
Vol 5 Chapter 185: Shameful utopia

Chapter Eighty-Five The Shameful Utopia

Mr. Descartes didn't think there was anything wrong with Yun Zhang's request.

After all, these people will live in Daming for a long time in the future. If they don't even understand the language, this won't work.

However, Mr. Descartes still thinks that there is a big impropriety in this.

It was not that he saw any clues, but that he instinctively felt that the emperor Yun Zhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was a far cry from the actions of the saints.

However, he couldn't see what was wrong in it. First of all, the Daming people did not prevent anyone from leaving Daming and returning to Europe after completing their studies. At the same time, the Daming people did not force anyone. Everything was voluntary.

As a scholar, he knows very well that for everyone who is devoted to studying science, Daming is heaven.

Regarding this matter, Mr. Descartes did not immediately agree, but prepared to wait for the arrival of the wise Mr. Pascal before discussing it.

To be honest, none of the six hundred scholars who followed him to Daming regretted it.

Yushan Academy prepared a very comfortable place for them and provided them with a very generous salary. Even the work they were engaged in was arranged after soliciting their opinions several times.

Here, the Yushan Library is completely open to them. They can borrow the vast sea of ​​documents handed down by this ancient nation. The only obstacle is that the documents are written in ancient Chinese, which is not conducive to the understanding of outsiders like them.

Here, as long as they have demand, the huge laboratory of the Daming Academy of Sciences is also open to them. The supply of experimental materials they need seems to be endless.

Here, they don’t have to worry that the ideas they put forward will conflict with religion and laws, because in Yushan Academy, you can put forward any opinions and opinions, as long as these opinions and opinions are not published outside the Yushan Academy. There is no problem.

The huge Yushan Academy is a temple of science. Here, the goddess of wisdom is the real ruler. Here, people will only respect those scholars who have genius ideas and implement them.

In their leisure time, they can go on a picnic, dance, take a train to Chang'an to watch concerts, watch beautiful songs and dances, and even if they are interested, they can make various operas by themselves. , Dance dramas, various concerts.

Here, they thoroughly feel that researchers in new disciplines are really the darlings of this huge country.

At the same time, Yushan Academy is also a small society. They are surprised to find that the students here are not so unfamiliar with Latin, French, English, and Spanish. As long as they are willing, these scholars from Europe will always have no shortage of Fans.

The internal and external environment here is so good that these scholars who have just left dark Europe think that they have come to heaven.

Here, there is no war, no oppression, no poverty. Everyone has a happy smile. If you see someone with a gloomy face, needless to say, the only trouble must come from the wife.

After the French philosopher Louis Harvey visited Lantian County, the passion in his chest could not be suppressed, so he shut himself in the house and wrote his own book-"The Kingdom of Heaven" in a month and a half.

Louis Harvey is himself a historian and a utopian socialist.

In his book "The Kingdom of Heaven", he took Lantian County as a model, added a lot of subjective consciousness and his own dreams, and described a utopia in his mind with incomparable passion and enthusiasm.

In this book, he made up a fictional navigator-Rafael Hisrad's journey to a strange country called Lantian, an exotic "Utopia".

There, property is publicly owned, the people are equal, and the principle of distribution on demand is implemented. Everyone wears uniform work clothes and eats in public restaurants. Officials are elected by the public.

There is an idyllic society developing there. I don’t know that there are taxes, misfortunes, and theft. He believes that the advantages of Lantian society are "freedom, democracy, and fraternity."

He also described his ideal country like this: Lantian is not only free, democratic, and fraternity, but also extremely wealthy. The people there are handsome in appearance and have no flaws in morality.

Lantian is also an amazing city. It is decorated with countless gold and silver, and millions of tons are produced every day, a sparkling metal—alloy.

It has well-equipped stations and trains, as well as objects that can carry people into the sky.

First of all, they see themselves as an inseparable part of nature, not as its master. Their tribes migrate before they run out of prey in an area so that the prey can be restored to its original state. In this way, their extraction will not deplete resources.

They discovered the grafting of plants and can use it, for example, to cross wheat. They discovered the principle of waterproof treatment from rubber liquid. They know how to make cotton-padded clothes and their weaving skills are unparalleled.

In society, there is no hereditary power, nor permanent power. For each decision, everyone puts forward their own views during the tribal meeting. This is the earliest parliamentary system.

If most people don't trust their leader, that leader will automatically abdicate.

This is an egalitarian society. Of course there will be a leader, but you are the leader only if you follow you spontaneously. As for the recommendations accepted by the delegates' meeting, everyone must follow them only when they are voted on.

In their society, the plan can only be implemented if the right law is found!

As the first batch of readers, European scholars praised the appearance of this book, and collectively urged Yushan Academy to publish this book as soon as possible, and the European heraldic professor Paris, who had become a sinologist, replaced him. Translated into Chinese.

After reading this book, Yun Zhao was shocked by Paris’s language talent. How long has it been before this guy can skillfully quote "The Book of Songs", "Chu Ci", "Historical Records", "Zi Zhi Tong" in the book. "Jian", "Wen Xin Diao Long" and other ancient books, and when sending books to Yun Zhao, they also recited Qu Yuan's "Li Sao" with eloquence.

So, after successfully sending the book to the emperor, Paris also successfully made himself a Latin teacher to the emperor.

Yun Zhao was in a good mood when he watched the book "The Kingdom of Heaven," and he even shook his head and chanted when he saw the happy place.

When Zhang Guozhu of Guoxiang's Mansion saw this book that blows Lantian to the sky, he almost hid his head in his crotch in embarrassment, and blushed repeatedly hoping that the emperor would ban the book, otherwise, wait for the book to spread. In future generations, it will bring unwashed shame to the emperor and their consuls.

Facing Zhang Guozhu who was furious and depraved, Yun Zhao sniffed and said: "The content in the book is very realistic, there is nothing wrong with it."

Zhang Guozhu grabbed his hair and said, "Are we really as good as the book says?"

Yun Zhao said lazily: "Look, the book says that we don't have hereditary rights. When most people don't trust me, I will step down. That's right."

Zhang Guozhu looked around and didn't see any outsiders, so he whispered: "Do you believe it?"

Yun Zhao grinned and said, "Of course I believe."

"The book also says that all of our property is publicly owned, and everyone distributes it according to needs, do you believe it?"

Yun Zhao said impatiently, "Isn't it true that all land is public land? It's just that the state allocates it to the people for planting. Is this hard to understand?"

"The book says that we wear the same clothes and eat the same big pot of rice."

Yun Zhao angrily said: "Art comes from life and is higher than life. This is a general rule of artistic creation. Li Bai also said that the flying stream went down three thousand feet and the white hair was three thousand feet. Why didn't you criticize it?"

Zhang Guozhu said with full malice: "Since your Majesty likes it, the Weichen also organized a group of people to write this kind of book. Give me half a year to write a thousand or eight hundred books."

Yun Zhao said indifferently: "If the natives write this kind of book, it will be immediately banned, and the author will be punished with the crime of obscuring audiovisual. In addition, the Latin, French, English, German, Spanish and other European versions of this book , It will be printed in large quantities, and the postal ships will be sent to Europe for widespread dissemination."

"This book tells all kinds of witty stories that I have never heard of when your Majesty was young. Should you delete them? Once they are exposed, how will your Majesty deal with it?"

Yun Zhao said blankly: "These things have happened."

Zhang Guozhu gritted his teeth and said: "Why does the Weichen know nothing?"

Yun Zhao angrily said: "Get out and tell you that it happened. What are you doing so thoroughly?"

Zhang Guozhu looked at the angry emperor, and threw the book on the table and said, "I won't do such a shameful thing. You can ask your flatterer to help you."

After speaking, he left angrily, he felt that Yun Zhao had begun to become faint.

So Yun Zhao called Xu Wuxiang.

Xu Wu wanted to be shocked after reading this book. Before the emperor's order, he took the book and went straight to the secretary's printing He had the same view as the emperor, and this kind of book should be let Every European scholar has one book!

Mr. Louis Harvey received a remuneration of 2,700 silver dollars for a book!

If calculated according to European prices, the remuneration for this book is enough for Mr. Louis Harvey to buy a luxurious residence in Paris, and it is also enough for him to buy a manor with at least five hundred acres of vineyards in the Parisian countryside.

When two boxes full of heavy silver dollars appeared in Mr. Louis Harvey’s apartment, Mrs. Harvey held a grand reception to entertain European scholars who came to Daming together. At this reception, Mrs. Louis proudly announced that this Money is just the remuneration for the first printing. After the second and third batches of books are printed, more money will be credited to the account.

This news made all the scholars here understand a truth. In Daming, wisdom can be sold at a very high price.

While others were singing and dancing, Mr. Descartes faced the crown prince Yun Zhang who took the time to attend the reception: "I only hope that this utopian society can exist for a longer time and larger in scale."

Yun Zhang raised his wine glass and touched it with Mr. Descartes, "As you wish."

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