Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 24 Pioneer in cultural export

Despite having lofty ideals, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lin Hui still had to finish the matter at hand.

After exiting Weibo, Lin Hui continued to process other messages on his phone.

According to the work habits of his previous life, Lin Hui checked the email first.

There are 11 new emails in total, except for two messages from FT Chinese website.

The rest are all emails from APPLE.

After clicking on the envelope, Lin Hui found that besides reminding him to confirm in advance whether the reserved bank account could accept foreign currency, it was slightly useful.

The rest of the emails were to announce the achievements of the two games developed by Lin Hui, Life Restart Simulator and 2048.

These messages are basically useless.

Lin Hui can see more detailed statistics in the background of his personal developer account.

There is no need to read it in the mail anymore.

Just as Lin Hui was about to log out of his mailbox, another email from Apple came.

Lin Hui was speechless.

Hey guys, how much do you love sending emails??!

And can I send all emails in Chinese? Does this English email require me to do reading comprehension?

Complaints are complaints, and reading comprehension must be done.

Maybe one of the emails involves real money.

Fortunately, this email is not complicated.

APPLE suggested that it take advantage of the popularity of 2048 abroad to launch an English version of the game Life Restart Simulator as soon as possible.

Um, is there an English version?

After many software develop to a certain level, they will encounter international development needs.

Although internationalization is not just as simple as translating the text in the software into the target language.

But I came here to Lin Hui just to get a foreign language version to gain popularity. It seems that there is no need to make it too complicated.

However, just translating the target language is not easy, and it is still a big problem.

Although the events in Life Restart Simulator are not very complicated, this is only for domestic players.

It is still not easy to translate the incident to fit the Waiguoren context.

The biggest problem still occurs in the cultivating immortality plot in this game.

How should we translate foundation building, Nascent Soul, ascension, Mahayana and golden elixir to Waiguo people?

Lin Hui checked the ferry translation.

Hey guys, it would be okay to directly translate flying into Flying.

Lin Hui, who did not believe in evil, found several translation websites...

As a result, I only got a bunch of low-level words such as rising and soaring.

The vocabulary itself is not superior or inferior.

But these words only have the meaning of flying/ascension on the physical level.

It basically expresses the sacred feeling of ascension.

When Waiguo people see the translation results of these translation websites, they will probably think of flying/sailing and flying.

The only thing I don't think about is ascending...

This kind of translation website cannot even translate a simple ascension well.

Don't even expect to rely on these translation websites to translate words such as Nascent Soul, Transcending Tribulation, and Mahayana.

Is there a big difference between good translation and bad translation?

Of course the difference is huge, especially for Waiguo people.

Although human imagination is similar, people's thinking diverges in different directions under different cultural backgrounds.

This determines that once the translation is not in place, it will be difficult for Waiguo people to understand what the game developers really want to express simply by relying on their imagination.

Although it is the fate of a speaker to be misunderstood, Lin Hui still doesn’t want too many people to misunderstand him at once.

Wait, since these words are easily misunderstood if they are translated rashly.

Just let the Waiguo people not understand it.

Lin Hui immediately had an idea and encountered words such as Nascent Soul, Transcending Tribulation and Mahayana that appeared in the context of cultivating immortals.

He always uses Chinese Pinyin instead.

According to the reading habits of ordinary people, they will basically skip over words that suddenly appear in their mother tongue that are very similar to their mother tongue but cannot be read.

I think most people would not bother with these words.

As for some of the more serious Waiguo players, if you are really curious.

You can learn Chinese Pinyin and Chinese.

After all, what Lin Hui entered was not garbled characters.

You can make money and export culture at the same time. Think about it, it’s the best of both worlds.

As for the question of whether my conscience hurts or not.

Lin Hui has no guilt at all. When αapple sends emails to Lin Hui every day, he will not consider whether he understands it or whether he understands it wrong...

As for why not find a human translator?

The email from Apple made it very clear that Lin Hui should take advantage of the popularity of 2048 to launch an English version of Life Restart Simulator abroad.

Since you are riding the wave of popularity, of course you must seize the time.

If 2048 suddenly ceases to be popular abroad, what will be the use of the foreign version of Life Restart Simulator that Lin Hui will launch by then?

The sky has unpredictable events, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

To avoid long nights and many dreams, it is impossible to waste time.

With this in mind.

Lin Hui strived for efficiency in everything he did and quickly completed the foreign language translation of the incident.

The language problem corresponding to the event has been solved, and there are no problems in the code.

Soon, Lin Hui changed the game Life Restart Simulator from its old appearance to a new one.

Although it was done very quickly, Lin Hui didn't do it completely.

He was very careful about the translation of the game title.

After much deliberation, Lin Hui finally decided to name the version to be launched in the international area:

——Reincarnation Revelation

(Revelation of Reincarnation)

Instead of using the literal translation of life restart simulator:

——Life Reopening Simulator

Lin Hui feels that the name Reincarnation Revelation can better reveal the essence of the game than Life Reopening Simulator.

Moreover, the word reincarnation appears in the name of the game, which may attract some people who are interested in ancient Eastern philosophy to pay for the game.

After checking the Reincarnation Revelation of the new bottle of old wine several times.

Lin Hui didn't find any problem.

So I uploaded it to the AppStore again with ease.

As for pricing, Lin Hui set a price of $3.

The popularity of 2048 overseas gave Lin Hui the illusion that he is a fool and has a lot of money.

And after all, Lin Hui did it after some translation.

Translating something like this costs money.

What's more, Lin Hui also overcame many translation difficulties [doge]

Although the so-called overcoming difficulties is just machine translation + pinyin, it also wastes valuable time and cost [doge][doge]

In short, overseas players should be able to understand their helplessness in raising prices!

Even if you don’t understand it, it doesn’t matter. To be honest, this kind of local game originally based on the Chinese background will easily become acclimatized when transplanted to foreign countries.

Therefore, Lin Hui has no hope that this game can replicate the overseas miracle of 2048.

Therefore, we simply set a selling price that is 207.78% higher than the domestic price (according to the exchange rate of 6.1557).

You can earn as much as you can.


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