"That's the space for you to do something sachubby."

I doubted my ears.

"I guess that's a mistake to hear...... Or a phantom...?

"No, it's a space for you to do something sarcastic."

"It wasn't a mistake!

Damn, I can't believe it because I've heard the president more than once.

"No... because this job is a request from Mentomara County...? I don't think it's much like the bureau would ask..."

That's what's going to get criticism if it gets reported.

Aren't they going to say what it's like to spend money to do something succubus?

"You tend to think that's your first impression."

The president's voice is heard from the whole room, so I feel like I'm in the president's womb.

"But this space was built after contacting the counties many times to make sure they had a lot of requests."

I closed my eyes.

I don't think the president is lying.

But the feeling of being out of common sense doesn't convince me.

"President... Who is the request from...?

The answer came light.

'Mostly, these are young couples living in shelter'

That's the only word I've ever questioned.

Serlia slapped her hand on the pan, like it all figured out.

"Here, you make time for two of us! This is a private room for the shelter!

In Serbian terms, I understood, too.

"Oh well! It doesn't get much press, but even private rooms like that are essential for young couples!

Imagine suddenly losing your own home and living in a shelter for a long time.

No way can you be that embarrassed in a big building, in the eyes of others. It is impossible to say an area where there are many people of a probable character.

But that's an important right to live.

"Well... if you can't do it for months, you're in trouble, right? It may be bad for your health to tell you to stand still for a few months even if you are single... If you can do something with black magic, you better do it."

The sound of the applause echoes into space.

Though I thought it would be the president's applause, there's one more thing out there.

Serria was also applauding.

"Your husband noticed, too. This is very important. Because that's how humans and demons are born. It's strange that it can be discouraged or shy."

Serria's eyes were a little lukewarm. My words won't be the only influence. Because the president, in recognition of the significance of the "sacubus thing", has done this job in the disaster area.

'At first the counties that had made the request seemed less sure how to ask for it, but the truthfulness came through as we interacted in writing. It's imperative for a humane way of life that no one else disturbs you.'

I was nodding to the president's words, too.

"Mentioning sex life tends to be avoided in itself, but it is definitely real. We also have to make a place for couples and lovers to talk."

If you think calmly, it's nothing strange or anything.

But sometime, we're looking down on it as an inconvenience. It may not be something we should actively talk about in public, but if shelter life is going to be longer, we have to take care of it.

A dark private room made up of this small abyss has appeared very honorable.

"It's also nice to say that I made it inside the hospital. Because there are different generations of people who are not uncomfortable, and even healthy people can come to visit and inspect."

Serria looked barely proud.

Maybe he also has the feeling that he has been affirmed for his existential value.

What black magic can do, you're rolling properly.

Well, the magic of using such a space can only be done by a first-rate wizard...

"Thank you, Mr. President, for taking the time to accompany us on our business trip. It's a moonlight expression, but I think I've broadened my horizons again."

We black wizards can do as much for people as we want.

Quick, I'll grow you more.

'Mr. Franz, I'll take your thank you... uh... could you do the quality check better too...?

The president's voice makes me feel a little confused.

Speaking of which, you must have called us here for that.

"Um, president, quality check is..."

'If there was a sound leak, it would be hard... So with Serlia............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I see what you mean.

"And that's a hell of a job!

'Now you can hear me because I interfere directly with the space of the abyss, but if you stop doing that, you shouldn't hear anything about anyone outside the space, including me. Let me confirm that…'

Oh well, can't you tell the guy at the bureau who's been making the request to try...

Slowly hugged from behind.

Celia's arm wraps me gently.

"Shall I? Something important to humans."

"Ugh, yeah...... ok"

"Some beds are just fine. Let's cheer up, ah... ha..."

When they call me you, my chest still tickles.

"That's why I came on a business trip, and yeah, I'm gonna take it seriously"

Me and Serlia loved each other very politely, like not long after we met.

Naturally it's something fun, but that's not all. There are a lot of couples out there who are making this an essential element.

We washed our bodies clean with the water out and then jumped in where the letter "exit" in the back of the room shined slightly.

"Oh, you're back."

We came out where the president was reading a difficult book.

"Soundproofing, were you okay? Didn't you hear the hospital?

"Yes! It's just that!

The president thumbed up his right hand.

It should be noted that I stayed in an inn that day where there was little damage in the town next to Huss.

"You, even here, will do it again."

That's what they said, there was exactly two games.

It's important, but it's also fun...

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