Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 7: Compliance with laws and regulations (one/three)

The sudden cold light cuts to the table, and the seemingly thick wooden table is vulnerable to a sharp blade. The scimitar is slightly inclined, and the wooden table is easily divided into two halves. The speed is slightly reduced, and it will be swiped toward the mad three abdomen!

"I have a question."

Kuang San raised his head to look at the black-haired woman holding a sharp blade, and his soul power fixed the blade about three inches in front of him, making the scimitar unable to move the slightest.

The black-haired woman gave up the scimitar decisively and jumped to the other side of the room in twos or twos.

Kuang San took over the scimitar fixed in the void, the blade was very sharp, but that was all.

"Why don't you try to cut your throat? That would be more efficient. If you shoot hard enough, the little girl over there is already dead."

"Your Excellency is really interesting, but..."

The black-haired woman hadn't finished speaking, her figure turned into a cheetah again, and she drew a scimitar from where she didn't know where, and continued to attack Kuangsan!

The figure looked like a ghost, even Emilia couldn't see her movements, but Kuang San was still unmoved and sat quietly in a chair.


The blade exchanged with the blade, and sparks were collided with each other.

The woman's figure was getting faster and faster, and she even began to travel around the entire wooden house to find the flaws in Kuang San's body.

Kuang San slowly stood up and said, "Breaking someone else’s things requires compensation. Even the half of Xianjin Island that was destroyed by Xia Yinchan was later compensated by Pan-Continent Heavy Industries for materials. Mo Xiao destroyed the small artificial island. , The same is being rebuilt."

"Even if this is a stolen point, but breaking other people's things is always a little bad, right?"


When the black-haired woman appeared again, she had already arrived in front of Kuangsan, and the two knives passed by, but the purpose was Kuangsan's soft lower abdomen!

"As I said, cutting the throat or backstab is more efficient, and penetrating the lower abdomen is not necessarily fatal."


The figure of the black-haired woman stopped, but her body was also strangely fixed on the ground. The whole person was like a statue, only the eyeballs could move.

Kuang San thought about it. Since we want to communicate the circulation of goods between the two worlds, we need a relatively stable environment and the necessary rules of the Chamber of Commerce. Otherwise, everyone will burn, kill, and loot. How can the Chamber of Commerce in Caiyue Subaru continue?

The development of business is based on a strong national security. The Caiyue Subaru Start-up Chamber of Commerce is not a big-time chamber of commerce that disturbs the world and makes a fortune in war. It must first have a peaceful and stable environment.

Don't forget your original intention, you have to always go.

"Okay." Kuangsan clapped his hands, "Master Roma, you count your loss and let her pay it."

"Huh?" The old giant clan was a little dazed, and the other party had to pay him compensation for what he destroyed?

"Hurry up, it's getting dark, I have to find a place to stay."

"Okay." Grandpa Roma swallowed and quickly calculated that the various things broken by the black-haired woman and the chopped wooden table are worth two holy gold coins in total.

"Have you heard?" Kuangsan asked the black-haired woman.

The black-haired woman blinked desperately.

Slowly, the woman felt she could move slightly.

The woman inserted the double knives back into the concealed place, and took out two holy gold coins from her purse and placed them on the dilapidated wooden table.

After doing this, the woman looked at Kuangsan and did not speak.

Suddenly, the two holy gold coins on the table flew up strangely and landed firmly in the hands of Lord Roma.

"Let's see if it's true."

"Yes Yes."

"That's good. You can take away all these broken things."

"Your Excellency is a real joke. Give these things to the old thing."

"Well, you can handle your things as you like." Kuangsan didn't care.

"What are you doing here? Do you want to invite me to dinner?"

"Then I will leave first." The black-haired woman glanced at Kuang San with a jealous look, and was about to leave this strange hut.


The woman's footsteps froze.

Kuangsanchao Amelia asked: "Does this country need to be sentenced for intentional injury and attempted murder? If this woman is from another country, do we need to communicate with other countries?"

"Huh?!" Emilia was stunned. "Should...should be punished?"

"That's good." Kuangsan grabbed her small hands, and the black-haired woman felt as if she was **** with a rope. Her feet and legs were tightly joined together, her body's center of gravity shifted, and she fell to the ground with a "puff".

The woman could only look at Kuangsan with her eyes wide open, with an inexplicable light flashing in her eyes.

"And that little guy, hand over what you stole, or I will let you go to prison."

Filut was quite jealous of the Kuangsan at this time, but his little face was extremely reluctant. After a long time, he threw the stolen badge to Emilia.

Emilia glanced at the badge and nodded at Kuangsan.

Kuangsan looked around for a week, and there were all kinds of things in the house, which seemed to be of great value.

At this time, Kuangsan uttered a word that made Lord Roma and Firut tremble...

"Aren't these all stolen goods?"

"No, no, we are serious businessmen." Lord Roma hurriedly denied.

Kuangsan's eyes narrowed slightly, and sweat was secreted from the tall giant clan's head. For Lord Roma, the girl who was suspected of being an elf ambassador was definitely not a powerful existence they could contend with.

"Forget it, let's see if you bought me a glass of milk with water. I'm not a policeman, so I can't control so much."

"Police?" Some people are You can treat the police as guards. "Cai Yue Subaru added.

At this time, the legs of the Pleiades did not tremble, and the waist did not tremble. He did not expect that the beautiful girl who summoned him to another world would be so powerful! Then I will follow her from now on, wouldn't it be delicious and spicy?

"Let's go Caiyue Subaru, let's go buy something to eat."

"Huh? Good!"

"Does Emilia want to go together?" Kuangsan tilted his head.

Unexpectedly, Emilia turned her gaze on the black-haired woman, "What should she do?"

"Trouble them to send her to the guards and it will be over." Kuangsan took it for granted.

Hearing this, the cold sweat that had just stopped on Lord Rom's head couldn't help falling down.

"Relax... Don't worry, we will definitely send the criminals to the guards!" Lord Rome promised, patting his chest.

Kuang San glanced again and pointed at Filut, "Treat it earlier, or the wound will become infected."

"I...I know!"

Kuang San shook his head and walked out of Lord Roma's stolen goods first.

After Nayuki Subaru and Emilia walked out, the stolen goods fell into a weird silence.

Lord Roma and Filut didn't say a word, bound by unknown power, the black-haired woman lying on the ground immobile, her eyes turned sharply, as if she was thinking about how to escape.

"You **** fellow!" Filut became more and more angry and jumped down and kicked his client.

But the pain in her abdomen made her give up...

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