"It's a warm land here, so you don't need these thick winter clothes. You can only use it for rags."

In the words of the president, I was upset.

"The people who sent these old clothes think for them, but they don't even think about what they'd be happy to get. So it's a push. It's a waste of good intentions because you're going to torment them, and it will have the same effect as an eagle."

"Ah, this one is hand-knitted hair textile...... It hurts me to see that I don't need it just because I know I'm taking a lot of time."

Serlia was also serving a piece of thick clothing out of a different box.

Old clothes are tough, but handmade clothes are tougher!

"Sending and giving things is also communication. It's not just about you, it's about them being there. So you have to think about them."

"So instead of doing what you think is right with preconceived notions, you have to face them and try to find out"

Even though more and more new buildings are being built, disaster problems remain in the affected areas.

"Mr. Franz absorbs quickly, doesn't he? I knew I'd be glad to take you."

The president shook his tail and smiled at me.

I would love to be complimented on my business trips. Lights up, though.

Then I added this as a norm.

"Well, we'll keep in touch with the Mentomara County folks and make what we think the Mentomara County folks need. ♪ You won't make any unusual mistakes there!

Yeah, well, we're supposed to be on this land to do something.

"President, what the hell do you make with black magic? Please tell me."

I don't really think black magic is the right way to make things.

The president closes his left eye and winks like a jerk.

"It's important to communicate."

This tip is too difficult......

"No, Mr. President, if I don't know what you're doing..."

I don't think my job is to answer the president's quiz.

"I'll do the making, so I'll ask both of you to check the quality"

"Is that the inspector?

It is also natural that Serria asked. Are you sure it's just for the purpose of traveling and spreading the word? That's fine with me.

"If you can make it, you can help me, but it's very special black magic, so I still can't do it, Mr. Franz or Mr. Cellia. Please take your time until the quality check, as it is normal that you cannot use it"

When they say this, you can't complain about it even if it's me.

"Rather, think it's your job to keep your health warm."

Me and Serlia were getting a break in an empty room in the government building for a while.

"I wonder what President Kerkel is doing?

They have no idea what Celia is or what she sees.

"Damn, you're doing great... This time, I feel more secretive than usual. Speaking of black magic, yes."

It's not a good idea to walk around because you're leaning back on your health retention.

Eventually, he came back to the room where the president was taking a break. There's no more Mr. Courtari.

"Yes, you can, both of you, come."

"Okay. Where do I go?

"It's a little further away."

Me and Celia were brought here because...

What a hospital......

The hospital itself is a tidy white-walled building, but it is still resistant.

"What if we move the dead or something like that...?

If they say it's a place that seems to have something to do with black magic, I think it does, but it's going to be such a horrible job......

Like an undead test? It's a job I don't really want to think about.

"No. The dead have nothing to do with it. This way, sir."

The president keeps going inside the hospital. It's not like a hospital room, and it looks like an area lined up with treatment-related rooms.

And there were a number of things floating in the room that the president opened - like darkness that could only be described as an abyss.

"What, this..."

That was my candid feeling.

I have no idea what will happen if I touch this darkness.

"My lord... extremely advanced black magic is used... I can't help it..."

"Neither do I. There's more to advanced..."

"Hehe, sometimes I have to show you what a president looks like. I haven't lived in over five centuries."

The president has a cute chest, too.

"How do you inspect this? In the first place, can I touch it?

"Naturally. On the contrary, I'll let you in."

The president affirms. Somehow, me and Serlia went around the back.

Something's got a bad feeling.

"Come on, once in a while, you two go in!

The president pushed me and Celia!

"Wow!" "Shit!

More powerful than I thought, we were thrown into one of those pompous open abyss!

We got our hands on it.

Because of that, I learned that it was a fluffy soft floor there.

The interior of that abyss was dim, but not total darkness, but some light.

The ceiling is pretty high, and there's no getting up or hitting me in the head.

And then there's the space that's going to be a bed that I rubbed, and the hot spring with hot water coming out of the little abyss of Hakopo Kopo in the separate room (?) There was also.

"Sounds like a kind of subspace."

"You mean a room like a room where you can live without problems"

'Yes! We used darkness to create small individual spaces!

The president's voice sounds echoed. Again, I understood that the president has tremendous skill as a black wizard.

Looking at the room, I came to a conclusion.

"Right! So you're asking me to use this place as a shelter!

'That's okay, but it's just a little different'

So, what is it?

"That's the space for you to do something sachubby."

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