Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Tony thinking

"Fuck!#*..." The hair that was scratched into a chicken coop was torn down again.

The man with thick black-rimmed glasses was sitting next to the computer with a look of decadence, and the stubble had grown a bunch after another, and even the dark circles under his eyes had turned into thick bags under the eyes.

In this situation, he must die suddenly.

"Pop!" The remaining coffee in the cup was splashed, and the bloodshot eyes gathered again, and the fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, forming a string of codes and being edited together.

He has already worked a day and night for that **** "little red dress"! Even his precious hair has lost how many hairs!

Thinking of what the leader said to himself before he left, Davis wanted to greet his family! The fat-thick boss and the forward-looking, gorgeous secretary went to the hotel to enjoy a good night, and he was going to be in this **** depressing environment. Working overtime!

Twisting his already stiff neck, Davis stood up, working for a long time caused a trance, and he was a little unsteady now.

The curtains were opened and the sun was shining brightly. It was obvious that by noon, the street was not as lively as usual. On the large display of the building not far away, a small red dress was quietly hung on it.

When Davis saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel better, and even the top Internet companies did not crack the virus.

The images hanging high in the advertising space are always slapped in the face of the boss. It is expected that their small company can't crack it.

Davis turned and looked indoors, the light was dim, and his eyes could adapt in an instant, which made him very comfortable.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The hacker who created the virus is definitely a top expert. I heard that there is no good way even in the country.

In the company, almost all important data storage places have been compromised by viruses, and the amount of money lost every second is huge.

But those people at the upper level saw the big guys doing the same, and their minds were a lot empty. The sky fell and there was a tall man carrying it. Instead of thinking about this mess, it is better to think about how to ask the government for rescue funds.

A cigarette burned to the end, Davis seemed to be more energetic, but his appearance was never flattering.

Even if this guy runs into a zombie movie, it is estimated that few people will doubt him.

The code on the screen flickered rapidly, and every time a finger and keyboard struck, Davis's hope.

After the detoxification program was written, although he had experimented a dozen times, Davis couldn't stop his excitement before pressing Enter each time.


Directly press the index finger on the enter key, all the instructions were given in an instant, the program written by Davis worked, and the attack on the "little red skirt" began!

Read the article faster and faster, until the end!

The familiar interface was once again reflected in Davis' pupils, his body was already shaking with excitement, but he still maintained his sense.

One minute...Three minutes...

"Successful?" Davis was stunned, his body didn't jump up with excitement as he imagined.

Some are just unbelievable. It is obvious that so many big cows have not succeeded, but he is an ordinary programmer who succeeded?

five minutes......

Davis' pupils still reflected the familiar interface, and his brain didn't react until now, and began to swiftly operate on the computer.

"Operation is normal, no information is missing...I really solved it?"

The excitement in Davis's heart suddenly jumped up from the chair. When he was about to vent his emotions, the computer screen flashed...The familiar little red dress came back again.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Davis was holding his forehead, blood was left from above, and the wound was not big or small, just within the range of his tolerance.

Take out the mobile phone in his pocket, and the name of his friend shines on the screen.

Answered the phone, "Hello..."

Before Davis could say anything, the voice of a man who was full of vitality rang out quickly, speaking so fast that Davis almost didn't understand it.

"...In other words, that dude Stark solved the virus?"

"Yes, that's right! Although Stark Group has not announced it to the public, their official website and advertising space have been completely restored."


"You turn on the TV now and watch..."

On TV, Tony Stark was dressed in a custom suit, standing on a high platform to express his views.

Davis propped his chin with his hands, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. It's not that he is boasting. In the video, Tony Stark's understanding of the "little red skirt" virus is not much different from him. Even cracking is a routine.

"Sir, sir, can I ask you a question?"

The female voice on the TV awakened Davis, and the camera moved with Tony Stark's gaze. It happened that the female reporter looked very good.

"I'm a reporter from the New York Times. You said before,'The virus is alive.' Is it impossible to solve it from the root cause?"

Tony Stark raised his brow. "Well, let's answer this lady's question first."

"The reason why the virus is alive is that it changes all the time. If there is not one or several cloud computing bases, I don't think you can find out how to crack the program."

"Moreover, what I want to say is that each cracking method is only suitable for one computer. Of course If you are fast enough, you can solve tens of thousands of them."

"But." Tony Stark said lightly. "I don't think that the speed of human thinking can keep up with hundreds of supercomputers."

At the same time, the bigwigs of various organizations are watching. For Tony Stark, they naturally don't believe it all, but they can only grind their teeth while mobilizing their own energy and start renting cloud computing bases.

And the cloud computing base established in the United States... has almost been occupied by the Red Queen. It is undoubtedly a dream to rely on this method to achieve its goals.

"Sir, sir!" Just as Tony Stark was about to leave the field, a female reporter seemed to have received some news and called each other out loud.

But Tony ignored her at all. He had to go back to design his own mansion, knowing that the aura often returns in a flash. Although he is a genius, the aura flashes back and forth all day, but still has to seize a certain opportunity.

"Sir, the virus-infected computer can use Bitcoin to pay the ransom to solve this problem. Is this method reliable?"

Tony Stark stopped, and the sunglasses he was wearing were also taken off. "Can it be solved with Bitcoin?"

The female reporter was slightly nervous by this serious tone, "Yes...yes, sir, according to the latest news, that's right."

"Oh." Tony Stark frowned, put on his sunglasses and walked out quickly, murmuring some other words.

"A problem that can be solved with money, I wasted so much time for picking up girls?"

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