
Vol 5 Chapter 184: The tender Yun Zhang

Chapter Eighty-Four: The Gentle Yun Zhang

Many times, after some mysterious things are explained, there is no magic at all.

Yun Zhao's magical experience is the same.

As a philosopher, mathematician, and physicist, Mr. Descartes, after studying Yun Zhao in depth, believed that Emperor Yun Zhao was a man with a forward-looking vision. This emperor believed with great courage that talents in new disciplines It is the forefront of the development of human civilization.

This is an emperor who dared to shine dreams into reality, and also an emperor who has the courage to practice new science. On the road of creation and practice, he has won victories time and time again. In the end, he brought a poor, war-torn Ming country into On a bright road of sustainable development.

Not only that, but Daming State is extremely tolerant towards new disciplines. People actively support new inventions and discoveries, and they are full of curiosity about the future.

As the Emperor Yun Zhao said-only Daming has the soil for new disciplines to take root, and only Daming will respect those scholars who are full of wisdom and important to the future of mankind.

In Daming, scholars will not only have a very good academic atmosphere, but will also receive the full support of the country and the people.

This is the world of new science.

As a mathematician and a physicist, he likes everything here, and as a philosopher and a sociologist, he can also feel the strong maliciousness of Ming Dynasty towards Europe...

The old friend Pascal is coming. Descartes is eager to see this wise friend as soon as possible. Although he is much younger than himself, Descartes still thinks Pascal is his mentor and friend.

He hopes to get an answer from this mentor and helpful friend that can make him sleep at ease.

"Man is just a reed, essentially the most fragile thing, but he is a thinking reed.... So all our dignity lies in thinking... Through thinking, we understand the world."

Mr. Descartes whispered the famous words of his old friend Pascal, and took the hand of little Emily through a fragrant cake shop.

Little Emily stopped and stared intently at a yellow dog with a curly tail, but the yellow dog with a curly tail did not look at her, but looked affectionately at an orange cat squatting in front of the cake shop window. .

The orange cat looked at a cake that had just been baked...

Mr. Descartes first noticed the change of his granddaughter, then followed his granddaughter's gaze and saw the yellow dog with a curling tail, and then followed the yellow dog's gaze and saw the orange cat. , And finally saw the culprit that caused this small hour to stop working-cake.

Mr. Descartes knew the importance of nodes, so he took out a few coins and put them in front of the old French cake shop proprietress, took the cake back and placed it in front of the orange cat.

The balance was broken in an instant.

The orange cat began to eat cakes, the affectionate yellow dog became vicious, and Emily no longer liked the vicious yellow dog, urging her grandfather to leave this place that was about to become a battlefield.

Mr. Descartes really likes Yushan.

The summer here is very cool, but not humid, and the smell of hyacinth occasionally comes in the air, which makes him feel more happy.

Behind the hyacinth field, there is a purple lavender field. This field is very large. It is said that it used to be the farmland used to supply materials for the canteen of Yushan Academy. Since the people of the Academy discovered that growing food on the mountain is a great waste , Here has become a sea of ​​flowers...

There are farmers in the sea of ​​flowers harvesting lavender. These lavender will be sent to the spice workshop and finally made into expensive perfume.

A European man wearing overalls, wearing a huge straw hat, stood up from the lavender field, he looked a little tired, he saw Mr. Descartes in a short trench coat leading the little Emily in a long skirt away come.

Maybe it's because I saw familiar clothes.

He sang sadly: "Are you going to the Scarborough Fair?

Coriander, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Say hello to someone there for me.

She was once my beloved,

Please ask her to make me a linen dress.

Coriander, sage, rosemary and thyme.

No needles and threads, and no seams.

Then she will become my true love.

Ask her to find me an acre of land,

Coriander, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Between the sea and the beach,

Then she will become my true love.

Ask her to harvest crops with a sickle made of leather,

Coriander, sage, rosemary and thyme,

Make a pile with heather.

Then she will become my true love.

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Coriander, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Say hello to someone there for me,

She was once my beloved.

This is an Englishman, his accent is closer to Scotland, and his voice is very gentle, so he sang this song very beautifully.

Mr. Descartes stopped, and little Emily looked at the man in surprise.

The Europeans who originally stood and worked in the flower field, the Ming people also stood up straight, watching this man use this endless flower field as his stage.

The whole melody is filled with a sweet and sad distant mood...

Even if many people don't understand this person's English, this does not prevent them from hearing their own joy in the melody.

Mr. Descartes heard his eyes moist, and just when he wanted to talk to the Englishman, the Englishman leaned down and worked hard to harvest the lavender.

Mr. Descartes stopped and prepared to take little Emily away with a sad expression.

"Good day, Mr. Descartes."

A young man dressed in a green robe was also standing in the flower field, but he didn't have a sickle in his hand, only a bunch of lavender that looked very beautiful.

This young man wears a golden crown on his head and firmly fixes his hair on his head. His smile is very beautiful. It is the smiling eyes, but there is a slight sense of alienation.

"Good day, young sir."

The young man walked out of the lavender field and gave the lavender bouquet in her hand to Little Emily. Little Emily accepted the bouquet politely, and carried her skirt to the young man as a lady.

After the young man smiled and returned the gift, he said to Mr. Descartes: "I am your student, and my name is Yun Zhang."

Mr. Descartes frowned slightly, looked at the young man and slightly bent over and said, "I have seen His Royal Highness."

Yun Zhang avoided Descartes' etiquette, and said with student ritual: "There is no prince here, only your student Yun Zhang."

Mr. Descartes said: "His Royal Highness has already graduated, why has he become my student again?"

Yun Zhang said in a mischievous manner: "I was going to be the minister of railways of the empire, but my supreme father thought that I was an ordinary product from the Yushan Academy's production line and needed further refinement."

"His Royal Highness's teacher is Mr. Xu Yuanshou. As far as I know, betraying one's teacher is not a noble act in Mingguo."

Yun Zhang shook his head and said, "I am different. Because it is the relationship between the prince and the prince, I need to keep myself in a process of continuous improvement. At least, I must be like this before I become the emperor.

The new subject is the knowledge I will focus on next.

My father even called the new subject science, and said that the future of science is unlimited. As the prince, if I can't understand science in detail, it will be a major shortcoming in my life.

In addition, my father gave me the important task of hosting Mr. Pascal’s party. At the same time, I must also supervise and accept the upcoming Daming Royal Institute of Technology. This is a very important official business. I need to get you. s help. "

Mr. Descartes was taken aback for a moment, and said in a puzzled way: "Didn't it mean that Mr. Pascal will also be stationed in Yushan Academy after his arrival?"

Yun Zhang chicly put his hands behind him and learned his father's appearance: "Yushan Academy already has you. Mr. Pascal will be stationed again. It will be a humiliation for you. Therefore, my father decided to spend six million. A silver dollar, under the beautiful Zhongnan Mountain, rebuild a glorious college for Mr. Pascal and his party."

Mr. Descartes shook his head and said: "I don't think Pascal's coming to Yushan Academy is a humiliation to me. On the contrary, I strongly hope that Mr. Pascal can enter Yushan Academy as soon as possible. This is the best arrangement."

Yun Zhang smiled and said: "Sir, you have forgotten your conversation with Mr. Xu Yuanshou on Mochizuki Peak. Mr. Xu Yuanshou thinks that your suggestion of accepting European students is very reasonable.

My father also believes that it is not possible to bring all famous European scholars to Daming without giving any compensation to Europe. This is unfair and unkind to Europe.

Given the current situation in Europe, there is no room for a quiet desk.

Therefore, my father decided to set up scholarships named after you and Mr. Pascal in Europe.

One is the Descartes scholarship and the other is the Pascal scholarship.

The Descartes Scholarship mainly supports young scholars who are interested in scientific research so that they can concentrate on their own scientific research and make their due contributions to the progress of mankind as soon as possible.

The Pascal Scholarship is for European children with high talents in new subjects, regardless of gender, as long as they are willing to come, Daming will bear all their living expenses and expensive monetary rewards.

The purpose of this is to cultivate enough talents for sustainable development in Europe. In this way, it can also alleviate the guilt that the gentlemen cannot participate in the construction of the motherland because they have left their homes. "

Mr. Descartes looked at Yun Zhang suspiciously, "Is there a limit on the number of people, or are there other requirements?"

Yun Zhang shook his head and said: "My father is afraid that he will not be able to return to Europe. There is no limit on the number of people. If the official funding is insufficient, he will use the Royal Treasury for follow-up financial support.

As for the requirements, there is only one trivial requirement. "

Mr. Descartes said: "What's the requirement?"

Yun Zhang smiled and said, "The only requirement is that these young people or children who are going to come to Daming should at least speak and write in Daming language. I don't think this requirement is a requirement, right?"

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