very pure sword.

This is a killing sword that exists specifically for killing. It is similar to the kendo of its own killing sword, but it is a bit different.

"A good Gorefiend ancestor, the kendo is too powerful."

When Xiang Yang looked at it carefully, he couldn't help but reveal the color of praise.

In any case, the martyrdom of the Gorefiend ancestors is too strong. After studying for a while, Xiang Yang actually learned from the other's kendo.

"If it is a martial art, I am not the opponent of the Gorefiend ancestors." Xiang Yang said with a sigh.


After listening to the little bald head on one side, he couldn’t help but smile. He said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, isn’t this a normal thing? The power that people have existed since the beginning of the world, how many years have you practiced? Want to be compared to the Gorefiend ancestors, you are crazy?"

"No, I am not crazy."

Xiang Yang shook his head and had a firm expression on his face. "Although my kendo is weaker than him, it is not too much. If you really fight, it is not necessarily who wins."

"Boss, are you kidding?"

After Xiang Yang said this, don't say that the little bald head was stunned, even Wu Wuji and others were also staring at Xiang Yang.

This is the Gorefiend ancestor, one of the super hegemons in the devil world. The old devil who existed when he opened the earth, he can live from the ancient times to the present, and proves that his strength is terrible.

However, such a figure, Xiang Yang actually said that he can stand up against the other side, which is incredible.

"Why should I make a joke?"

While Xiang Yang was carrying his hands and talking, his eyes still looked at the **** ancestors, from which he realized the swordsmanship of the Gorefiend ancestors, and the more he analyzed the martyrdom of the Gorefiend ancestors, he nodded thoughtfully. .


At this time, with a roaring sound, the breakthrough of the Lord of the Palace was finally over. I saw that the power of the heavenly body that she circulated around her was all in her body. She had a sacred heavenly atmosphere. The man stood volley and took a deep breath and looked at Xiangyang.


However, when the lord of the lord was preparing to walk towards Xiangyang, he saw a emptiness, and the Gorefiend ancestors pointed out to the lord of the palace, and a **** chain of gods came out of his hand. Directly toward the head of the palace.

"court death."

On the side of Xiang Yang’s face, the figure instantly burst into the sky, and the demon statue blade appeared in the hand and went straight down.


With a roaring sound, the **** **** chain of the Gorefiend ancestors was cut off by Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang held the magical battle blade, and stood in front of the main lord of the palace, looking coldly at the Gorefiend. Old ancestor, angered, "God of blood, do you want to be against me?"

"Is your kid?"

The Gorefiend ancestors really noticed Xiang Yang at this time. He frowned and looked at Xiang Yang. When he saw the demon battle blade in Xiang Yang’s hand, his eyes flashed, but it was not like his last time. A greedy color is revealed by a avatar.

"After a period of time, your strength has reached the level of being able to compete with the strong people of the Holy Land." The Gorefiend ancestors said faintly.

Xiang Yang said with a cold smile, "Don't say that it is a counterbalance. Even if you directly kill the Holy Land, you can do it. Do you want to try it?"

While talking, he looked up and looked at the Gorefiend ancestors with a provocative color.

"it is good..."


This time, the Gorefiend ancestors came true. His strength is terrible. This is the real courage to provoke the existence of chaotic saints. He heard that Xiangyang’s such a small ant daring to provoke himself so much that he should be prepared and ready. The lesson was Xiangyang’s meal. However, he did not start yet, and he heard a loud scream. Then, the small gold that had been with the big old black jumped directly to the foot of Xiangyang.

"Little magic scorpion, want to start with my master, I swallowed you."

The roar of the little gold screams, a horrible breath erupts, its power is earth-shattering, although it is not as big as the old black, but it is only a little worse.

As the No. 2 tyrant of the Black Forest, Xiao Jin may not be very good in terms of supernatural powers, but its power is too horrible, even if the Gorefiend ancestors are not necessarily comparable to it.

At this moment, when I felt the strong breath of Xiaojin, Rao was the face of the Gorefiend ancestors. He looked at Xiangyang deeply and said, "This is what you want to try with me." Is the bottom of the test?"

"What do you think?" Xiang Yang sneered a sigh, although he felt that he could try it with the Gorefiend ancestors, but with little gold and big old black, he was too lazy to expose his strength.


At the same time, Xiang Yang’s mind was moved, and he heard a loud scream. When he saw the big old black, he also made a loud scream, and a violent breath burst out in the big old black.


At this moment, even the Gorefiend ancestors can't calm down.

If it is just a small gold, although the strength of the small gold is very strong, but the Gorefiend ancestors are not afraid, because such a behemoth itself is limited by nature, although the energy is boundless, but it does not know how to use it, not how powerful Threatening, Gorefiend ancestors are fully confident of dealing with small gold.

However, when he came back to a black king, he felt a little hurt.

This is the No. 1 and No. 2 hegemony in the Black Forest. The reason why the entire Black Forest can become the first forbidden place in the Central Tianyu, even the Guangchengzi has no way, precisely because of the existence of the king of these two beasts.

Nowadays, the two beasts are actually under the hands of Xiang Yang. If they really start their hands, the Gorefiend ancestors will surely be able to leave safely, but they must be inevitable.

He hated looking at Xiang Yang, his eyes were uncomfortable. Last time, his avatar came to the fairy world. It was because of Xiang Yang’s reason that his plan of avatar failed. Now, I want to The woman who got the heavenly body transformed by the heavens was taken away, and was blocked by Xiang Yang.

"Kid, do you have to be against this ancestor?"

His appearance is still very cold, but while he is squatting with the Emperor Xuan of the East, he looks at Xiangyang so uncomfortably, even if he is a bit unbearable.

He is a little uncomfortable. If it is not the nine blood lotuses who don’t know who was taken away, with his strength, plus the existence of the nine blood lotus, even if the chaos sage came, he has the confidence to face. However, the nine blood lotus is gone, and it has a great influence on his strength. In the face of the Emperor Zhong Xu of the Eastern Emperor Xu Xun, although he is not afraid, if he is on the king of these two beasts, it will be a bit Hanging.

"Look at what you said, it is clear that you have to shoot my woman, you are too embarrassed to say that I want to be against you?"

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and said, at the same time, his eyes condensed, with murderous, angry and shouted, "Heroes, you twice against me twice, do you think that my pulse is bullying?"


After listening to the Gorefiend ancestors, I suddenly felt that I was not quite right. How did the kid talk and chat, and then dragged it all over the head of the pulse?

The Gorefiend ancestors did not speak, but looked at Xiang Yang with a cold look.


At this time, the Emperor Xu Wei’s Tiandi Bell made the last bell, and then stopped. Obviously, the invisible confrontation between the two ended.

Although I don't know who wins or loses on both sides, it doesn't matter. What's important is that Xiang Yang and the Gorefiend ancestors are now on.

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