Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 6: Emilia's favorability

Entering the house, Emilia insisted on her opinion and strongly demanded that Filut return the stolen badge to herself.

But after entering the house, Firut, who had Lord Roma as the backing, was also quite tough and bargained with Emelia, as if he wanted to sell it for a good price.

Emilia firmly disagrees, while Subaru Nayuki is sweating profusely and wants to exchange cup noodles and potato chips for her badge.

In the end, the Pleiades Nai Yue described the mobile phone as a magical tool that could freeze time, and wanted to use it as a capital in exchange for the badge in Firut's hands.

Filut hesitated. Under Lord Roma's appraisal, the magical device named "mobile phone" was worth at least twenty holy gold coins, which made Filut more certain that the badge in his hand was of great use.

Emilia is very disgusted with Subaru’s use of her "phone" in exchange for badges. It was originally her thing, so why should she exchange it with other things?

Isn't this superfluous?

How can you treat a thief with this attitude? Isn't this increasing the arrogance of the thief?

"Don't you think Filut is cute?"

Sitting across from Emilia, Kuangsan was holding a glass of milk gifted by Lord Roma, and said unintentionally, "If a sinister and cunning ugly person steals it, he will definitely support you in using magic. The thief froze into a popsicle."

"This..." Emilia frowned. "He doesn't look like a superficial person either."

"Everyone is like this." Kuang San's elbow pressed against the solid wood tabletop, his small hand rested on his cheek, and the milky white liquid in the cup was lightly shaken.

To be honest, this glass of milk with water is definitely not delicious. Instead, every time you drink, you have to stick out your small tongue to lick the remaining milk stains on your lips.

Kuang San put down his cup and looked at Subaru Nai Yue, who was arguing with Firut at the counter, with an unknown brilliance in his eyes, "I'm a qualified bastard."

"What?" Emilia didn't hear her clearly.

"I said, Caiyue Subaru is still pretty good to be a businessman in the future."

"Businessman? Just him?" Emilya was fed up. In her opinion, Parker rescued Subaru Nayuki, who helped her find the missing badge after she woke up was considered a favor, so she had to use it again. A magical device like a mobile phone is used to exchange badges stolen by a thief. Is it because you want to owe him another favor?

Emilya felt unacceptable whether it was that way or not.


Standing up, Emilia automatically pushed the chair to the back, and patted her two small hands on the wooden table.

When I was about to speak, I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who is here?" the tall Lord Roma asked.

"It should be my guest." Ferut jumped off the chair. "Now it's okay. You and her bid at the same time. See who pays more, and this badge belongs to whom."

"Why? I advise you to return the badge to me now, or else..."

There were large and small ice crystals around Emilia, which was obviously angry. She was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Pleiades of Cai Yue. If it hadn't been for Kuang San to stop her, she would have snatched the badge over.

"I can't guarantee that you are unharmed."

"Emilia!" Caiyue Subaru yelled, looking at her with some surprise, "We are about to succeed, why..."

"Why?" Emilia raised her eyebrows, "She stole my things, but now they let me buy them? What's the truth!"

"It's reasonable~" Kuang San once again licked the milk stain on his lips, "You should talk to her about the law, but the quality of the guards in this country is not very good."

Emilia lowered her face. She didn't tell the guards, but it was her own reason.

Taking advantage of the time Emilia and Kuangsan talked, Ferut opened the door for Lord Roma to sell his stolen goods.

Judging from the light from the crack of the door, the sunlight outside has dimmed a lot, and it will be night before long. Secondly, Kuang San put his eyes on the woman at the door.

The body proportions are a bit uncoordinated, and the weight of the upper body increases the burden on the body during battle. Behind the seemingly exposed clothing, there are actually several weapons hidden.

Is it a knife? Or a scimitar?

Kuang San raised a little interest, this should be regarded as a G point in the plot, right?

Is it possible that the protagonist will have something indescribable with this short-haired beauty?

"You are finally here, you entrusted my badge, and other people are admired, you two bid, whoever pays more, I will sell it to whom."

"Is that so?" The black-haired woman gave a mysterious smile. "But what's the matter with her? Isn't she the owner of the badge? Isn't it a provocation to the client to invite the owner of the stolen goods here? "

"I don't want to either!" Ferut said irritably, "How can she blame me for following her by herself!"

The eyes of the black-haired woman are lost in a gap, "That's because you are not good at learning~"



Filut hurriedly flashed back, but still covered his abdomen, where it had been cut by a sharp blade. Although the internal organs had not been injured, the pain from the nerves would strike immediately.

The speed of the knife made Kuangsan's eyes light up, and the woman's skill was pretty good. If it was the throat that was being cut, the little girl Firut must have been cut.

Is it compassionate, or is it a special hobby?

At this time, the woman's right arm was raised holding a machete in her hand, and it seemed that a drop of Firut's blood could be seen on the blade.

"I'm sorry~ Since you broke the contract, there is nothing unacceptable for you to die, right?"

"Are passers-by going to die?" Caiyue Subaru shouted, but her legs couldn't stop shaking. He had seen Filut's abdomen, which was stained red with blood, especially her abdomen without any clothes. Covered, that hideous wound made Caiyue Subaru tremble.

"You've all seen it, of course you want to be buried together." The woman took it for granted.

"I'm really going to be angry!" Emilia stretched out her hand, ice crystals large and small quickly formed, and lased towards the black-haired woman!

The black-haired woman drew out another scimitar from her waist, not only did not retreat, but instead chopped the ice crystal to pieces, quickly approaching Amelia.

The blade slammed into Emilia's magic, one blow was faster than one blow, and the figure of the black-haired woman even appeared afterimage!

At this time, Kuang San raised his snow-white neck and drank the last bit of milk in the cup with water.

She was less than two meters away from the place where Emilia was fighting, and her eyes could clearly see every movement of the woman.

"The speed is very fast, the skill is not bad, dare to consume such violent physical strength, is it because of what special physique you have?"

"Oh~Your guess is right~"

Even in high-speed movement, the woman's voice remained steady.

"Then, can you please die?"

Yin Guangzhang, who was slashed by the blade, appeared in front of Kuang San, and Cai Yue Subaru stretched out his hand, seeming to want to prevent this from happening...

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