Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 21: Left eye

When Davis opened his eyes again and saw the light, he had been "invited" to the underground base.

In fact, Davis really cracked the virus, but the funny thing is that the computer that cracked the virus is always online...

The Red Queen is in line with the principle of not letting go, and Davis is here.

When the staff here and the logo on his left chest were reflected in his eyes, Davis then realized, "Umbrella?"

The beautiful woman walking in front stopped and Davis almost ran into it.

"Actually." The beauty stretched out her hand and clicked on the sign. "I prefer to call it an umbrella."


"Yes, that's right."

Davis glanced around the entire base hall again, muttering: "Sounds right..."

The Internet giants are helpless. In order not to suffer huge losses, it is not the small and medium-sized enterprises that surrender to the "hackers" first.

The giants spend a lot of money one by one to start "unlocking" computers with important information. Although the money is spent, it is nothing compared to the loss.

In addition to Stark Industries, there are only a few companies in the entire United States that have "coincidentally" solved their own virus. More and more people feel desperate. After the giant's statement, a small number of people began to buy Bitcoin.

This also makes the value of Bitcoin rise again.

The Red Queen didn't have any intervening behavior this time. On this planet, as long as there is a place of interest, there will never be a shortage of capital to run wild. The capitalists saw that this place could make a fortune and make up for the loss, so...

The price of Bitcoin once soared to more than $9,000. If it weren't for the state to adjust it, it is estimated that the payment method that has been mainly Bitcoin would completely collapse.

Some countries even want to shut down the virtual currency of "Bit", but domestic people are still being harassed by "Little Red Clothes", so effective actions have been delayed.

In any case, let the capital predators go crazy, and after playing red, the real big head has already been eaten into her mouth and became the nourishment for Umbrella's growth.

The space-based weapon code-named "Left Eye" has entered the low-Earth orbit safely under the arrangement of the Red Queen.

Except for a few people in the underground base, no one knows that a terrorist killer has ascended to the sky. It is like the sword of Damocles suspended above humans, which will fall at any time, forming a fatal blow!

The funny thing is that they didn't notice anything.

Neither military satellites nor Stark Industries’ new satellites have discovered this terrorist killer.

The virtual coating developed by the Red Queen can only calculate its approximate location when it is attacked by the "left eye".

And what's the use at that time?


Umbrella headquarters, the name sounds quite lo, but it is undeniable that it is a miracle in architecture!

The roof has begun to be sealed, and the tempered glass has been spread to the middle floor, the decoration of the ground floor is almost complete, and the underground parking lot is about to be completed.

On the opposite side, the Stark Building, to say, it has the artistic flavor of Tony Stark, and the construction is more "singular."

Had it not been for the construction team from China, it is estimated that the group would have been fighting Tony long ago.

Can this kind of task be done by humans? With an extraordinary spirit, the Huaguo Engineering Team has repeatedly set new highs and completed tasks that the outside world thought could not be completed, which also made this team completely famous.

In contrast with Tony Stark, he was finally satisfied with his design, and the New Stark Building was about to be topped.

The shape is more "stunning than the opposite Umbrella," and the height is slightly better.


Tony Stark clapped his hands, "How about it, Jarvis. Isn't it perfect?"

"Yes, sir. Impeccable."

Tony nodded, satisfied with what Jarvis said, "What are you waiting for, come to the party to celebrate tonight."

"Sir, I have to remind you that you have been dragging on the latest weapons urged by the military for several weeks."

"Really?" Tony touched his **** moustache. "Then let them wait."

"Oh no, Tony, you can't do that. The military has placed a large order this time. If the weapon can impress them, it will definitely sell very hot."

Tony's voice looked over, "Obadea, even you speak for those people? Wouldn't it be better to let them wait?"

The man named Obadea heard it and touched his bald head, "I mean, I mean, why don't we have a drink at night?"

Tony smiled and put on his jacket, "What are you waiting for?"

Seeing Tony walking forward, the Bai Hu man's complexion became stern, his pupils showed no trace of emotion, he was so cold that he was shockingly cold!

"Tony, what do you say is the weapon for this research?"

The night wind was blowing and the roar of sports cars blasted into the street. Tony enjoyed the feeling.

"Weapons? It should be missiles this time. Have you heard of sub-munitions?"

While talking, Tony explained with both hands.

At this moment, Obadiah was scared to death. Although they were on the "street", there was a cliff on the other side!

"Oh, Tony, I know you are a genius. The new weapon will definitely be favored by the military, but can you drive well now?"

"We are going to to the hospital!"

Tony smiled, not caring at all, "Obadea, you still have that sense of humor."

Seeing Tony put his hands on the steering wheel again, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he was picked up again before waiting two or three seconds!

"Obadea, I recently developed an autonomous driving system that distinguishes it based on infrared and distance tests. It is definitely an old driver! Although it is a bit worse than me."

Tony turned around, with his hands on one side, and didn't care about the steering wheel at all. Obadiah could swear to the sky, if he could, he would drive by himself next time!

As the sports car was advancing fast, the night wind was back, and Obadea's voice was slightly horrified, "Tony! You're like this, I'm probably going to see me in the hospital tomorrow!"

Tony put his hands on the steering wheel and saw him hesitate for two seconds, "Do you have a heart attack?"

Obadiah glanced at him, and said in a huff: "I didn't have it just now, it will be there soon!"

Tony laughed and didn't say anything. With the speed of a super sports car, he soon came to the place where the celebration banquet was held.

The reporters with "magic powers" had already squatted at the door waiting for Tony's arrival.


Tony drank a little dizzy. As for what nonsense he said in front of the reporter, he could not remember clearly, anyway, Obadea was here, he had no worries at all.

After declining a few people, when Harpy drove the car to take him home, it wasn't until the car crashed into a roadside convenience store that Tony remembered that the "autopilot" mode was not turned off.

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