Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 23 Is there nothing better than being a platform?

Although a person's fate is difficult to predict, it is not completely unpredictable.

At least Lin Hui knew that he was going to get rich again!

With the current surge in downloads, it would be difficult for Lin Hui not to make a fortune.

This is another large sum of money that needs to be recorded.

What should I do now that I have a lot of money this time?

Rather than doing anything else, perhaps you should share your current gains with your family.

But how to speak well?

This is a problem.

After Lin Hui read the photos sent by Melancholy Fish.

Lots of emotions.

I didn’t know how to continue the topic for a while.

Fortunately, the melancholy swimming fish had already sent 88 and dodge like a swimming fish.

He also complained to Lin Hui, saying that he didn’t tell him in advance when the game was updated.

Lin Fengxin said that when he posted the lottery on Weibo, he also announced the update of Life Restart Simulator.

If you don't pay attention to yourself, do you blame me?

Also, Lin Hui doesn’t know how the AppStore’s review can be so fast now.

It can be said that the review of 2048 is fast because the game is simple.

But this time the version 2.0 update of Life Restart Simulator has added 500 new events alone.

Not to mention a batch of new achievements.

However, it was approved less than an hour after uploading.

Lin Hui secretly wondered, could it be that after two games became hits one after another, my treatment was different?

But the treatment should indeed be different.

Not to mention the amazing revenue that 2048 is about to bring to the App Store.

Lin Hui earned 11,494,790 yuan in just two days through the game Life Restart Simulator.

what does that mean?

This means that Lin Hui also brought 4,926,338.57 yuan in revenue to the App Store.

According to the 30-70 split rule, it is not difficult to calculate αapple’s revenue through Lin Hui’s income.

Although Lin Hui earns more than 10 million easily.

But wouldn’t it be easier on the AppStore side?

After all, Lin Hui had to work hard on code design and UI design.

But what did the AppStore do during this period?

There's nothing to do except occasionally list Life Restart Simulator.

Easily earn nearly 5 million in two days.

If Lin Hui makes money by sitting down, then AppStore definitely makes money by lying down.

Think about it again, the AppStore platform is not just for Lin Hui, but tens of thousands of developers develop software on it.

In other words, the App Store is not only lying down, but also lying in the atmosphere.

Thinking of this, Lin Hui couldn't help but sigh, as expected, there is nothing better than being a platform.

However, it is not easy to build a smartphone application market platform.

The real difficulty is not to build a smartphone application market, but to build a smartphone operating system.

Without a real smartphone operating system, even if you build an application market platform, you will still be making wedding dresses for others.

Just like Huami ov at this time, no matter how beautiful your modified system is, no matter how elegant the app store interface is.

The application ultimately downloaded by the user is not the Huami ov application, but the Android application.

Such app stores are just platforms in name only.

It is simply impossible to make money by lying down like Alpha.

Let alone making money lying down, it is difficult to follow Google’s model and make money standing up.

In fact, Huami ov’s app store is kneeling down to make money, and users may not buy it.

Perhaps Huawei/Mi/(ov) has a very good idea and is trying to completely control the domestic Android mobile phone market and in turn ask Google for the pricing power of Android in the Chinese app store.

But in this case, not to mention whether Google agrees or not, first of all, domestic users will not agree.

Your mobile phone products do not have a single dominant position, so why should users pay for your ambitions?

Anyway, Lin Hui felt that Huamiov’s idea was unrealistic and only addressed the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Instead of seeking integration in user terminals.

It’s better to go back to the basics and enter the game through the mobile operating system!

Lin Hui knew that the path to take to build a mobile operating system would be more difficult, even more difficult than what Huamiov is trying to do now.

Currently, smartphone operating systems are dominated by Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS.

Even Windows, which lacks both money and technology, has a hard time getting into the game.

But this does not mean that it will be equally difficult for Lin Hui to enter the game.

And after all, he is from a later generation, and Lin Hui still has a killer weapon in his hand that is enough to cause huge waves:

——Fuchsia OS!

Although most ordinary people may not understand this system, how could relevant practitioners not know this system.

Fuchsia OS is a new system developed by Google later to replace the Android system.

This system was launched on May 25, 2021.

Fuchsia OS is like a combination of Windows and iOS systems. The advantages of these two systems are integrated into Fuchsia OS, such as tab multitasking, permanent background management, and returning directly to the desktop instead of closing it. The operating logic of the program, etc.

But at the same time, Fuchsia OS is an upgraded version of the Android system, partially inheriting the UI design and interface logic of the Android system.

It can be said that Fuchsia OS combines the advantages of Windows, Android and iOS background management.

It is a true masterpiece!

In other words, this system has natural advantages when benchmarking against Windows, Android and iOS.

Although Fuchsia OS also faced a lot of controversy in later generations, in this time and space.

Lin Hui had no doubts about the combat effectiveness of this system.

Not only that, Fuchsia OS is a multi-platform operating system. Its carrier is not only smartphones, but also tablets, laptops and even wearable devices.

This determines that as long as it is operated properly, it is not an exaggeration to rely on Fuchsia OS to support a trillion-dollar market.

The most important point!

As a new operating system, Fuchsia originally debuted in the Google code base and GitHub in 2016. The project is completely open source.

When the domestic image of the system source code came online in 2019, Lin Hui immediately downloaded the source code and virtual machine.

Not only the source code but also a lot of Fuchsia OS related information, Lin Hui also downloaded some out of interest.

Although not all data is backed up.

However, the details are not a big problem for Lin Hui.

After all, Lin Hui has spent two years on the Fuchsia OS developer website and Yiying Forum.

I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs running away.

If you can't figure it out yourself, you can form a development team to tackle the problem. Building an operating system is not a one-person battle.

Despite this, Lin Hui did not intend to rush into the game.

If you enter directly, you will probably be able to alert the snake. A group of IT giants will ruthlessly wield their capital power to suppress the infancy of technology seedlings.

And whether it’s an operating system or a product terminal, it’s a bit difficult to go it alone.

In the final analysis, ecology is the most important thing.

The later WinPhone is actually quite good.

However, it has gradually lost in the competition with Android and iOS. One of the biggest external reasons is: ecology.

With the lessons of future generations, Lin Hui will naturally not make the same mistakes again.

Ecology requires layout!

Layout takes time.

Although Lin Hui still has no conditions to take the first step.

But the seeds of ambition have since been buried in Lin Hui's heart.

If he had to do it all over again, Lin Hui would not only change his own destiny, but also change the destiny of the industry!

Foreshadowing chapter.

Or the digging chapter.

Two big holes were dug.

Build a platform \u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Build an operating system.

Regarding these two pitfalls, it is conservatively estimated that it will take many chapters to fill them.

take it easy.

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